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Everything posted by LoriLexa

  1. Hi Blush This may not be your issue, but here were my experiences: I had this same issue with my first AO. I found a free hud and then went around looking for animations that I can add. I had different animations from different creators in the same HUD so they were not syncing together well. In addition,I did not have any animations in the (turning left/right) section of my HUD (the notecard configuration) so my turns looked similar to what is happening to you when you are going from sit to stand. My turning animations were probably the default, while the others were not. That's why my movements looked so jerky. I hope this helps in some way, Lori :matte-motes-big-grin:
  2. Hi Nina These are the recommendations posted on the SL wiki page: Graphics Settings If you have a lower performance video card, the following settings will increase speed at the expense of quality. If you are getting good frame rates, you can set some of these higher: Run Second Life in a window - Uncheck and select a lower resolution Draw Distance - The single most important control that affects lag is how far from you the 3D world is visible. When this distance doubles, the amount of data that must be downloaded and displayed goes up 4-8 times (area or volume). So lowering this slider can make a big difference. Shaders, Reflection Detail, Avatar Rendering: - All these checkboxes should be UNchecked. Lighting Detail, Terrain Detail: - Set to Sun and Moon only, and Low, respectively. Max Particle Count: - to 256 Mesh Detail: sliders all the way to the left Hardware Options Button - Opens another window with more settings: Filtering: - Leave unchecked Antialiasing: - Disabled Enable VBO and FBO: - On Texture Memory (MB): - Normally set to same as your graphics card memory size Fog Distance: -This option is enabled only when the "Basic Shaders" option on the previous dialog was checked. If the Basic Shaders option is unchecked, this Fog Distance will be determined by top menu World > Environment Settings > Environment Editor > Advanced Sky button > Distance Multiplier. Texture Compression (also called 'lossy compression' in other viewers) - switching this setting can drastically change the graphical performance of the viewer. On slower graphics cards it can give a huge performance boost, as texture compression reduces the amount of video memory used by the graphics card. It can also reduce the performance on computers with some faster graphics cards, because the computer needs to do some extra calculations to compress the textures. Here is the link to the entire page: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Lag
  3. I would recommend looking through avatars and skins made by *Ultra Shape* ( owner is felix Portland), they have some that look similar to that pic. Here is the link: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/56023?search[maturity]=General&search =1&search[per_page]=12&search[store_id]=56023
  4. The Essence Woman AO at Vista animations may be what you are looking for (or is it too much?). Here is a video of what it looks like: You can also pick different animations there to design your own.
  5. Hi Sunny When I go to edit my avatar and I want to position my viewer on a certain area while in edit: I hold down the ALT button on my keyboard then I hold down the left mouse button and I move my mouse to position my view. (I'm on a PC) Edit: I prefer to do the above, because when I click on the Head tab in the edit window my view automatically positions on the front of my face and I like to be able to move the view incase I want to see my profile or zoom in and out. I hope this helps:matte-motes-big-grin:
  6. ObviousAltIsObvious wrote: don't worry about the no scripts zone thing. scripts are always enabled in skyboxes. the no script flag only works up to 50 meters past the ground level. the script error box that appears with "broken mesh" pyramids is a viewer bug. real script errors have an icon that looks like a sheet of paper with a caution triangle. Ahhhh! So I encountered yet another type of a viewer bug and for the first time no less. Always a first time to send your pulse racing when you see things that you never saw before. I tell you Obvious, I learn something new in SL everyday, everyday! LOL thank you for your response:matte-motes-big-grin:
  7. Hi Obvious, Someone inworld told me to clear cache and relog, it has worked so far. I just did this 2 min ago. Hopefully I don't encounter this again or this stays working. I'm going to log out and log back again, CROSSING MY FINGERS Note to self> Don't change worn scripted items in a public skybox that does not allow scripts, YIKES
  8. I was in a skybox public place. I went to change my shoes and suddenly I recieved script errors. Now I have yellow pyramids over my hair and shoes. Also, both my hair (rigged mesh) and shoes are not rezzing properly. What do I do? I have changed outfits, relogged, and opened the hair and shoe boxes again but the script error keeps happening. I did not think to see if the place I was at allowed scripts, I just stupidly tried to change and then now I have an issue. What can I do? Thanks
  9. Hi Jandid, I’m not a technical expert but I do try to look into factors that affect the performance of my computer on SL. The items I mentioned below are things that I have taken into consideration in order to run SL smoothly on my computer or run SL and my search engine at the same time. I really hope this helps in some way. I also hope that someone with more technical knowledge can help you pin point your issues and fix your problem. If you do encounter such information, please post it here so I can learn also. I wish you the best, thank you Here are some reasons that may be causing your problem: 1. You are using a Wifi connection (laptop?) <NUMBER 1 reason 2. You are using Explorer as your search engine 3. Your PC is running too many unnecessary programs that are draining your CPU and slowing your PC down 4. Your computer does not meet the minimum requirements or meets some but not all of the minimum requirements for SL. 5. Your internet provider does not provide a required internet connection for high impact 3D gaming. (It seems ok based on the info you provided) 6. Your graphics card is not in sync with your computer specs 7. You only have an integrated graphics card 7. You SL viewer graphic settings are set too high 8. Your SL viewer is not up to date 9. Your Drivers are not up to date (Windows and/or Video Card) Best, Lori
  10. Shelby Silverspar wrote: Chemistry has a couple versions of rigged mesh hair with optional bangs. Hi Shelby, I will definitely check out Chemistry. Thank you for your recommendation Lori :matte-motes-big-grin:
  11. Ah, thank you :matte-motes-big-grin: edit: Just downloaded and problem fixed. Now I know where to look if I encounter any issues. I was normally looking at the regular download page for any new updates (head hits desk). Thank you again Karen.
  12. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: LoriLexa wrote: greek Wingtips wrote: Another feature I find is that after a while the typing becomes slow and delays. Hi Greek I noticed my lag increases on active sims when I open my chat window and sure enough I saw the FPS drop when my chat is open. This has only been happening to me in the past week. So, I would like to know also. The FPS drop when the local Chat Window is active has been repaired and is out for general testing in this release of the Official Sl Viewer: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Release/ P.S. I'm particular jazzed by these fixes. MAINT-3375[c] FPS Drop when Expanded Chat is open, worse with long Nearby chat history MAINT-3163[c] Since CHUI, floaters can be moved totally underneath bottom toolbar buttons and "lost". and the ever confusing MAINT-3231[c] Remove prompt to create new account Yikes! Karen, I'm so lost now LOL. I guess I have to hang out and wait for this to be resolved. Too much techy jargon for me to comprehend, LOL Compact (instead of expanded) did not make much of a difference. Please advise, what should I do? Thank you so much Lori:matte-motes-big-grin:
  13. Freya Mokusei wrote: And hey Lori - many users report lag with the chat window visible, it's caused by the CHUI - an 'improvement' to the Second Life viewer that changes the chat experience. It's possible to use the chat window in a 'compact' mode that may prevent the loss of your framerate. Or else there are Third Party Viewers available without CHUI features. Hi Freya, This is news to me, so thank you so much for the information. I switched to compact but still have the issue. I learn something new everyday when it comes to SL, LOL. Do you know off hand which viewers do not have it? I would like to stick with the SLV 3, should I just wait? Thank you for your help Lori :matte-motes-big-grin:
  14. Hi Aeromia I was looking for rigged mesh hair that is created with optional bangs. However, it's very good to know that I can also get just bangs incase I want to add them to a hair style I already have. In fact, I have a hair style that is too high on my forehead, so maybe these bangs would be a good idea for that. I have been to Emo-tions and bought from them before, but I never tried their rigged mesh hair. So now, I will check them out more closley to see if I can find those bangs. Good call and thank you so much for the information:matte-motes-big-grin:
  15. Thank you Theresa, I will check out Alice Project :matte-motes-big-grin:
  16. Hi everyone, I'm trying to find rigged mesh hair with a seperate bangs attachement (to wear with or without the bangs). Long and somewhat straight (a little wave is okay), not too full. I have been searcing the usual places but clicking on each and every demo is getting me frustrated. So, does anyone know of a specific store with this specific feature. thank you :catvery-happy:
  17. greek Wingtips wrote: Another feature I find is that after a while the typing becomes slow and delays. Hi Greek I noticed my lag increases on active sims when I open my chat window and sure enough I saw the FPS drop when my chat is open. This has only been happening to me in the past week. So, I would like to know also.
  18. Hi stuartyboyuk, Here are my reasons for using those preferences: Group notices: 1. I belong to more than one group and some of them send a lot of group notices, especially event groups. If I'm not logged on, I can't attend the events & I will have hundreds of past notices waiting for me on my screen. 2. If I'm logged on, I would be constantly bombarded with notices popping up. So > see reason #3 3. It is very easy to open the group profile and look at the notices tab if I need to see the information that my groups send/post. (kind of like going through email) Group chat messages: 4. If I'm logged on, I still see chats no matter what. I can read, respond and/or close the window. 5. I don't see group chat messages when I'm logged off (I will not be able to respond to them anyway, if I'm logged off) and if they have important information then they would be posted in the notices (see reason #3 above) *Important notes: >Most people on SL belong to more than 10 groups (up to 40), some of which post 2-5 notices per hour (event groups) or constantly chat in group chat. >I change my preferences all the time when it comes to groups. It depends on my interests for the day and the activity in the group. >If these features were not available, I would probably have to leave most of my groups. >Not all of your members use those features and if they did, they probably can still see group chat if they are logged on and they are going through your notices. If you do not regularly post notices, then none of this matters. >Some groups post messages in chat and in notices. So either way, I can see them. Questions for you: What is your main concern(s) regarding your dismay with this feature? In other words, why does it bother you? What does your group offer its members? What expectations do you have of your group members? I never knew group owners were that concerned about these features, it does not harm your group in any way that I’m aware of. So if it does, I would like to know why As a member of many groups, I hope my post provided some insight. Lori:matte-motes-grin:
  19. Hi Kat I found that shopping sometimes leads to regrets with certain purchases but you may eventually grow to like them. I think Lolas are a personal preferrence and it does not hurt to have them in your inventory. I have not caught on to them yet but you never know. Try to edit and modify them so they suit your preferrences. Maybe try an applier. Don't feel bad about buying them, it's part of the process when you shop in SL. Wear them for awhile and see if you get used to them. Lori:matte-motes-grin:
  20. Wow!!! I love your avatar ,very well done :matte-motes-big-grin:
  21. Marianne Little wrote: I showed a typical male style that one would not think of as "free lousy stuff". Or at least I don't think so. Much mesh, good eyes, good skin. It is some other free skins out there, but they have war paint or facial tattoos. This one is good unless you hate the facial hair. I just looked at your post and I referred it to a friend of mine who is male and is always looking for good free items and bargains. You definilty made great suggestions and organized them very well. He especially liked the hair.
  22. Yes, this happened a couple of times to me very recently. One example, I went to save an outfit and not all of the components were in the folder. It is possible that it could be Linden Labs conducting Inventory maintenance. You can check the grid status site for notices: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  23. Not sure if you are looking for male or female but here are some suggestions if you do not have alot of lindens: To start, head on over to the Free Dove. They have some free modifiable shapes (male & female) that are very good. You can also check out the skins and see if you like them. They also have many other items for your avatar. Also, go on marketplace and search for Delish (they have very nice female shapes and skins for about 10L or less). You can also do a search for male shapes & skins in your price range on marketplace. Check out Rockberry (female skins). They have a whole bunch of lucky boards and within 10-15 minutes you can pick up a good skin for free (find the boards & keep an eye out to wait for the first letter of your name. Then click the board). The owner of Rockberry is very nice and it's great that this is offered. Freebie Street has some decent starter males skins (you will see a bunch of boxes at the edge of the street). Vista animations has basic AO for male & female for 1L. you can find Vista on Marketplace and inworld. Hope this helps to get you started :matte-motes-big-grin:
  24. letoatreides3508 wrote: Ok thanks. Once I get it, is there any way to edit it to add more gestures or movements or whatever? Yes, you can edit . There is a youtube video that shows you how to do it, it's much easier than reading the notecard.
  25. Hi Lataily, If I understand correctly, are you suddenly seeing an outline of your feet outside the shoe (not the whole foot, just like a shadow of it)? The same thing happened to me recently and I fixed it by trying different shoe alphas that I had from other shoes in my inventory until one fit and worked. So I have to wear another alpha with some of my other shoes now, but it worked. If you don't have many shoe alphas to choose from in your inventory, you can go to freebie places and try all the alphas that you can find until one works. Unless you know how to make an alpha layer, but I don't know how to do that.
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