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Everything posted by DJAlanRocks

  1. Because..... why not?
  2. I made like a Hallmark kinda Christmas Machinima. Enjoy!
  3. I walked around the Christmas expo A LOT and I wanna show you what I saw!
  4. VERY well done, great atmosphere and lighting! Where did you film this? Is Gotham in SL or is this your land?
  5. Very well done! The use of Depth of field is really good. I dont see a lot of action movies made in SL, this was awesome and i hope you keep making machinima!
  6. Keep an eye on your SL frame rate, too. I think the issue you're seeing is a diff in SL FPS vs what you export your movies at. I publish vids at 30 FPS and as long as SL is running at least 30FPS I dont have the same issue. If your finished vid is exported at 60FPS and Sl is running at 30 FPS (or lower like in the dance vid) you're gonna be jerky. Definately check your export settings. Also, loved the chicken vid!
  7. If you're even a little interested in what happens when James Bond comes to Second Life, check it out
  8. I am still working on my second project, but it has a release date and a second trailer that I wanted to share with you all
  9. Right on, i also have a couple of different colored prims. I prefer green screen but black and blue are sometimes needed. I have never had 14 tracks open, I find it's sometimes helpful to mix down a couple of tracks, layer FX over it a few times, mix down and keep going until I have what I want. But even my hardest VFX shots have never required 14 tracks. That must be a LONG load time
  10. Pretty cool french maid dance party vid. Was that intro done on a green screen?
  11. Lots of fun! I love your vibrant colors, Rainbow Fish (like the book!). Too bad about the copywrite music, I have also run into the same problem before
  12. Now that my last project has had all its parts premier on YouTube, I think the time is right to let you know what my next project might be
  13. I appreciate the responses, and I know that avatars appear to vanish when we log out. I love the idea that they stay in, off line avatars hanging out and having adventures, maybe they go to a place that is black and empty, waiting for their owners to return. What happens to deleted avatars?
  14. Maybe it's a dumb question but I wanna know what you think. Do they stay in SL an have adventures with out you? Do they go to some place like purgatory, waiting for you to return? Do they interact with other offline avatars? I am working on a story and want to hear your thoughts.
  15. Looks interesting. I am guessing exterior shots are done outside of SL and interiors will be done in SL is that right? I am also working on a little project that will utilize SL for most shots but some exterior shots of spaceships will be done using Kerbal Space Program
  16. I am glad you liked it! I would agree, you can see I get better as the film gets made. I am glad you stuck through so much reading in the beginning and made it to the first action scene. That was alot of work to film a dogfight scene but it was worth it. I promise, there's more action to come! There is screen recording program that comes with windows, it's the windows key+g and it brings it up. Depending on what I am doing, I sometimes use 2 laptops- one to control the avatars and one to record.
  17. A few months ago I started a silly project after I saw Stomol. This is the first chapter of my complete film
  18. I like to think of it as an interactive erotic novel we are writing. Some of my friends have many chapters
  19. I Agree, no_match makes great men's hair
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