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Everything posted by Aishagain

  1. @Dollar Garnet: The issues you list there are all signs of either a modem/router-cache issue (turn it off fully for at least 2 minutes) or a poor internet connection (that's down to your ISP), not SL failures. I know of no-one else with such severe issues. So while I sympathize, I suspect your problems begin at home not in SL. One thing I have noticed for the past day or so, and that is spells of bad chatlag, usually lasting less than 30 seconds, but awkward to say the least. That I suspect is down to network issue, but since my partner and I (we have different ISPs but we are both in the UK) suffer it at different times, I don't *think* it's a server issue.
  2. Just as a final word, THANKS to all the LL guys (a non-gender specific term, note) for the hard work and long hours catching all those pesky hamsters and getting their wheels running again! I'd been wandering around thinking that I hadn't noticed much improvement when I realised that I'd set my draw distance over twice the normal while taking some photos, and things were rezzing really quite well (!) At my usual settings things are just great, so thankyou. Gliding for 30 mins and a dozen or so border crossings, loads of TPs today...NOT ONE disconnect!!
  3. Thankyou Mazidox, I got release notes via my viewer just after complaining so it was a total "mea culpa" for me.
  4. Well, it seems my browser omitted to show me Maxidox's post of 9 hours ago! Sorry, I spoke way too soon! Weird though!
  5. Greetings I have a question. I see there were rolls to the main RC channels today and rolls to cake and snack are ongoing. However there is nothing in the forum regarding WHAT the new software actually is or does "internal changes"...logging improvements"? please can we be told? I saw Wirtz on LeTigre is on, but there are no release notes.
  6. Indeed I found Gliding a pleasure for the first time in a while. Stand by your beds though, seconds out...round 2 just started!
  7. Not at all Marianne, perfectly reasonable question! By the bye I see they're at it again tonight, gluttons for punishment! Get the coffee tanker ready!
  8. To be fair to LL techs, I think they are due some R&R after pulling an all-nighter last night to get SL functional today! I'd be VERY surprised if there are any rolls this week, TBH I'd not be surprised if some of the "preventive" restarts were forgotten too!
  9. 'S looking pretty major. I can't ping the Tucson server that connects to SL so it may not be SL itself but their network of ISPs. I looked at online numbers just now and it is falling slowly so whatever it is is taking a while to fix. Looks like time t read a book or watch one of the crud DVDs I got recently!
  10. Someone in LL needs to update this thread. LeTigre and Magnum RC channels did NOT receive the above mentioned update today, the roll was stopped after BlueSteel was completed (source LL support). No reason was given and frankly I didn't expect one, but I DID expect the GSP and this thread to be corrected. I became suspicious when the roll was flagged as complete after one hour. It is far too short a time for all RC channels to be rolled and the region I run security for, Wirtz on LeTigre, had not rolled. It is now 4 hours since the roll was stopped.
  11. All this has an much too familiar ring to it. I've been around SL in my alter ego since early 2008 and I was aware of it from about 2006. When Philip Rosedale and his team developed SL out of the LindenWorld project, it was then understood that the chassis on which SL was built was a complicated and pasted-together one, but those who had pasted it together were still around to "bang on things". In the years following Philip's departure SL passed through a phase of utter incompetence, during which time much knowledge and understanding of the nuts and bolts of SL was lost as experienced developers were "let go". I will not comment on that time, it is too ridiculous to describe adequately. When sanity began to return to Linden Lab, the new developers were only able to patch and Band-Aid issues and new features as they were introduced, to the point now where fixing one leak causes the programme to spring another. I do not see any sign of this retrospective bodging growing into a real understanding of our virtual world. The case of TPs and region-to-region crossings is a case in point. They are considered by many to be much the same, but the truth is that they have little in common above some basic processes. Region crossings require parameters such as vector, velocity and azimuth to be transferred from simulator-to-simulator and sometimes server-to-server. TPs do not require that data. One final comment. The reason why we are not flooded with "me too" comments on such threads as this is that most users are too numbed by the lack of contact with the Lindens in past years to bother with complaining for a matter such as this. Many were also rebuffed by a few who believe that we should simply be grateful for what we have and not make trouble. It is only those of us that can "be bothered" that post our thoughts suppositions and occasional frustrations here. It does NOT mean that it isn't really happening!
  12. @CoffeeDujour You clearly read my posts but you seem to show little or no understanding of what I write. You display the same wilful misunderstanding of Sharie, Qie and Beatrix so I am led to the conclusion that while you DO understand them you are purposefully adopting a combative and opposing viewpoint. To some that might constitute trolling. Y'all have a nice day now.
  13. @Qie Niangao With regard to the apparent changes at Woods of Heaven: 1) The onset was sudden. It was more than a year ago but I cannot be more precise. The situation does not get significantly worse in the days following restarts, nor does it improve immediately after a restart. 2) The script number had not changed, the performance drop was after a restart. Nothing else had changed, and we were still on Main Server channel. 3) So far as I can tell sleep time tracked and still does track spare time. Script time has not noticeably increased since. 4) Script numbers have only increased slightly since then, as have script events. 5) I have not attempted to restore function by removing old scripts - since the change in performance of scripts was sudden with no other changes, I see no value in doing that. and 6) There are no other significant performance reductions in the region. The few scripted objects that we have seem unaffected. There have been and remain significant changes to scripted event operations concomitant wit the deterioration in % script run, though these are not massive. I raised the matter with Live Chat at the time it first occurred and I was told a restart would cure it. When it did not I returned to Live chat who offered no further remedies other than I should reduce my script number (which was not particularly high anyway. I did not nor could I do this. Upon raising a JIRA, it was summarily closed with the comment that I should contact support (?). Frankly I could not see the value in doing that. Now I reiterate that all this was gleaned from the in-viewer Statistics panel and like other residents I think it is perfectly valid to rely on this metric to describe performance changes. It was designed by LL developers for precisely this function and is the best tool for the purpose.
  14. This is getting ridiculous. Sharie is complaining and yes, beligerently, since this problem is seriously impacting her regions. It is NOT the work of a "jaded Armchair critic" but of a determinedly loyal (to SL) resident and creator. As far as "empirical measurement" is concerned, if we cannot rely on the tools specifically created by LL to measure SL performance, what hope do we have of convincing LL that something we create is any more reliable? As for not being an Apologist, you have disagreed strenuously with every point that Sharie, myself or Beatrix has made recently, yet you have offered no true path to a potential proof or disproof of the issue. If that doesn't make you an apologist I don't know what would. I had enough carping criticism from Theresa to last me a lifetime. This issue exists, it is real and it is being ignored by LL systems people. I am sick and tired of trying to convince folk like you, Coffee, Solar and Theresa, it is not possible. There are none so blind as WILL NOT see. For the last time: I am NOT saying categorically that LL are dissembling about putting more regions on servers, I am saying that something WAS done and I would like to know WHAT IT WAS, because for some folk in some locations it has hamstrung their operations.
  15. Nope. This is NOT a valid response. If it was a glitch in the stats reporting (which in itself is highly unlikely) we would not see some regions with >95% script run. No one has accused LL of being underhand, just a bit less than transparent about a change. My guess that someone WILL produce (or maybe has indeed already produced) such a script and if my experience is valid LL will simply say that it is not measuring parameters correctly. As to the comment that our comments are "unsubstantiated moaning and speculation" I suggest you re read some of the previous posts in this thread. Something HAS changed and really all most of us are asking is WHAT? @Sharie Criss has a very valid case to be answered.
  16. Well, let's hope it isn't something fundamental in the EEP code, 'cos it's coming back to the RC's on Wednesday, "with regressions fixed". I do hope this doesn't cause the Band-aid to fall off.
  17. Yes Qie, and Torric got the same short shrift from LL as I did. They just do NOT want to know about this issue.
  18. Oh dear. Yes, I tried that line; contacted Support; was told restarting my region would solve the issue. It didn't and still doesn't. Raised a JIRA about it. LL closed it and told me to "Contact Support". Going round in ever decreasing circles is no fun. I am still not seeing any real answers apart from SOME of what Theresa says. LL need to be a bit more transparent on this issue. Your edit is a telling one, Beatrix. I've been wondering about that issue for a very long time.
  19. That sounds plausible but only if that resource-hungry region follows our region around at every restart, Linden-instigated or self-started since?
  20. OK Billy , you make the valid point that there is no logical reason for LL to stack more regions per core. So then what IS causing this very real performance hit to script run? Please understand that I am clear about the use of the in-viewer admin tools and the performance drop was very sudden with a set of quite well integrated and understood items. Nothing else had changed. My question is and always has been: since I had changed nothing, why did script performance drop so drastically?
  21. I'll give this fix a cautious "thumbs up" on the basis of my time to-ing and fro-ing at Fantasy Faire and a few other regions so far today. At home the region is much the same as it has been these past few weeks, which is to say not as good as it "should" be (or used to be), but not worse as a result of this roll.
  22. Having TP'd about a fair bit at Fantasy Faire just now and crossed a few regions on foot at the same time I will just say that either today is my lucky day or whatever LL rolled this week seems to have made a substantial improvement. I hope I can still say this in a few days!
  23. I'm sorry, Theresa but what is your point apart from suggesting that I am an idiot? You appear to be saying that moving stuff off the servers has, rather than improving simulator performance, has in fact made it worse? Even I would find that concept troubling. Of course it might indicate a cost-cutting move by LL, reducing their use of servers. So maybe it is not more regions per server, just poorer services for us users and higher profits for LL?
  24. I'll just repeat what I've said umpteen times before: My homestead has run the same number of scripts for over two years now, give or take a few plus whatever I am wearing at a given time. In the past, until a few weeks ago, the region ran 99+% of them per frame. Then, at a restart suddenly (and to my shame I didn't make a note of the date) the proportion run per frame dropped to <60%. Since then despite various rolls and restarts, that figure has been in the 40-65% range. It wasn't gradual, it wasn't that I rezzed something new. So just what caused the performance drop if it wasn't LL putting more regions on each server?
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