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Annie Nova

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Everything posted by Annie Nova

  1. Here are the other pictures that Scylla took the other night
  2. Make sure he has lots of coffee too, can't have him winding down in the middle of a wheel spin
  3. Sacrifice a cow too, cause I was just inworld and everything froze up, logged out and now I'm unable to log back in lol and how many things do they need to unplug and plug in? *grins*
  4. Absolutely! and I LOVE this song! Thanks for posting it 🙂
  5. We have those at the club I host at and honestly? I'm not thrilled with that myself, but I just worked there LOL
  6. This is true, but if you just do a simple thank you, you get an IM from the tipper complaining that you didn't thank her the right way, believe me, I've had that happen to me before when I was hosting. You never seem to able to please everyone
  7. There are quite a few eyes that are genus compatible and on the hud there is a way to adjust how the genus eyes look, also IF you buy the head, there is an update for the eyes. Just shop around until you find the eyes that you like IF you decide on the genus head.
  8. *giggles* and I want to thank "someone" for sending me some things! Blew me away! *grins*
  9. Before I went to bed, the number of people inworld was 6, I don't think I've ever seen it that low, it was spooky.
  10. I just wanna dance and listen to 50's music, forget all the negative crap as Blush has said, the 50's was no better than any other decade. I will never understand why people always have to crap on every idea someone has, let's just have fun and enjoy what WAS positive about the era. *closes the door behind her and goes back to enjoying life*
  11. Whenever you get the itch and you just gotta scratch it, I'll be there in a flash! I would love to do some in a 1940's Sim AND as a pin-up! How cool would that be????
  12. I just checked your store and everything seems to be working just fine
  13. You Flatter me, Scylla! I think this is my favorite one of the four you sent me, and it was so much fun, not having to do anything but sit and let someone else take the pictures! You have a fantastic eye and I'll gladly sit for you anytime you need a subject!
  14. ADD the alphas, do NOT wear them. That should work
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