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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Thanks. I wasn’t sure what you believed, I was trying to present a reasoned argument. Sorry, I most definitely wasn’t trying to twist your words.
  2. Because people detest sex offenders. They protest at their homes, harass them, etc. It doesn’t matter that a sex offender has “paid their debt to society”, “reformed”, or “repented”. Nobody wants to live next door to them. People will do anything to force them to move away. This is highly likely the reason. This is highly UNlikely to be the reason. Your own emphasis seems to indicate agreement.
  3. Not exactly, but so that you would report the offender, getting him in more trouble.
  4. Interesting thought: if the said “offender” is actually someone else posing as them (so the real person gets harassed), that’s probably an actual crime.
  5. Obvious reason is so people report / harass the offender, who is minding their own business and not in SL at all.
  6. Sorry, I was trying to use critical thinking. For example: 1) possible motive is to be up-front due to previous problems; 2) possible motive is that the personal information was not his, and it was intended to cause trouble/drama. The fact you believed it (the personal info) and did not question “why is a person in Second Life telling me all their Real Life personal information?” is troubling. Taking people at face value can be risky sometimes. Question everything. Question authority.
  7. What motive would someone have for doing that? I didn’t get my SL family’s personal info for a year or two.
  8. Good point. Those of us who’ve been in SL for many years, but the forum for only a few years, need more detail to understand and to share in your stories. “Before your time, then” isn’t an answer to “how long ago?”. *pout*
  9. Who’s going to cleanup the pony poop? If you do not feed them, will the pony die? Are they going to be breedable? Will there be Gacha ponies?
  10. The monoliths have been what?
  11. Isn’t that also the names Raven (Teen Titan) uses when casting spells?
  12. Lol! Doesn’t mean other people can’t use it. Every single statement or word is not in relation to something you previously write. What ego!
  13. There are some awesome mermaid / merman avatars and AO’s!
  14. The wheel in the sky keeps on turning..??
  15. At this rate, we will all be too old to care, by the time Sansar has features approaching Second Life. Which makes me think that LL is really not investing as much time and money (developer salaries) as everyone thinks. A full scale project would never move this slow. My opinion, as a developer with 32 years experience.
  16. How long ago did we last see them? I’ve only been on for a few years.
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