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Everything posted by Studio09

  1. For a brief time back in the late '90s I used to read a usenet newsgroup, I think it was misc.survivalism, where quite a few posters would include a sig file that contained lines of trigger words to mess with whatever government agency was capturing all the on-line text. So this kind of surveillance has been going on for quite some time. I guess the issue now is not that they are recording this data but that they are pursuing easier ways to tie it back to real people. Back then the FBI was using the data to crack down on child pornography. That may be why SL is targeted now and why LL will cooperate.
  2. Pussycat Catnap wrote: ... A question you can ask a lot of people about their avatars... "hey um, how do you wipe yourself there...?" - most SL avatars can't reach the goods, front or back... which means if SL had 'smell', the place would reek pretty bad right now... 10 years of no wiping... ... :smileyvery-happy:
  3. I'm thinking about downgrading to a basic account since I haven't been in world more than 1 or 2 times in the last 3 months (too much other stuff going on). As I understand it I need to: 1. abandon land from in world 2. change membership from my account page on the secondlife web site. Can I change the membership the day before the next billing cycle or what is the minimum amount of days notice I have to give?
  4. Have you seen the commercial recently that uses this music? It starts off with something like "buy some fleece for my dad" ETA: This is in response to "Feliz Navidad".
  5. Loved the video. Used to have a cat that played like that with our 95 lb German Sheppard.
  6. , You just had to go and prove me wrong.
  7. Laetizia Coronet wrote: If you are afraid to spell the ******* word, don't write anything at all. The "*****" are not words bleep'ed out but some weird punctuation affectation.
  8. emmadavies1 wrote: Hey, I'm an Anthropologist, i'm currently conducting research around 'The Second Self'. Any replies to this question would be helpful! Why do you feel the need/want to create a new online identity? All answer will remain anonymous in my research, open to private emailing! This question is very vague and misleading. What do you mean by the "second self"? Do you mean an on-line identity? If so do you mean only in second life or in other on-line social sites and/or MMOs? Do you mean only alts or do you mean your main avatar also (or only)? Even if this question is explained maybe it would be better to include a list of reasons and have respondents check all that apply. Have one reason listed as "other" for those reasons you didn't think of. Then you would have some sort of quantitative data to go along with anecdotal comments.
  9. I don't make clothes so don't know all that is required but I have played Sims 3 where there is a lot of 3rd party (user created) clothes. The mesh there is so much better than here in SL. The clothes actually expand or contract when the figure wearing them expands or contracts. Clothes can also be transparent (although not that obvious in the top in this picture because of the pattern I applied to it): Most 3rd party clothes are often free so it's good you are not interested in making money. Sims 4 is being worked on and will come out sometime in 2014 (I think). Don't know how the clothing will differ.
  10. Thanks Maddy, I miss the snow too. Looking out the window of a nice warm, snug house and seeing fresh snow blanketing everything is one of the joys of life, IMO. I used to live in Alaska, Fairbanks and the "bush", where it didn't snow much but once it did it usually stayed until the spring thaw. I've lived other places in the US where the continual snow-freeze-melt-slush cycle wasn't as enjoyable. So I guess I'm content to be in FL even though I just turned on the air conditioning today because the heat and the humidity has gotten so bad the last few days. Hope everyone is appreciating whatever weather they do have as best they can.
  11. Actually I guess the group members could be invited to bare their souls, emotions or thoughts on the subjects being discussed so the name "bare with me" would still work. Of course It could attract others whose mind instantly travels down the same path mine did.
  12. Sephina Frostbite wrote: So got a few dumb question so bare with me.. or is it bear.. honestly I am too tired to think right now. Anyways, I want to start a group chat of my own but I was wondering if you have to own a sim to do that. If not how does one start a group.. Thanks in advance for putting up with me. "Bear with me". I got a chuckle out of what kind of group you were forming. I was imagining all the group sitting around chatting in the nude. If that is what you intend then "bare with me" would be a good play with the phrase and a clever name of the group.
  13. Can you edit the machete? If so do that to position it for your avi. I bought a gown one time that came with a necklace. Wearing the necklace placed it floating above my avi's left shoulder. I had to edit the position then every time I wore it it was positioned correctly.
  14. I although I don't post to this thread I almost always check it out. I especially like the animal pix. I saw a sign on a car this morning I thought you all might appreciate: "Wag More Bark Less"
  15. Tex Monday wrote: Studio09 wrote: Dracula. Favorite versions - Bela Lugosi and Gary Oldman. What about George Hamilton? He made an awesome Dracula...:matte-motes-sunglasses-3: (I know it's not a horror film, but needs to be seen) ... sorry..forgot one more....Leslie Neilsen ... Yes, loved George Hamilton as Dracula (also liked him as the Gay Blade). Haven't seen the Leslie Neilsen one, yet. Looks like fun.
  16. Dracula. Favorite versions - Bela Lugosi and Gary Oldman.
  17. I'm not sure if this is what you are asking for but to break out of an animation - "stand" if that is an option or using the LL viewer under the "ME" menu, movement, stop (or something like that).
  18. I tried a couple of mesh boob demos but wasn't satisfied with them. Are there any mesh breasts that allow adjusting the nipples? They were too large on the ones I tried.
  19. LMFAO gets imitated a lot. This video shows the original dance styles of all 5 of the races in Guild Wars 2. The dance done by humans is based on the shufle and shown first.
  20. I thought of DM when KarenM posted about Rock&Bullwinkle. I always liked Danger Mouse and also Count Duckula (about a vegetarian vampire duck). Here is the intro for Count Duckula: ETA: I always liked this quote by Count Duckula: "Gold, gold! It may not buy happiness, but it can buy you a better state of misery, that's for sure!"
  21. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Studio09 wrote: In RL portraits I prefer using a slight telephoto - 105 or 115 You can set the SL camera focal length to reduce perspective distortion. Firestorm makes the settings easily accessible in its "Cameratools" control panel, which pops up when you click the "Phototools camera" button. The copy editor was asleep when those names came through. Thanks for the tip. I will try it out next time I take some screenshots.
  22. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: Mmmmmm - A 14 year old up and coming reggaeton artist. The video didn't do anything for me but the ad beforehand about the Beatles was wonderful I'm sure there is an audience to be found for Miguelito, somewhere. Now I'm really bummed. I got Katie Perry in the ad beforehand. :matte-motes-frown: ...and then I watched less than 10 seconds of the video.
  23. Keli Kyrie wrote: ... These are the same hands and Slink Feet... the only thing that has changed is the perspective. I suspected that was the issue. I've gotten pictures of my avi when she was in one of the animations with her hands extended where they look like flesh-colored baseball catcher's mitts. The perspective used by the SL camera is more like a wide-angled lens. In RL portraits I prefer using a slight telephoto - 105 or 115, not that I ever did much of that. I preferred scenic landscapes.
  24. Adahre wrote: Those feet looks huge on you in my opinion, look at the proportions of the feet to the legs.Foot looks almost half of your legs (and your hands are too small) That is exactly what I thought when I first saw the picture too. I immediately thought of someone I used to know who was very short and petite, but who had such huge feet. In this case the angle of the screenshot could be distorting the size of her feet and hands though.
  25. I also came across this one that explains Lost in 3 minutes using postit notes.
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