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Everything posted by VirtualKitten

  1. Just to summerise code above in regard to Linden Experiences module 1) Gives useless error Teleport message "Script trying to teleport other avatars!" Who is this other avatar its my prim and I am touching it? 2) Running an animation through experience creates no error does nothing at all . Who wrote this Experience codes as its not grown up coding!
  2. I tried the animation example this time expecting another useless error. This time I received nothing on console no error, just nothing happened when you touch pretty useless really! // CODE BELOW NOT WORKING REDUNDANT integer InExperience() { if(llGetExperienceDetails(NULL_KEY)== []) { llSay(0,"This script needs to be in an Experience."); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } default{ touch_start(integer num) { llRequestExperiencePermissions(llDetectedKey(0),""); } experience_permissions(key Av) { llStartAnimation("sit lean left leg up1"); } } // CODE NOT WORKING ABOVE
  3. Oh sorry yes it puts an unhelpful message on my prim eventually "Script trying to teleport other avatars!" So I guess i am another avatar now stupid message me things.
  4. Well Molly, that is a good idea and i might try it. I I found a thread back then when this rubbish was created . It which doesn't work if you don't pay bucks it doesn't even generate an error on console just does nothing and seems redundant coding to me. I have to say i am going to write to Tila with the intention of it being removed. // NOT WORKING CODE REDUNDANT default { collision_start(integer num) { llRequestExperiencePermissions(llDetectedKey(0),""); } experience_permissions (key Av) { llTeleportAgent(Av, "", <2,32,399>,ZERO_VECTOR); } } // CODE NOT WORKING ABOVE Whats the point of this rubbish if it does nothing to half of SL?
  5. I am replying to this thread as I want to know how many of you achieved this with a full linden premium account. I find it really silly as a Linden writer to have to have a Premium Account to write this stuff it totally sucks , I tried your examples and none work . I presume this is because it needs experience key I am writing to Tila about this as it seems disgraceful half of SL cant use this experience stuff. D
  6. yes there is sparkled script at Particle Station, Teal. Just reduce radius in particle it will go inside your gem
  7. Lol Peldlar yes it was a headache for me too until i realized why my perms for next owner was not changing unless i made this change in inventory. It is better i think like this now and more usable. For textures even if i bought something from MP full perm it doesn't always come with texture and I cant always obtain it . Its all very good using keys but if its in an avatar account that gives up LSL it then i believe is lost to the system and no longer able to be found.
  8. @Molly, Thank you for the response , if this is true about that the teleport can only work for other avatar that can use a prim which is owned and written for use with experience key only then why is it that experience key not available to all ? This not only feels non usable as developer, when it is clearly not able to be used by more than half the users of Secondlife . I don't think this is a thing a virtual world should be doing to restrict half of its users in this way which is discriminatory and does suck I cant see the point of an language if some of its commands are restricted . It makes me wonder what else is not usable through design. I have a portal and my avatar and family walk through the last thing I want them to have is a map with a teleport button when they have chosen to touch portal. It makes the whole point of a teleport system unreal. I understand why LSL has attempted to moderate this use but clearly it wont do anything about griefers anyway and who is to say these idiots wont have linden accounts? @Wolfie, nice to hear from you but clearly this is not good practice that certain script commands are unusable because of limits on other parts of LSL experience. I can't say if this would be helpful to me at all as after reading the knowlegebase on here i didn't find any method for LSL experience to use or store a returned permission. I don't want a premium account unless LSL cleans up its mainland smut and gambling with money givers in breach of TOS which it does nothing about. I am aware of this other matter of restriction with Xploder and TOS yet it is not being implemented as a restriction. I hope you found your fenix.
  9. I think Jira is broken too, good bye to it finally
  10. The Error Message says you can only teleport the owner of the object , This is crazy How to teleport gates do this , or are they only in region and this code does do anything useful at all It reports at Consol "Teleport LSL functions can only teleport the object owner" yes the Teleport by LM does the same so how are teleport systems doing tis it seems through a map screen is this the only way it can be done as this sucks
  11. is there not away to get it to run the teleport for ore than one avatar or do i need a doll script like in animation for each tp avatar?
  12. I changed another thing but noticed this script does tp others how do i do that: it brings up error in console how do i get around that is it like animation scripts and the script keeps the key gRegionName = llList2String(listURL,3); gRegionVector = <llList2Float(listURL,4),llList2Float(listURL,5),llList2Float(listURL,6)>;
  13. I still cant get this tp thing working molly i will try /but its not tping i am unsure why I have a string SURL= "http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/MiddleEarth/232/16/3200"; I have listen(integer ch, string name, key id, string msg) { list params = llParseString2List(msg,["|"],[""]); if (ch == ourch && llList2String(params,0)== "SURL:") { SURL = llList2String(params,1); list listURL = llParseString2List(SURL,["/"],[""]); gRegionName = llList2String(listURL,4); gRegionVector = <llList2Float(listURL,7),llList2Float(listURL,6),llList2Float(listURL,5)>; } } dataserver( key Q, string D) { if (Q == gVectorKey) llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords(teleportee, (vector)D, gRegionVector, ZERO_VECTOR); } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if(PERMISSION_TELEPORT & perm) { gVectorKey = llRequestSimulatorData(SURL, DATA_SIM_POS ); } } I dunno why it doesn't TP i must be doing something silly
  14. Oh i give to my friends what i make and my family on SL too who are big in number My family has a region thanks
  15. Hi Molly yes , Someone sent me knowledge base on here for experience to get rid of pop up tp requests but cant use it its a dreadful waste of sl resources as its only for super rich:( Thank god Tila owns it now it might get better.
  16. They could not answer so I left the Group as was given no helpful advice there in
  17. I m asking Firestorm support to remove it all as it discriminates from Premium Users to normal users . Its not nonsense why would it discriminate if you don't pay Premium Fee and dont have a linden home?
  18. Also you have to be a Premium User to use and create an experience key them stupid SL so as you see its a waste of programming and pretty wholly useless. I certainly will not be allowing its use on the basis of this discrimination
  19. Golly even Experience needs perms too that would be two request and doesn't seem better: It suggests if(llAgentInExperience (llDetectedKey(0))) YOU HAVE TO llRequestExperiencePermissions(llDetectedKey(0), ""); gRRR another one:) Then create keys with LlCreateKeyValue I cant see how this helps?
  20. So I tried dataserver(key Q,string D) { if (D== OrigKeyfromReqest) llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords(teleportee, (vector)D,NULL_VECTOR,NULL_VECTOR); } It didn't teleport at all could this be name of Region? If i have to separate it how do i convert /233/16/3500 to vector is it <233,16,3500>?
  21. I dont really understand this experience stuff i have not seen a proper explanation?
  22. I put the Teleport in Agent after DATA gave the vector . It didt trigger tP at all then but if it was after data request it never would have got given why does it not work in data server?
  23. Is there anyway to stop this stupid permission screen its so annoying, if i click on it its obvious i am giving my permission and stupid to ask again
  24. my url was string SURL = "http://maps.secondlife/MiddleEarth/232/16/3500"
  25. Although it teleported it just froze with TP half way through status bar I dont know why? My SRUL was from status bar
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