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Kia Kiyori

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Everything posted by Kia Kiyori

  1. Sorry, Vin! I guess you could always ask him to 'step outside' and sort it out, right?
  2. I have to disagree a little bit, Chin - only because I did reduce my draw distance to the minimum (I'm one of those who loathes having a messy pile of wannabe 'luxury' houses shoved in my face, wiping out an otherwise gorgeous view. With the draw distance down to 32m, my neighbours and their idea of 'good taste' no longer exist - and - I get back amazing, unadulterated, uncluttered and unspoiled views.
  3. Another alternative would be to simply reduce your draw distance down to 32m (the lowest setting) and you won't see anything above you at all - unless, as someone else said, they really have encroached upon your land - then return 'objects owned others' but if they're truly not encroaching upon your space, then that won't do a blessed thing and reducing your draw distance is the most effective solution. Or de-render + blacklist all their junk. I got such a shock today when I bumped up my graphics to 'high' and forgot it meant the draw distance would also be bumped up; suddenly there were neighbours all over the place like rats in a sewer. And here I thought I had the sky all to myself haha! Gotta love the 32m draw distance - solves most ugly neighbour property issues, imo.
  4. @Talligurl Gorgeous swimsuit! Nice to see you've shoved his feet firmly through the floor so he can't get away....'atta girl
  5. Awesome - really awesome - pics, but you know what's a total distraction and really sets me off in a fit of giggles? Your profile gif. Cant help myself haha
  6. Aww sorry Clover - but really, all of October scares the creepin' daylights out of me haha
  7. You're killing me, Skell. David Bowie says hi, too!
  8. I used the world map every day to see what land was for sale (there's oodles) and the price is almost always listed on each one. If you see one you think you might like to check out, you can tp directly to it, buy it on the spot, and that's that; no messing about
  9. lol No, I wasn't referring to the usual checking out what someone's wearing kind of thing - I meant the pervs who intentionally derender your fitmesh clothes and then IM you with sleazy talk.
  10. Not sure I'm understanding what the problem is, Teagan, so please forgive me if I get this wrong - it's not intentional. I can pretty much wear any fitmesh clothing on my Maitreya Mesh Body, but I choose not to, for two reasons: 1 - Fitmesh clothing is often derendered by pervs and I hate that. 2 - Even using my HUD alphas, Fitmesh clothing (especially shirts and sweaters) more often than not cut through the arms/elbows and places that alphas on my HUD just don't cover. Were you using the alphas on your mesh body HUD, or were you trying to attach the alphas that came with the clothing? I pretty much only buy applier clothing now - nothing cuts through and - as far as I'm aware - applier clothing can't be derendered. Applier dresses don't generally require you to wear knickers underneath because they usually have their own inbuilt 'modesty covering' anyway. If you're wearing fitmesh dresses, though, you do need to use the alphas on your mesh body HUD to hide 'those bits' because yes, knickers will cut through the fabric of your fitmesh dress - so forget the knickers and just make the area invisible.
  11. I cringe whenever someone says to me, "Oh, Second Life. Isn't that like a game for sex addicts or something?" Ugh.
  12. Looks like someone's taking the whole 'Land Baron' concept a lil' too far. I'm going to guess that it's just a typo on their nc and they haven't realized it yet. Has to be a typo. No one could set prices like that with a straight face and sane brain, surely?!
  13. Its like pillars underwater with a white sheet of glass - the one taken at the Botanical Gardens is a bit worse. Wish I knew what was causing it all of a sudden. Edit: Just turned off water transparency and they've vanished. Mystery solved, I guess (looks up desktop stores).
  14. @Talligurl Not so mention some awesome artwork I see in the background. Wonder who those could be?
  15. Quite suddenly today, every photo I take with water in the background has sort of white squares through it. Hoping it was just in my area, I went off to the SL Botanical Gardens to take a snap of the ocean there, but it they were still there, so clearly I've either mucked something up my end, or my lappy has instantly reached it's used-by date (graphics drivers are updated). Anyone know what might be causing this? Edit: Using Firestorm Viewer My area: SL Botanical Gardens:
  16. @Virtualnsanity LOL *slaps V upside of the head*
  17. @Virtualnsanity Brilliant job for a 2 week old resident! So well done, V
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