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Rick Nightingale

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Everything posted by Rick Nightingale

  1. Yes... all of which takes money! Whether it's sourced inside SL or outside, it's money to buy what you want to do what you want to do. Same as everyone here.
  2. Fantastic! So... I can add PBR metals to the old-fashioned baked metal effects, which even by simply dropping on a basic metal PBR texture to that face gives a much improved visual and matches the rest of the furniture in my room. OH, no, I can't, because your script didn't account for a new rendering scheme and additional options. Or the hair that still suffers alpha glitching when all I need to do is make the centre prim in it transparent to work with the recently introduced alpha sorting in the viewers to mitigate glitching. Nope. No-mod, because why would I ever need to, and the script in it didn't account for that??? But of course, nothing else will ever change that a script can't account for now, will it??? And yeah... as to AV Sitter... that's just nonsense. I modify it all the time both with the built in and available utilities and manually; after all, it's open source - the epitome of modifiable. I've even modified the scripts to integrate better with Experiences so I can use the furniture better, after replacing the older AVS scripts in that modifiable furniture with more modern scripts. I've frequently moved animations to fit with adjusted furniture, just by using AV sitters' own menus, which anyone can do with trivial ease. Thus I can continue to use and enjoy what I bought to the best advantage. Kudos to you for trying to make things easier for some purchasers to modify by scripting it (I do the same with rezzing&relinking HUDs to automatically reconfigure mesh options, colour tinting HUDs and texture changers... on my modifiable items)... but that in no way can ever mitigate applying no-modify permissions. We do not live in a locked down, No-Mod Second Life world. SL itself is in continual flux, so making your stuff No-Mod goes against SL itself by preventing it from being adjusted to suit those SL changes. (Oops, I said I was staying out of this thread. Better run before someone cleverly calls me out on that.)
  3. How clever you are - and it shows the exact sort of attitude that I'm leaving the thread for before I'm tempted to stoop that low myself 🙄 Now I'll stop wasting my breath typing fingers ☠️
  4. I'm not asking for 'unlimited access' - please don't broaden the point to things I haven't said. If I want unlimited access I'll buy the .blend file when available. We're talking about the simple ability to modify what we buy within the abilities provided by the platform and allowed by LL. Just because LL has given the ability for makers to set no-mod permissions does not make it blanket-acceptable to do so and we should just shut up and accept it. Anyway... as always, these discussions just end up feeling like banging one's head against an unmoving 'we have the right to restrict your rights because we can and you are just being unreasonable wanting to modify my perfect creation and how dare you criticise me for it' wall. I'm out.
  5. Your own statement in the previous post: flies in opposition to Sounds like you are a fan of things like buying a license to use a product only in accordance with the sellers wishes, rather than actually owning the product you bought. In that, we certainly do disagree, and I disagree strongly, and have every right to say so here.
  6. That's just it... making things no mod is preventing purchasers from doing exactly that. It is deliberately restricting a purchaser's freedom to be creative and to use the item they bought how they see fit within what the platform allows. The makers who set no-mod are choosing to do that; to deliberately restrict the freedom of others. Those who want modify permissions are not trying to restrict the freedom of the maker's creative expression or ability to sell what they want. We are (at least I am) arguing that they should not restrict our freedom. Our rights (whatever that even means) are as important as theirs.
  7. Alliteration livens literature skills OFTEN.
  8. (Beaten to it, sorry) Fanatical acolytes dangerously evoke SATAN
  9. Tyrannical rulers unfortunately last YEARS
  10. Yaks' unfiltered milk makes yogurt M I L K Y
  11. Bicycle riders annoyingly veer erratically C R A S H
  12. Sparrowhawks hover over corncrake KILLS
  13. That's what I'm looking at mostly, if I do upgrade. My usual supplier has plenty in stock of all the usual makes. I need to do a lot of research before dropping that kind of money though, on all of it. My knowledge was reasonably good... ten years ago when I built my last big PC and worked in the industry. Since then it's been practically non-existent. So far, my shortlist looks like this: MB: MSI MAG Z790 Tomahawk Max CPU: Intel 14700KF GPU: 16GB 4060Ti; the quietest running one I can determine RAM: 96GB DDR5 6400 (2x48GB) Storage: 2TB NVME for OS, 4TB NVME for bulk processing (some of the stuff I do can use it). Already have 64TB on NAS in my loft rack for actual data. Monitor: Dell U2724D - arriving next week due to current monitor failing PSU: to be determined when I finalise what it needs to power Cooling: Need to think about that. Currently have an enormous (15cm cube) CPU heatsink with home-made ducting and multiple, quiet Noctua 140mm fans directing air throughout the server-size chassis. I don't like noise and the PC lives in the living room now instead of my 'office'. Could do with a smaller case too though, for that reason. I once planned a liquid cooling system in the loft, above the office, using a header tank, central heating pump and heat exchanger through the external wall. Even put the pipes in but never got it finished due to stuff that went on.
  14. Biting insects trigger epidermal scratching MIDGE
  15. Rotten inside, pears even now DECAY. 🍐
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