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Everything posted by Katchan

  1. Oh hey there! Its quite perfectly fine i'm sure we'll eventually meet each other soon. Thats really nice of Wu too!
  2. Ever had the appetite to bake some hot smokin' pizza pie and earning lindens at the same time? Introducing Mark1's brand new Pi$$a Pie gaming & earning system where YOU as the user will get to earn, explore, meet people, and make delicious pizza! You can buy the Pi$$a Pie system for FREE at no cost! All you have to do is stay at a location for a given amount of time while you are in the middle of making your pizza. So come and join the community of pizza lovers and makers and lets make some Pi$$a Pie! Get your free HUD now at: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mark1 East/27/23/24
  3. I'm usually around this timezone but i normally just park over at a friends SIM while I do other things tabbing out of the computer and chatting lol. You should check the search where all the events are happening instead. Either way, feel free to add me. C:
  4. I already do, thanks for the info. Its just that this is a thread for making friends too so i figured why not make a thread as well and meet more people through forums as well. ♥
  5. I sent you a message back and added you as well. c: Good to know there are other gaming buddies.
  6. Hi viewer, I'm currently looking for someone who could introduce me on how meshing works in SL, in world. I would honestly just like to work first on little things (whatever is the easiest, i don't know if its furniture, houses, or clothes) and then gradually excel more in other complicated things. I always liked 3d, it was something i really wanted to do when i first started playing 3d games. So if you can understand that same drive, feeling, and passion then I guess you would know that i want to be on that same boat as you currently are or once did. Hear me out: • I've already took classes back then at my university with Blender and Maya. • I graduated with a bachelors degree of IT, so coding is very familiar to me too if ever we go as far to scripting. • I used to develop back then on another game called IMVU but it was basically just messing around with UV maps and texturing. • My real life occupation is a web designer (so yes, I actually know photoshop) ... and webpage coding (but thats not important for meshing and stuff lol) • I've already done animations before in blender when I was at uni. Either way, I don't know, I just really think I have a lot of potential but just need someone to guide me through the right places to make me get started over on SL and then we can both start something out, make something great. I've done marketing, event planning, land related stuff on SL before and think we could make something work. I have to start somewhere.Hope we can help each other out. Just send me an IM on SL, or respond here. I can show you some of the little things i've done too back in uni. days. :3
  7. Haha what a way to be straight forward. And yay! You're the first person to actually be interested on being my friend. I'll be messaging you in world.
  8. Hey Everyone, Here's me, the friendly, polite, maybe somewhat geeky person. I'm looking for friends as I barely don't have any friends since my return to Second Life. All my interests are listed on the tags and if you're into any of those then cool! I'm sure we can get along as well.We can always get to know more through IM's. Some information about me: Gender: Female Age: 25 (turning 26 in a few days) Location: Southeast Asia Just send me an IM or message me here to add you or whatsoever. Thanks for reading ♥
  9. I'm asian and had my crazy fan days for anime too lol. But nowadays i'm more into asian music, kpop, kdrama, cpop, jpop, etc. c: Hit me up if any of you would like to make friends, I just got back on SL so having friends would be good. ♥
  10. Hey there viewers, I just recently got back to SL and I'm back to square one, broke, no land, not even having a mesh body. (but I still look / dress decent, phew) With that said, I am currently looking for a job. I am a really hard worker once I know the amount of lindens I get paid or potentially get paid. I will not lie that I do want to make a good amount of $L. Not because of my own satisfaction but mainly because I'm trying to help a dear friend of mine who is having money issues IRL and could use a helping hand. (yes I plan to convert the $L to RL currency even though you only get little back, but hey its better than nothing) What I'd like to work with are either of the ff: • Manager • Personal Assistant • Administration • Sales Agent • Customer Service Second work options: • Coordinator • Photography • Graphic Designing / Web Designing • Modeling (but yeah, i don't have the mesh bod for that atm) What I think i'm not qualified or prefer not to work on are the ff: • Clubs (because I do not have the power of friends for club invites) • Adult related jobs (strippers, etc.) • As much as possible nothing in commission unless if business is guaranteed busy and active Some of my experiences on SL: • Alabastoria Resort Worked as a PA, it was a place with variety as there were stores for rent, apartments for rent, host events, etc. • Cayman Rentals Worked as a Sales Agent for quite some time and learned the ropes as how any other Sales Agent normally needs to learn the basics. • Tropical Asian Paradise Worked as a PA on a SIM that was Asian themed, I helped in creating ideas, managing tenants, events, helped on their website and info which was powered by Wordpress. • Royal Family RP Roleplayed as one of the princesses of the family at our own SIM and etc. • Turtle Creek Real Estate Worked as a PA, advertised on forums, helped managed land, managing tenants • Devour Photo Graphic Designs Studio My own studio for awhile, as I have graphic design experience. I do morphing, image manipulation, web design, or anything else general needed for the most part. If you are in need of samples please message me inworld (Katchan). Please also note that they are years old already and not up to date to some graphic designs on trend. I know I have been through a lot more jobs in the past before on Second Life but I don't remember them any longer. What i've written out or the tags you see are pretty much what I have experienced in general. You can always ask more thorough information of what i've worked on before if you so wish. Just contact me inworld. Information about me: Second Life username: Katchan Age: 25 turning 26 in a few days Gender: Female Location: Southeast Asia Timezone: +8 GMT Can speak English?: Yes Can use voice?: Yes Speak other languages?: Yes, but I prefer to say them on private. What do I do IRL?: I work as a Junior Web Designer / Assistant but it is online and my job hours are flexible Times available on SL: Pretty much whenever I am awake and when I need to head to bed for the most part daily. I usually wake up late and sleep late so its usually around the time from 3am - 4pm EST or 4pm - 5am +8 GMT. I'm also a bachelors degree graduate of Information Technology so I am familiar with some programming, coding, scripting. I also have Blender, Maya experience. I'm actually looking through wanting to learn how to mesh here on SL and learning how to script so if there is anyone who would like to take me as their apprentice or to even work for them while learning with them with a small wage that would be nice. I'm an ambitious person. Thanks for reading! ♥
  11. Looking for low lag & a less populated SIM? How about something affordable to stay on? Turtle Creek Real Estate has just officially opened it's own affordable, all you can modify, skyboxes. For just a price of L$250 you can already have your own private skybox up high in the sky! Convenient isn't it? With the service & help, we are here to offer you the most of Second Life. Rental Information: Price: L$250 Prims: 100 Size: 40x40 meters Any Questions? Feel free to IM Katchan for more information. Have a ride: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tranquility%20Island/177/196/22
  12. Looking for low lag & a less populated SIM? How about something affordable to stay on? Turtle Creek Real Estate has just officially opened it's own affordable, all you can modify, skyboxes. For just a price of L$250 you can already have your own private skybox up high in the sky! Convenient isn't it? With the service & help, we are here to offer you the most of Second Life. Rental Information: Price: L$250 Prims: 100 Size: 40x40 meters Any Questions? Feel free to IM Katchan for more information. Have a ride: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tranquility%20Island/177/196/22
  13. Need a place to stay for as low as L$105 a week? We are pleased to announce the opening of Tropical Asian Paradise, an Asian Community within a landscape inspired by the Tropical Asian highland regions of the real Asia. These are our only two reasons for making this precious little world: beauty and community. We have designed the region carefully to allow most of the sim to be a large unspoilt natural landscape, so that all can really enjoy Asian landscape and scenery and therefore have an outdoor life (without wandering through peoples gardens constantly :). At the same time our islanders can also live within a village community as a part of this same landscape. It took us quite a while to think how we might do this, we hope we got the answers, and the balance right. As well as parcels, we offer a number of condos, one reason for this is we hope to offer a place to everyone who feels at home here. Map: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tropical%20Asian%20Paradise/216/130/22
  14. We are pleased to announce the opening of Tropical Asian Paradise, an Asian Community within a landscape inspired by the Tropical Asian highland regions of the real Asia. These are our only two reasons for making this precious little world: beauty and community. We have designed the region carefully to allow most of the sim to be a large unspoilt natural landscape, so that all can really enjoy Asian landscape and scenery and therefore have an outdoor life (without wandering through peoples gardens constantly :). At the same time our islanders can also live within a village community as a part of this same landscape. It took us quite a while to think how we might do this, we hope we got the answers, and the balance right. As well as parcels, we offer a number of condos, one reason for this is we hope to offer a place to everyone who feels at home here. Map: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tropical%20Asian%20Paradise/216/130/22
  15. We are pleased to announce the opening of Tropical Asian Paradise, an Asian Community within a landscape inspired by the Tropical Asian highland regions of the real Asia. These are our only two reasons for making this precious little world: beauty and community. We have designed the region carefully to allow most of the sim to be a large unspoilt natural landscape, so that all can really enjoy Asian landscape and scenery and therefore have an outdoor life (without wandering through peoples gardens constantly :). At the same time our islanders can also live within a village community as a part of this same landscape. It took us quite a while to think how we might do this, we hope we got the answers, and the balance right. As well as parcels, we offer a number of condos, one reason for this is we hope to offer a place to everyone who feels at home here. Map: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tropical%20Asian%20Paradise/216/130/22
  16. We are pleased to announce the opening of Tropical Asian Paradise, an Asian Community within a landscape inspired by the Tropical Asian highland regions of the real Asia. These are our only two reasons for making this precious little world: beauty and community. We have designed the region carefully to allow most of the sim to be a large unspoilt natural landscape, so that all can really enjoy Asian landscape and scenery and therefore have an outdoor life (without wandering through peoples gardens constantly :). At the same time our islanders can also live within a village community as a part of this same landscape. It took us quite a while to think how we might do this, we hope we got the answers, and the balance right. As well as parcels, we offer a number of condos, one reason for this is we hope to offer a place to everyone who feels at home here. Map: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tropical%20Asian%20Paradise/216/130/22
  17. We are pleased to announce the opening of Tropical Asian Paradise, an Asian Community within a landscape inspired by the Tropical Asian highland regions of the real Asia. These are our only two reasons for making this precious little world: beauty and community. We have designed the region carefully to allow most of the sim to be a large unspoilt natural landscape, so that all can really enjoy Asian landscape and scenery and therefore have an outdoor life (without wandering through peoples gardens constantly :). At the same time our islanders can also live within a village community as a part of this same landscape. It took us quite a while to think how we might do this, we hope we got the answers, and the balance right. As well as parcels, we offer a number of condos, one reason for this is we hope to offer a place to everyone who feels at home here. Map: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tropical%20Asian%20Paradise/216/130/22
  18. We are pleased to announce the opening of Tropical Asian Paradise, an Asian Community within a landscape inspired by the Tropical Asian highland regions of the real Asia. These are our only two reasons for making this precious little world: beauty and community. We have designed the region carefully to allow most of the sim to be a large unspoilt natural landscape, so that all can really enjoy Asian landscape and scenery and therefore have an outdoor life (without wandering through peoples gardens constantly :). At the same time our islanders can also live within a village community as a part of this same landscape. It took us quite a while to think how we might do this, we hope we got the answers, and the balance right. But please come and have a look, its also just a lovely place to explore and "be". We would welcome your comments and suggestions and we would just like the company after weeks working here with only ourselves to talk to :) Map: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tropical%20Asian%20Paradise/216/130/22
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