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So Whimsy

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Everything posted by So Whimsy

  1. Or you know...just a finished product that is not tied to any server thus will work forever even once they walk away again. Then its a lot less likely support would be needed. Still though, I agree 100% with you.
  2. They do not need a witness as they have access to the chat logs and other tools to look into the matter so there is nothing new that a witness could tell them. If your friend feels they were wrongly banned, they need to open a support ticket and explain the issue in a polite and cohesive matter. Bans have been reverted in the past, but if the facts are there and speaking volumes it's very unlikely that your friend will be unbanned. Bans are not issued lightly, there is such a thing as temporary bans. If your friend received a permanent ban it either means the offense was a drastic one that warranted immediate removal from participating in SL or they received previous bans that culminated into the permanent one.
  3. First off, only the person banned can dispute a ban. The issue is between that person and second life and has nothing to do with anyone else. It's a private matter, logically and legally speaking. A petition to get someone unbanned will not do anything safe for perhaps making you guys feel a bit better. All your friend can do is to contact support.
  4. Can you link me please? Because this would make mine and every other FP product sellers EULA entirely irrelevant and we would have zero protection!
  5. I am not illiterate, I just don't understand your crazy reasoning. Nowhere did I imply it was overpriced. The only time I said a price was when I said that 1L was too much for that body, which to a normal human being is a covert way of saying "Do not buy this body." and was not in direct relation to the 5000L. That was other people who kept bringing it up, so get your sh- straight.
  6. And thank you (and Blush!) for soldiering on, in this instance we can still have nice things!
  7. That's what matters most. But if push ever does come to shove you will at least have a chance of a DMCA going through!
  8. It's a full animation indeed, and I offer customer service that at times means a walkthrough through avsitter which is an entirely different product I did not create or have any affiliation with. Considering the reviews, the many projects I've done inworld....people know I don't walk away leaving things unfinished and that my animation quality holds up. I could go on with the things that set me apart from TMP but I'll leave it at that, I spent too much time already on that sockpuppet.
  9. The more known full permission animation stores sell animations for more than that. I am actually cheaper than my competition. So I am not sure why you are trying to go down this route but you are failing really hard. On another note, here's one for you. I'll give you that 300L if you can quote anywhere where I said the product is overpriced. Have at it!
  10. It's not even a fraction of the people who buy Linden on a regular basis. Also, numbers are heresay unless the actual owner of the brand posts cold hard numbers. Till then, the above quoted is baloney. I am not even sure wtf is going on in that quote. A lot of assumptions and general cray-cray. We do not want to support creators who do not offer support to their customers.
  11. I don't think that would be possible considering that even a 512sqm parcel kitted out with a small cabin, furniture and landscaping could hold the items of dozens of creators. You could maybe place a disclaimer on your MP listing stating that items are not to be used for landscaping/decorating business purposes, but that only holds merit if you made the content yourself and didn't use templates. If you are the original creator you may be in a position to file DMCA's if they break that TOS but don't quote me on it as this is a very specific kind of case. This would however not work retroactively for sales already made as the products were purchased in good faith that they could be used for the landscaping business. Personally I am on the fence about this finding pro's and con's in equal measures. In the end though, considering this is SL, they purchased the product its theirs now to do with as they please within the permissions the product is set in. So ultimately, I am leaning toward no recourse for merchants.
  12. I can't sign in right now but I believe Jian has some great fish as well.
  13. How is this different from the Landscapers that have been around since the dawn of SL? They buy a lot of landscaping products as well as houses and outdoors furniture, sometimes indoors furniture and decor as well and they use that to put it on the client's land to landscape their sim. This is just like the mini version of the landscaping business.
  14. Because not everyone has that kind of money to spend on a product that has zero customer service with the brand walking away again being likely? Or simply because not everyone who uses SL has 20 bucks to spend on a mesh body, and no, those people don't spend money on expensive coffee's either. If you're well enough off to take that risk, you do you, but don't think that's the norm for other residents.
  15. I see, I thought your statement was a general one about mesh body diversity, my bad.
  16. It's the same diversity as the 234234 different mesh heads available now. Why would people embrace the diversity there but not for the mesh bodies?
  17. Isn't diversity supposed to be great? Or did I miss the memo that its now back in style to be uniform?
  18. Temptation is in the eye of the beholder. All the points I listed in my previous post do scream to me 'buy me now!' and very loudly so. I'm curious, what kind of things you'd want to see added to make you tempted enough to buy!
  19. To actually answer the OP, yes, to me being premium is worth it. 1) I can own land instead of renting it. While I have not had any bad experiences with renting land in my almost 12 years here, it's just satisfying to know I can do what I want (within reason of course.) 2) The fact premium accounts get into sim's much easier. I was shocked during the last arcade when I got in at the first try and then remembered why. That was awesome. Not so awesome was the arcade but that's another story. 3) Premium Sandboxes. If you like to build or just to unpack stuff, these are pretty dangnabit awesome. I usually use these when I am looking for something in my inventory that I know is in a coalesced object...but I don't know which one (I have many) and can range from a simple three link set to a fully furnished house with almost 300 prims. I am not doing that to my own land >.> 4) More group slots! Always a bonus. 5) Better tech suppport. Personally I hate filing support tickets, so being able to access live chat is awesome and thus far I am 100% satisfied with the support through livechat.
  20. Are you english or is your bank just that metal? Sorry made me grin because that would be one hell of a bank Personally I have the year premium and I do spend my stipend. Mine runs out on the 30th of june and while I will definitely stay premium because of my land I'm considering of going for the monthly or quarterly route this time around.
  21. Mate, this is a forum, not a chatbox. Don't spam ump your post. I wish you best of luck though, people are super ***** when it comes to allowing moving breedables. Might want to look into renting a mainland parcel, people generally don't care over there.
  22. Should be a no brainer. Next to none of the high quality original clothing creators will support that body as not only is it a lot of extra work to support another body but given the history? Some might just to fill that niche market but most of us are just sitting here waiting for them to loose interest in their own product again.
  23. Anyone spending even 1L on TMP products is a fool.
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