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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. The beatings will continue until morale improves. The newest trolls will get bored soon enough. They lack discipline and stamina!
  2. Did you miss the other threads where we explained all this?
  3. Yay! Drama and attention-seeking behavior. We've been talking about this for quite awhile and "boom!" Someone pops up as if from nowhere, repeating the same things as before. NEXT!
  4. Are you the same person that brought up this same exact argument, with the same wording, previously?
  5. The most tender part of a troll's anatomy is the butt. You know this is true, because they get butthurt so easily.
  6. I rounded up. The correct quote is friends with close to a 1000 sims. I fail to see why that would be hard to believe. I have lots of friends, and lots of them rent and sell land. My first few years in SL I did that. I made lots of contacts in that area. Hey, I was just saying the number is round! See Belinda's quote: *smells garden fertilizer*
  7. It is a little bit interesting that the same specific concerns come up in this thread that were covered in the previous threads. I guess until more people get caught up, there will be a lot of "rinse and repeat" in the Forum!
  8. I missed that. 🙂 Explains the confusion. Stuff happens! 🙂
  9. I think there is an assumption that is already happening. Partly, I think some people know to report this so they themselves are not accused of it when merely witnessing it. Partly, I think some people know to report this so they are not accused of "allowing it on their land". etc.
  10. Yup! And they stuck out like a sore..bum.
  11. I posted what was in the buffer when I hit "quote" and then highlighted it (I didn't send the post right after starting it). Which suggests that the "member of the community" part was more important than the "someone else" part. ..sure! But by deleting the critical phrase (even by accident), and quoting without it, you made it sound like Ingrid literally was.. You know, never mind. You know, even if you didn't do it on purpose. 🙂 The original: It was someone else from sl kid community complaining about not being able to be naked on a beach. ^^ The above original quote makes it clear that it was ONE person ("someone else"). What you posted: It was sl kid community complaining about not being able to be naked on a beach. ^^ What you posted makes is sound like Ingrid was claiming the entire "sl kid community" complained.
  12. "Communities" don't speak with one voice. You didn't quote Ingrid very well:
  13. Yup, I remembered that. (I actually searched "picnic" just now and found nothing related to this topic.) But, I only remember ONE user/avatar mentioning that. I think some of us took that one user's statement and ran with it! (They could be the same one who bemoaned the loss of "family friendly nude beaches".)
  14. It sounds, on the surface, like child nudity in Second Life was a bad investment.
  15. As Second Life users age, how will we distinguish those who "pretend" to be child avatars, from those who have actually regressed?
  16. I think if you banned child avatars the people who hate them would just find something else to hate and in the meantime SL would lose a community that contributes to content and the economy. Some are looking ahead at the next 2, 3, or 4 things they hate.
  17. Yep! I completely and totally missed your point (except where in the second paragraph you mentioned YOUR biggest problem with some "G" etc..). I tried! I really tried! Thanks!
  18. I tried VERY hard to read your post, that's why I quoted specific parts of it. 🙂 Sorry!
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