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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. saara Christenson wrote: Is there anyone who makes houses that you can design yourself? Sure! Let's see... Assuming a moderately advanced build and a clear project plan right from the start, should take about 100 work hours. Assuming you want exclusive rights or that the house is too atypical to be sellable: Well, wages are low in SL, so you probably don't have to pay more than 20 dollars/hour. So, that's 2,000 dollars, or 540,000 Lindens if you like. Half up front, the rest when the work is finished. That's a very rough estimate but it should give you an idea of what kind of money we're talking about for a professional one of a kind build. A fairly simple house may cost less than half, a really complex one many times as much. If you jsut need a house that fits a particular parcel or just need some custom texturing we're talking considerably less of course. But as Amethyst said, there may be people who are happy to build yor house just for fun so you never know.
  2. Drongle McMahon wrote: Not quite true. Although of somewhat limited use, smaller sculpt maps yield fewer vertices. Another little detail they just plain forgot to mention. Presumably sculpts with fewer vertices will be less render heavy and I can't help noticing that they can have better LoD too. But such details were never important to LL of course. I'll need a fresh supply of sarcasm if we're going to keep having discussions like this, I think I'm running out of it. Anyway, thank you again, Drongle! This is really useful info even today for anybody who wants to build efficiently in SL. Back in the days before mesh it would have been vital.
  3. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: While I like mesh it doesn't always have a lower LI or rez faster than traditional prims and sculpts Prims are always faster to rez than sculpts or mesh. In theory they shouldn't be but they are, probably because the SL viewer is optimized for prims. I got a revelation recently when I visited a Linda Kellie build on one of the lesser grids. The prim count was too high for a Second Life sim and the build wasn't particularly light on texturing either. Yet my computer could easily manage 50% higher fps than it's ever been able to achieve in SL. One of the main reasons why so many sculpts are slow to render is that sculpt maps tend to be oversampled. A sculpt map must have 4096 pixels, not more and not less but for some reason most of the common sculpt programs produce maps with 16384 pixels - some even more - and that adds a tremendous lot of lag. As far as I know, Sculpt Studio is the only sculpt program that makes correct maps that don't need to be edited before they are uploaded. Another issue with sculpt maps is of course that you are stuck with 1024 vertices, nothing more and nothing less. As a rule of thumb, you have to put at least one third of the vertices to good use before it may make sense to use a sculpt rather than a mesh. (My boulders use 847 vertices btw). Then of course there are the issues with UV mapping, normals, LoD, 24 bit vertice coordinates and so on. All these factors seriously limit the usablility of sculpts but when they work, they can do wonders.
  4. Feaden wrote: Hmmmm well, if you apply a mesh for the physics, will it scale to match mega-prims? Unfortunately no. A mesh still has a max size of 64 m so you will ahve to use several to cover it all. The potential advantage to mesh over prim for the physics is that you can create more complex and detailed shapes in a single mesh than you can with a single prim.
  5. Sure, why not? If it's linked, the LI of the whole linkset, including the sculpt, will be calculated the modern way but a sculpt only has an LI of 2.1 max, so that's hardly ever a significant problem.
  6. I've heard so many people saying sculpts are outdated now that we have mesh. But take a look at this:  18 big boulders, decent LoD, useable physics, 4 LI. Try to make that with only mesh! This is a sculpt/mesh combo btw. 16 boulders made from a sculpt, the remaining two and the physics for all 18 is a mesh.
  7. Feaden wrote: Got my hands on some mega-prims and tried using sculpt to define the mountain shape only to realize that collision is not mapped but is just a sphere/square. The physics shape of a sculpt is actually the convex hull of a torus with curve resolution 6, but yes, it's hardly ever very useful. So if you want something bigger than 64 m with physics and it doesn't fit any prim shape, you have to split it up one way or another. The most common solution si the one Chic suggested, make the visual model from a sculpt and use prims for physics. A more fancy solution is to use mesh for physics like the example in my "In defense of the sculpt" thread.
  8. Callum Meriman wrote: ... http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Barbarossa/180/60 ,,, You may want to stay away from Barbarossa if you want to avoid griefers. It's been quiet there recently but I think it's too early to give it a clean health bill. A few other good ones (no SLURLs sorry, I'm too lazy today, you'll have to look them up on the map): Waterhead Iris Gukyeol Moose Beach Clementina Castle Valeria Help Island Public2 Ahern Mauve Boardroom Nix The list goes on and on and on...
  9. We have to separate between two completely different things here: Script lag used to be a big problem in Second Life but Linden Lab fixed that long ago and they hardly ever cause serious problems, at least not the kind of scripts you wear. But many places still use outdated script counter lag meters that harass people wearing lots of scripts and besides, unnecessary scripts are never a good thing anyway. Typical wearable items that contain lots of scripts are items with outdated resizers (hair especially) and the OpenCollar. The jellybean function is intended to address what is the most common lag problem today: render lag, that is avatars (and sometimes rezzed items) that are very difficult for computers to render. The most common cause to excessive render lag are textures, some old style flexihairs (but probably not the one you wear in that picture) and simply too many items worn. As Syo said, jewelry can often cause very high render load. But not always, it depends on the textures used. Good jewelry makers only use the textures needed to make their works look good and they hardly ever cause any big problems. Many less skilled jewelry makers tend to overdo the texturing though, it's not unusual for jewelry to have so detailed texturing you would have to scale the thing up to cover almost your entire computer screen before you can actually see all the details. That kind of jewelry will always be very render heavy and one or two such times can be enough to drive your total ARC (that's what we're supposed to call avatar render weight these days) through the roof. Fitted mesh bodies and heads and clothes don't usually add much to the calculated render weight. That is, they can add quite a bit to the actual render weight but Linden Lab just plain forgot to take that into account when they made the formula for ARC calculation so they won't usually trigger the jellybaby look. In any case, since makers aren't likely to tell you how much render weight their items have, the only solution is to strip down to a completely bare avatar, then add items one after another and see how they affect the ARC. Shouldn't take that long to figure out which items cause the problems.
  10. Chic Aeon wrote: Hey there. Wondering if you can document where this was revealed? (see below) There's a link to an interview with Ebbe earlier in that paragraph. I think he's mentioned it several other times too: content can't be directly uploaded to Sansar, LL will have to run everything through an optimisation process first. It goes without saying, really. Sansar is supposed to work with VR headsets and they require an fps of at least 90 - and that is with graphics features far more advanced than Second Life and with data transfer across the whole of internet. That's quite a challenge even for the most highly optimised computer game and way outside what is possible with SL style building. If Linden Lab had come up with some new revolutionary miracle cure for gpu lag, we would have heard about it by now and even seen some evidence of it in SL.
  11. Jumping in late here since Qie already has given good replies to all your points. There are a few details to add however: Roche Runo wrote: This is what i have read on the interent by staff at linden labs. Yes but as you've probably figured out from Qie's reply, much of what you've read is outdated. There's quite a bit of difference between what LL thought they could do at first and what they've eventually ended up with. Roche Runo wrote: 1) land will be 10's of dollars not hundreds like it is is in second Life We'll see. As Qie said, that means they'll have to charge for content rather than land and it's an open question how they are going to do that. They'll either have to find a way to force all transactions to go through an official LL run broker system or they have to charge a hefty upload fee. Roche Runo wrote: 2) If you want to have as big as all the land in second life you can That's what Ebbe said early in the process yes but they've run into serious technical problems since then. Even the 4x4 km size Qie mentioned may be too much. Here's what Ebbe told Jo Yardley in Lab Chat #2: Ebbe Linden and Jo Yardley said: JY: When you say multiple kilometres, are we talking one or twenty or ..? EL: Well, one is not multiple. JY: That’s true. So we’re talking two square kilometres at least. EL: Or twice that … (Source: https://modemworld.me/lab-chat-2-ebbe-altberg-additional-questions/) Roche Runo wrote: 3) You will be able to take your account with you. (Can use the same account for both worlds) Same username, same password but apparently that's about it. Roche Runo wrote: 4) You will be able to create things like you do in Sl but with mesh not prims or sculpties. Not really. In this interview and others Ebbe says that it may eventually be possible for users to create their own artwork inworld but they obviously gave up on implementing building as we know in SL long ago. You can of course create your meshes with an external program but you still won't be able to uplaod and use them directly. Content in Sansar is very much based on complete baked scenes, not assemblies of unrelated objects like we have in Second Life. Roche Runo wrote: 5) Your inventory will not be able to transer to Sansar. (possile mesh item can) Converting sculpts and prims to mesh is trivial. But as mentioned above you probably won't be able to upload individual objects to Sansar. This limitation is necessary unfortunately. There simply is no way to achieve the performance level Sansar need without using complete baked scenes where every single detail is optimised to work with everything else.
  12. You have to have Projector Shadows enabled in preferences to see projector lights and even to get the settings for it up in the edit window. It is on by default if your graphics is set to Ultra, otherwise you can switch it on manually.
  13. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Still I realize there are a lot of people that don't or can't use it. I think most people can use it if they really, really want to. Question is if it's worth it. Personally I find that most of the time the frame rate I gain by switching ALM off adds far more to the realism and immersion in SL than normal and specular maps can ever do. Advanced shading is different, I'd love to have that switched on all the time. But the moment fps drops below about 40 things get noticeably laggy so something have to go and ALM is first in line.
  14. No reliable data. I once heard that 40% of the users had ALM switched on but that turned out to be just an educated (presumably) guess. I'm not sure if Linden Lab even had a way of knowing until recently. They do now but that doesn't mean they're going to check or publish the data. However, ALM is active for people who have switched it on manually, for people using Firestorm or a Firestorm based viewer with graphics set to High+ or Ultra and for people on other viewers with graphics set to Mid+, High, High+ or Ultra. With that in mind, I suspect the actual number is quite a lot lower - maybe as low as 10-20%. Then again, many users may well switch it on and off depending on the situation and that makes it even harder to come up with reliable stats of course.
  15. I really feel like staying away from this thread now but before I leave: Rufferta wrote: The Lindens are building another "Premium" subdivision, but with more options for landscaping. Nope. Not more options for landscaping that is. These are 1024 m2 houses, not just 1024 parcels, and in a very rigid layout. Contrary to what Sabaoth seemed to see, each petal is absolutely identical too. As to who it's for, well, this isn't something that's going to interest any Mainlanders or Islanders or Lindens and that leaves us with just one group of potential inhabitants.
  16. Open a support case, it's under the Help tab on this web page. I think there's even a special support case category for it. There are some conditions though: you have to find a way to prove you actually own that account and there is also a fee for reactivating a deleted account.
  17. DeeJay Sharktooth wrote: does anyone have a clue WTFH is going on? Info about rolling restarts is always posted on this forum in advance. Here's this week's: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Deploy-plans-for-the-week-of-2016-10-10/td-p/3072973 Even from the brief description there, this week's update on Blue Steel, Le Tigre and Magnum looks a lot more complicated than usual so I'm not surprised it took a little while. Three hours sounds like a lot though. The two Blue Steel regions I tried to access while this was going on, were both down for about 35 minutes.
  18. Prokofy Neva wrote: Oh, I'd be happy to have the telehubs come back! Good news! Another serious digression: the Waterhead telehub never went away. It's just gone under cover - literally. The one Patch used is the Clanis one though and... ummm, I think it's just as well that one was put out of its misery. Here's a photo Torley took of the original:  I never understood why. All the early content Lindens put some of their very best work into Heterocera and then they made the continent's main entrance point like this! Since you mention telehubs, didn't SL Public Land Preserve have a telehub museum at Ross? What happened to it?
  19. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Whatever it is I am not at all impressed. Those buildings are ugly! :smileysurprised: Serious digression: I have to disagree with you there. Eric Linden is the Greatest Builder SL Has Ever Seen and the Atoll Huts are among his very best works. They may be outdated and any build is ugly when taken out of context as they are in Patch' joke picture. But take a look at Iris or Kremer or Barbarossa and see how well they still work today when placed in the right setting.
  20. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Patch obviously pulled a bunch of things out of the library and trolled the thread. By the way, the female avatar isn't Ruth, it's Girl Next Door. :smileysurprised: You mean the Mole uberboss is trolling a serious discussion about the Moles' next grand build? And besides, since when did bosses have sense of humor??? RFL should never have let him out of that cage! (smh)
  21. Once you've found the number of impression as Amethyst told you and figured out that the click-through ratio must have been much less than one percent, you can be grateful you only wasted about 11 RL dollars. That's actually a rather cheap lesson in How Not To Do Marketing.
  22. Prokofy Neva wrote: It doesn't seem as big as a new continent, but it seems more ambitious than Linden Homes because it has large common areas, see the six sims put together in the middle. Yes, for some reason Linden Lab has got the impression that people in SL like to live where things happen. They also seem to believe people prefer to live by the water. Can't imagine where they got idea from. Prokofy Neva wrote: Linden Homes in "Adult"? The A rating is for the roads. They're perfectly straight like the ones in Zindra, no twisting, unsafe B roads there! Or maybe it's because they've got a naughty builder... As for "Linden Homes", 1024s with double prim quotas are more like Bay City really, but yes. If you want to learn more: Capture and interrogate a Mole. And never trust the word of somebody who can talk his way out of a locked cage.
  23. Prokofy Neva wrote: Kitely doesn't have geographic contiguity but I thought Inworldz did, at least I remember walking around a whole downtown area but maybe I missed something. Kitely can't really have it because it's cloud hosted. Inworldz can and may well but who cares? The only thing worth seeing there anyway is Yadni's Square. Me, I lost the taste for Inworldz when I visited the three biggest (or so I was told) garden/landscape stores and couldn't find a single item that wasn't copybotted from a well-known SL creator.
  24. You know you're respponding to a three year old thread, don't you? But anyway: Ginger4Luv wrote: How do you work the outfits folder, wearing the clothes? As far as I know, Singularity doen't have the special Outfits menu option/window msot other viewers have. But that is jsut a shortcut to the "My Outfits" folder in the inventory anyway. SO to wear an outfit, open inventory, find the outfit there, right-click on folder and select "Replace Outfit". To create a enw outfit, look in the "Edit" menu. Ginger4Luv wrote: In the chat box, when you stop chatting with somebody, how do you delete their name? Ummm, deleting somebody's name would be rude, wouldn't it? They may well need it for later Assuming you mean how to close an IM, there's an x at the top right corner of the chat window - just like all other viewers really.
  25. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: LL has gotten very picky about this, because it borks search and shows your items in more categories than they should appear in and is viewed as a way to game this search engine. So check all your listings to be sure you put them in the deepest subcategory you can. It is in your own self-interest to do as Amethyst suggests too. The deeper you can get a lsiting into the category system, the bigger the chance it will show up on a search results page.
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