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Everything posted by BLUExANGEL

  1. If you move your image from the place you originally uploaded it to (to get the forum code to copy here), Your image will be lost to your post and will no longer show up wherever you copied it to.
  2. OK. Thank you. I think I'll just let it go. It could have been worse as I only spent L$699 which is kind of a lot for me but not nearly as much as the average decent skin cost. Thank you everyone for taking your time to answer.
  3. First of all, most hats are sold with the hair attached all in one piece. I've bought a few hairs that way as it is a real pain in the butt trying to add a hat on top of a hair and head and make it fit right. So you're never going to get that hair on without the hat because they are one whole piece. Second, if you scroll down to the bottom of your inventory you'll see a folder called Library. There you will find the other default avatars and everything they are wearing. You can use one of the hairs from them. Finally, if you think the default avatars you get now are ugly, you should have seen them a few years ago when I started playing. They were way worse than the newer ones. Everyone has to start with the same avatars. You are not special and got an extra ugly one just for you (smiles). It's just the way it is there's nothing you can do about it. You just need to do what everyone else has done and suck it up and get to work. It took me 3 months before I was satisfied enough to adventure out into nightclubs and stuff. It was a lot of hard work, but it was fun too. If you need any help I'd be happy to help you find decent, cheap, and or free stuff that looks good. Send me an IM inworld.
  4. For the most part, the more an avatar resembles the starter default avatar, the newer the player is in the game. Those default avatars are just plain ugly! I worked very hard to learn what I needed to know and buy what I needed to buy to make my avatar look better. It's the very first thing I did. OK I guess I better add that I started playing 3 years ago. The default avatars were scary ugly back then.
  5. Hi. Last week I bought a skin from a popular store. First I tried on the demo, was happy with the look, and purchased the full version. The problem is that I bought the identical item as the demo and got a different skin. The file names are identical except one says demo. I contacted the store vendor 3 times. First was by instant message, then a notecard 2 days later, then another notecard with the photo at the bottom of this page added. I have not got any reply back at all from the store owner and need to know if there's anything more I can do to try to just get what I paid for? 
  6. Thank you. I'm getting out my notecard catcher, wish me luck :matte-motes-wink: Have a nice day.
  7. I'm well aware of that debate and I do not want to go there!! Thank you very much. I understand what you mean about the proportions. I appreciate your help, thank you.
  8. That's a great idea. Thank you :matte-motes-grin:


    Hi. I'm having a difficult time getting the shape of my avatar to look right. It seems that the more I try, the more I mess it up. I'm wondering if you will please share some of your settings with me? Just a few of the basic settings like height, head size, torso length, leg length. I don't use the mesh body or head, and most of the mesh clothes fit me in a size small. Thank you & have a great day.
  10. I don't have any problems using my Pay Pal anywhere else, just here. The instructions in billing help on how to set up Pay Pal are out dated and now different from how PayPal actually looks. I can't find anywhere the place to get help from the support team as well.
  11. I'm thinking if it was running well before, then it just doesn't slow down suddenly for no reason. If you haven't changed anything in your viewer, then I see no reason to fix it. Perhaps your computer just needs to be optimized. You can clean out the browsing data from whichever browser you use for your sl viewer (and your other browsers as well if so). You the routine. Junk files, histories, and the defragger. Another thing is that I just don't see a reason to have my Avast turned on at all when I'm playing Another thing is that I just don't see a reason to have my Avast turned on at all when I'm playing sl. I see a noticeable difference. One more thing I've noticed that really affects my viewers performance is when my viewer crashes. This includes not exiting out of Firestorm properly. It messes with the settings in my nVidia control Panel and it takes me a long time to get things back to normal again. I have no clue why, because nothing looks different, but it sure runs different. Anyway, I'm not sure if this advice will help you. If not maybe it will help someone else. Good luck and have a nice day
  12. Try Esode. Here's the link to the Marketplace store where you can get free demos for all their products: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/122700
  13. Someone answered this question swearing he found the solution to this problem & several others say it worked for them too so just try it, it certainly won't hurt anything. Go to your computer Program Files, click Firestorm, right click SLplugin.exe, choose compatibility. then run in compatibility mode of windows 95, apply, close. After all the stuff you've gone through hopefully this simple task fixes your problem.
  14. It doesn't matter which viewer you are using if you don't learn how to properly adjust the settings so it works well with your computer, None of the viewers will work correctly for you. At least with your Firestorm viewer there are classes you can take and live chat from the Firestorm support to help you get things running smooth. None of the other viewers offer that. Also, with the outdated graphics in all the other viewers you will never see or be seen as anything but grey colored. So stick with Firestorm and go learn everything there is to know about it. I did it. It wasn't easy. I did not know one thing about sl or firestorm. If I can do it you can too.
  15. There's 2 ways. With your mesh items you have to make yourself fit the clothing. Right click your Avatar, Appearance, Edit shape. This will take some time for you to practice and learn what all the sliders do. Save a copy of your current Avatar (looks like a t-shirt icon in your toolbar) because you will mess it up. The next way with non-mesh clothing is right click Avatar, Appearance,edit outfit. The rest is simple, just don't forget to save a copy of your clothing before editing it.
  16. When this used to happen to me, I would open my inventory, choose outfits, and replace my current outfit with a new one. I can't promise it will work for you but it won't hurt to try it.
  17. Oh but how wonderful the advantages!
  18. My guess is that you are still wearing an Alpha from one of your previous outfits. In the Firestorm viewer there is a tan in your inventory viewer that shows you all the items you are currently wearing. Go there and see if you are wearing an Alpha you don't need. It's that or you aren't "wearing" your whole outfit and "adding" your Alphas.
  19. Yep. Keep working on it. It will slowly start looking better, and better, until you finally won't have to ask if you look like a noob because you'll know you don't.
  20. No. Not everyone can just figure prims and all that other stuff out. I don't even know what a prim is & I don't care. I know how to make my avatar look good, I know how to buy clothing & wear it. I can do anything that I want to do & I do it well (eventually). Anyone and everyone who creates shapes and sells them has to make their first crappy shape, try to sell it, and learn how crappy it is so they can go back & learn & improve. I didn't know one little thing about anything when I started this game. Now I can correctly do a clean install on a Firestorm Viewer update. I know everything about my viewer & how to use it. I teach others how to learn what I know. I don't understand how you people can be so mean. You weren't born knowing this stuff. You had to be new at it just like everyone else. If you don't like how the creators of this game created it, then why do you play it? You would probably have the best looking avatar in sl if you spent as much time on how to improve it as you do complaining about how bad everything & everyone looks to you. I think they are all beautiful, and I know I'm not the only one who thinks that.
  21. You can be whoever you want, and look how you want to look. We are all given the basic starter avatar. If you want a larger avatar with longer arms, you have to purchase it. You have to figure out what you want to look like, and make it your mission to go find it, and buy it. It can be a bit of tedious work. It was for me, but I was determined. Then I got the fun task of realising that the average height in SL for females is quite a bit taller than me. No problem. I fixed it, and fixed it, and fixed it until I realized my limit of fixing. Now I love the way my Avatar looks. This is my first virtual world ever. Now, you can judge, hate, and peeve the way others look all you want. When it comes down to it, that's your problem, not theirs. They like the way they look and if you don't like it, that's your problem for you to deal with, no one else's. We all start out the same. We all manage to learn how to accept what we have & work with what's available to us in the game. You can too if you want to. You can also have fun if you want to.
  22. In the Firestorm Viewer add your attachments to your avatar by right clicking on the item in your inventory and choosing "add" from the pop up menu.
  23. I just want to say thank you for the information. Every bit helps
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