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Everything posted by MalibuBratz

  1. First of all I ain't said nothing about your friends being men, and second of all I'm a gay man and have zero issues with girls or "gurls" (whatever the difference is for you). So maybe they just dont like you.
  2. Some of y'all are way to bothered by the fact that y'all can't be homophobic/transphobic and not be called out for it.
  3. That's a garbage ass mentality. Is it really that hard to just respect what someone prefers to be called as?
  4. Are you giving attention to all the transgender people getting killed every year? Or is that not a real problem?
  5. If somebody is homophobic, transphobic or racist i dont need to find common grounds and have healthy conversations with them. I'm a grown ass gay man, I don't have time for people like that. And there is a difference between thinking a movie is good or not, and thinking that some people dont deserve right or are below you just because of their skin color or gender identity.
  6. Exactly haha I was literally all alone for a good 20 minutes and the moment I had everything set up a horde of people came out of nowhere right behind me lol. But when I try to find people to talk to there's no one haha
  7. I've always loved creating characters and i've been a huge Sims fan since forever so the game always seemed interesting to me. I mostly started playing because of the character creation and being able to talk to people and I'd say it hasnt really changed since then.
  8. People who I don't know and IM when i'm clearly trying to take a picture (you can usually tell from my avatar posing and not moving lol) but didnt talk to me before I started trying to take a picture. Or when I finally find the right pose and angle but half the sim decides to host a meet up right behind me so I have to find a new spot. These two happened to me in one day so yes i'm tight rn lol
  9. I feel like most people I talk to are around that age range tbh. I'm 22 and i've yet to met someone younger than me, I think the youngest i've talked to was 26. I personally don't mind it, i've been on forums since the age of 9 so i'm used to always being the youngest everywhere haha. As long as im vibing with the person its all that matters but I can understand why'd you like to be more around people of your age ^^.
  10. I think you took my post a little bit to seriously tbh but I get what you're saying. I'm a very social person so i'm not isolating myself at all, what I meant is that I would never go as far as hating someone because to hate someone you usually have to invest yourself into that person, and I dont do that. If I dislike someone I just cut them off, i'm not going put energy into a person I dont like to the point of hating them.
  11. I'm talking about SL, and blocking someone I dont like is not gonna affect me at all lol. I don't believe in keeping people I dont like around me just because I'll "need" (whatever you mean by that) people when i'll get old. And that's for both SL and RL.
  12. I honestly dont care about people enough to hate them lol, like if you annoy i'll block you i'm not wasting my energy on drama.
  13. Me and @robberinthemuseum giving Santa Claus part 4 but make it summer also the strength of that surf board lol
  14. I've never lied about where I live and I never will. I never really understood why would anyone lie about that (or not tell you) because its such a basic ass information lol. And people always say "why do you want to know?" idk because we are having a conversation and i'm trying to get to know you? like what am i supposed to ask lol? what did you have for breakfast? lol. I mean tbh i dont even care like that but I just find it cool knowing if i'm talking to someone from a whole different continent. Maybe it's because i've been on the internet since I was like 8-9 and used to tell everyone and their mom where i'm from so now i'm just not scared anymore lol.
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