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Kytteh Wytchwood

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Everything posted by Kytteh Wytchwood

  1. I come across so many events where the creator didn't setup their gift box correctly. It's either one of these issues: A. No script inside to give gift on click. B. Not set for sale to buy the gift. C. Not set to the event group but to the designers group. D. Contacting the creators by notecard and the ones who don't reply, I wonder if they fixed it and didn't want to take the time to tell me? Or they didn't care and were too lazy to go to the event and fix it. I'm thinking lazy might not apply. Might only be concerned with sales. It does leave a bad impression to not setup the gift correctly. If you are unable to re-check that everything is how it should be, that same method could be applied to your full version products as well. I came across a full version product that only had the texture hud inside. Instead of going back to the event and added in the product to the vendor, the designer decided to let the csr deal with all the upset and frustrated customers, like me, and told to go to her mainstore to get the redelivery. How lazy do you have to be to do that to your customers? I still buy her products because the quality is excellent but I'm wary about buying because it may not have everything included inside the package. Her csr is great by the designer herself has no bedside manner aka zero compassion for her customer base.
  2. This annoys me too. I'm seeing a lot of designers who are using this method. You can only buy it as a fatpack. they don't want to save you money. It should be labeled as all pack, full pack or mega pack if it's an entire set of clothing and shoes. Fatpack used to mean you get a discount if you bought it in one purchase. A lot of new designers have popped up and they don't know that's what it means. Or like this one shoe store. she now only sells her shoes in 2 fatpacks. It used to be one, you got the texture hud with the shoes. Now, each fatpack only comes with 2 colors in each pack. They are print textures on the shoes, not solids. I don't like the colors used nor the prints. She has totally changed her textures and it's not worth it to me to even go to her mainstore because I'm sure it's more of that also. It's really sad because I loved how she made her shoes before.
  3. I agree with you. It makes me so mad and what is worse, is the people who have been hanging out with me with these type of Mom's, will laugh or be supportive of her verbal abuse towards her child. As if this is the norm now. Then the Mom is appreciative of the low life people who support her horrible parenting while you hear the child whine again as he/ she either gets yelled at again or trails off in the background away from their Mom.
  4. People who are more into you being interested in what they have to say but ignore what you say to them. Repeating myself because the person either has a small attention span or they aren't interested in what I say, as it's all about them. People who type "your" instead of "you're". People who type "of" after "could, should, would". The "of" sound is from the apostrophe and v. It's could've, would've, should've, which is could have, would have, should have. People who red line on their mics and refuse to fix their pc settings so we don't have to turn you down or mute you just to have a nice conversation with the other people. People who ignore their babies/ children irl and complain their offspring want their attention. Especially when you hear the Mom yelling at their child to shut up, when he/ she is wanting attention from their Mom. I have more but I'm exhausted atm.
  5. Thank you very much! Edge is very different from other browsers. Other websites don't work well with it. I do forget that info until I discuss it with someone mentioning another browser and how it works for them. then i remember how Edge is.
  6. People shouldn't go into a thread and not give help when the op is asking for help. sharing info that doesn't help, isn't helpful and is more frustrating for the op. you're supposed to stay on topic in threads and altho he added some info to things i said, primary topic of this thread is to help me and tell me how to embed videos in the editor. He was not knowledgeable that it can be done here so he gave me misinformation that it can't be done. I'm not here to argue with you so don't please.
  7. Oh nevermind. I was putting my links inside these rectangles and there was a little cross to resize. but it only showed up as a link. So I found out how, which is in this thread.
  8. What is a table in the editor? I can only do it via the command, my comment about that is above yours.
  9. Yes, I can say that. this is my thread. He gave me useless info. If he really wanted to help me, he would have. but he didn't even know that you "can" embed videos here. He must not participate in threads where people share youtube videos.
  10. Thank you both. I really appreciate your actual help, unlike the guy who replied to me. I went to another post and looked at the buttons again. I had copied the url from share on youtube. I clicked the paste clipboard. It said this message on a little blue pop uo window in the editor, "Press Ctrl+V to paste. Your browser doesn‘t support pasting with the toolbar button or context menu option." So I clicked inside the editor and did the command. It worked! The video appeared. It asked me if I wanted it as a regular link. nope! lol I use Microsoft Edge.
  11. You obviously don't know that it can embed. I want to participate in a thread, and people's youtube video shares are showing up with the youtube video player. So how is it done?
  12. Why did you reply to my thread? you didn't give me any help on how to do it. You only gave me useless information of what was done in the past. The search function barely works. I've tried it countless times and I give up on it. Just because it works for you, doesn't mean it works for all of us. If you're going to reply back on my thread, then tell me how to share videos correctly, thanks.
  13. Hi please help me. There is no link on this forum page of how to use the forums. Like, what codes to use to share media like videos. I don't see a way to access the advanced editor to put in the embed code, for it to appear in the main post window, so I can publish my post. First I did just the link to the video and it only showed the link. This is very frustrating! I even inspected a post above me but it doesn't show me how their embed code made it appear as a video. Why doesn't LL have a section explaining how to do this, like any forum naturally would? I searched so many keywords in google and nothing came up. Searching in the forum gave me zero results. that search feature doesn't work. I always have to change my keywords around, remove a lot of words. Most of the time, I don't get what i am looking for! 😠
  14. I would contact the person and thank them for sending me the money and then asking why it was done. If they explain it was a mistake, I'd pay the entire amount back to them. I've had people accidentally send me more than they meant to or sent to me instead of someone else. I've always returned it when asked. I don't know about money laundering in SL and even what it is, confuses me. I've only heard about it in movies or read about it, from real life of big businesses doing it. I wouldn't have known to contact support over it. I'm glad I opened this post and learned something new.
  15. Superior universe crashes, killing slowly. A J F V U
  16. Drum n Bass without ads. You can place this stream inworld to your land. http://go.dnbfm.ru:8000/play You can also play this in your browser.
  17. I shared my FB comment history via snapshots, to show proof that I didn't smear her name. I replied to a guy who was slandering her name and told him to stop spreading misinformation. She either didn't see my messages or she doesn't care. I'm banned for doing nothing. Maybe she banned everyone who commented on Anna's post about the 2nd dmca complaint. That wouldn't make any sense and punishing innocents is unfair.
  18. I decided to see if I were blocked by this creator and was able to have her name come up in search. Her account states to send messages only. When I sent my message to her, I got her busy auto response, stating I have been blocked. Also in this message, she talks about gossiping and rumors. I have never engaged in this type of behavior. So I am thinking she has me confused with someone else. The only communication I did during the Genus dmca discussion, is to ask genus customers in the genus store group, to not gossip in the chat group and take it elsewhere. I don't believe in pointing fingers at people, based on rumors. If she doesn't reply to my alternate account, I won't be able to get the redelivery, to have the HD update. Which means I'll be unable to make new shapes for the Catwa bento heads that I own. Hopefully she will look through her information to see that she clicked me by mistake.
  19. Oh, hadn't thought about it being an accident. Thank you for the tip. I'll contact her by notecard from my alt then.
  20. I logged into my other account to test if I can purchase it from there. I was able to purchase it. I read in an old forum post when researching this issue, that there was a discussion about blocking consumers from purchasing from your store. One user said they would like to block if they are a risk to your business. I only create shapes. I haven't said nor done any action that is of ill will against the Catwa creator. I have purchased many heads from this creator. It's a random blocking on my account for no valid reason. Can anyone think of why this was done?
  21. Hi, I placed an item into my cart. When I clicked check out, I got a message in orange lettering under the item name in my cart and the price of the item is gone. The message says, "The merchant has made this item unavailable for purchase." It's a demo for a Catwa bento head. How is it possible to disable a purchase but still have the listing up? Is this a new marketplace feature? I just released a new product in my mp store yesterday and I didn't see an option for disabling purchases. If you know how this works and why it's done, please answer. Thank you in advance.
  22. A great resource to find people who create beautifully decorated home scenes is through Love To Decorate. Their flickr group is great to peruse through and you can message by flickr mail of the ones you'd love to decorate for you. I came across this brand in-world when they had an event, where designers were giving out 1 product for free and the challenge was to use those gifts to create a scene. Most of the pics in this flickr pool, the photos and detailed decorations are very high quality. I recommend going to the 2nd page and so on to find these scenes. https://www.flickr.com/groups/2679620@N24/
  23. Why would you need SL screen shots to market your platform? How is your platform relevant to in-world images from SL? This definitely sounds illegal to me. Have you submitted a ticket in SL to ask if you can do this? Wouldn't you want people to take snaps inside your platform? You could ask for people's social media where they host their pics, like Flickr for example, and this would help you determine who you will hire for your brand.
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