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Everything posted by BLUExANGEL

  1. Hi. I was reading through some of the questions and answers here in the forum. In one particular answer someone advised to "Learn how to role play". Before SecondLife I've had almost no interaction with other people online and I have no clue how to role play. Is there a way to learn how as this person suggests?
  2. Female friends are better :matte-motes-asleep-2: I'm having a difficult time meeting new friends too. So far all the potential boyfriends I've met have been a pain in my butt & not worth the time or effort spent (not saying everyone is like that). Feel free to IM me. Just please let me know that you're from the forums so I know who you are.
  3. I just opened up my SecondLife search (it's one of your toolbar buttons) and typed in free dressing rooms and hit enter. Most of them will allow you to rez your items there (there's a few that won't) and you can change there too.
  4. Definatly sounds like the work of a hacker. Change your password, and always check the URL in your address bar before logging in. It should always say secondlife.com when you're logging in otherwise don't don't do it.
  5. I'm not sure how often it happens in SL but in every other virtual/ social world I've played in hacking was a big issue. If I were you, I would change my password right away just to be safe.
  6. Hi. I'm usually on at night time. Send me an IM sometime.
  7. Just right click on your avatar, choose Appearence or edit appearence, then choose mouth, scroll down until you see the overbite-underbite option, slide the circle either way to even out you upper and bottom lips, then save. Works every time for me.
  8. ......or sarcastic. Either way, I loved your response it was perfect. :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
  9. You changed the shape and the skin, excellent improvement by the way, why can't we change it? There's no way to improve a starter avatar without changing the shape and skin.
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