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Rowan Amore

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Posts posted by Rowan Amore

  1. Perhaps quit calling them youth avatars and try young adult.  I'm just telling you that some people might find it offensive to see "youths" (avatar representing a person under 18) smoking weed as offensive.  I didn't say you couldn't but to expect some backlash if you did. 

    • Like 2
  2. On 9/6/2020 at 1:14 AM, mysteriousdots said:

    Well lets put it this way. Its a one time not so standard job. I"m sure she will find someone from USA who loves those huds and will work for her for virtual food.

    LOL@ virtual food

    • Haha 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Namiuki said:

    Well I mean my best friend is a weed head and she wants a few shirts as well as others for their youth. Your guess is as good as mine why they want their youth is beyond me. 

    I understand but when you say 'youth' that would indicate an avatar under 18.  Otherwise, it would be called an adult.  Posing a youth/child with weed would not be a good idea regardless of whether you marked it as an adult item.  In fact, it might cause some people to file an AR.  

    • Like 2
  4. 17 minutes ago, anianita67 said:

    Hi everybody, 

    Face animations in my akeruka head hud are little strange and not that nice so I was wondering if somebody knows where I could get some nice face animations like basic ones so that my head doesn't look as static and  looks natural.  

    Thank you for any tips and suggestions.


    Vista has a nice facial expressions hud.

    • Like 1
  5. One thing no one has mentioned and was a huge factor for me to finally change my head was to find a skin you like first.  It won't do much good if you purchase a catwa head when the skin you like is for lelutka. I know with BOM they can be used on either.  However, it takes some finesse if you want the look you see on the advert to look the same if it's a different head.  Perhaps visit the store where you purchased the skin you wear now and see what's new.

    People often mention head and bodies first when I feel its the skin that will be the biggest factor for your new look being similar to your old.

    • Like 3
  6. 2 hours ago, Namiuki said:

    I recently made some clothing for me and my best friend on SL and we took a picture and put it on Instagram. It had a picture of a blunt on it and some people want me to release it . Is it OK for me to release them on Marketplace as long as I label it Adult even though its for youth bodies?


    Not sure having a youth posing with a blunt would be a good idea regardless of what you have it labeled.  Not sure why you would want to have a youth posing with a blunt.

    • Like 1
  7. 46 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

    Anyone want to fess up to being the other naked kitteh?

    I know the scenario in the OP was hypothetical, but I don't need a lot of reasons to pose naked in the forum, especially with such an attractive friend. All my personal details? Age/Sex/Location?  I can now be shown as an "adult" in the CFA shows, so that means I'm over 8 months. Sex, not yet, but I still have all of my parts so I can be shown in the adult classes. Location, in my kitty cup with my buddy...


    Good thing there aren't any female cat nipples showing.  Or is that allowed?

    • Haha 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:


    Pearl, I like really like your propensity not to take offense.

    Unfortunately, I don't think you'll ever get out of this mess without telling some people to F Off......it's the only language bullies understand.

    She has shown grace under pressure and I do admire that.  

    I'm sure quite a few of us would like to tell you the same, Luna.  Pot/kettle...you get the point.  You just do it under another guise.

    • Like 6
  9. 3 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    Robin felt hurt, and I tried to clarify.

    We really need to have a discussion about sexuality and disability so people can express the difficulties experienced in our society.  This won't happen as long as people simply choose to blame Pearl without getting to the root of it all.

    We're blaming her for lying about it.  If she hadn't, it wouldn't even be in this whole discussion.  To lie about something you have had no experience with, THAT is what's at issue for most of us.  

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 3
  10. 1 minute ago, Janet Voxel said:

    Makeup can be a problem if you have dark skin period, but there are some really good makeups for darkskin now. With BoM, you really don't have to mess with the HUD at all.

    I've recently found a.couple.places with great lipsticks finally!

  11. 3 hours ago, Atosuria Daviau said:

    i went and checked out the store and they had a gift version of the "strong" head it's nice but i will have to hunt for a nice shape for it  but i did notice if your avatar is darker complected do not use the makeup option in the hud you wind up looking like a clown

    I can never use the makeup on the head HUD.  The genus head itself is nice but the HUD to me is a nightmare.  Its definitely not as user friendly as catwa or lelutka only opinion.

  12. 1 hour ago, Tokyo Enyo said:

    Ok, but my point to you is that without camming you can see this in a house. you walk past and in the window CLEAN AS DAY is a pornographic 18+ (needs credit card bla bla bla) bodily fluid shooting, naked women pinball machine.

    That's ... 
    Behind closed doors is one thing, no banlines on this parcel either.
    If it's not against ToS then why do i get the feeling that people have been banned for less? 

    Derender it and go about your day.  

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Gatogateau said:

    Gah! I hate that song! Be gone from this thread! I cannot show loving kindness to this abomination!

    Hey, I just know that there is often a grumble that there isn't anything intellectually stimulating to respond to in the GD subforum. This is me trying to be a warm and fuzzy member of the community. I even put my kitteh suit on!

    This is me trying!!!!




    • Haha 3
  14. I understand completely.  We all make choices on what we spend our money on in SL just as in RL.  However, when I work in RL, I get paid a wage not in vouchers or merchandise.  I couldn't care less about some farming HUD to grow virtual vegetables and feed virtual animals.  If someone works, they want paid in Ls to spend as they choose, in most cases.

    So I'm going to stand by my initial response.  No pay.

    • Like 4
  15. 3 minutes ago, mysteriousdots said:

    she does pay, just not in lindens but with beyou food instead. beyou food can take up to 5000 Lindens worth but needs to be eider sold or consumed immediately or it gets spoiled and scripts spit out errors.

    Which is still no pay.

    • Like 2
  16. 18 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

    Well, if you don't give an eff for PhDs, how about MDs? Based primarily on Aristotle and Plato, this is a list of 7 types of love:

    1. Eros  Eros is sexual or passionate love, and is the type most akin to our modern construct of romantic love. 

    2. Philia  Friendship, shared goodwill.

    3. Storge Familial lovemy 

    4. Agape is universal love, such as the love for strangers, nature, or God.  Charity and altruism.

    5. Ludus is playful or uncommitted love. Flirting, seducing.

    6. Pragma practical love founded on reason, duty, sexual attraction takes a secondary role

    7. Philautia self-love, for better or worse

    For the full article:  https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/hide-and-seek/201606/these-are-the-7-types-love

    FWIW I'm just adding in here, not necessarily presenting my views.


    I'm still going to stick.with my original statement.  All these examples involve either yourself or another human being aside from agape.  No where does it say I need to love the humblist of activities to cherish the day to day circumstances of life.  Activities that make you happy, content and experiences like the fawn encounter Maddy described may make you feel more open to loving but are not in and of themselves, love.

    • Like 2
  17. 4 hours ago, Sandra8675 said:

    where would u shop for gaming computer desk sets that ARE NOT PINK or red!


    I'm interested in any color NOT PINK or red but that looks cool, well designed, etc.  I really want a gaming chair, desk and computer.  I was looking at the MP 'bamse' set for gamer girls.  But it looks like it only comes in pink...  so thats a no.  but the 'bamse' set does look well designed. 

    if u have the name of a store inworld if u can please give me the lm.

    i've attached the image of the 'bamse' one i like the design of...

    2020-09-05 17_03_52-Second Life Marketplace - BAMSE E-GAMER Full Set inc 2 RARES.png

    Check DRD and Black Nest

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