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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Keep searching head brands that aren’t duck lips? Start a thread and ask?
  2. May be small consolation, but perhaps corner issues are only noticed in closeups? But now you can’t unsee it.
  3. I dunno why Lindens wouldn’t guess “pay a deeded object” (goes to look for artful misdirection in the original question).
  4. Can you accept the fact that no one else commenting on this thread (except Callum’s advice) has said they’ve had this problem? I’m quite happy with my Catwa heads so far. You made your original point/warning. If you want to keep talking about it I can’t stop you. I’ve derailed plenty of threads myself so I can’t be a hypocrite. I’m just not sure what you want.
  5. Maybe wearing an extra alpha by accident.
  6. I’m tending to agree, less is more!
  7. I usually stay at home, let the so-called bad guys come to me!
  8. Yep! At this point if I’m serious, I’ll convince myself to contact a husky rescue organization.
  9. The owner finally came and got it. They let him take it without paying us$3000 owed, said he will pay on “payment plan”.
  10. Good idea. I hadn’t realized you can only have one.
  11. Ask the IT guys at your office. Even if it is your personal laptop, they may have good advice. Also, what Rolig said.
  12. I will remember your warning if it happens to me!
  13. Using both, Love primary, LoveX less except all the shopping etc.
  14. Won’t all the current excitement over 1024 tier (meaning, mainland will get bought more) hurt the private sim owners who need renters?
  15. Premium suggestion for Merchant program: - Reduced / included cost for uploads - Reduced fees for cash payouts
  16. How about: different Premium charges to increase max LI or total avatars (even for mainland)?
  17. The thought is this: someone may like to rent, so won’t need tier at all - but may want other benefits, whatever those are.
  18. I guess that a lower-cost Premium plan may be offered, with no tier and/or no Premium stipend.
  19. I missed that one. I speculate different premium levels may get different (or no) stipend.
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