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Everything posted by Aishagain

  1. Israel wrote: "roll or no roll or some rolls?" answer, options 3 as Theresa was typing while I answered.
  2. Qie What puzzles me is that my homestead has over 16ms free time, no pathfinding and yet script-run never exceeds 65% now
  3. I'm quite interested by the knowledge/ignorance of LL's sim-hosting procedures in SL shown on this thread and it is significant that homesteads, since they are sharing cores, suffer from more operational cross-talk that mainland full regions or private estates. I quite frequently have to restart my homestead after rolling restarts, due (I assume) to being moved onto a busy core. I usually find that one restart is sufficient to move us to a less densely loaded core. Throughout, however, our region's script run these days never goes above 65%, and is occasionally as low as 25% on a "bad" core. Previously, and with no change in our homestead's script load or number, we had routinely 99%+ script run: if it dropped below 90% I knew I needed to restart the region. That being said I do observe similar fluctuations and massively lower script-run percentages on a Mainland full region I help to administer, and these are independent of TP's or login/out either on that sim or on neighbouring (geographically) sims. I have spent several hours doing these observations in a very non-technical way, simply watching the statistics in my own viewer. The "child agent" issue is also very observable. All this being said does not change the observable fact that something has changed within SL to cause this massive reduction in script-run % on nearly all regions. It is a puzzlement to me as to why some regions are still showing 95+% script-run despite the obvious changes elsewhere.
  4. Ahh Thanks Nal! I must admit I thought that the originally intended server version was actually on LeTigre Wirtz, but that seems unlikely now. I should've checked again. I just wish LL would be a little less obscure for the rest of us that can't make these UG meetings. I just used the links on last week's Restart post, which is, now, as you say, obsolete.
  5. Thankyou Bugsly So now we know that there were not to be any rolls to Main Server earlier today...Better Late than Never, I guess. Now as regards the RC Channel...this week's roll appears to be the same as last week's , except... The notes for last week's software have vanished! The version for last week no longer appears on the Release Notes page! Strange, hein? Especially since this week's look uncannily like last week's notes...
  6. OK either I was mistaken or I didn't know what day it was, but the inventory maintenance is 7th now, ie Thursday.
  7. Annnd...it's back! Only the date has changed, it is now tomorrow. Let's hope it doesn't vanish without trace again!
  8. I'm a little puzzled as to what happened to the planned Inventory Maintenance that was due to take place today between 5 and 7am PST. It has vanished from the Grid Status Page without trace! Usually, if the Maintenance is cancelled some record of the cancellation remains. If it was done and completed that also is recorded. This time it has just vanished! Anyone know what transpired?
  9. In response to the OP, yes, LL is putting more regions on NEW servers. There has been a rolling replacement of older "less capable" servers for some time now and while I am not sure just how many full regions we now get per server it HAS increased. We've known for a while (or at least I have) that more mainland full regions are packed on a server than private estate full regions and needless to say many more Homesteads are crammed onto single servers than was the case a few years ago. I'm sure there's an LL Wiki entry that gives the details. Having said all that, I too have noticed a big drop in script-run percentage on my home region, from over 99% to around 40-60% some time ago NOT concurrent with the extra-prim allowance roll-out. As to WHY, I don't know, it MAY be the increased density of regions, it MAY be something else completely, but with all the other issues (child-agents is just one of several performance hits), it is hard to know. I would suspect that one of the "internal changes" in a software version change has introduced a new calculation for script-resource use and it is this that has so drastically changed the run-time calculations. I was always a little surprised that the number of scripts we ran on out Homestead had so little effect, despite us being very careful with out script-use!
  10. Miller, I don't know why you see fit to vent your spleen in here. Your remark is insulting both to my intelligence and to Willow's helpfulness. The "Ruined Day" to which I refer was Wednesday, not Thursday, and it was 5 restarts over nearly 2 hours, not a single one. And indeed as far as I was concerned the disruption was an annoyance, nothing more. However that was not the view of several others and it was that to which I referred. I have been in SL long enough to remember the total disruption updates caused 10 or so years ago, not to mention the regular hardware AND software failures that plagued Secondlife. While I'm at it, we moved Wirtz to the LeTigre RC channel some time ago for very good technical reasons, so a move BACK to Main Server would have no benefit to us.
  11. Thankyou for pointing that one out Willow, I had not seen it yet! Well, so now we know and it was definitely in our best interests today. Just a shame about the kerfuffle on Wirtz yesterday. Perhaps I was a bit antsy about the extra roll as a result of some less than moderate comments from regular visitors to Wirtz yesterday. For that I apologise.
  12. Caleb And so we get more restarts today...oh goodo, another day ruined by restarts.. How many should we expect on Wirtz today? 5? 10? OK WHY? OK I assume more EEP bugfixes. Sheesh, if it was THIS broken why in the name of the Global Standard Deity did you roll the bad code in the first place?
  13. Further to this issue of Restarts on LeTigre, Wirtz sim has been restarted no less than FIVE times in the past 90 minutes and with less than the usual 5 minutes warning, to my certain knowledge two warnings were less than 120 seconds. I know that restarts sometimes do the "London Bus" trick and go around in pairs, but 5?? What has been going on? It's played havoc with business on this sim today.
  14. I think Caleb says that there are incremental improvements in successive versions of the EEP code so that is not a surprise.
  15. ReadingMask: The release notes look right to me, and EEP is being rolled to LeTigre tomorrow, as far as I know. Of course you will need the special test viewer to make used of the update, but that's a given, I guess.
  16. I just noticed according to the GSP the Main Channel Roll is still ongoing. After over18 hours?
  17. Since no mention is made of it in the code to be rolled out to the RCs other than Magnum, I doubt it.
  18. Thankyou for getting these up nice and early this week, Caleb. Would it be pointless to ask why there were no communications at all last week, despite there being RC rolls?
  19. A propos of the STILL absent Server Roll update information, I would like to ask additionally why my homestead was restarted at 7:08am SLT today? These random restarts may be the result of some other region on the same sim-server as Woods of Heaven, but in all my years in SL this has never happened before, to my knowledge. This is the second time our homestead has been restarted on days other than scheduled Rolling Restart days. There you go Whirly, like London buses, you wait and wait, then two turn up together!
  20. I resent the comparison with cattle it is NOT moosic to my ears. On de udder side..... No I got the info via Qie's public spirited post of Simon Linden's statement at the SUG. That the info is late is almost a given at the moment!
  21. Trouble was, M, the GSP only said there would be restarts not WHAT was being rolled! When I looked earlier today there was nothing in that link! No matter, it's all here now, better Late than Never!
  22. Mazidox Come on! No restart info until I see the IM from my monitor, again. Yes, I realise that it is what was released to BlueSteel last week, but there is Nothing in the Release Notes for Main Server.
  23. You probably can't or won't tell us any detail, LL, but what caused so many sims to be restarted to new servers today? I got a shedload of region restart IMs from monitors today, including my home (a lowly homestead) which was only a week into its restart cycle.
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