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Everything posted by wherorangi

  1. yes. by class of 2007 I include from endish 2006 to middish 2008 the height of the hype as you say was extraordinary the numbers piling into the starter islands at that time. Used to get literally run over constantly if you stood to close to the spawn point dozens and dozens in a single hour piling into a single island. The group chat be going off like crazy sometimes. Halp halp !!! Island 22 halp !!! Is 40 of them just piled in and imma by myself haaalllp ! (:
  2. the greeky style has been this way since I started over at least on Social Islands 1 2 and 3. I actual started on Island 1, but sometimes when I press home I get sent to Island 2 or 3 when 1 is full. Dunno about the other islands 4,5.. etc, they may have since recently been converted after LL got some feedback/tracking data from new residents actions with the new design. Dunno with the previous design, the beach had a dance venue on the water with its own design different from the other activities, each having its own as I remember. I remember it had portals to get off. I dont remember it having a Experience Orientation HUD tho + just about OIP. It used to be a overflow sim when the starter HIs were full with new signups, specially on weekends once upon ages ago now I used to stand at the OIP temple with a badge on my head. And watch the new people make their way from the corral along the path to the temple. If they made it I would go: "Well done! you now ready to level up" and most would go: wooohooo! yay! phew!! That was after they managed to get out of the ravine in front of the temple (: i think the HUD is way better than the signs. They were torture for a lot of new people back then was other badged people who would stand in the corral or at the bottom of the hill from the corral on OIP, who would take the new people who asked for help, by the hand i was more into the survivors who made it to the temple on their own. Invariably when I said: do you wanna learn how to build ? they said Yes please! so they would pick the HIP landmark giver and off. Where I be standing on the far side of the sandbox. If they made it off the platform all the way over to by me then they ready to build. If they got distracted on the way over by the big green sign then guess not today (: is quite interesting the Class of 2007 that came out of OIP as new signups. Who they are. What they became. That some of them turned into really good builders, and quite successful merchants, and helpy helpertons who still post on this forums even, and still can be found inworld sometimes helping people as best they can was and still is a pretty amazing group of people that OIP class of 2007. For sure the class of 2003 are legends but is the class of 2007 that made SL a world, and not just a cool sandbox building game
  3. read up on: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/PRIM_LINK_TARGET PRIM_LINK_TARGET allows us to work with specific prims in the linkset we can also combine multiple prim targets in the same llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast call using your code as a base then it goes something like: (note that i simplified the flip/toggle code) integer PRIM_A = 3; // linkset num of A prim. Whichever num it may beinteger PRIM_B = 2; // linkset num of B prim. Whichever num it may beinteger flip; // is off to startdefault{ // assumes that the prims are visually set in the off position // before the script is reset touch_start(integer total_number) { flip = !flip; // toggle between off and on // LINK_THIS to hide/show the prim this script is in // PRIM_A and PRIM_B affects 2 light prims in the linkset llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast ( LINK_THIS, [ PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, <1.0,1.0,1.0>, (float)(!flip), PRIM_LINK_TARGET, PRIM_A, PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, flip, <0.965, 0.957, 0.396>, 1.0, 5.0, 0.5, PRIM_LINK_TARGET, PRIM_B, PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, flip, <0.965, 0.957, 0.396>, 1.0, 5.0, 0.5 ] ); }}
  4. i give Rhonda a kudos as well eta ps: is one of those oh! yeah moments for me. shame (:
  5. i am not sure what is the problem exactly at my home Social Island 1 theres about 20 people at the moment. 6 people at the beach dance place. 1 new person, 3 newish and 2 not newish 5 not newish up on the central platform, 4 of them (not new people) have tags over their heads and/or on their profiles saying that they are helpy helpertons types (in the same way that what used to be called rogue mentors) the rest on the sim are new people (1-3 days old) wandering round exploring and completing the orientation task HUD. Like they used to do, following the paths and signs, at the ancient orientation places. Now they follow the HUD in a quest-like fashion, which is actually easier to do. Rather than have to try cam in on inworld signs like in the ancient days all the social islands have been rebuilt in this greeky ancienty style. Functionally tho in terms of new resident orientation is no different to what the previous style was. If anything its more integrated than the previous setting which was sectionalized more the orientation task HUD is quite good I think. I have 100 fake L$ from the HUD tasks. I am thinking of buying hair with it, in the fake L$ shop on the island + eta: apart from Amy who is sitting on the swing in the meadow (:
  6. another way is to use: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlRequestDisplayName it should return empty when is not a valid avatar key
  7. a script here to get you started https://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Library/Super-Booster-wearme/td-p/2429387
  8. jejeje (: and then you go: what have you been up to ?!?!!? and she goes: nuffing! and you go: yes you have !! and she goes: have not and you go: have to and she goes: you just jealous of me. always wanting to hang out with me and my friends. You should get a life you know ! and you go: listen here missy. I provide a roof over your head, and clothes and a allowance !! Just watch youself ok !!!! and she goes: sorry Mum. I love you ever so much you know and you go: awwww! and she goes: sooo anyways I saw these shoes that I quite like and I was wondering if I can get a advance on my allowance (:
  9. Nalytha wrote: Well, this is what my neighbors did. As you can see, I'm selling the land. I tried to make it obvious to let him know if it means that much, he can buy it. Lesson learned. I don't think I will ever live on mainland again. I'll pay the extra price for private with a covenant. what the neighbour is doing is the beginning of a beachhouse seaside community i can see that you worked out how to manipulate the terrain, thats a good thing. Raising the terrain to max height then smoothing the parcel edges to fit with the neighbours can work. Instead of a island then you get a sandhill depending on how high the max terrain level is. On top of which you can build the zen spot you were wanting just so that you can get a idea of how zen spots and beach can work together, search the inworld map for Chi. Is a old school zen sim that can give you ideas in how to go about this. It has a orient/eastern flavour to it, but is not necessary for you to exactly follow the orient theme. Just more look at the placement of the objects in relation to the shape of the land is also quite a lot of prim work on that sim to give you an idea of what is possible given the present level of your building skills, which I am sure you will get better at as you go
  10. Radium Soup wrote: Drew Bhalti wrote: I recommend Luskwood. oldest furry community in SL since 2003. This is a pure G rated sim and community standards and TOS are followed. That area is indeed G rated. And there you will find a multitude of people willing and ready to guide 16yo & new prospects to 'less' G rated areas, so to speak. OP can only go on G sims. They cant be guided into less G-rated areas of the grid
  11. ChinRey wrote: wherorangi wrote: probably the beach was nerfed for that exact reason. The idea of the starter social islands is to provide a place for new people to get started in SL and then to go on. Not to camp out there forever Hmmm, they nerf it because it's too popular? Yes that makes perfect sense ... somewhere... in some weird alternative universe where natural laws are very different from here. when OP says that stuff is funny when happening at newbie starter zones, then whats funny is typically the same funny to be found in hazing newbies at boarding school. The newbies rarely find this funny. The oldbies think its hilarious eta: i didnt mean to divert you ChinRey down a path in my earlier. I think that the OP got what I was meaning wthout me spelling it out to them
  12. Luxen wrote: Easy: "Everyone have a smartphone now and he doesn't understand why Lindens don't seem to work on this app"... innernets english is quite lucky for quite a lot of people on here that some of us ( incl. you) are able to provide a translation service for them who are not multi-english speakers (:
  13. tbf it isnt that stuff cant be delivered while we are offline merchants like using DATA_ONLINE so that their stuff is delivered in a way that is in our face or as they have mostly constantly argued it: a) people don't always look thru their inbox on login b) as a merchant I get tired of people who send me IMs asking where is the stuff I already sent them c) once upon a time I had a customer who said they never got the stuff I sent then while they were offline that the conveniences of merchants outweigh privacy concerns of the grid residents at large, is also a ongoing RL issue. citizens vs business
  14. VeryHotLesb wrote: Previously i had a similar problem. I've already lost my avi. But I always, when I come to SL. I come home to my partner. I have a feeling that someone has used my account when I slept in RL:(( change your password, right now
  15. sounds like a network problem between you and the sim server try logging in to another sim. Easy way: teleport to another sim. Log out. Login to Last Location
  16. is all good (: i was just try correct things for people who may be reading and arent techies. They might get confused (:
  17. Luxen wrote: LlRequestAgentData is used for the Online status detection. yes. This is what OP is meaning. "Online Scanner" is a marketing term. Not a technical term
  18. is it anything for sale for 0L ? like what happens if you try buy other 0L things ? like what happens ff you buy directly and not thru Cart ? i have a 0L balance at the moment and can buy 0L stuff if it persists then can only suggest to try clear cookies on your browser and pray if that doesnt work then file a support ticket and pray even harder (: eta: ps. Does the sale complete and is it only that the stuff is not delivered ?
  19. Luxen wrote: they are just Sim-Wide (need to be in the same Sim). i am not going to post code here to disproof this. I just suggest that you check this statement by reading the wiki http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlRequestAgentData
  20. Pamela Galli wrote: The best proof I have that I make my own mesh is all my noobish questions in the mesh forum here. jejeje (: nailed it with a mesh hammer (:
  21. marketplace can timeout sometimes just keep trying it. It will work eventually
  22. crazydudemartijn wrote: the difrence is that this is a starters island where old and new SL people meet. the amount of helpfull / funny / happy moments was made on that beach probably the beach was nerfed for that exact reason. The idea of the starter social islands is to provide a place for new people to get started in SL and then to go on. Not to camp out there forever
  23. bigmoe Whitfield wrote: I'll say this. putting tools in place to prevent it from being seens is ok, BUT if it prevents the LSL from seeing the true online status then it's a no go. I've got to many items out and about that RELY on these functions, LL learned from when they planned on nerfing it last time that if they did it would break content. maybe a viewer side change online would be a compermise for people such as yourselves. but this function to hide is not wanted, that was proven the last time it wasnt proven that it wasnt wanted iIt was proven that a lot of existing merchants use this knowledge to target their customers and have built a lot of content that incorporates the ability to know when a avatar is online nerfing this capability would break this content. So LL chose not to break content
  24. i wouldnt fret about it to much myself personally if somebody ever says me: o.m.g. you are made out of jelly !! i will say: oooo! what flavour ? apple, banana or strawberry ?! and they will go: strawberry !! and I will go: \o/ mmmmmm! yummeee!! my fav. Glad im not a purple prune (:
  25. Kimberley ( as I remember) has what are called system feet, and there are shoes made for these feet. In the folder with these shoes is a shoebase (the white sock thingy you can see) and a alpha layer which hides the parts of the shoebase necessary to get a good fit. So you wear them altogether the other type of shoes are made to fit mesh feet (typically we have to buy these feet). A example are Slink feet. There are others as well. In the folder with mesh feet is also a shoebase and a alpha layer. Which we wear altogether, so that the feet when bare look great. Mesh shoes well-made exclusively for the mesh feet type will fit perfectly over these feet when buying shoes we need to be sure that we buy the right type of shoe for the feet we are wearing. Get demoes before buying anything + about the up and down. This happens when the height of our avatar is different to the height of the shoe makers avatar. So we have to reposition the shoes sometimes to fit our own self to do this: a) if you don't already have one. Search on Marketplace for a POSE STAND. Is a number of free ones you can get b) Rez the pose stand on the ground and then right-click Sit/Pose on it. This will pose your avatar in a fixed position, holding your avatar still c) then right-click on the shoes and Edit. On the Edit dialog are Move and Rotate options. Choose the option and we get green/red/blue editing handles on screen. By selecting the handles with our mouse we can move the shoes into the position we want it can take a while to get the hang of editing. Zooming and panning the viewer camera view to see the shoes (and other accessories) better, can make things go a bit easier. Perserve tho and soon you will be a whiz at it like everybody else
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