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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. Qie Niangao wrote: Reports are mostly ignored, regardless of anybody's status. In this case there is no abuse to report of course but generally, yes it's fairly random which ARs are processed and which are ignored. The solution if you have a legitimate reason is to keep filing abuse reports until they take action. This is not just something I (and many other users) say, it's the advice LL themselves gave me(!)
  2. Tanner Loudwater wrote: When doing that, the hud scrips I had all broke and I had to get new ones. As Amethyst already said, there is nothing a landowner can do that will break your HUD unless there's something seriously wrong with it to start with so you can't blame him/her for that. HUD failures are usually fairly easy to fix anyway. There are three ways: 1. Replace with a backup copy Easiest way - but only if you've remembered to make a backup copy of course. 2. Get a redelivery Most serious content creators have redelivery terminals in their stores and if they don't they're usually happy to give you a new copy if you contact them and give them the purchase info so they can see you're a legitimate customer. 3. Reset the scripts If options 1 and 2 won't work. A bit more cumebrsome but still not too difficult: Move to a new sim Wear the HUD Right-click on the HUD and select "Edit" Click on the "Content" tab Wait for the content to load Double-click on one of the script icons Click on the "Reset" button Close script window Redo step 7-9 for the other scripts in the HUD (if there are more than one script there)
  3. Registered account Logged on Was dropped right into a huge shopping mall Saw three or four other people there Said hello Waited for reply that never came Looked at pictures of fancy clothes and stuff I couldn't afford to buy but clearly needed if I wanted to be in SL Left Took me almost a decade before I bothered to try again but that's another story.
  4. Freya Mokusei wrote: Haha. I know this was a joke but I'm going to nerd all over you. Sorry but no. Css may look messy and gibberishy enough to fool the ignorants but after all is said and done it is just a markup language. A true nerd will never touch anything that isn't cli!
  5. Freya Mokusei wrote: I'd be interested in hearing if anyone seeing this issue is on a non-Windows platform or doesn't have the Anniversary Update (KB 3176929) installed. I'd also be interested in hearing whether this bug presents itself in Edge. I'm on Windows 8.1 and Firefox and have exactly the same login problems as everybody else here are taking about. Not sure if that counts. Edit: one unexpected bonus to this oddity, when I go to my profile page here now, I get a nice green dot telling me I'm online - that's always good to know and I've often wondered about that.
  6. Freya Mokusei wrote: Can confirm this appeared since upgrading to 49.0.1 - it wasn't present on 48.0. The errant styling is caused by:- https://slm-assets0.secondlife.com/assets/screen-ddd8ce7b07e791a6be384f43172cdb3e.css From:- .cssgradients #canvas-container { background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(0 8px 90deg, #fefefe, #b4b4b4); background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 10, from(#b4b4b4), to(#fefefe));} Specifically this is overruling the moz-linear-gradient:- background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 10, from(#b4b4b4), to(#fefefe)); They use all that code just to get a perfectly white background color? Is there a Css Abuse Help Center in San Francisco?
  7. Second Life's learning curve doesn't have to be steep, it's all about how it is presented and there's certainly room for improvement there. One problem of course is the messy user interface all viewers have but the biggest problem is that the learning process is too rushed, you're expected to learn everything in one go. Some fundamental principles in education: Start with the essentials and only the essentials. Repeat, repeat and repeat. (one of the most important skills a good educator must have is the ability to repeat without sounding tedious.) Repeating the previous point: when practising new skills you need to do it right four times for every time you get it wrong. Make every new step a logical continuation of the previous one. Give instant gratification (preferably "natural" gratification that is a clear result of the lesson learned; "artificial" gratification - rewards not directly related to the lesson - is a poor substitute and should only be used when there is no other alternative). Give instant feedback. Learning by doing is always far more effective than learning by reading or learning by being told. Learning is always about association with past knowledge and experiences. That's how the human brain works: everything new is "hooked up" to knowledge already there. The more such connection we can find the better and any new info the brain can't find connections for at all is forgotten right away. When teaching, act like a salmon fisher: give plenty of line and always be ready to reel in. The only beginner's tutorial I am aware of, in SL or at any of the other grids, in the present or the past, that really tries to follow these principles, is the one at Linda Kellie's Conference Center sim and that is a very sketchy one, more of a concept than a finished product. Edit: Completely forgot one of the most important points: Avoid distractions!
  8. wherorangi wrote: am sure that the LL enforcers are like totally fooled as well. Oh no, this is a cunning plan by LL to "motivate" people to switch jellybabies on. Seriously, SL already has a very good countermeasure against worn graphics crasher of course.
  9. mikka Luik wrote: Now I am tempted to resurrect a few viewers from the past to see what they could produce. No need to look back to older viewers for that. These prim shapes are still available in Firestorm, they're listed in the prim shape menu below sculpts:  The "Circle2->" prims are really crazy looking (the first picture I posted here was a twisted version of one of them), the others look more or less like regular prims to start with but with very different torturing options. Most of the time you end up with lots of problems with flickering from overlapping tris and normals facing the wrong way but not always and you can get those problems with heavily tortured regular prims too. The plate I showed a picture of for example. You can make something very similar shape with a regular prim of course but there'll always be some kind of distortion at the center. With an alternative prim, you can adjust the shape around the center very precisely. Alternative prims can provide a wide variety of twisted ribbon shapes, here's a random example:  And how about this little trio - these look like shapes somebody could use:  These two look like perfectly ordinary prims at first glance. But try to get a perfectly even triangular or sloping square hollow in a regular half-cylinder.  I have to admit I'm quite surprised if nobody here is familiar with these prims. I heard quite a lot about them when I started as a builder and I thought this was all old news for veteran builders. Edit: Disclaimer: No prims were harmed during these demonstrations. Prims are incredibly flexible and quick to adapt to any new shape they are given. As long as they are properly sedated during the actual operation, they suffer no significant trauma.
  10. wherorangi wrote: i am not really understanding this ... can you give me a hint about what values work for PRIM_TYPE other than 0..7 please ? You can't set them with scripts. They are a little bit like megaprims in that they are hacks never approved by Linden Lab. LL never blocked them though so you can still create them with third party viewers. Firestorm has 14 different alternative prim shapes. Singularity has some of them but I don't think it has all of them. You can view the shapes in any viewer but the moment you try to change the tortue in the SL viewer, the prim snaps to one of the official shapes.
  11. Callum Meriman wrote: If you take that to a sandbox and apply materials what's it's LI? :matte-motes-evil-invert: In the same ballpark as a twisted torus. If I remember correctly, that one was about 200 with prim physics shape. But only 1.1 as convex hull and I don't think a detailed physics shape would make much sense for it anyway
  12. wherorangi wrote: ooo! i will have a play with that Yes it's fun. And something that allows you to make this from a single prim and a library texture, can't be completely useless either:  Really wish I knew a bit more about it though. It's all trial and error.
  13. wherorangi wrote: are you meaning prims that can be made now and are undocumented ? Yes
  14. Thank you wherorangi but I'm not talking about tortured standard prims but alternative basic shapes. See if you can find the prim in my pciture in any prim torute guide. Yes, that is a single prim!
  15. Parhelion Palou wrote: You edit it, the experience's content is run through an optimizer (Penny will be happy about that), then it's published. Digression: I wonder if they have ever heard of GIGO. Could be fatal for the entire Sansar project if they haven't taken that into account there.
  16. Here's one for the veteran prim twisters! Is there any kind of documentation abut the 14 "hacked" prim shapes and did anybody ever find any use for them? 
  17. Prokofy Neva wrote: Are you saying to just do this manually as record-keeping? I'm afraid so. But that's how the Visual Outfits function works too, it's all manual: You wear an outfit, open the snapshot window, take a picture and upload the picture to add to the folder. Then you repeat the process for each and every outfit you want a picture of. Nothing automatic at all there.
  18. GonolaBar wrote: As far as I see, there's no 4 star review. All of the listings on that store are listed as 5 stars or 0 review. Only five star reviews and no demo? A search for Ivory in the skin section of MP doesn't bring up a single merchant who fit that description. The closest you get is the store I had in mind with a single four star (masked by several five star reviews of the same product) and demos only for a few listings. GonolaBar wrote: That led me to think that the seller could be flagging all bad reviews etc. Yes obviously but that's not necessary a bad thing. It may mean that the seller is very careful to fix any problems that may turn up.
  19. GonolaBar wrote: The seller has no bad reviews at all. All are 5 star reviews. There's one four star there actually. This is how it goes: A store with over 250 listings, nearly all of them have five star reviews - and recent reviews, not old ones. Most listings have three or four reviews, some less and many far more. So, somewhere between 1500 and 2000 five star reviews, one four star and not a single lower... GonolaBar wrote: I don't suppose I've violated any ToS by speaking the truth about the item I got which differs from the image they listed. Of course you didn't. That is, although you're not required to do so, you should try to contact the seller first and give them a chance to correct any error they may have made. Give them a week or two to respond and try to contact them at least twice. If you don't hear from them or they don't fix the problem, then you should leave a negative "item not as described" review. GonolaBar wrote: Can someone explain? Probably not
  20. wherorangi wrote: no more crazy than the Chung lands empire is, or any other of the big SL estates. Like Red Hearts or USS etc Oh yes, far more crazy. You can't compare it at all! The SL Land Barons could capitalize on the existing infrastructure in SL and they could build their businesses over time. In Sansar yuo'll have to go all in right from the start, you have to do everything yourself and them moment you show any sign of succeeding, there'll be a myriad of copycats trying to steal your idea. That being said, insane business plans is hardly something new, and although the pioneer doesn't stand a chance, it's a good chance one of the inevitable copycats can succeed
  21. wherorangi wrote: yes. Is easy enough to kinda miss what he was talking about in the rest of his answer when we not a techie We'll still see The business related factors are more than enough reason why it's unlikely there'll ever be a "Second Life within Sansar" anyway. You'd have to be clinically insane to try to create something like that on a platform you don't control yourself.
  22. wherorangi wrote: read it again, what Ebbe said /me reads it again. Let me see, Jo asks if they're talking about two square kilometers and Ebbe replies "or twice that". Oh well, only one way to find out.
  23. Interesting. My MP sales dropped like a stone after the new search but this has been more than compensated for by increased in-world sales. Suits me fine.
  24. wherorangi wrote: LL never said this Oh yes, they did. From Inara Pey's transcription of Lab Chat #2: Ebbe Linden and JY (Jo Yardley) said: ... but hopefully, the size of the regions themselves will alleviate the need for that sort of attempt at smooth region crossings. Regions crossings are just a really difficult problem to solve, so we’re going to sort-of stay away from that, at least for the foreseeable future. JY: When you say multiple kilometres, are we talking one or twenty or ..? Well, one is not multiple. JY: That’s true. So we’re talking two square kilometres at least. Or twice that … Part of it is what’s feasible with the maths for a coordinate system, but that’s sort-of the upper range where things start to get funky to deal with. but yeah, think in those terms. Come to think of it, twice as much as two square kilometers, that's actually 2x2 km, not 4x4. wherorangi wrote: What they said was that a sim can be virtually unlimited in size Yes, they were talking abut that very early in the process but keep in mind that the plans have changed drastically throughout the development process. What LL believed they could achieve two years ago may not hold true today.
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