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Conall DeCuir

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Everything posted by Conall DeCuir

  1. Thanks to Eva! I wouldn't have known about the amazing NYC Sim otherwise
  2. WOOOT! We wanna see some photos once you have done! and glad i could help
  3. Deadwool is probably the no. 1 adress to go. Adam Edelstein has a closed suit and a morning suit (the open suit is for Aesthetic but fits me too). Then there is L&B (Lapointe Bastchild) and Breakout has a Gentlemen's Suit which is fitting for semi-formal. You could also have a look at Gabriel. Thats where i go
  4. They haven't done anything new for men since probably 5 years and their clothes are still expensive ... too expensive for old stuff.
  5. What happened in india is awful but thats out of my hands to do anything against that. Men cat-calling women is for sure annoying but might be a bigger problem in america? I don't know, i do not witness it where i am living. Thank you for thinking i am a piece of sh*t.
  6. And now i bow out. I have better things to do. If you didn't got it by now what i am saying, it just has no worth.
  7. And yes, a man can technically do that as he is usually stronger and 'some' (very less men) might be that dumb And 'SOME SOME SOME' women can be snakes. Not only against men but against each other as well .. especially when their opinions do not match or when it is because of a man
  8. What else do you want to know? If i hate all women and would love to strangle them?
  9. Ok, i have no clue about such doings and stay away from such people. I bow to your insight.
  10. I do not generalize. I do not want to be generalized as well. I never say "all". If i use "all" i drank whisky.
  11. I did not changed my mind! People ARE bored (BOTH gender) and want it harder, faster and whatever without knowing what they are really doing or asking for. I never meant to say it is ok for a male to strangle a female to death (or the other way around). Those people are sick (both gender ... those who do it and those who demand it having been done to them). They wrongly think they are doing BDSM, while they do not have the slighest clue what BDSM is about ... it is Consent and being responsible (that applies for both gender and for sub and dom equally). If i would get the slightest hint about her being into such stuff, i would be gone. The problem today is that in our hook-up culture 'some' just do not take their time to find out about the other person (that applies to BOTH gender equally). They jump in without vetting, talking about limits, etc. and ... the bad thing happens. Again, that is no excuse to strangle anyone to death or to cut off any other blood circulation. I never said i approve. I am very much opposed by kink done by people who have no clue, who do not care, who just want to get their kick off without being responsible. I call that mainstream kink = kinky fun for the clueless.
  12. I never said that! That is what you wanted to read. You might want to re-read without being biased by gender studies Once you are able, we maybe could talk.
  13. Present Day -- Women start to wonder where all the good men have gone .....................
  14. My bad. I must have been drunken Gild http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cinnamon Bay/145/207/25 Noche http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Secret Isle/35/234/1515 RKKN http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/REKA RKKN/120/127/21 Etiquette http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/REKA RKKN/120/127/21 Etiquette and RKKN share the same LM as both stores are next to each other.
  15. So far, so good. I just got word that we adults do not gift us anything anymore .. we are too many and it was already a mess last year. Gifts are now only for the kids anymore. And now i am sitting here with 8 bottles of fine scottish whisky and it's all for myself. So if i write nonsense during the next months, you all know why.
  16. Mossu http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mossu/69/164/21 Arcback http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/van/127/60/21 MGMen http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/van/127/60/21 Not So Bad http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blue Moon Bay/209/44/26 Legal Insanity http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Horizon Beach/64/189/22 Ascend http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Horizon Beach/64/189/22 Noche http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Secret Isle/35/234/1515 Gild http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Secret Isle/35/234/1515 Blank Line ... somewhere at the TMD Sim RKKN http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Secret Isle/35/234/1515 Etiquette http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Secret Isle/35/234/1515 All those stores offer casual, smart-casual (some also semi-formal) clothes for Men.
  17. Grinning here ... and while i was shoveling the snow alone, being a bit pissed, i might have smiled when entering the house .. because of the cookies and maybe, just maybe there was another dough cloud in the kitchen just a moment later. Yes, i can see that story enfolding!! Just don't ask me to help to clean the kitchen afterwards .. i did already shovel the snow 😎
  18. She said "WE have to shovel the snow". Where did she go?
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