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Everything posted by LoriLexa

  1. BettiRaige wrote: ALSO... Why are things like hair offered in 5 shades of the same color? I like the style of the hair, but I do not NEED 5 shades of white/black/red.. It would be more efficient if they offered one in EACH color. I like packs that have one of each color (black, brown, dark blonde, light blonde, red, etc...) Some places call them "naturals" or "undecided". When they have 5 different shades of the same color such as "light blondes", it's fine for me because I may like some of the different shades, but I can see your point. Let's say a pack of light blondes costs 300L but you only want one color such as platinum blonde. Then why not be able to buy that for just 50L. Is that what you mean? I have seen promos or sales where you can get a whole fat pack (all possible colors) for between 50L -300L, which makes it better. But I do see what you're saying.
  2. You can search on MP or inworld (places) for the term Cyberpunk quite a few stores specialize in this look and they will all show up if you search for Cyberpunk
  3. I'm pretty sure the hair on the new mesh avatars supplied by LL is part of the whole avatar. So, easiest thing to do is use a classic avatar shape instead. This way you can add/wear whatever you want. If the hair your are referring to is the old helmut hair base, then it's not really hair. So you have to replace it with a bald base to get rid of it.
  4. There are so many places and items. You can do a search for "Cosplay" on marketplace then look under the apparel, accesories and/or hair. If you are inworld search for cosplay costumes under places. You can also post this in the Wanted section of the forums. In that forum, actual store names can be posted. There are so many different options, do you have a specific look in mind? If you do, post it in the wanted section. Sometimes you would have to get different items from different creators to compile a certain look. It all depends on what you have in mind. Have fun :matte-motes-big-grin:
  5. Most modifiable shapes start off pretty much the same, there are a handful of different bases. They are then modified to look a certain way and sold. The same shape can be modified a thousand different ways. You can grab free modifiable shapes from most freebie places or look for ones on Marketplace and tweak it to look the way you want. If you don't want to modify it then you can shop around inworld or on marketplace and grab as many free shapes you want and try each one to see which one you like best. Here is an example of a free shape that I modified twice to have 2 different looks. Done by using the sliders when you go into "edit shape", renamed, & saved. I paired the 2 different shapes with 2 different skins to show how skins look on different shapes. I don't have pics of the full body, but ofcourse you can modify that also.
  6. You are so right Bobbie. We have so much freedom in SL to look anyway we want or be anything we want, so why not? It is worth it if you are going to be on SL.
  7. To improve the way everything looked to me, I changed my windlight setting. I stumbled upon a place that had great region settings and saved them in my viewer. This way everywhere I went, the lighting looked good to me. There is no need for facelights if you do this. In addition, my graphic settings are low and doing this makes it look like I have them set to high. Mainly because a good windlight setting will eliminate harsh shadows on your avatar. It will illuminate your avatar/skin & enviornment so that everything looks amazing. So, if you invest in a good skin, the right lighting (windlight) will show your skin and shape at its best. Once you find regions settings that you like (the viewer is set to region settings) go to: World>Enviornment Editor>sky presets>new preset>(name it and save) Then Enviornment editor >Enviornment settings>customize tab (fixed)> from drop down window find the name you picked, choose, and OK The above instructions is for SL viewer, however you can do this in FS but I'm not sure if the steps are the same.
  8. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I have some of both and it depends on the style. Mesh is great for updo's and braids and such For long hair i don't like mesh unless it also has flexi mixed in too. Long mesh only hair has no movement and looks like you put on way too much hair products. As to the comment about no RL hair moves like flexi hair, I disagree. It depends on how skilled the creator is at setting up the flexi. I have waist length hair in RL and can tell you that flexi is more the way it moves than mesh. The only thing about flexi is it moves through the body, but prefer that than have long hair plastered to my body when i dance or ride. Most people I see in the venues i go to wear long flexi hair or mesh/flexi, sometimes I don't see mesh at all, and sometimes only a small percentage are wearing it. The place where I buy most of my hair does mesh but still comes out regularly with flexi hair, so it must still be selling well. Mesh to me is just another option we have, not the be all and end all of fashion. I'm looking at some of my older flexi styles again and some do move in a more subtle way which I like better. So, you're right, it depends on how it's made.
  9. Humanoid Dance Animations has one in the Nadine group, it's #10 If you go to the in world store to demo it, Nadine is behind the area where you tp in. #10 for Nadine is basically head swaying with slight bobbing, stationary in one spot with subtle body movement. I'm pretty sure you can buy that one single animation instead of the entire hud and add it to your own dance hud.
  10. Marianne Little wrote: It is some who sell a combination of mesh snd flexi. Catwa just released one style. Long meshhair that is rigged, and some thin flexi hairstrands that move. This is cool... usually in RL it is hairstrands that move, not the whole hair. Unless it's really blowing hard. I can't remember the hair name. Search Catwa on the Marketplace and sort to newest first. If I am not mistaken, Analog Dog uses this in some hairs too. They only have an inworld store. I'm not looking to buy some hair, I was just curious about the opinion of others regarding mesh and flexi hair.:matte-motes-smile:
  11. Tari Landar wrote: LoriLexa wrote: MIstahMoose wrote: Mesh will definitely give you better shapes and such, and does have some movement, but no ones hair in RL moves like flexi. So it really just won't compete in quality vs mesh. Excellent point and I never thought about that in regards to RL hair moving like flexi hair. You are right, it does not. This also makes me think of the time when Flexi hair was popular in SL. Why did we like it so much? It was not realisitc as you pointed out. That is an interesting observation on your part. Flexi hair looks as if we have a large fan following us around or strong gusts of wind LOL. I guess it was a change from stiff helmut hair. Rigged mesh does have movement that is more realistic, so the key is realism. In the sense that it (hair) improves and evolves. So I wonder what creators will make next. :matte-motes-big-grin: Natural hair doesn't sit still, nor does it sit like playdough upon your head, unless you make it to do exactly that. Just as flexi skirts cut through the body, so does hair. They still flow more realistically than mesh or prim hair ever could/can.(at least, for now). I don't know about you, but in rl, I have long hair, it moves in the breeze, it's not plastered to my head. I do still love mesh hair, when done right(and I'm not convinced most is made "right" to my liking, actually I only have one creator of mesh hair I really like), but the one aspect I do not like, is that, in the breeze, it stays plastered in place. Yes it moves and bends with my body, but it's still not a realistic move. My hair, when my body moves(in rl) also moves, but certainly not in sync with the rest of me. It's hair, it's light, and it moves both on it's own as well as by force, lol. Which is why I like flexi hair. Also the same reason I like flexi gowns and skirts. In rl, I would rarely wear a gown or dress that is skin tight, so it, too, would move with the wind as well as body motion. It wouldn't cut through my body(rl), of course, but it does still move. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. So, for me, neither is better, or worse, than the other. I have one mesh style I like, and currently have on. But I still like my flexi hairs and will wear them too. Now if we had mesh hair that moved in the breeze, didn't stay plastered in place, as well as moving naturally with the body...I might change my mind. Until then. I go with whichever one tickles my fancy at any given time. I agree with you. It all depends on the specific circumstances. I have to say that with flexi pony-tails and mesh pony-tails, I do prefer flexi if they are high or mid placed on the back of the head. On styles that have a pony-tail resting over the shoulder in the front, it looks better if it is rigged mesh and lays against the avatar shape. As far as long gowns, I have always been an advocate of flexi gowns. If they are long, the flexi gowns move better when you dance. The mesh long gowns appear stiff and some stretch or break. Unless they have an open front where the legs are not diminished by an alpha layer.
  12. MIstahMoose wrote: Mesh will definitely give you better shapes and such, and does have some movement, but no ones hair in RL moves like flexi. So it really just won't compete in quality vs mesh. Excellent point and I never thought about that in regards to RL hair moving like flexi hair. You are right, it does not. This also makes me think of the time when Flexi hair was popular in SL. Why did we like it so much? It was not realisitc as you pointed out. That is an interesting observation on your part. Flexi hair looks as if we have a large fan following us around or strong gusts of wind LOL. I guess it was a change from stiff helmut hair. Rigged mesh does have movement that is more realistic, so the key is realism. In the sense that it (hair) improves and evolves. So I wonder what creators will make next. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  13. I would love to hear opinions about mesh and flexi hair. I know that mesh is slowly taking over, especially rigged mesh hair. I'm realy loving the long rigged mesh styles and shorter un-rigged/rigged mesh versions but I'm still hanging on to some of my flexi styles. However, I have to say that I'm moving slowly away from those flexi styles. Mainly because alot of flexi styles go through the avatar shape as opposed to rigged mesh that lays against the avatar and moves with it. Flexi is fine with me, if it's a style that does not conflict with going through my shape. I would like to hear what other people think about this. It would be interesting to hear how other users are adjusting to changing trends in SL. Do you like hair movement? why or why not? etc... please post your thoughts, I would love to hear them.
  14. AWESOME!!! That is so good to hear :matte-motes-big-grin: It's June 7th and I'm sure things are coming along well for you.
  15. Thank you Sara. I actually typed this up for a friend of mine who joined SL recently and saved the info just incase anyone else needed it. I really hope it helps new people.
  16. The only thing I could find on MP was this little guy but I don't know if he has everything that you are looking for: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Green-Sea-Turtle-AV/1605553?page=1 If I find anything inworld, I will post it here. Good Luck:matte-motes-smitten:
  17. Coby Foden wrote: LoriLexa wrote: 1. Layer system clothes that may come with prim attachments. There are different layers: undershirt, shirt, jacket, underwear bottoms, and pants. You can’t wear 2 of the same layer, even if you ADD. So you just wear these. Excellent instructions. Only thing what I like to point out is that we can actually wear five system clothing on each clothing clothing layer. The same applies also to tattoo and alpha layers. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits "Max. # of clothing layers per slot - 5 (this includes alpha and Tattoo Layers)" Ah!!! yes you are right. I learn something new everyday in SL :matte-motes-big-grin:
  18. For starters make sure you get a clasic style shape that is modifiable. Below are pics that show 2 different shapes in comparrison with 2 different skins. The top pics have the same shape with 2 different skins. The bottom is a different shape with the same 2 skins. (Actually it's the same shape that was modified to change facial features) Shape is basically the body/face form such as size of nose, height, size of muscles, length of arms etc... Skin over lays the shape and provides definition to the shape. You can get free shapes and skins at freebie places. Some skin/shape stores will have free group gifts. You can search inworld for Skin and Shape stores. You can buy them seperate if you like. For instance, you may find a modifiable shape and make adjustments to the point where you like the way it looks with any skin you wear over it. So, you may want to just get a few different skins for the same shape. You can also buy a package where the skin and shape were made to suit eachother. There are tons of skins/shapes to choose from on Marketplace and inworld, just try demos first if you are going to spend alot. Now, you can also buy body parts such as feet, hands, butt, boobs. You just wear them with the existing avatar shape and match the skin with appliers. However, you don't have to get these body parts, your pre-existing shape has all the body parts you need. The additonal body parts just look more realistic than the existing ones. Note: If you buy the feet, make sure you get shoes that are compatiable with the feet. Some hints about wearing clothes: When wearing any mesh clothes, objects, alphas, tattoo layers, etc…Always choose to ADD. The only time you choose WEAR is for shapes, skin, and eyes or see below. To remove something (let’s say you accidently have on 2 different pair of shoes), Right click on it and detach/remove. If that does not work, go into the inventory and open the CURRENT OUTFIT folder, right click and choose remove/detach. * you can’t remove/detach eyes, shape and skin. You can only replace by choosing wear. Now...you can choose WEAR for everything but in certain cases it will replace one thing for another, if it is attached to the same area or if it is a layer such as an alpha. If you want to wear multiple things, always choose ADD. For example: You are wearing a shoe Alpha and you also want to wear an Alpha for a mesh dress, you must ADD the alphas. If you don’t, then one Alpha will replace the other which will prevent you from wearing both. Another example: You have 4 different rings and a set of nails. You want to wear all of them at the same time, You would then choose ADD for all of those items. Mainly because they all attach to the same default body part which is either right or left hand. If you choose WEAR, it will only let you attach one item on each hand at a given time. So to prevent that, just choose ADD. Another example: You have hair that attaches to your skull and you have a Hat that also attaches to your skull. You choose ADD so they both attach at the same time. NEVER choose attach and then a body part, this will mess up the placement of objects that are meant to be worn on your avatar. You will end up with shoes that float in the air and not on the part of your body that they belong. So, avoid using the "ATTACH to body part option". Basically: ADD: hair, hats, jewelry, alphas, tattoo layers (tattoos, makeup, other stuff), prim attachments such as cuffs or collars, mesh clothes, hair, nails, collars, etc… WEAR: Shoes, system layer clothes, eyes, skin, & shapes There are 2 types of clothes: 1. Layer system clothes that may come with prim attachments. There are different layers: undershirt, shirt, jacket, underwear bottoms, and pants. You can’t wear 2 of the same layer, even if you ADD. So you just wear these. CORRECTION thanks to Coby: you can ADD mutiple clothing layers to the same layer (oops) 2. Mesh clothes (usually come with an alpha and 5 different sizes-pick and ADD one of the sizes and ADD the alpha) Hope this info helps
  19. Heart Brimmer wrote: Thank you so much Lori! I think the next to the last one just might fit the bill! I appreciate you taking the time to search for them! Hi Heart You are very welcome and enjoy the event:matte-motes-big-grin: Oh! and also check out Tameless hair inworld, they have a couple of styles that are similar.
  20. Maybe these: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AA-Nyota-Hair-FREE-DEMOs-curly-wild-style/1528965 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Rumina-Kelly-Afro-Hair-DEMOS/4044069 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AA-Kelis-Hair-DEMOs-curly-medium-length-hairstyle/3259346 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BDR-Jennifer-Hair-Red-Red-Hair-Afro-Hair/1495352 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/RETRO-60s-70s-80s-SMALLER-CURLY-NAPPY-DARK-WOMENS-BIG-HAIR-SMALL-AFRO-PERFECT-WITH-ANY-RETRO-COSTUME-CONTESTS-EVENTS/3704171 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/TuTys-CICADA-Curly-hair-Chestnut/2698359
  21. drakeos99 wrote: Thank you so much <3 You are very welcome :matte-motes-big-grin: I hope you found a good DJ class as well as setting up your DJ software for SL. You're on your way to playing great tunes at SL clubs.
  22. Suki Hirano wrote: (And lol, demos from that store cost 2L, that desperate to make a quick buck from selling demos) LOL, I didn't even notice that.
  23. Ilamoon wrote: Hello, I just joined SL and it's very confusing. Where can I find very basic instructions? I am finding a lot of blogs and sites about creating content but I need to know how to change cloths. So, 1. How do I reset my avatar? I have tried this several times but keep getting what I last had. I can't seem to delete everything and start over 2. Currently my Avatar has two bodies overlapping. I can see two hair and patchwor of two skins. ??? How do I delete one of them? I think if I can get to just one things will be OK Thank you, Moon Hi Moon, welcome to SL For starters, to remove that new mesh avatar and start fresh, look on the top of your screen, left side. Click on Me>Choose an Avatar>click on the Classic tab and select one of those avatars. Select one that you did not use yet. Now, at this point you can start shopping around for shapes, skin, hair, clothes etc… that are better than the default classic avatar and items supplied by LL. You can’t do much with that mesh avatar you started with, so just don’t bother with them. Some hints about wearing clothes (stick with the classic style avatar shapes- If you buy a shape make sure it's modifiable): When wearing any mesh clothes, objects, alphas, tattoo layers, etc…Always choose to ADD. The only time you choose WEAR is for shapes, skin, and eyes or see below. To remove something (let’s say you accidently have on 2 different pair of shoes), Right click on it and detach/remove. If that does not work, go into the inventory and open the CURRENT OUTFIT folder, right click and choose remove/detach. * you can’t remove/detach eyes, shape and skin. You can only replace by choosing wear. Now...you can choose WEAR for everything but in certain cases it will replace one thing for another, if it is attached to the same area or if it is a layer such as an alpha. If you want to wear multiple things, always choose ADD. For example: You are wearing a shoe Alpha and you also want to wear an Alpha for a mesh dress, you must ADD the alphas. If you don’t, then one Alpha will replace the other which will prevent you from wearing both. Another example: You have 4 different rings and a set of nails. You want to wear all of them at the same time, You would then choose ADD for all of those items. Mainly because they all attach to the same default body part which is either right or left hand. If you choose WEAR, it will only let you attach one item on each hand at a given time. So to prevent that, just choose ADD. Another example: You have hair that attaches to your skull and you have a Hat that also attaches to your skull. You choose ADD so they both attach at the same time. NEVER choose attach and then a body part, this will mess up the placement of objects that are meant to be worn on your avatar. You will end up with shoes that float in the air and not on the part of your body that they belong. So, avoid using the "ATTACH to body part option". Basically: ADD: hair, hats, jewelry, alphas, tattoo layers (tattoos, makeup, other stuff), prim attachments such as cuffs or collars, mesh clothes, hair, nails, collars, etc… WEAR: Shoes, system layer clothes, eyes, skin, & shapes There are 2 types of clothes: 1. Layer system clothes that may come with prim attachments. There are different layers: undershirt, shirt, jacket, underwear bottoms, and pants. You can’t wear 2 of the same layer, even if you ADD. So you just wear these. 2. Mesh clothes (usually come with an alpha and 5 different sizes-pick and ADD one of the sizes and ADD the alpha) Eventually you will get the hang of it and then you will be doing more stuff such as editing your shape, editing objects, etc… Good luck and have fun
  24. oh no :matte-motes-frown: These look slightly different from the previous ones I posted as far as the same sculptie template, but I'm not sure of the quality. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Miss-LT-Alouca-mesh-heels-for-SLINK-HIGH-FEET-fatpack/5980395 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Miss-LT-DEMO-Alapromagic-mesh-heels-for-SLINK-HIGH-FEET-FATAPCK/5976328 The higher quality ones on MP are the sandal style or have ankle straps. As far as the thong/minimal toe strap style, I don't see much on MP. If I come across anything inworld, I will let you know. :matte-motes-grin:
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