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Sydelle Zanzibar

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  1. There are tons of AI options out there. The more realistic ones i did I just googled AI realistic photos and used a free trial. The the last one I gave chatgpt my avatar photo and asked it to describe me. then I asked it in a new chat to make a picture based off the description. It refused to just make it based off the photo directly. I also have no idea why it made it sideways. lol
  2. It was the cameltoe I was avoiding, that and not wanting to break BOM. So I searched all day and settled on TeenTurf. The body is acceptable in the crotch geometry and has clothing known to fit. Hopefully much of my twenster clothing will still fit and some other main body brands were listed a known to work with alphas. I also found today that the free Ruth Avatars and Lucy body(if you get the BOM addon) also have no cameltoe. So they could work so long as you have a modest skin, but like the senra, I found them difficult to shape into a shape that looks kid like with all the curves. Maybe some shapes experts could do it without making them look like deformed aliens.
  3. Thanks Brodiac I do have that body, i left it because of lack of clothing. If i have to I will have noodle arms, I get it if it's the rules -- I will. But what i really really want, is to know the answer to this question about the rules. Cause despite my frustrations and little bit of complaining, other people will need to know too. All the teens for example.
  4. So can we use whatever body we want and alpha/BOM the "geometry" or are we required to have a body without geometry? I am not trying to nag the question, but HOW do i plan how to look without this info?? TBH I don't like the Tweenster, it makes my arms look like weird rubber noodles. And the serna Jamie, I don't even know how anyone made a shape for a kid out of that, it makes me look chubby with concave chest and Giant bubble butt. I'm trying but it's killing me. Im serious! I look like a monster from hell. Like one of those ancient griefers got me with the deformers! As far as i know these are now the only 2 options to tweens? DId i miss something?
  5. i see all kinds of dynamics. grandparents, aunts uncles, cousins, siblings. etc. I see boards for them at adoption centers too. Lots of people get adopted and then someone goes inactive, or otherwise leaves SL so they are alone and looking for new parents. I also see kids that like to RP being an orphan or street urchin. I haven't run into anyone claiming they were emancipated though.
  6. As a girl Tween I wish i had more choices for clothes, I'm not a girly girl so sometimes i just wish for more choses that aren't pink frilly dresses! When i find anything with skulls i snap that up quick, i like spooky stuff. I got lil Heathenz to make me 2 steampunk outfits they are the only ones i have ever seen in tween size. I make puzzle games and i love to dress in theme. Like when i made an Escape from Jail game, I was dressed in a police costume the whole time i worked on it. When i made Pikes place (haunted) i had a skeleton carrying me everywhere. When i did Alice in wonderland i wore my mad hatter hat. Not exactly "when i grow up" but definitely the dress up part. I also wish they would go easy on pushing people that don't want to roleplay, but not everyone is like that. To try and really answer? I think some people get so caught up in roleplaying they forget that they left the areas where its expected. I'm not trying to excuse being obnoxious, just trying to guess why they do it.
  7. im 11-12 so i may have different answers than one that's a really little kid. 1. I talk mostly normal and don't expect people to RP with me unless they just want to. IRL i would talk to an 11 or 12yo basically like anyone else, (except for adult topics like sex stuff) and not being surprised if they act childish. I pretty much expect people i run into to be like that, don't talk sex, don't TP me somewhere that would be forbidden to kids. I had someone get upset my ao was skipping, I thought that was a bit excessive of a complaint. Overall, if you don't wanna RP just don't. IRL I get a bit weird about talking to strangers sometimes, so its not unheard of if one of my SL family members might ask a question for me if they see I'm stressed out. I got banned from a store for that once. 2. Most places i hang out are Moderate. It wouldn't affect me much either way if they changed to G personally since these places ban Nudity anyways and i dont swear. When I've talked about why we aren't G the two reasons i see cited are 1. they don't want the 16-17RL kids mixing in or 2. they like to RP Tweens who cuss. Mostly the second. I mean everyone remembers middle school right? The kids aren't talking to each other like they talk to their grandma. 3. Im too big for a car seat but i bet the little kids would be all over that! Poses that aren't so adult like in the backseat would be fun.
  8. I'll agree with others that furniture is needed! Not just 'PG we took out the sex animations', but stuff kids would actually want and dont need to readjust all the animations for hours. HI guys, I'm a kid in SL and just found this thread, and i think it's an awesome idea! I'll answer a few questions i saw already posted and any others come up with directly for me. I'm 12, I aged up after 10 years of being 11 cause it felt right at the time. That was awhile ago now and i might age back down to 11. Somehow 11 just felt more correct(?). I like being a tween because its before puberty really hit so you are still a kid without all that bothersome body changing stuff, but old enough that its not that weird for you to be out someplace without an adult with you at all times. My first avatar was a real attempt to look just like my RL adult self. I got alot of hate TBH cause I didn't try to look like a supermodel. One day i ran across a thing called something like a kid transmorgrifier or something like that. lol Tried it to see what i'd look like as a kid and decided to keep it. But when i tried to go to school and had totality forgotten about my profile and groups etc, they told me to come back with a new profile or consider a whole new account, so i made my "alt" to be the kid, which quickly became my main account. I only change out of being a kid now if i have to shop in some A place. and for that i got an avatar that just looks like someone wearing a sheet as a ghost costume. I tried a few others but the ghost feels like I'm me being silly rather than someone wearing the wrong body. Roleplaying: I don't really roleplay that much. Being silly and wanting to play games and jump on things randomly is just what i do naturally, playing with SL physics and amusement rides is fun! My SL Dad and SL Sister are people I know in RL, We don't RP that much really other than a few minor things. I tend to be a more passive person and can be a little naive at times so my SL family does protect me from myself in that way. As i mentioned i dont age up often and kinda regret that i did once. Still debating if i will go back to 11. My Sister started as the younger sister, and aged up every year on her rezday. So now, she's the big sister. I think every kid handles age and RP differently.
  9. Another Nice Girl Really Yawned B O R E D
  10. Hi Everyone! I'm Sydelle. Im new to the forums, but been in SL for a very long time. I came around to talk about the kid changes recently and figure i'll stick around. I originally joined SL in 2008 cause i was in a LD relationship and was told it'd be a cool way to have a "date" long distance. But my computer couldn't run it back then! I'd log in and was just in a black void with name tags. That relationship didn't work out but I came back to SL 2 years later when i got a new computer and I have been around ever since. I'm usually a kid avatar age approximately age 12. I don't roleplay that much, mainly i just like to do crazy kid things, skipping, jumping on trampolines, toys that are actually interactive in SL like getting shot out of a cannon and stuff like that. It feel more natural for a kid to be crazy, so I'm a kid. Most of my time in SL is spent making games and quests for Second Escape or just standing around afk haha.
  11. Unlikely. I'm a kid avi, and have been for 15 years. Despite all the commotion about it, no pedos have ever approached me. So most likely that horribleness would not happen unless you are looking for it or go to Adult sex places (ew). So first thing is i go jump on my trampoline. That thing bounces way higher than the roof of the house! Then off to some fairgrounds to go on all the rides - Ferris wheels and spooky carnival stuff. When im sufficiently motion sick, I'll go do all the SL projects im always putting off in favor of RL. I will have to rez out some food(I think i have an old food replicator) and bathroom stuff, my current toilet is my landmark checker. I'd be checking all my LMs in it before i TP anywhere to be sure i don't get stuck or tped to adult land. Edit to add: I think I'll have to drink only Floaty bubble pop (it makes you float in the sky) that stuff has got to be worth a try for real!
  12. What i mean is, even if you have an alt, most people will not find it easy to simply swap to it and play there instead. I suppose a few might actually have alts they play equally or more often than their kid av, I doubt it's that common. In addition, if i do swap to an adult its unlikely I'd stay in SL long that way. I dont see the point in saying well, they might have swapped to another account or did they officially close their account, because if you leave your main account and stop logging in, what good is an idle account thats not used?
  13. I do have adult alts, but i don't enjoy playing as them. They don't have real friendships, homes, land, business, etc. You are actually saying... just abandon all your SL friends and community and "just" start over. Because while people would not refuse to talk to me or whatever anymore, the common enjoyments we had are changed when you take away the commonality of our community. It's like in RL if you join a Hobby club and years later stop doing the hobby. You might check in with old friends now and then, but you no longer have the hobby to talk about and do together making things less smooth and easy. Honestly if i were to "Just switch to an adult account", and I have been considering it, My logins/activity would quickly lower by more than half. My SL activity would probably just dwindle off to nothing over time. I wouldn't close my accounts, because why bother??
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