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Awe Thor

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Everything posted by Awe Thor

  1. I think a more important question would be "Does the almost complete lack of culture in SL objectify objects?" Awe . . . has seen more culture in a yoghurt pot, which is a lot less pretentious.
  2. Sephina Frostbite wrote: Words may not hurt but your own self-pitying interpretation of the meaning behind them can. FIFY! Awe . . .writes words that 'make' some readers cry and others laugh. Paradoxical? No!
  3. They don't make avatars that look older than I do in rl. Awe . . . nor do they make zombies obese enough.
  4. Beth Quander wrote: You’re trying to call Charles out on his use of the word ‘seek’? You have to try really, really, really hard to troll in these forums, don’t you Awe? And yet again you don’t manage it. I found “seek to subtract” in current use straight away on the old intamanet. Or perhaps I’m wrong. Was it his use of ‘historic’ from the C15th you objected to? Or ‘plumber’ from the C14th? Or ‘strive’ from the C13th? Does his ability to use these words in a perfect English sentence rile you? Is that why you have to nit-pick so deeply to find evidence of his ‘crime’ of being thoroughly competent in two or more languages? How many languages do you speak, Awe? Perhaps you should switch to one of the others, because you’re not impressing anybody in the one you’re using currently. Oh go on – pick Charles up on his typo then! But we’ll still like Charles much more than we like you. Awe, you are a silly, silly person. Go on. Back to the other threads now to call people names and make yourself look sillier. Shoo! Erm, Beth, your reading skills are obviously on a par with the writing skills Charles demonstrates. I think "seek" is a fine word for modern times, as is "historic" (although he actually used the correct "historical" - , but that nuance passes many by who consider themselves literate) and "plumber", although I think "strive" is rather a pretentious poetic substition for "try" - but if you read more carefully you will notice that he didn't actually write "subtract" as you have incorrectly quoted, but "substract".which was considered erroneous and obsolete even before the end of the 19th century. Awe . . . speaks four languages, but would not dream of using anything but English on a public, English language forum.
  5. CharlesBoudelaire wrote: Dear Awe, I am aware of the fact that some aspects that can be found in Second Life certainly take place in a taboo zone. However, I am not striving to make a depiction of a certain, general user in Second Life, an SL-equivalent of 'Joe the Plumber'; no, rather, I seek to substract a subset of the whole SL population that I assume to be fulfulling the profile I have in mind; the profile (or even historical figure you could say) that became the inspiration w.r.t. my thesis ;-) Sorry, I forgot you're an ESLer and don't necessarily mean what you write. Awe . . . would recommend avoiding the usage of archaic terms in English as it identifies you as such.
  6. Suspiria Finucane wrote: I seriously doubt a smartphone will take over the corporate computing world any time soon. I'll file this with the claim by Bill Gates that "640k RAM is enough for everybody". Awe . . .was there; and guffawed; everybody looked at him; Bill Gates went bright red.
  7. Don't dismiss cults lightly, Storm. For example, Jediism was the fourth largest religion in England & Wales, according to the 2001 Census, and the second largest in New Zealand in the same year. Awe . . . in the UK Jedi Knights are protected by the Incitement to Religious Hatred Bill - as if they need protection!
  8. All I was wanting to say was that I know nothing about permabans. Awe . . . but I do know the difference between an opinion and something erroneously presented as a fact.
  9. A post of mine in this thread seems to have disappeared, and I received a private message from an avatar called ARazoz that seems to have been created today saying "I'm back!" Awe . . . can anybody shed some light upon this, as I suspect the simultaneity of the occurences might not be a coincidence.
  10. Suspiria Finucane wrote: Awe Thor wrote: Suspiria Finucane wrote: 1.2 billion Roman Catholics per the BBC and hundreds of other sites. That's according to the Vatican. Your point is... Awe Thor wrote: Awe . . . and of course, they wouldn't see any benefit in overstating the figure, would they? Shock... much like any other authoritative establishment... moot as usual. So now you are backpedalling about the source and accuracy of information you were recently originaly claiming as factual? Awe . . . It is hardly worth you posting; or are you claiming the "female" prerogative of changing your mind?
  11. Suspiria Finucane wrote: 1.2 billion Roman Catholics per the BBC and hundreds of other sites. That's according to the Vatican. Awe . . . and of course, they wouldn't see any benefit in overstating the figure, would they?
  12. Suspiria Finucane wrote: There's an old saying "History is written by the winners" Or the Russian version: "History is rewritten by the winners". Awe . . . thinks Henry Ford was understating the obvious. --||-
  13. Suspiria Finucane wrote: Awe Thor wrote: Awe . . . could make more money in an hour as a burger-flipper than 99.99% of SL avatars make in a year. Shock... Why would you want to? :matte-motes-wink-tongue: I wouldn't and don't need to. Awe . . . but we aren't talking about me, or have you failed to grasp that?
  14. Suspiria Finucane wrote: A penny saved is a penny earned. No it isn't. Awe . . . is appalled at the ignorance of the difference between savings and earnings in a capitalist economy.
  15. Why would you want to? Awe . . . could make more money in an hour as a burger-flipper than 99.99% of SL avatars make in a year.
  16. CharlesBoudelaire wrote: my thesis grader will become aware of everything that is possible on SL. I doubt if he will. Awe . . . is sceptical about your thesis including extensive discussions regarding the paradox of consensual rape and vore.
  17. Suspiria Finucane wrote: Which Roman Empire and when exactly did it fall? Last I heard it was a billion strong. I think you are getting confused between the guys who didn't bother obtaining consensus from the weak, and the similarly named paedophile protection organisation. Awe . . . the former was doing fine until it stopped feeding Christians to the lions.
  18. My kids wanted to go to see some animals during the last holidays, so I took them to a place that claimed to have lots of exotic breeds, but when we got there, it was an appallingly bad place, with only one animal on show - a mangy dog with a stupid name. Awe . . . it was a shih tzu. (sp?)
  19. Astrid Kaufmat wrote: Hello. If you're here it means that for several reasons you can't login in secondlife Erm, no, some people just enjoy reading the self-aggrandising vanity fare in the forums. Awe . . . especially confused ESLers.
  20. Thank goodness you didn't post a long guide . . . Awe . . . thought he was in SLAnswers for a moment
  21. See https://my.secondlife.com/pserendipity.daniels/posts/51ace0046480f50002001952 for an explanation. Awe . . . some.
  22. If you are not a Premium Member then you have probably been unknowingly implicated in a money laundering ring, and the amount has been transferred into your account to test your honesty and integrity. Awe . . . to avoid future prosecution you should send this amount and any further deposits to me and I will dispose of it.
  23. Are YOU a "colored man" Raddulf, or is your avatar? What colour are you? Dark blue, dark red, dark purple (cue: Smoke On The Water riff) Next you'll be suggesting that you're discriminated against because your avatar is eight foot tall and left-handed. Awe . . . fully cognisant of the ridiculous nature of the complaint.
  24. Carole Franizzi wrote: Awe Thor wrote: I left a message on your feed profile, but reading this thread makes me realise that you won't have a clue what I am talking about. No, it's nothing to do with mesh. I'm outing my favourite-named inworld alt - since LL hasn't got around to banning it yet - especially to wish you the best with your RL activities and to recommend that you get out of this place as soon as possible. Awe ... what a sweetie! Is this whole message an anagram? Going to need several sets of Scrabble tiles to work this one out. You guessed! Awe . . . aka Yipp Resident
  25. "A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent upon arriving. - Lao-Tzu" That's Melita Magic's sig. Awe . . . Lao-Tzu would have liked Virgin Trains!
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