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Everything posted by iCade

  1. Spicah: Err, just because you have seen other's do it doesn't make it right or less illegal. Infringing upon copyright whether it's Nike or a copybotted item is not only against the LL TOS but also against the law.Worst case, you will be held reliable in court, and your defense of other's are doing it, too is downright laughable. For giving advise like that you should be AR'ed to hell and back, people like you are the root of the problem. What you are doing is wrong, VERY wrong, yet you act like it's no biggie. Shame on you. You are encouraging other people to break the LAW. Are you frigging NUTS!? Having purchased tons as well as found freebie full perm items, I have not found a single one that would allow me to give it away as full perm or to sell my creations that I used the item in as full perm. Business in a box sounds really dubious and I'm staying far away from it.
  2. I got a PM from someone I gave the billing numbers for outside the american continent numbers. They wrote that the number I gave them doesn't work, so I checked here: http://lindenlab.com/contact and lo and behold the only numbers remaining there are for americans and canadian's. What the actual fudge? This makes me VERY hesistant to continue using my credit card here because if something goes awry I will have no person to talk to. And without a premium account not even live chat. When did this change? Was there an announcement? Edit: KarenMichelle Lane I gave those very numbers to someone who needed to call billing, they sent me a pm telling me that the number doesn't work. I told them to contact billing per any other means on the contacts site but it's crazy to hear that.
  3. Unreceived and accidentally discarded items Has it been more than 24 hours since you ordered? If so, contact the merchant, explain what happened, and politely request redelivery of the item. If it has been less than 24 hours, please be patient and check again later. If the merchant doesn't respond, you can submit a support case requesting redelivery. Make sure to include the order number and the exact name of the undelivered item(s). Note: If an item purchased on the Marketplace using PayPal or a credit card is not successfully delivered to you, the credit or debit will not appear in your transaction history, and the merchant will have no record of the purchase. Simply try to purchase the item again. Also please take note that not receiving an item is NOT the sellers fault. It's a hiccup that is on Linden Lab's end. Not every seller logs into Second Life everyday. IM's get capped, send a notecard instead, this might be the reason why you haven't heard from the seller. He simply didn't get your IM.
  4. Geh auf nummer sicher und sie nach ob dein Artikel auch aktiv ist. Auf der "manage listings site" wo es dir deine Artikel in der Liste anzeigt muss auf rechter hand ein grünes Häckchen sein, ist das grau so ist dein Artikel noch nicht aktiv und wird auch nicht angezeigt. Wenn es grau ist geh auf Edit, dann kommst du zu der Seite die du am Anfang ausfüllen musstest. Gleich fast ganz oben gibt es 2 buttons, Active und Inactive. Mach den Punkt bei Active rein.
  5. Duplicate post. Responded to it here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/HELP-I-Accidental-ly-bought-Linden-for-1000-DOLLARS-instead-of/qaq-p/1655329
  6. Holy crap, call billing ASAP! Have billing issues? Give us a call. Note that phone support is for billing issues only. If you're having technical issues, please use technical support. Billing support phone numbers Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Brazil: 0800.762.1132 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only I hope you can get this worked out!
  7. Click community -> events: search and select your event in the list: it will appear along with picture associated to your place. Click on your event's name. You have two buttons EDIT / DELETE. https://secondlife.com/my/community/events/?lang=en-US
  8. From personal experience, it usually works when you go to the region called 'Smith' (protected LL region) and start unattaching items from your avatar. Half the time my eyelashes/make-up is the culprit, sometimes a tattoo is. If you've detached everything you could, use the 'Reset to default male/female' avatar, it may be a skin/bald hair layer that's causing the issue.
  9. I think the keyword here is she "might" do it. Which means she might have not gotten around to it, which sounds believeable since she didn't even have the time to help you with your question.
  10. Applying for a job in SL is not that different to applying for one in real life. Tell people about your skills, how much time you can dedicate and so on. No one will spare you a glance with a post like you did just then. Make people *want* to hire you. For every job there's a lot of canditates, stick out with a well thought out representation of yourself and your skills or you unfortunately won't get a job.
  11. The stepping stones are sold as a cheap full perm sculpty, in this regard the other 3D chat was pretty nice as you could see what people did with a certain base product. Sorry I couldn't help more, they're enthrallingly beautiful!
  12. If it has been over a month that you no longer hold land and still get charged for it go ahead and call the toll free billing hotline: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers * France: 0805.101.490 * Germany: 0800.664.5510 * Japan: 0066.33.132.830 * Portugal: 800.814.450 * Spain: 800.300.560 * UK: 0800.048.4646 * Support is in English Only
  13. CTRL+C to copy your selected text and CTRL+V to paste the selected text into your notecard.
  14. Short answer, you can't, at least not in the Bloodlines Universe. Once you loose your humanity you can not regain it. What you can do however is walk away from that Roleplay game.
  15. So in short you want a builder to not only be a jack of all trades, but you also want them to work for free so -you- have the stuff in the end that you may or may not re-sell? I don't think any builder will be bored enough to slave work for you while it is only you who gains something by it.
  16. Du kannst IMVU nicht mit SL vergleichen was das developen angeht, das ist hier grund verschieden. Zum einen giebt es keine Nahrungskette, sprich, du musst allein LindenLabs 5% Kommision zahlen und niemand anderem. Hier derived man nicht, man kauft sich meshes/prims/texturen usw im Marketplace under Building Tooks, Sculpty helper und den anderen sektionen. Bedenke dabei "Copy, Mod & Transfer" zu checken das nix davon durchgestrichen ist, und das du etwaige sculptmaps bekommst und nicht schon ein fertiges produkt wo dein name dann nicht als creator erscheint. Google mal und befass dich mit dem Thema was es heißt ein Creator bei SL zu sein. Alles was du von IMVU gewohnt bist ist hier grundverschieden Alles nomma neu lernen *g*
  17. This has been bugging me for a while. In the marketplace it seems not all reviews of a product are showing. I am looking at a script right now, it says it has 22 reviews, but all I can see is a 5 star review. No matter what I do I can't get the other reviews to show up to see who didn't rate it 5 stars and why. Is there a trick to this? I did a hard refresh, cleared my cache and cookies. I am having this issue a lot.
  18. In addition to the two responses already given, how close were your builds to your land boarder? Where they just a tad over the border? LL has changed the way return works to stop the encroachement issue. If your build has overlapped into someone elses property, that other landowner could be the reason why things vanished.
  19. Pot calling the kettle back. Also, as I said, having a wholly different cultural upbringing vastly affects the way I type. But of course treat the sugar coating way as the only way to speak. Thin line there. Thin line.
  20. Thank you both! If it's possible in AvSitter, a lengthy sitdown with the program is in order, as I have seemed to entirely overlook it!
  21. This is directed to the thread start. Have you just once thought that you might make communication troubles worse for people because of your spelling and sentence structure? I am not a native english speaker, yet have learned and used it for many years, and while I am not perfect I do believe I am pretty good at it. I could barely make sense of your post and had to read other people's summaries to understand what you were talking about. If I can barely understand you after a decade of english, then those foreigners who aren't as well versed in it stand no chance with your way or typing. Make it easier for everyone involved and spell check, also make sure you respond to costumer inquiries in a comprehensible manner.
  22. I am sorry, but I didn't understand what your point is, could you maybe state it in a more comprehensible manner?
  23. All your Slurs are broken :3
  24. Good day everyone. I have recently started using AvSitter, and it's a blessing! However, I am wondering about this: I have a pile of pillows, it's a 1 prim sculpt and features 5 pillows. Now the question, how can I have more than 1 avatar take a seat on those 5 pillows without it being a couple pose? Say Avatar1 takes a seat, chooses their pose, Avatar 2 comes up and would also like to sit down, but they will get the 'no more room to sit on' error. How can avatar sit down too and be able to choose animations from the animation menu without disturbing avatar 1? Is this even possible?
  25. Oh right, I forgot americans must have political correctness and sugar coating at all times. I wasn't being rude, I was being blunt, that's the way we are over here. Sugar coating helps no one, put down the facts, tell people what they are doing is wrong without cooing at them at the same time and they are more likely to get the hint. Being new is no excuse, as I said before, ignorance is not bliss. If she would squat a piece of land in real life, the excuse of 'I didn't know' wouldn't fly either. Just because I did not sugar coat, nor conformed to the american coddling form of speech does not make my post less valid.
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