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Rowan Amore

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Posts posted by Rowan Amore

  1. 20 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

    Add people and don't worry about it.

    There is a reluctance these days, maybe we're all just getting older, maybe the people who treat friends as a quick hookup list have put us all off.

    For me, it was too many people pouncing in my IM the moment I log in with "So, what are you up to?"  as if they were waiting for someone to entertain them or want to be the first to try and monopolize my time.  Like, if I'm not doing anything, I should hang out with them since they're bored.  I like to log in, read whatever notices and notecards I've received, change clothes, maybe wander to some sale or whatever.  I don't need nor want people hovering, waiting on me to log in.  But that's just me.

    • Like 6
  2. 14 minutes ago, RobinMcRobins said:

    Thank you, I appreciate the effort, but it is not a case of taking brow shape sliders to zero for hair length. they are all currently at zero and the hair texture is already transparent. The only way I have found to hide this is by using the head as mesh and using the whole head alpha. That is why this is driving me nuts lol. I am wanting the bom capability. It looks like I did fix it using most of that idea though. I changed the setting to blank for texture, then went back and clicked transparent and its gone now. thank you for the help, much appreciated.


    • Haha 1
  3. 23 minutes ago, MelodicRain said:

    If I have a nice chat with someone I meet, I usually add them to my list at the end of the conversation (assuming it lasted at least an hour or so) so I don't have to write down their name, search their profile, and IM them (hoping they're online) if I want to talk to them again. Am I being too hasty? I noticed 90% of people I have a nice chat with, never add me, even after like 5 conversations, not exactly sure why. Are they just shy or don't really care about being friends with me despite having spent like 10 hours chatting with me? I guess different people have different perspectives on what a "friends list" is... to me it's not a "reserved for besties only" list... anyone I acquaint with can go on there cause it's simply convenient to double click on someone to start a chat.

    Speaking as someone who rarely adds people, when I do, it's because I've seen them around and talked to them several times.  Mostly though, that's a rare occurrence.  I have like 5 people on my friend list.  The rest are people who I consider acquaintances and talk to them when I see them.   No need to add them to my list.

    • Like 2
  4. 5 hours ago, Drakonadrgora Darkfold said:


    Even your best friends can and will betray you at some point when you least expect it and it suits them.


    But you did say can and will with this.  Of all people, you'd expect it least from your best friend. 

    Yes, people can be jerks.  Lots of people.  Most people?  I'd rather believe most people try not to be.  Of course, that's the world I live in so if yours isn't like that, *shrugs*.

  5. 8 hours ago, Santanooo said:

    I Have Ask This Girl Many Times To Stop Using My Store Name In Her Keywords To Get Sales. When Someone Searches My Shop Name In The MarketPlace Her Stuff Pops Up And I Dont Like This Girl We Use To Be Friends But Not Anymore And For Some Reason She Keeps Using My Store Name In Her Keywords To Get Sales I Was Gonna Flag It But Im Not Even Sure What To Report It As But All I Know Is That I Dont Want My Store Name In Her Keywords.....

    I did the same as @LittleMe Jewellusing both word separately and together and nothing came up for me either.  

    • Like 1
  6. I agree on the stipend increase.  It's been the same amount for the 10 years I've been Premium.  

    The stipend amount for older accounts depends on what type of account you have and its age.

    Seems to me they could increase it for avatars again over a certain age and active.  I don't know what the logistics would be to figure out who logs in and who doesn't but it seems to me, if they can pay old accounts 500L even if some don't log in and spend it, they could give us 500L as active members who WILL use it.

    Premium accounts created or upgraded from basic:

    • On or after November 1, 2006 receive L$300 per week.
    • Between July 21, 2006 and November 1, 2006 receive L$400 per week.
    • Before July 21, 2006 receive L$500 per week.

    Certain old basic accounts get a stipend; basic accounts created

    • Before May 29, 2006 receive a stipend of L$50 per week, if they log in that week..
    • After May 29, 2006 do not receive a weekly stipend
    • Like 5
  7. 35 minutes ago, Ajay McDowwll said:

    It's been going on for several hours; there was a bake fail earlier they thought was resolved, around 1-2PM SLT, but they learned about 30 minutes or so after they thought it was resolved that it was... not.

    That about when I logged in but I relogged and was fine

  8. 9 minutes ago, Sandra8675 said:

    event blogging...  I'm so very out of the loop with any of this stuff... 

    I would like to find out how i can contact events to see if they are interested in me making a video on the event.  I really have no idea how.  I have heard others talk about 'blogger rooms' where u can have access to certain items from the event that can help you make a video on it.  This is something I'd be very interested in because I've become so interested in blogging events.  

    Can anyone give me specific first hand advise on how to go about contacting the correct people or other resources I should be looking into?  ty

    Most events and stores like bloggers who already have a pretty good following.  When they're looking for bloggers, they'll send out a notice, post on Flickr or Facebook.  My advice would be to join event groups and store groups that you love.  Start your blog or vlog and build up a following.  Additional accts. on Flickr and Facebook to showcase your work.  Then maybe events and stores will ask you to blog.  If they gave out items free to everyone who had a blog?

    Eta:  Check event websites.  They often have applications for bloggers.

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