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Profaitchikenz Haiku

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Everything posted by Profaitchikenz Haiku

  1. This should be the other way round, r * rotSwing (r is the actual local rotation, rotSwing is the amount it is to be altered by) More interestingly though, I can't see how this bit is going to work state_entry() { llListen(-3928573,"","TURN",""); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { You're listening on channel -3928573 for any name talking, with an id of "TURN" , for any message? If it works at all it's because whatever the key value of "TURN" equates to it just happens to be the key of your sender?
  2. Um, he said "We knocked the bugger off" If was George Mallory who made the quote you referenced
  3. You can use llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(linkNum, [PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, newRotation]); Calculate newRotation by getting the current link local rotation and multiplying it by a small amount on the particular axis you want to spin around. Repeat this on a timer, probably in whatever timer loop your wanderer script already has. To speed things up you can bypass the getting current local rot and simply have a rotation variable that gets turned and applied to the child, when the script resets, reset this variable to the initial rotation and apply it to the child as part of the reset procedure. Slow rotation is very hard to achieve in this manner without a certain amount of jerkiness, Omega often gives a better result.
  4. Omega is client-side, so you are having to refresh your viewer because the server has no idea what the amount of actual rotation is. The simplest way to constrain to a parcel is to keep checking llGetPos() and testing X and Y against the parcel bounds.
  5. /me makes a note to himself not to get drawn into playing "Doctors and Nurses" with Innula or Arielle.
  6. I've tried in the past with new users, the biggest problem I think is that there is so much they need to know.It takes a lot of patience and I personally have about five minute's worth of it. However, I've also found quite a few new users are actually returnees, looking for a fresh start. I am starting to wonder if SL has become specialised to the point where it can't be promoted widely to all and sundry as the OP hopes it could be, simply because there is so much to explain, starting with "How do I play this game?" and then going on to explain Gor, RP, ... I honestly think the best thing we can do to prolong SL as an active thing is to help it financially. Spend money on land, clothes, toys, tips, ... Linden's principal revenue source is their percentage they get from all of that. So long as it's a healthy percentage they're not going to be looking for a wind-up strategy.
  7. Molly's suggestion is the simplest if you only ever want to have one instance of an object, there is no need to keep lists of name and keys in the rezzer, the rezzed object does all the housekeeping. One point you need to know is that an object saying something on a channel it is listening to doesn't hear what it says. So add the two snippets she's posted in the object that is to be rezzed, together with any other things you want it to do. If you want to stop an object from hearing the die command, simply close the listen and it will keep going until some other method is used to remove it.
  8. Sooooo, what happens when you rezz four objects all called "ThereCanBeOnlyOne" and they all tell each other to die (I am hypothesising a situation where you manage to rezz them all siulataineusly at the same time)
  9. I've seen a similar situation elsewhere. The Auran Trainz Simulator changed their Jet graphics engine a couple of times, between 2006-2009, then more recently for Tane. Although no existing content actually broke because of the changes to the graphics engine, a lot of older content looks very poor because texture usage changes, the billboard vegetation for example that was fine in 2006 looked awful in 2009. I would expect similar should SL go for an overhaul of their graphics, old stuff would still work, but you'd take one look at it and retch. The things in Trainz that did actually break weren't the result of the graphics engine changes as such, but other changes that were all bundled up in the general overhaul. Once you get going on upgrading a certain part of a software system it's almost impossible to prevent feature-creep and tagalongs adding to the order.
  10. Very true, although I see Opensim largely following SecondLife's lead, not innovating. (Kitely's region-on-demand is a notable exception). As regards the slightly better physics engine, the only place I see this as significantly better in SecondLife is with the mesh upload stage. For actual inworld physics for moving objects, SecondLife's performance tends to be lower than that in an opensim region because of the poor performance issues that have been mentioned elsewhere in this thread. However, Opensim has the big advantage of not being tied to any company strategy, or hamstrung by asset/funding limitations. It also has the second and possibly bigger advantage of allowing people to connect standalones to the grid, (effectively Hiro's Office). OpenSim is to SecondLife as Linux is to Microsoft.
  11. I have to query this. I just tried dropping my slider back from 1200 to 700, and went to a region I visit regularly, so all the textures are cached. It's very stable, nothing changes so there's few updates to worry about. It was grey when I arrived. (Not unusual these days). After 2 minutes hardly any textures had loaded, everywhere was grey, and the trick of moving forwards just a pace or two which normally triggers a rapid load of textures within the draw distance (64m) didn't make a difference. I moved the bandwidth slider back up to 1200 and the textures were instantly there. Test performed using Catznip R12,3 (32-bit) ETA There may be more to this: The first region is almost full up of prims, it's a private island (18900 used from 20000) I put the slider back to 700 and went to another regular, this loaded quite quickly. It's a homestead at 80% of it's prim allowance. But visually it's much sparser and has no underground tunnels or chambers, unlike the first. So does the time-critical information coming across UDP include the positions of all the objects in the region? ETETA The minimum bandwidth figure I established would get textures appearing within a few seconds of TP-arrival was 1000, less than this and large surfaces stayed grey even if I approached them and tried the right-click trick.
  12. It was like that yesterday with the web profiles, trying to access them from inworld got a "heavy usage" response. I remember thinking "What on earth has caused half of SL to suddenly want to update their profiles?""
  13. OK, I don't think I go for free stuff much so I've not realised that side of it before.
  14. A couple of years ago I went back to the Blender Game engine with a view to seeing if it could be adaptable. I gather now though that it's not to be a part of the going-forwards Blender, and of course it had the big drawback of not being able to actually build inside the game-engine, just use things made in Blender. And, as I've said elsewhere, I find trying to use Blender very similar to the nano-tech assembly devices described in The Diamond Age, you're peering in through a viewport and trying to use manipulator gloves. I'm happy enough with what we currently have in principle, I'd be happier still if it all worked smoothly.
  15. The closest to your requirement is finding the demo on the marketplace and buying it as a gift for the alt/friend/random person to be surprised.
  16. I'm not even sure that's appropriate to the sort of problems mentioned through this topic: Most of the issue that are giving me headaches come from the SL (AWS) servers. I could be running on a state of the art gaming PC but I'd still be looking at 37% scripts running, three to four Keyframe movements failing for no reason each day, TP-crashes, ... Maybe I should put this another way: If SL were better-performing, I might feel inclined to squander some of my setaside for a better PC, but right now, I don't see it as worth the expense. The machines I have go around some of the other (outside SL) places without a hitch, I don't see grey textures or get TP-failures there, it's only SL that' become rather annoying over the past few months.
  17. I'm seeing it sporadically, there are good days and there are days when every 6th TP crashes to desktop. The pattern I think I see is that it's more likely to happen at weekends, my suspicion are that it's not SL as such, more a lot of internet traffic that could be causing delays. I can't offer any better advice than reduce your scripted attachments to a minimum.
  18. Wulfie is right, I'd not seen this before but object_rez also triggers in the object that called llRezObject. Very handy
  19. Does this mean us old gits are going to come hobbling out of retirement to work again? Yippee! When I passed 60 I found I was having trouble getting contracts on software, I would be declined on the basis that I didn't have enough experience compared to a 30-year old. "How can than be?" I asked an agent with whom I had actually done some coding work years ago. "It's like this. There's you, with 30 years experience spread across several languages, let's say Fortran, C, Macro11. So you have 33% of your working life on C, which the client is keen on. Then there's a 30-year old who's done nothing else but C for 10 years, so he's got 100% of his working life on C, so he's got more experience than you."
  20. Sometimes you have to say it thrice (As the Bellman said "What I tell you three times is true") I think the OP had in mind a more targetted approach, which I don't disagree with, but I do actually agree with you, LL has the funds, they should be the ones promoting it in an effective manner. The new website is obviously a step in the right direction, but the nextt step is going to be how to get non-SL-users drawn to it.
  21. Quite right, but... On of the best marketing strategies is that of customer-referral. We could talk friends into coming along and seeing what it's like, but as Sid Nagy, Janet Voxel and others(*) have mentioned, we'd be trying desperately to explain crashes, grey textures, all sorts of little things that we are coping with but which a new pair of eyes will be seeing and wanting explanations. "Mummy Mummy, why is the sky purple?" ""Oh, it's EEP, but I haven't worked out how to turn it back to blue yet" (*) If I've spelled your name wrong it's just my tpoyes
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