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Everything posted by ShiningStar92

  1. I'll be your friend. my name is Aaliyah Diamond in world. I understand exactly how you feel. I find it hard to approach people in sl and rl, though I'm less shy now. Friendship takes time, so be patient and interact with people on here and in the forums. Reply to other people's post and see who you share common ground with. Also discover hobbies and activities you like do on secondlife. I have met so many friends in building classes, sandboxes, Live events, and fishing. Don't be intimidated not to say hello to someone, sometimes the best looking avatars could be as lonely as you are.
  2. Welcome Ebony, I used to play imvu too and I role play as well. Feel free to IM or add me. My inworld name is Aaliyah Diamond.
  3. Have you tried shopping for shapes on Marketplace? Each shape comes with a styling card, so you’ll find everything you need to create a new avatar. Most skins also come with a free shape too. Also, try searching up male fashion bloggers and find a look that you like. There is really no need in paying someone to give you a makeover. Here’s a Helpful video!
  4. Welcome to Secondlife Euphinea, Graphic design is a very profitable skill in Secondlife. There are so many things you can do. Have you considered becoming an Secondlife photographer? Designing avatar’s profile pictures is very good business. You can also design Logos and advertisements for sl designers and business. I recommend signing up for a Flickr account and creating profile their. I would love to help you. My Inworld name is Aaliyah Diamond. Feel free to IM me.
  5. Hit me up girl! I'll go clubbing with you or shopping. My username is Aaliyah Diamond. IM me anytime.
  6. Hello Everyone, I returned from a long break from second life and looking for some people to hang out with. I'm 28 years old and I love shopping, exploring, singing at karaoke bars, going to live music events on sl. I'm very creative person in both worlds and I enjoy designing clothes, building homes, and furniture. Writing is one of my passions and I love to Role-play. I enjoy helping new players, so don't be afraid to send me an IM or a friend request. My in world name is Aaliyah Diamond.
  7. Sounds like a good idea. I think for now I'll stick to texturing and looking into premade meshes. I love mesh especially how the clothes look so realistic. I recently went to utopia and the designer still makes textured based clothing. It's some what sad how things got so complicated. You have to accommodate so many systems, and there's still new one's coming out. I'm getting the Maitreya body for Christmas. Perhaps I'll make clothing for that system.
  8. Hello all, I'be been on sl for several years. I decided to come back not to long ago, and things have drastically changed. I used to design clothes here as a hobby in Photoshop, but I never got to truly pursue that dream. I notice that mesh clothing is extremely popular, and not many people are interested in buying traditional textured clothing. I decided to look at MD, but it seems that you have to have some knowledge about sewing in the real world, and patterns. I also thought about modeling clothing in blender or maya. However, I found more tutorials on MD then modeling clothing in a 3d program. Can someone tell me the pros and cons of both methods, or suggest a better one? Does anyone know any good tutorial s?
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