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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. in your post you don't tell much more than it doesn't work. .... please log in and add your system info in your post so people can see whats going wrong. Just Windows 8.1 and mediacenter doesn't mean much if your machine is ten years old... processor, wich graphics and memory tells us more...
  2. go have a look here: http://flairforevents.wix.com/menonly#!men-only--monthly/c1xqt http://themensdeptsl.com http://www.theslregistry.com http://mix-and-mesh.blogspot.de http://ffform.blogspot.nl/
  3. ehm.. how it works is not important ( = i don't know) but it works ....
  4. when i read your question ...ehm story.... it's most likely that you totally emptied your caches. So no server problem but you caused it yourself go to a empty sim, let your inventory fully load there, can take up to half an our or more!... depending on the amount of stuff you have. Once the inventory is loaded again ( and your cache filled) you should be able to wear your inventory again. Next time: don't clear you caches, unless there is a real problem with your view, it's rarele needed to empty, not re install viewers.
  5. if you'r deleting things because of this you picked some strange helpers...
  6. what you describe and almost everybody encoutered is nothing more than a little issue on the whole grid. LL is working on it. If you had done nothing and just waited till LL had given all clear NOTHING bad would have happened to you or your stuff. Now in the worst case you lost your items. And nobody can help you with that.
  7. in addition to Freya's answer: you can want to get it at the educational rate, but be sure you GET it for that lowered costs first. LL has very strict rules for getting in that category, you can't decide yourself to pay that lower costs.
  8. a object created out of 100 prims will stay 100 prims, but doesn't mean it uses all LI ( land impact) prims aren't really used anymore for the amount of objects what you can rezz, it's changed to Land Impact. but: if it's made of mesh, or megaprims...scultps... and so on... it can be calculated differently. One single mesh oblject could theoreticly eat all your prims, depending how it is made. The more your object costs to be rendered by the servers, the more LI ( land impact) will be calculated. But the most short answer to your question: your 100 prims object will leave you wit 3650 prims left
  9. contact LL by a ticket to inform them, most likely you will have to prove you'r identity ánd your relationship. If nothing is in a official document LL can refuse cooperation in transfering the account to you.
  10. you will have more answers/chance for answers on the general forums, this section is more intended for other issues/helo.
  11. the most common reason is you'r too young in sl age your profile says 9 days, and most likeley that sim has a 30 and up only limit
  12. look at MP and visit the inworld stores you like ....
  13. could be several reasons.. holidays ill left sl have a real life somewhere too... and mistakes made by customers themself.. after 1000 times "why i wear a box instead of clothes" i can imagine some aren't in a hurry to respond ... and this way there are more reasons to find i think. But how long is reasonable... i would take about a week and resend a IM or notecard, wait another week.... after that... give up...
  14. if you only have a few groups i wouldn't add new ones but only rename the member/officers you can change it at the Members& Roles tab / Roles don't forget to set the right abilities... some might not fit the role you have in mind
  15. preferences network & files directly next to the slider for the cachesize Version: 4.7.1 (45325)
  16. of course... and the most logical place to aks is the landforum... https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Heart-Symbols/td-p/2943776
  17. https://secondlife.com/support/system-requirements/?lang=en-US everything above basic requirements is better....
  18. you could have a look at humanoid, there are some couple dances that have nice moves for same sex dancers
  19. indirectly you can pay with L$, but you still need to add a verified paypal or CC or Skrill to your paymentinfo. When you earn enough L$ you can sell them and add the USD to your balance. Every payment to LL will first go by your balance and after that to the assigned method on your paymentinfo.
  20. go to your profilepage on the SL website choose billing info remove the wtong paypal info add new paypal info add where you want to use the new paypal for ...buying L$ / recurring fees ....
  21. in this case we are talking about mainland. You can not just add prims, but have to buy additional land to rise your primcount. There is a big but: only when the extra land you buy is on the same sim you can keep your current land and use the added prims from the new land at both parcels. When you buy land out of your current sim, the parcel will only allow their own primcount. Most people who go for more land, sell or abandon their land and buy a new parcel that fits their need more.
  22. sorry OP, but it's clearly on the page: Only dates in the last 32 days are available.
  23. mostly this is caused when you try to wear system( =textures pasted on the avatar itself) clothes on a mesh avatar. Mesh avatars only can wear clothes by appliers or special sized mesh clothes, some also the standard sized mesh clothes with the help of alpha masks. (=hiding body parts) If you want to wear system clothes you need a standard avatar shape and skin.
  24. aks the one you see where he got the look, but most people will tell you only partly, it often takes quite some time and work to get your avatar as you want. Be original and make yourself as YOU want, don't copy others. Travel around a lot, there are lot of sales events for skins and clothes, collect what you like and make your own unique look.
  25. i think you mean L$ ?... you sure you want to go after that? the electicity you use for typing the message costs nearly the double of that value....
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