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Profaitchikenz Haiku

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Everything posted by Profaitchikenz Haiku

  1. Not to my knowledge. There is an earlier topic in this forum (I think on data or communication) where I remember checking this by sending emails out from one of my objects to my gmail account and then replying to it, successfully. I believe the method I used was for the prim to send an IM to me while I was offline, Gmail then got this and I replied to it. Possibly the way you're trying to email the object is the stumbling block? I'm afraid you're going to have to search to find it, but I don't think any code was posted, it was mainly about had the cloud stopped IM/Email communication, and the answer seemed to be there was no difference. ETA https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/468853-sending-email-to-a-prim/
  2. Yes, but I wasn't suggesting a new script. I was attempting to explain that the OP can continue to use their three existing scripts with a small alteration. The new statement would work both on an individual prim when LINK_THIS will return 0, and on a child in a link set. If all they want to do is set the three spinning and never alter them, they could therefore link three static prims, drop the scripts into each one by one, then remove the scripts. Sorry if I've confused you.
  3. Quite incredible, it's exactly as she said. I had a good sleep, got up, and it was like I was a Duracell bunny, loads of energy, nothing worse than the hay-fever I always get this time of year from the white fluffy willow spores.. I can only assume that the lethargy and fatigue I had the first time was due to the battle of making antibodies from scratch, but this time around they were already there and just needed a quick refresh? I wish I'd studied biology at school, but I was notoriously squeamish when it came to the wet slippery things we're all made of. My biggest claim to fame was passing out cold in the first-aid class when they were describing how to perform an emergency tracheoctomy with a pen-knife and a biro.
  4. If you just want to start them going and leave them spinning on the Prim_property, then delete all scripts, stop any rotations that might be going on, link them, then alter each of your working scripts to replace llTargetOmega(whatever); with Quistessa's suggestion , but use LINK_THIS instead of a had-coded link number llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS, [PRIM_OMEGA,[whatever]); Drop each script into the correct child prim's content tab (don't forget to check edit linked part first Then delete each script once you've got it spinning.
  5. That's where things like mesh-generator and the other in-worrld converters score, get your build just how you want it in prims, textures as efficiently as you can, then mesh it, either all of it or else sub-components. I suppose the next step is going to be animesh hair that detects the wind in a region and the avatar's orientation and whirls it around...
  6. My mistake, I forgot to leave a hint that I was tongue-in-cheek And it was whole-body flexi fur I had in mind, not just tails. Think of the fun you could have rubbing them up the wrong way @)
  7. I'm surprised they don't use flexi-fur more often.
  8. The thing is with that approach, you're rationalising why you don't want to go there, so underneath it is the fact that you *do* want to go there, but.... One particular region I'd like to go back to sometimes is actually quite amusing in that it was founded and run for some time by somebody who had the tattiest old avatar I've ever seen, but she had built and was running a great place. And now I think back, she had flexi hair that sort of reminded me of the gorgon's head. Now there's a thought, does anybody do tentacle-hair?
  9. Out of curiousity, what's stopping you? I'm still banging the prims together on a swathe of green, not stuck in the dark grey poorly-lit cubicle that is called Blender.
  10. Except that there are now sims which ban avatars from entering if they don't have mesh, so people who want to go where they choose have no choice but to follow other people's ideas of what they should look like.
  11. I do actually enjoy watching somebody with flexi hair moving around, because it does add some extra sense to the experience. There are several "old" SL things that actually are still good, they just got pushed back into the closes as everybody rushed after the latest shiny new crazes.
  12. Curiousity prods me to ask - does their stipulation regarding facial recognition and other identification details apply only to real-life faces, or are they saying that pubishing facial details of a Secondfe or Opensim Avatar is also a breach of their ToS? I'm assuming that because of the forum this has been posted in, the answer is veering towards a Yes?
  13. In a sense, if you are using Firestorm and have set it to Phoenix mode then you are using Phoenix, albeit much further developed. I did actually run up a very old version of Phoenix on one of my standalones late last year because I wanted to try and see if something I was seeing in Singularity and Firestorm(Phoenix mode) had always been like that (it had). In a similar vein I will also sometimes run Meerkat or Ascent or Rainbow Viewer on one of my standalones, but I think it would be a pointless exercise to try and connect to SecondLife with any of them, quite apart from them possibly being blocked, because we've moved on so far since those days. Hopefully this has answered a couple of RiP van Winkelle's questions. (exits stage left humming an old Alice Cooper song)
  14. I would want to add a third "consideration" to Rolig's two, that of self-improvement. I think the forums work well at showing how somebody finds a problem and then tackles it. This point is emphasised by Innula's post asking people to not delete posts after they have solved the problem.The solution to a problem is obviously interesting, but perhaps more important is to see the methods that were used to grapple with the problem. Sometimes this is of more value to others than the solution itself. Inworld assistance rather than forum postings hides this end reduces the benefits to others.
  15. All concepts have some degree of reality, money for example, or truth, or unicorns. We can think and talk about them, write books about them, manipulate the ideas to merge them with or differentiate them from other concepts, but they are nevertheless products of the human thought system. You can believe in them, or you can deny their existence. Try going without oxygen for an hour, on the other hand. That's real.
  16. That, I'm not sure about. "Herd Immunity" is a concept, possibly just a statistical one. "There's enough of us have had it and got over it that the race will survive." It's I'm alright Jack, but spare a thought for all those sacrificed to achieve that "herd immunity".
  17. I might be just me, but I have an instinctive aversion to being in any herd
  18. I got my second Astra-Zeneca jab a couple of hour ago, "felt nowt, I tell you, Nowt!" and we went shopping in the supermarkets to maximise our car-journey usage. An hour later on the way back I was fascinated to feel little bits of the symptoms suddenly coming and going: a strange metallic taste and odd smell, irritated throat, and a hot forehead. Got back home, unloaded the shopping, and suddenly I'm right as rain. A friend of mine who had her jabs quite early because she worked in care homes said after the second jab she was much more energetic. I'm hoping for that too, after the first jab I felt very lack-lustre.
  19. Can't resist it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWa0dZMHYeE
  20. comment out the kfm call and put in this llOwnerSay( llDumpList2String([(l_dest-l_pos), NormRot(l_rot), time], "|") ); Make sure the output shows you a 3-component vector followed by a 4-component rotation followed by a floating point number between the bars
  21. My first thoughts are to move the two calculations/function calls outside to vector delta_pos and rotation delta_rot so that all you have in the first list is [delta_pos, delta_rot, time], and see if that makes the error go away. It also makes it easier to debug, as you can print them out before actually calling to check that they look right. ETA, have you made sure that time is a float?
  22. There is a tradition in this forum that it is not appropriate to ask for somebody to write them a script. Such requests are referred to the employment forum. Should this also apply to people who are apparently asking for advice but in fact are trying to get somebody to visit them inworld to solve their problem for them? I feel that soliciting for a helper to go inworld and do something for them is very similar to somebody asking in the forum for a script to be written for them. The advantages to the forum method are that many people can see and benefit from what is posted, and people can find help by searching the past posts. The disadvantages to one-on-one inworld assistance are that nobody else can benefit, offer further advice, or point out errors that both parties might have overlooked. There is no record available to assist future searches for help. Am I being unfair here? Or should we, when recognising that an attempt is being made to get somebody to go inworld and do stuff for somebody that any competent scripter/builder should be capable of doing themselves, refer them to existing inworld places such as builders brewery, much as we direct script-creation requests elsewhere? (Note, I am not adverse to going inworld to help, but I do not like to being pushed into doing so)
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