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Everything posted by VirtualKitten

  1. @animatsYes am not happy with llCastRay I was hoping collision_before would give an update it gives box shape but its in a list and the hit is a vecor i need to be able to figure out which way to go up left or right. my understanding of the bounding box is list [vector min corner , vector max corner] so to get the face dimensions how from vector of the hit location please? so that I can work out how to move up right or left? There is also llDetectedPos() used in things whas the difference I have read its like vector centre = llDetectedPos(llDetectedKey(0)) + llList2Centre(llBoundingBox(target),0)) +llList2Centre(llBoundingBox(target),1)*5; and vector size = llList2Centre(llBoundingBox(target),0)) +llList2Centre(llBoundingBox(target),1); Thanks D
  2. Hi I am attempting a collision avoidance system and would be grateful of some advice: I have coded so far collision_start(integer num) { collision_velocity=llDetectedVel(num); collision_key = llDetectedKey(num); } collision(integer num_detected) { l_collision_object_sz = llGetBoundingBox(collision_key); if(llSubStringIndex((string)llDetectedName(0),"wood") || llSubStringIndex((string)llDetectedName(0),"tree")) { // Do something to avoid if we are able to avoid llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM, TRUE); } else if(~llListFindList(avoid_access_list, (list)llDetectedName(0))) { llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM, TRUE); } } collision_end (integer num) { llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM, FALSE); } But characters cannot be phantom so they must avoid not fly through things, this is not helpful I but can get bounding box size of item I collided with from llGetBoundingBox() and also obtain Velocity impact point in llDetectedVel() How do I compare these too and work out probably best avoidance presumably I can somehow find the edge offset from some comparison of bounding box and impact point but one is a list and other is a vector . I searched for this but could find no information I would be grateful of any kind ideas you could share thank you for looking
  3. I went back to my original script and reloaded the same script as worked on your sim before as the error procedure was interfering with operation.
  4. @animatsThis leads me to believe it is something in my script as your 'come to me' app works on your site surely i should get the same error as your 'come to me' app at my home? : My code i might be at fault now : float MIN_SCARE_RANGE = .5; float SENSE_DISTANCE = MIN_SCARE_RANGE; vector WANDER_RANGE = <11.0,11.0,5.0>; vector CURIOUS_RANGE = <10.0,10.0,5.0>; // The radius of the "capsule" Pathfinding thinks is around your character. float CHARACTER_CAPSULE_RADIUS = 1.62; float CHARACTER_CAPSULE_LENGTH = 3.3; integer Character_Type =CHARACTER_TYPE_D; float Character_Turning_Speed=3; float Character_Turning_Radius=2.5; // If your character is considerably longer than wide, consider using CHARACTER_RADUIS and CHARACTER_LENGTH integer minSecBetweenAttacks = 60; // I should take a break betweek attacks so I'm not quite so annoying. string VICTIM_WEARABLE = "blah"; // Avatars wear this so I know I can attack them. string walkanimation = "ANIM_HorseWalk"; string idleanimation = "ANIM_HorseEating"; string attackanimation = "ANIM_HorseWalkBack"; vector my_home; // The center of my world. key Current_Terror = NULL_KEY; // fearsome avatar key Current_Curiosity = NULL_KEY; // The avatar I'm curious about // I don't use SensorRepeat because only the most recent sensor event is queued. Previous sensor events are replaced. float TICK = 0.25; // seconds before next check integer sensor_waiting; // flag integer flagIsIdle = TRUE; // Am I idling or walking? key Current_Victim = NULL_KEY; // avatar I want to attack integer lastattacktime = 0; // tracking when I last attacked float post_jump_sec = 0.5; // time to wait after I jump float post_attack_sec = 1.5; // time to wait after I attack float pursue_dist = 1.75; integer useDebug = TRUE; // debug chatter? or no? string debugObjDesc = "DEBUG"; Debug( string s ) { if ( useDebug == FALSE ) return; llSetText( s, <1,1,1>, 1.0 ); //llOwnerSay( s ); //llShout( s ); } CreateCalmChar() { llCreateCharacter([ CHARACTER_STAY_WITHIN_PARCEL, TRUE, CHARACTER_ORIENTATION, HORIZONTAL, CHARACTER_TYPE,Character_Type, CHARACTER_LENGTH,CHARACTER_CAPSULE_LENGTH,CHARACTER_DESIRED_TURN_SPEED,Character_Turning_Speed, CHARACTER_MAX_TURN_RADIUS,Character_Turning_Radius,CHARACTER_RADIUS, CHARACTER_CAPSULE_RADIUS, CHARACTER_MAX_SPEED, 6.0, CHARACTER_DESIRED_SPEED, 2.8]); } CreateFastChar() { llCreateCharacter([CHARACTER_STAY_WITHIN_PARCEL, TRUE, CHARACTER_ORIENTATION, HORIZONTAL, CHARACTER_TYPE,Character_Type,CHARACTER_LENGTH,CHARACTER_CAPSULE_LENGTH,CHARACTER_DESIRED_TURN_SPEED,Character_Turning_Speed,CHARACTER_MAX_TURN_RADIUS,Character_Turning_Radius,CHARACTER_RADIUS, CHARACTER_CAPSULE_RADIUS, CHARACTER_MAX_SPEED, 6.0, CHARACTER_DESIRED_SPEED, 2.8]); } ShowFear( integer bool ) { // jump! if ( bool == TRUE ) { llExecCharacterCmd( CHARACTER_CMD_JUMP, [0.75] ); llStartObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( attackanimation ); llSleep( post_jump_sec ); } } string path_err_msg(integer patherr) { list patherrs =[ "Character is near current goal.", "Character has reached the goal.", "Character cannot navigate from the current location - e.g., the character is off the navmesh or too high above it.", "Goal is not on the navmesh and cannot be reached.", "Goal is no longer reachable for some reason - e.g., an obstacle blocks the path.", "Target (for llPursue or llEvade) can no longer be tracked - e.g., it left the region or is an avatar that is now more than about 30m outside the region.", "There's no good place for the character to go - e.g., it is patrolling and all the patrol points are now unreachable.", "An llEvade character thinks it has hidden from its pursuer.", "An llEvade character switches from hiding to running", "A fatal error reported to a character when there is no navmesh for the region. This usually indicates a server failure and users should file a bug report and include the time and region in which they received this message.", "Character entered a region with dynamic pathfinding disabled.", "A character failed to enter a parcel because it is not allowed to enter, e.g. because the parcel is already full or because object entry was disabled after the navmesh was baked."]; if (patherr < llGetListLength(patherrs)) { return(llList2String(patherrs,patherr)); } else { return("Unknown path error " + (string) patherr); } } vector GetAvRegionPos( key av ) { list l = llGetObjectDetails( av, [ OBJECT_POS ] ); return ( llList2Vector( l, 0 ) ); } integer IsPotentialVictim( key av ) // Is that avatar wearing the VICTIM_WEARABLE? { if ( lastattacktime + minSecBetweenAttacks < llGetUnixTime() ) { list attachedUUIDs = llGetAttachedList(av); list objdetails; integer i = llGetListLength( attachedUUIDs ) -1; for ( ; i > -1; --i ) { objdetails = llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(attachedUUIDs,i),[OBJECT_NAME]); if ( llList2String(objdetails,0) == VICTIM_WEARABLE ) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } DoWhileCurious() { if ( Current_Curiosity == NULL_KEY ) return; list points = [llGetPos() + <10,0,0>, llGetPos() - <10,0,0>]; llPatrolPoints(points, [PATROL_PAUSE_AT_WAYPOINTS, TRUE]); CreateCalmChar(); llWanderWithin( llList2Vector( llGetObjectDetails( Current_Curiosity, [OBJECT_POS]), 0 ), CURIOUS_RANGE, [WANDER_PAUSE_AT_WAYPOINTS, TRUE]); Debug("O.O" ); } SwitchToFleeing( key av ) { Current_Terror = av; Current_Curiosity = NULL_KEY; Current_Victim = NULL_KEY; CreateFastChar(); llEvade( av, [] ); llStopLookAt(); llSetTimerEvent( TICK ); } DoAttack() { if ( Current_Victim == NULL_KEY ) return; llStartObjectAnimation( attackanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); //llExecCharacterCmd( CHARACTER_CMD_JUMP, [0.75] ); llTriggerSound( "SFX_horseSnort1", 1.0 ); llSleep( post_attack_sec ); llStartObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( attackanimation ); lastattacktime = llGetUnixTime(); SwitchToFleeing( Current_Victim ); } DoSomething( key av ) { if ( av == NULL_KEY ) // wander around or stand and idle { llStopLookAt(); if( (integer)llFrand( 25.0 ) == 0 ) { if ( flagIsIdle == FALSE ) { Debug("Standing..."); llSetTimerEvent( 3.0 ); llExecCharacterCmd( CHARACTER_CMD_STOP, [] ); llStartObjectAnimation( idleanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); flagIsIdle = TRUE; } } else { if ( flagIsIdle == TRUE ) { Debug("Wandering..."); llStartObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( idleanimation ); flagIsIdle = FALSE; llWanderWithin( my_home, WANDER_RANGE, []); } } if ( Current_Terror == NULL_KEY && Current_Curiosity == NULL_KEY ) return; CreateCalmChar(); Current_Terror = NULL_KEY; Current_Curiosity = NULL_KEY; Current_Victim = NULL_KEY; ShowFear( FALSE ); } else // I have someone! { llStartObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( idleanimation ); integer agentinfo = llGetAgentInfo(av); if ( agentinfo & AGENT_AWAY ) // If the av is away... pace around them { if ( av == Current_Curiosity ) return; Debug("Curious..."); Current_Curiosity = av; Current_Terror = NULL_KEY; Current_Victim = NULL_KEY; CreateCalmChar(); llPursue( av, [PURSUIT_GOAL_TOLERANCE, pursue_dist] ); // Come right up ShowFear( FALSE ); } else // flee or attack! { if ( av == Current_Terror ) return; // if I'm fleeing them, keep fleeing. if ( av == Current_Victim ) return; // if I'm attacking, keep attacking. if ( Current_Terror == NULL_KEY && Current_Victim == NULL_KEY ) // decide if I'm attacking or fleeing { if ( IsPotentialVictim(av) == TRUE ) { Debug("Attacking..."); Current_Terror = NULL_KEY; Current_Curiosity = NULL_KEY; Current_Victim = av; CreateFastChar(); llPursue( av, [ PURSUIT_INTERCEPT, TRUE, PURSUIT_GOAL_TOLERANCE, pursue_dist ] ); llLookAt( GetAvRegionPos(av), 0.01, 0.2 ); } else { llStopLookAt(); ShowFear( TRUE ); // start fleeing SwitchToFleeing( av ); } } } } } default { state_entry() { llSetText( "", <1,1,1>, 0.0 ); useDebug = FALSE; if( llGetObjectDesc() == debugObjDesc ) { useDebug = TRUE; } llDeleteCharacter(); // always start with this - clears the object. CreateCalmChar(); my_home = llGetPos(); llWanderWithin( my_home, WANDER_RANGE, [WANDER_PAUSE_AT_WAYPOINTS, TRUE]); Debug("Wandering..."); ShowFear( FALSE ); llCollisionSound( "", 0.0 ); sensor_waiting = FALSE; llSetTimerEvent( TICK ); llStartObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); flagIsIdle = FALSE; } timer() { llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 ); // The script can only have one sensor event queued at a time. // If we add a second, the first one never gets processed. if ( sensor_waiting == FALSE ) { llSensor( "", NULL_KEY, AGENT, SENSE_DISTANCE, PI ); sensor_waiting == TRUE; } llSetTimerEvent( TICK ); } sensor( integer n ) { sensor_waiting = FALSE; float closest_av_dist = MIN_SCARE_RANGE; key closest_av = NULL_KEY; integer x = 0; vector pos; key av; float dist; for ( ; x < n; ++x ) { av = llDetectedKey(x); pos = llDetectedPos(x); dist = llVecDist( llGetPos(), pos ); if ( dist < MIN_SCARE_RANGE ) { if ( dist < closest_av_dist ) { closest_av = av; closest_av_dist = dist; } } } DoSomething(closest_av); } no_sensor() { sensor_waiting = FALSE; DoSomething(NULL_KEY); } touch_start(integer total_number) { if ( llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner() ) { llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 ); Debug("Stopping. Reset my script to start me again."); list temp = llGetObjectAnimationNames(); integer n = llGetListLength( temp ); for ( --n; n > -1; --n ) { llStopObjectAnimation( llList2String(temp,n) ); } llDeleteCharacter(); // Revert back to a normal prim on touch } } path_update(integer type, list reserved) { if (type == 0) { Debug("Near"); return; } else if(type == 1) { Debug("Stopping"); DoWhileCurious(); DoAttack(); return; } if (type == PU_FAILURE_UNREACHABLE || type == PU_FAILURE_INVALID_GOAL || type == PU_FAILURE_INVALID_START || type == PU_FAILURE_TARGET_GONE || type == PU_FAILURE_NO_VALID_DESTINATION || type == PU_FAILURE_NO_NAVMESH) { llExecCharacterCmd(CHARACTER_CMD_SMOOTH_STOP, []); llOwnerSay("Failed to reach goal. Path update status: " + path_err_msg(type)); return; } if (type == PU_GOAL_REACHED) { llOwnerSay("Reached goal."); llExecCharacterCmd(CHARACTER_CMD_STOP, []); return; } //llOwnerSay("Other path update: " + path_err_msg(type)); } }
  5. @animatsoddly now with your error code it reports this message on your sim too : [10:27] Ketchup: Failed to reach goal. Path update status: There's no good place for the character to go - e.g., it is patrolling and all the patrol points are now unreachable.
  6. Yes @animatsit was lovely to meet you properly @animats. The mega prim is now installed with what we was trying to achieve pathfinding Affects Navamesh but it is at 3000m altitude or there-abouts its a very beautiful sim and I am lucky and privileged to have a home there as its a beautiful sim below us Galadriel's Mirror lease feel free to check it out . Since using @animats error checking from his script i get some better identification of what's not working his lovely come item returns a different error fatal lie the one in my horse n Ow if there is a platform at ground level that has horses running about on it does this suggest something is wrong with my code I am going back to your sim to try again shortly animats . I hope that's ok . It will eliminate my script error being a script problem
  7. @animats I have put in your error code and now get a slightly different error message that i get for your clever come to me device it seems to suggest that it has no places being returned from the pathfinding suggesting either script is not providing information to llWanderWin properly or there is some other reason I am not aware of. @Tuu Munz Hi thanks for providing the images i was going to do that but you brilliantly saved me a job thankyou its is all baked but is returning strange errors. I had some success with a dragon momentry https://i.gyazo.com/86c63881f6806038ce3fc29ededfe657.mp4 but don't want to change dragon to the error processing until I can understand what is failing unfortunately wiki.secondlife.com does still not have much information other than a verbose message about absolute failure.
  8. oh IT seems it was something i Deleted but still didn't resolve it moving and stopping it reporting this error here's no good place for the character to go - e.g., it is patrolling and all the patrol points are now unreachable. ie PU_FAILURE_NO_VALID_DESTINATION path_update(integer type, list reserved) { if (type == 0) Debug("Near"); else if(type == 1) { //Debug("Stopping"); DoWhileCurious(); DoAttack(); } if (type == PU_FAILURE_UNREACHABLE || type == PU_FAILURE_INVALID_GOAL || type == PU_FAILURE_INVALID_START || type == PU_FAILURE_TARGET_GONE || type == PU_FAILURE_NO_VALID_DESTINATION || type == PU_FAILURE_NO_NAVMESH) { llExecCharacterCmd(CHARACTER_CMD_SMOOTH_STOP, []); llOwnerSay("Failed to reach goal. Path update status: " + path_err_msg(type)); return; } if (type == PU_GOAL_REACHED) { llOwnerSay("Reached goal."); llExecCharacterCmd(CHARACTER_CMD_STOP, []); return; } llOwnerSay("Other path update: " + path_err_msg(type)); }
  9. I have also tried adding in patrol points DoWhileCurious() { if ( Current_Curiosity == NULL_KEY ) return; list points = [llGetPos() + <10,0,0>, llGetPos() - <10,0,0>]; llPatrolPoints(points, [PATROL_PAUSE_AT_WAYPOINTS, TRUE]); CreateCalmChar(); llWanderWithin( llList2Vector( llGetObjectDetails( Current_Curiosity, [OBJECT_POS]), 0 ), CURIOUS_RANGE, [WANDER_PAUSE_AT_WAYPOINTS, TRUE]); Debug("O.O" ); }
  10. Have now shortened my code slightly float MIN_SCARE_RANGE = .5; float SENSE_DISTANCE = MIN_SCARE_RANGE; vector WANDER_RANGE = <11.0,11.0,5.0>; vector CURIOUS_RANGE = <10.0,10.0,5.0>; // The radius of the "capsule" Pathfinding thinks is around your character. float CHARACTER_CAPSULE_RADIUS = 1.62; float CHARACTER_CAPSULE_LENGTH = 3.3; integer Character_Type =CHARACTER_TYPE_D; float Character_Turning_Speed=3; float Character_Turning_Radius=2.5; // If your character is considerably longer than wide, consider using CHARACTER_RADUIS and CHARACTER_LENGTH integer minSecBetweenAttacks = 60; // I should take a break betweek attacks so I'm not quite so annoying. string VICTIM_WEARABLE = "blah"; // Avatars wear this so I know I can attack them. string walkanimation = "ANIM_HorseWalk"; string idleanimation = "ANIM_HorseEating"; string attackanimation = "ANIM_HorseWalkBack"; vector my_home; // The center of my world. key Current_Terror = NULL_KEY; // fearsome avatar key Current_Curiosity = NULL_KEY; // The avatar I'm curious about // I don't use SensorRepeat because only the most recent sensor event is queued. Previous sensor events are replaced. float TICK = 0.25; // seconds before next check integer sensor_waiting; // flag integer flagIsIdle = TRUE; // Am I idling or walking? key Current_Victim = NULL_KEY; // avatar I want to attack integer lastattacktime = 0; // tracking when I last attacked float post_jump_sec = 0.5; // time to wait after I jump float post_attack_sec = 1.5; // time to wait after I attack float pursue_dist = 1.75; integer useDebug = TRUE; // debug chatter? or no? string debugObjDesc = "DEBUG"; Debug( string s ) { if ( useDebug == FALSE ) return; llSetText( s, <1,1,1>, 1.0 ); //llOwnerSay( s ); //llShout( s ); } CreateCalmChar() { llCreateCharacter([ CHARACTER_STAY_WITHIN_PARCEL, TRUE, CHARACTER_ORIENTATION, HORIZONTAL, CHARACTER_TYPE,Character_Type, CHARACTER_LENGTH,CHARACTER_CAPSULE_LENGTH,CHARACTER_DESIRED_TURN_SPEED,Character_Turning_Speed, CHARACTER_MAX_TURN_RADIUS,Character_Turning_Radius,CHARACTER_RADIUS, CHARACTER_CAPSULE_RADIUS, CHARACTER_MAX_SPEED, 6.0, CHARACTER_DESIRED_SPEED, 2.8]); } CreateFastChar() { llCreateCharacter([CHARACTER_STAY_WITHIN_PARCEL, TRUE, CHARACTER_ORIENTATION, HORIZONTAL, CHARACTER_TYPE,Character_Type,CHARACTER_LENGTH,CHARACTER_CAPSULE_LENGTH,CHARACTER_DESIRED_TURN_SPEED,Character_Turning_Speed,CHARACTER_MAX_TURN_RADIUS,Character_Turning_Radius,CHARACTER_RADIUS, CHARACTER_CAPSULE_RADIUS, CHARACTER_MAX_SPEED, 6.0, CHARACTER_DESIRED_SPEED, 2.8]); } ShowFear( integer bool ) { // jump! if ( bool == TRUE ) { llExecCharacterCmd( CHARACTER_CMD_JUMP, [0.75] ); llStartObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( attackanimation ); llSleep( post_jump_sec ); } } string path_err_msg(integer patherr) { list patherrs =[ "Character is near current goal.", "Character has reached the goal.", "Character cannot navigate from the current location - e.g., the character is off the navmesh or too high above it.", "Goal is not on the navmesh and cannot be reached.", "Goal is no longer reachable for some reason - e.g., an obstacle blocks the path.", "Target (for llPursue or llEvade) can no longer be tracked - e.g., it left the region or is an avatar that is now more than about 30m outside the region.", "There's no good place for the character to go - e.g., it is patrolling and all the patrol points are now unreachable.", "An llEvade character thinks it has hidden from its pursuer.", "An llEvade character switches from hiding to running", "A fatal error reported to a character when there is no navmesh for the region. This usually indicates a server failure and users should file a bug report and include the time and region in which they received this message.", "Character entered a region with dynamic pathfinding disabled.", "A character failed to enter a parcel because it is not allowed to enter, e.g. because the parcel is already full or because object entry was disabled after the navmesh was baked."]; if (patherr < llGetListLength(patherrs)) { return(llList2String(patherrs,patherr)); } else { return("Unknown path error " + (string) patherr); } } vector GetAvRegionPos( key av ) { list l = llGetObjectDetails( av, [ OBJECT_POS ] ); return ( llList2Vector( l, 0 ) ); } integer IsPotentialVictim( key av ) // Is that avatar wearing the VICTIM_WEARABLE? { if ( lastattacktime + minSecBetweenAttacks < llGetUnixTime() ) { list attachedUUIDs = llGetAttachedList(av); list objdetails; integer i = llGetListLength( attachedUUIDs ) -1; for ( ; i > -1; --i ) { objdetails = llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(attachedUUIDs,i),[OBJECT_NAME]); if ( llList2String(objdetails,0) == VICTIM_WEARABLE ) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } DoWhileCurious() { if ( Current_Curiosity == NULL_KEY ) return; //list points = [llGetPos() + <5,0,0>, llGetPos() - <5,0,0>]; // llPatrolPoints(points, [PATROL_PAUSE_AT_WAYPOINTS, TRUE]); CreateCalmChar(); llWanderWithin( llList2Vector( llGetObjectDetails( Current_Curiosity, [OBJECT_POS]), 0 ), CURIOUS_RANGE, [WANDER_PAUSE_AT_WAYPOINTS, TRUE]); Debug("O.O" ); } SwitchToFleeing( key av ) { Current_Terror = av; Current_Curiosity = NULL_KEY; Current_Victim = NULL_KEY; CreateFastChar(); llEvade( av, [] ); llStopLookAt(); llSetTimerEvent( TICK ); } DoAttack() { if ( Current_Victim == NULL_KEY ) return; llStartObjectAnimation( attackanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); llExecCharacterCmd( CHARACTER_CMD_JUMP, [0.75] ); llTriggerSound( "SFX_horseSnort1", 1.0 ); llSleep( post_attack_sec ); llStartObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( attackanimation ); lastattacktime = llGetUnixTime(); SwitchToFleeing( Current_Victim ); } DoSomething( key av ) { if ( av == NULL_KEY ) // wander around or stand and idle { llStopLookAt(); if( (integer)llFrand( 25.0 ) == 0 ) { if ( flagIsIdle == FALSE ) { Debug("Standing..."); llSetTimerEvent( 3.0 ); llExecCharacterCmd( CHARACTER_CMD_STOP, [] ); llStartObjectAnimation( idleanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); flagIsIdle = TRUE; } } else { if ( flagIsIdle == TRUE ) { Debug("Wandering..."); llStartObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( idleanimation ); flagIsIdle = FALSE; llWanderWithin( my_home, WANDER_RANGE, []); } } if ( Current_Terror == NULL_KEY && Current_Curiosity == NULL_KEY ) return; CreateCalmChar(); Current_Terror = NULL_KEY; Current_Curiosity = NULL_KEY; Current_Victim = NULL_KEY; ShowFear( FALSE ); } else // I have someone! { llStartObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( idleanimation ); integer agentinfo = llGetAgentInfo(av); if ( agentinfo & AGENT_AWAY ) // If the av is away... pace around them { if ( av == Current_Curiosity ) return; Debug("Curious..."); Current_Curiosity = av; Current_Terror = NULL_KEY; Current_Victim = NULL_KEY; CreateCalmChar(); llPursue( av, [PURSUIT_GOAL_TOLERANCE, pursue_dist] ); // Come right up ShowFear( FALSE ); } else // flee or attack! { if ( av == Current_Terror ) return; // if I'm fleeing them, keep fleeing. if ( av == Current_Victim ) return; // if I'm attacking, keep attacking. if ( Current_Terror == NULL_KEY && Current_Victim == NULL_KEY ) // decide if I'm attacking or fleeing { if ( IsPotentialVictim(av) == TRUE ) { Debug("Attacking..."); Current_Terror = NULL_KEY; Current_Curiosity = NULL_KEY; Current_Victim = av; CreateFastChar(); llPursue( av, [ PURSUIT_INTERCEPT, TRUE, PURSUIT_GOAL_TOLERANCE, pursue_dist ] ); llLookAt( GetAvRegionPos(av), 0.01, 0.2 ); } else { llStopLookAt(); ShowFear( TRUE ); // start fleeing SwitchToFleeing( av ); } } } } } default { state_entry() { llSetText( "", <1,1,1>, 0.0 ); useDebug = FALSE; if( llGetObjectDesc() == debugObjDesc ) { useDebug = TRUE; } llDeleteCharacter(); // always start with this - clears the object. CreateCalmChar(); my_home = llGetPos(); llWanderWithin( my_home, WANDER_RANGE, [WANDER_PAUSE_AT_WAYPOINTS, TRUE]); Debug("Wandering..."); ShowFear( FALSE ); llCollisionSound( "", 0.0 ); sensor_waiting = FALSE; llSetTimerEvent( TICK ); llStartObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); flagIsIdle = FALSE; } timer() { llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 ); // The script can only have one sensor event queued at a time. // If we add a second, the first one never gets processed. if ( sensor_waiting == FALSE ) { llSensor( "", NULL_KEY, AGENT, SENSE_DISTANCE, PI ); sensor_waiting == TRUE; } llSetTimerEvent( TICK ); } sensor( integer n ) { sensor_waiting = FALSE; float closest_av_dist = MIN_SCARE_RANGE; key closest_av = NULL_KEY; integer x = 0; vector pos; key av; float dist; for ( ; x < n; ++x ) { av = llDetectedKey(x); pos = llDetectedPos(x); dist = llVecDist( llGetPos(), pos ); if ( dist < MIN_SCARE_RANGE ) { if ( dist < closest_av_dist ) { closest_av = av; closest_av_dist = dist; } } } DoSomething(closest_av); } no_sensor() { sensor_waiting = FALSE; DoSomething(NULL_KEY); } touch_start(integer total_number) { if ( llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner() ) { llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 ); Debug("Stopping. Reset my script to start me again."); list temp = llGetObjectAnimationNames(); integer n = llGetListLength( temp ); for ( --n; n > -1; --n ) { llStopObjectAnimation( llList2String(temp,n) ); } llDeleteCharacter(); // Revert back to a normal prim on touch } } path_update(integer type, list reserved) { if (type == PU_FAILURE_UNREACHABLE || type == PU_FAILURE_INVALID_GOAL || type == PU_FAILURE_INVALID_START || type == PU_FAILURE_TARGET_GONE || type == PU_FAILURE_NO_VALID_DESTINATION || type == PU_FAILURE_NO_NAVMESH) { llExecCharacterCmd(CHARACTER_CMD_SMOOTH_STOP, []); llOwnerSay("Failed to reach goal. Path update status: " + path_err_msg(type)); return; } if (type == PU_GOAL_REACHED) { llOwnerSay("Reached goal."); llExecCharacterCmd(CHARACTER_CMD_STOP, []); return; } llOwnerSay("Other path update: " + path_err_msg(type)); } }
  11. Yes it rebaked there is not squiggle visible on a mega prim at present for test purposes it returns a PU FAILURE TARGET GONE the ground is now walkable If i put the test code for errors in my horse I get There's no good place for the character to go - e.g., it is patrolling and all the patrol points are now unreachable. ie PU_FAILURE_NO_VALID_DESTINATION
  12. Um wiki.secondlife.com The integer constant CHARACTER_TYPE_D has the value 3Used for character types that are not consistent with the A, B, or C type. What exactly are these please ? are they deferent vehicles is there a definition
  13. Hi Kyhrah , Oh thank you for your relies everyone. I traveled to a magical place yesterday in second life Animats Cafe and Vehicle R&D meeting some friendly people who live there after much bewilderment my horse ran free and wandered about gracefully all around us it was truly magical and breath taking the man part of a lovely family there was very much a wizard knowing more secrets about second life than I had dared to look at under plain site. The pathfinding menus are all there Build Menu >> Path finding >> Region Objects . I learned about required area sizes 10m x 10m and was able to create a flat prim 10x10 right click it to get pie menu and press 'more' twice' until the pathfinding menu appeared and could be selected this entered the same screen as the Build Menu >> Build Objects >> Region Objects Pathfinding window but with the flat plane I selected selected in the window. He told me I could make this walkable by changing the setting at the bottom of this screen to 'Walkable' and noting two applies press the bottom one at the bottom of the screen to 'Apply Changes' (pictured below) the walkable pathfinding. This created a walkable prim on top of the Mega prim. I then had to look up on the SURL to see the 'squiggle menu' that had appeared there . Pressing this he said Built the model in second life rendering it in the world. Although this tested with his amulet as walkable land our attempts to create and area the same as the Animats Cafe and Vehicle R&D failed I am hopeful I will find him again and we will find out what's wrong with what we had tried so far . The Mega Mesh Prim we had tried this on Kyhrah was owned but another avatar that I had permissions to modify but I could not get permission from 'squiggle' menu to re render and map this in the region. It must require a different permission. I can thank everyone enough for their help. The land or prim must show with pathfinding like it does at bottom of screen: Were it says Pathfinding attributes : Affects navmesh it can also say character. I don't know what this means currently. I have a feeling this difference is the reason its not working as it does on the other sim? The bottom of the Region Objects Screen to set the object build I even went back to check I had not imagined the horse running about . I note on the mega prim we have we get an error [01:26] Come Here Fast v0.04: Pursue. [01:26] Come Here Fast v0.04: Pathfinding started. [01:26] Come Here Fast v0.04: Failed to reach goal. Path update status: Target (for llPursue or llEvade) can no longer be tracked - e.g., it left the region or is an avatar that is now more than about 30m outside the region. D.
  14. Will NavigateTo() report the same kind of errors too. Why is this problem not helpfully stated on wiki.secondlife.com @animats , cricky if it was and how to solve it it would be so much easier I am guessing after easing numerous threads on animals walking about I am walking about my room going nutty as your lovely item said Your item reported [10:33] Come Here Fast v0.04: Failed to reach goal. Path update status: Target (for llPursue or llEvade) can no longer be tracked - e.g., it left the region or is an avatar that is now more than about 30m outside the region I presume something is not configured and need to inform my land owner how to fix this can anyone explain what needs to be fixed to get path finding working on our sim pleas?
  15. @Animats, Is there anyway I can do path-finding my self instead of relying on the LSL restricted lands setting versions. presumably need a wander collision code set of in certain direction ? I am sure this used to be done before as usual wiki.secondlife.com has nothing about this on their pages just inferring it works when you use it . My understanding of pathfinding is away to navigate between two points avoiding obstacles . How is wandering about ? Your item reported [10:33] Come Here Fast v0.04: Failed to reach goal. Path update status: Target (for llPursue or llEvade) can no longer be tracked - e.g., it left the region or is an avatar that is now more than about 30m outside the region Also if its broken how does my kittycats mange to follow me?
  16. Animats The llWanderWithin is not doing that at all. I must be missing something , Oh its on a sky platform . Oh lord why does linden make this so complicated so it has to be set up on the whole SiM? How is this achieved?
  17. Um what is on the Hud is it just an image this is what I use with code to read the click position of the face this seems to scale without any problem at all or with your code touch_start(integer total_number) { integer indexno = 0; gGetKey = llDetectedKey(0); key group_key = llList2Key(llGetObjectDetails(llGetLinkKey(LINK_ROOT), [OBJECT_GROUP]), 0); key owner_key = llGetOwner(); integer link = llDetectedLinkNumber(0); integer face = llDetectedTouchFace(0); if (face == TOUCH_INVALID_FACE) { llShout(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Sorry, your viewer doesn't support touched faces."); return; } if( run_mode_owner_only && owner_key != gGetKey) return; if(run_mode_group_only && llSameGroup(gGetKey) == FALSE) return; integer iRows = 30; integer iCols = 11; vector vST = llDetectedTouchST(0); integer iButton = ((integer)llFloor(vST.y*iRows))*iCols + (integer)llCeil(vST.x*iCols Working out a simple columnar buttons array you can get the values covered by your buttons as its a jpg on the face it will scale wonderfully
  18. Did you mean to attach the object to other avatars or just yourself ? Denise
  19. I have a horse animesh that is super but it wont navigate and follow me through Phantom mesh grass . Is there something I am missing please ? I am sure this must have come up before ? This is just the basic wiki.secondlife.com code float MIN_SCARE_RANGE = .015; float SENSE_DISTANCE = MIN_SCARE_RANGE; vector WANDER_RANGE = <15.0,15.0,5.0>; vector CURIOUS_RANGE = <10.0,10.0,5.0>; // The radius of the "capsule" Pathfinding thinks is around your character. float CHARACTER_CAPSULE_RADIUS = 1; float CHARACTER_CAPSULE_LENGTH = .46; // If your character is considerably longer than wide, consider using CHARACTER_RADUIS and CHARACTER_LENGTH integer minSecBetweenAttacks = 60; // I should take a break betweek attacks so I'm not quite so annoying. string VICTIM_WEARABLE = "blah"; // Avatars wear this so I know I can attack them. string walkanimation = "ANIM_HorseWalk"; string idleanimation = "ANIM_HorseEating"; string attackanimation = "ANIM_HorseIdle1"; vector my_home; // The center of my world. key Current_Terror = NULL_KEY; // fearsome avatar key Current_Curiosity = NULL_KEY; // The avatar I'm curious about // I don't use SensorRepeat because only the most recent sensor event is queued. Previous sensor events are replaced. float TICK = 0.25; // seconds before next check integer sensor_waiting; // flag integer flagIsIdle = TRUE; // Am I idling or walking? key Current_Victim = NULL_KEY; // avatar I want to attack integer lastattacktime = 0; // tracking when I last attacked float post_jump_sec = 0.5; // time to wait after I jump float post_attack_sec = 1.5; // time to wait after I attack float pursue_dist = 1.75; integer useDebug = TRUE; // debug chatter? or no? string debugObjDesc = "DEBUG"; Debug( string s ) { if ( useDebug == FALSE ) return; llSetText( s, <1,1,1>, 1.0 ); //llOwnerSay( s ); //llShout( s ); } CreateCalmChar() { llCreateCharacter([ CHARACTER_STAY_WITHIN_PARCEL, TRUE, CHARACTER_ORIENTATION, HORIZONTAL, CHARACTER_LENGTH,CHARACTER_CAPSULE_LENGTH, CHARACTER_RADIUS, CHARACTER_CAPSULE_RADIUS, CHARACTER_MAX_SPEED, 6.0, CHARACTER_DESIRED_SPEED, 2.8]); } CreateFastChar() { llCreateCharacter([CHARACTER_STAY_WITHIN_PARCEL, TRUE, CHARACTER_ORIENTATION, HORIZONTAL, CHARACTER_LENGTH,CHARACTER_CAPSULE_LENGTH,CHARACTER_RADIUS, CHARACTER_CAPSULE_RADIUS, CHARACTER_MAX_SPEED, 6.0, CHARACTER_DESIRED_SPEED, 2.8]); } ShowFear( integer bool ) { // jump! if ( bool == TRUE ) { llExecCharacterCmd( CHARACTER_CMD_JUMP, [0.75] ); llSleep( post_jump_sec ); } } vector GetAvRegionPos( key av ) { list l = llGetObjectDetails( av, [ OBJECT_POS ] ); return ( llList2Vector( l, 0 ) ); } integer IsPotentialVictim( key av ) // Is that avatar wearing the VICTIM_WEARABLE? { if ( lastattacktime + minSecBetweenAttacks < llGetUnixTime() ) { list attachedUUIDs = llGetAttachedList(av); list objdetails; integer i = llGetListLength( attachedUUIDs ) -1; for ( ; i > -1; --i ) { objdetails = llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(attachedUUIDs,i),[OBJECT_NAME]); if ( llList2String(objdetails,0) == VICTIM_WEARABLE ) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } DoWhileCurious() { // if ( Current_Curiosity == NULL_KEY ) return; //list points = [llGetPos() + <5,0,0>, llGetPos() - <5,0,0>]; // llPatrolPoints(points, [PATROL_PAUSE_AT_WAYPOINTS, TRUE]); CreateCalmChar(); llWanderWithin( llList2Vector( llGetObjectDetails( Current_Curiosity, [OBJECT_POS]), 0 ), CURIOUS_RANGE, [WANDER_PAUSE_AT_WAYPOINTS, TRUE]); Debug("O.O" ); } SwitchToFleeing( key av ) { Current_Terror = av; Current_Curiosity = NULL_KEY; Current_Victim = NULL_KEY; CreateFastChar(); llEvade( av, [] ); llStopLookAt(); llSetTimerEvent( TICK ); } DoAttack() { if ( Current_Victim == NULL_KEY ) return; llStartObjectAnimation( attackanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); llExecCharacterCmd( CHARACTER_CMD_JUMP, [0.75] ); llTriggerSound( "SFX_horseSnort1", 1.0 ); llSleep( post_attack_sec ); llStartObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( attackanimation ); lastattacktime = llGetUnixTime(); SwitchToFleeing( Current_Victim ); } DoSomething( key av ) { if ( av == NULL_KEY ) // wander around or stand and idle { llStopLookAt(); if( (integer)llFrand( 25.0 ) == 0 ) { if ( flagIsIdle == FALSE ) { Debug("Standing..."); llSetTimerEvent( 3.0 ); llExecCharacterCmd( CHARACTER_CMD_STOP, [] ); llStartObjectAnimation( idleanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); flagIsIdle = TRUE; } } else { if ( flagIsIdle == TRUE ) { Debug("Wandering..."); llStartObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( idleanimation ); flagIsIdle = FALSE; llWanderWithin( my_home, WANDER_RANGE, []); } } if ( Current_Terror == NULL_KEY && Current_Curiosity == NULL_KEY ) return; CreateCalmChar(); Current_Terror = NULL_KEY; Current_Curiosity = NULL_KEY; Current_Victim = NULL_KEY; ShowFear( FALSE ); } else // I have someone! { llStartObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); llStopObjectAnimation( idleanimation ); integer agentinfo = llGetAgentInfo(av); if ( agentinfo & AGENT_AWAY ) // If the av is away... pace around them { if ( av == Current_Curiosity ) return; Debug("Curious..."); Current_Curiosity = av; Current_Terror = NULL_KEY; Current_Victim = NULL_KEY; CreateCalmChar(); llPursue( av, [PURSUIT_GOAL_TOLERANCE, pursue_dist] ); // Come right up ShowFear( FALSE ); } else // flee or attack! { if ( av == Current_Terror ) return; // if I'm fleeing them, keep fleeing. if ( av == Current_Victim ) return; // if I'm attacking, keep attacking. if ( Current_Terror == NULL_KEY && Current_Victim == NULL_KEY ) // decide if I'm attacking or fleeing { if ( IsPotentialVictim(av) == TRUE ) { Debug("Attacking..."); Current_Terror = NULL_KEY; Current_Curiosity = NULL_KEY; Current_Victim = av; CreateFastChar(); llPursue( av, [ PURSUIT_INTERCEPT, TRUE, PURSUIT_GOAL_TOLERANCE, pursue_dist ] ); llLookAt( GetAvRegionPos(av), 0.01, 0.2 ); } else { llStopLookAt(); ShowFear( TRUE ); // start fleeing SwitchToFleeing( av ); } } } } } default { state_entry() { llSetText( "", <1,1,1>, 0.0 ); useDebug = FALSE; if( llGetObjectDesc() == debugObjDesc ) { useDebug = TRUE; } llDeleteCharacter(); // always start with this - clears the object. CreateCalmChar(); my_home = llGetPos(); llWanderWithin( my_home, WANDER_RANGE, [WANDER_PAUSE_AT_WAYPOINTS, TRUE]); Debug("Wandering..."); ShowFear( FALSE ); llCollisionSound( "", 0.0 ); sensor_waiting = FALSE; llSetTimerEvent( TICK ); llStartObjectAnimation( walkanimation ); flagIsIdle = FALSE; } timer() { llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 ); // The script can only have one sensor event queued at a time. // If we add a second, the first one never gets processed. if ( sensor_waiting == FALSE ) { llSensor( "", NULL_KEY, AGENT, SENSE_DISTANCE, PI ); sensor_waiting == TRUE; } llSetTimerEvent( TICK ); } sensor( integer n ) { sensor_waiting = FALSE; float closest_av_dist = MIN_SCARE_RANGE; key closest_av = NULL_KEY; integer x = 0; vector pos; key av; float dist; for ( ; x < n; ++x ) { av = llDetectedKey(x); pos = llDetectedPos(x); dist = llVecDist( llGetPos(), pos ); if ( dist < MIN_SCARE_RANGE ) { if ( dist < closest_av_dist ) { closest_av = av; closest_av_dist = dist; } } } DoSomething(closest_av); } no_sensor() { sensor_waiting = FALSE; DoSomething(NULL_KEY); } touch_start(integer total_number) { if ( llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner() ) { llSetTimerEvent( 0.0 ); Debug("Stopping. Reset my script to start me again."); list temp = llGetObjectAnimationNames(); integer n = llGetListLength( temp ); for ( --n; n > -1; --n ) { llStopObjectAnimation( llList2String(temp,n) ); } llDeleteCharacter(); // Revert back to a normal prim on touch } } path_update(integer type, list reserved) { if (type == 0) { Debug("Near"); } else if (type == 1) { //Debug("Stopping"); DoWhileCurious(); DoAttack(); } else if (type == 2) { Debug("Cannot path find from current location!"); } else if (type == 3) { Debug("Goal not on navmesh!"); } else if (type == 4) { Debug("Goal unreachable!"); // I freeze when this happens. So... DoSomething( NULL_KEY ); } else if (type == 5) { Debug("Target gone!"); } else if (type == 6) { Debug("No place to go!"); // I freeze when this happens. So... DoSomething( NULL_KEY ); } else if (type == 7) { Debug("Hiding from pursuer..."); } else if (type == 8) { Debug("Switched from hiding to running..."); } else if (type == 9) { Debug("Region has no nav mesh.."); } else if (type == 10) { Debug("Dynamic pathfinding is disabled in this region."); } else if (type == 11) { Debug("Parcel entry problem (is the parcel full?)."); } else if (type == 1000000) { Debug("Hit an unspecified failure"); } else { Debug("Unknown failure"); } } } D
  20. Am pretty sure that its multiple POINT_OF_LIGHT problems like in my post
  21. Yes they are Mesh three items per light as it all moves about itself in all directions when its programmed.
  22. I also should say that I had someone from Firestorm group with me and he could see it on both browsers with the same light error in edit mode the mesh moves perfectly smoothly the light modal jumps about all over the place . The gifs show this clearly This one https://gyazo.com/e73ed9488d6450081e994f19bc43bab2 shows edit mode others are the out of phase lighting modal It refers to EEP As it came in with this Firestorm release of new lighting modal and EEP I had ROBO over and he could see it happening . as you can see here https://gyazo.com/27c0cfe397edcb37c6354070379223c9 the lighting goes off at 90 degrees and flickers strangely . This does not happening if model is stationary. We also tried in different region a friend in the group secondlife:///app/agent/a305f3dd-17ed-480b-a6b3-70be80cfbc4e/about had a problem with ALM as well Hope this is clearer
  23. yes the projected light model is doing this have been asking lost of people but am still without answer.
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