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Rowan Amore

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Posts posted by Rowan Amore

  1. I've found you can speak your mind at most places.  What you won't find is a place where everyone agrees with what you say.  If that's what you're looking for, good luck.  Even if you have your own group, blog whatever, there will always be disagreements.  And truth can be an elusive thing in SL.

  2. Doesn't the new oc have a vanilla option in the menu?

    Vanilla: This was highly demanded by users for a long time. With this mode active, the wearer has full Owner access rights also while other avatars are already added as Owners. The Vanilla mode can only be set by the wearer of the collar, others get "Access denied!"

  3. On 8/14/2020 at 6:05 PM, Cerebrogasm said:

    Has anyone reached about 38 avatar attachments to where the ADD is dimmed and no further attachments - body parts, HUs, clothing, jewelry, etc - can be attached unless you remove something already attached? 




    I keep the huds for things I wear in the favorite wearable folder.  Keeps them from cluttering up my screen, too.

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  4. 57 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

    I am starting to slowly find though, that my friends here are extremely sexual, and incredibly kinky, even if they don't initially appear to be,

    Of course.  Since you mentioned you are only in adult areas, the majority of people will be interested in adult activities.  But as Alwin said, once you cast a larger net, you'll find more variety.  Again, you're new to sl and seems to have focused on one community.  When that gets boring and trust me, it will, you will see that people have all kinds of interests and some will be the same as yours. Books, movies, history, art.  So the same things you have in common with your friends in RL, will be the same things you'll find in friends here.

  5. Check marketplace for bento facial animations.  I know vista makes a hud for several heads.

    On 5/14/2020 at 12:26 AM, Stevo Nurmi said:

    Hi. I'd appreciate any advice. I'm new to photography and posing and have just bought the Anypose Hud. I use a Justin Catwa head and seem to be able to animate the eyes but not the facial expressions. I have turned off all the animations in the Justin animation Hud but I still can't get the facial expressions to work. Any ideas?




  6. 8 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

    I go back to my original question really. I am a very dirty and kinky girl, in SL but yet I have friends who aren't even sexual. How does that happen?  

    Do you base your real world friendships on a person's sexual behavior?  I have 2 sister who I'm close to and I have no idea what type of sex they're into.  You're also fairly new to SL.  I have a feeling as time goes by, if you're still inworld, your interests will change or modify to some degree.  It happens to a lot of people.  The random sexual RP with people losses it's appeal and they find other things to do and voila! your whole world expands.

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  7. 28 minutes ago, Karissa89 said:

    How do you get general 

    If you gave your correct age when you signed up for Second Life, you should only be able to access General rated areas.


    If you gave false information, that would be a violation of the terms of service and could possibly get you banned.  So proceed with caution.

  8. Aren't most of those in the Library folder?

    23 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

    Not sure if these are the new ones you are talking about. There are several tabs with different avatars.

    In the viewer --- Avatar > Choose and Avatar




  9. 32 minutes ago, Nick0678 said:

    It is Molly O'Malia and she is 19 but that doesn't matter.


    She looks and acts younger to me.

    A bit of an update on the OPer.  I actually ran into him in world a couple of days ago.  I mentioned seeing his post in the forums and told him I was surprised to see him.  He'd calmed down quite a bit.  We were at a music/dance club.  We chatted for about 30 minutes.  He was very pleasant, very respectful.  I gave him a couple of LMs to other places I go and hope to see and chat with him again.  

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