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Profaitchikenz Haiku

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Everything posted by Profaitchikenz Haiku

  1. Just I don't know if the LSL portal is wrong, but you are supplying what look to me to be relative coordinates here, but the wiki page aays http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetCameraParams#:~:text=Sets camera focus (target position) in region coordinates. The last example on that wiki page gives a suitable vehicle follower function, perhaps you could adapt that for your purpose?
  2. You may have to try your luck with the wayback machine or the internet archive: I've had to resort to similar to find older versions of things like GMax plugins or Sketchup utilities.
  3. Yes, but it's the most valid persepective. I cannot see how you could teach a newcomer from any other position. They don't know what they need to know, the teacher knows and then applies the art of teaching, which is to imagine what gulf exists between their knowledge and that of someone who does not know, and tries to work out methods of passing knowledge across the gap. Approaching the problem from the perspective of somebody who knows nothing of SL results in the familiar story we see very often, where somebody wants SL to be re-written so it's Unreal Tournament or the Sims or Minecraft or whatever.
  4. // snippet, note it is equivalent to llDumpList2String(listName, ","); but does at least illustrate stepping through lists inspectList(list aList) { integer ii; integer iiMax = llGetListLength(aList); string output = ""; for( ii = 0; ii < iiMax; ii++) // list elements start from 0 to listLength - 1 { if( ii > 0) output += ","; output += llList2String(aList, ii); } llOwnerSay(output); } Sorry about the crappy forrmatting, I wish there was a code highlighter as part of the <> option to indent by tabs at the vry least.
  5. You are trying to use llDetectedRot() outside of an event that has detections, you are better off moving that statement into the sensor event and then either passing the detected rotation to the other function opposite_rot as an argument, or else assign i to a global variable. In the sensor event, oppisite_Rot(llDetectedRot(0)); will do it, then alter oppisiteRot() to be oppisiteRot(rotation foundRot) should help you, A possible simplification: In addition, you are calculating a reversat rotation in that function every ttime it is called, I would suggest moving the lines that assign the vector value <0,0,180> and then convert it to radians and finally to a rot from Euler into state_entry, so that the calculations are done once only and the rot_xyz then effectively becomes a constant for the rest of the script. Once you've done that, the remaining calculation or spinning the object through 180 degrees is a one-liner and so could be put back inside he sensor event.
  6. /me tests to see if it is possible to ignore oneself.
  7. Right-clicking often restores invisible objects even without choosing any of the menu options. I see this from time to time, I think it's just due to network issues, I can go weeks with no such problems then have several days of it.
  8. Open Singularity, go to the preferences tab for communication, note the folder shown and make sure you have save local chat log and IMs both selected checked. Shut down Singularity, and copy your chat log into that location.
  9. Are mesh bodies really the thing giving newcomers the hardest time? My impression from several of these types of threads is that most newcomers want to actually go somewhere, meet some people, do something (even if it's try to kill them with an AK-47). I mean, if the default female Daisy Dukes look was good enough for Lavender Storydel, i's good enough for most people who just want to go out and bug hell out of interact with the Slitizenry. ( Quite seriously, if that female look hadn't been quite acceptable, half of Lavender's troling research could have been snuffed out in fifteen seconds by giving her the typical look-it's-a-noob response. But they didn't, she got hours and hours of interaction. Looks are not the major problem newcomers have to cope with.
  10. This is best described by the LSL Portal, but to grossly simplify it && looks to see if each side is not all 0s ( if 1 && 2 will be true, if 2 && 0 will be false) & looks to see if one specific bit in both sides is not 0 ( if 6 & 2 will return true because each has the same bit set in the position for 2, if 4 & 3 will return false since 4 does not have the same lowest 2 bits turn on that 3 does)
  11. OK, make a cube and wear it. Add this script list primParams; integer myType; // box, cylinder, prism default{ state_entry() { } touch_end(integer touches) { primParams = llGetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TYPE]); myType = llList2Integer(primParams,0); myType += 1; if( myType > PRIM_TYPE_PRISM ) myType = PRIM_TYPE_BOX; // cycle through values 0 to 2 integer howLong = llGetListLength(primParams); list newParams = [PRIM_TYPE] + [myType] + llList2List(primParams,1,howLong-1); // new type but same dimensions and other details llSetPrimitiveParams(newParams); } } This is a simple example and relies on the fact that the first three prim types have identical type details. The next one, PRIM_TYPE SPHERE, has fever details and would require more scripting to make up the appropriate details, and then there's the problems hen you change fr, a sphere back to a box. It can be done, but I suggest you get comfortable with the first three before going further.
  12. Speaking personally, the more characters one types, the greater the potential for errors. But in fact I am a great believer in parentheses when working with logical expressions, just not so much in the use of braces when there's just a single statement.
  13. Therein lies some of the problem, the starter avi is instantly recognisable and the first thing many will want to do is customise it so they can pick themselves out from all the other starter avis (how does a duck know... how to tell his wife from all the other ducks?) The other thing is, not many games pastimes require you to do a week's training first. Install Auran Trainz, unfold the cheat-card, and you can be on a train inside of five minutes.
  14. I agree with Chin, Paint.net is very full-featured, handling layers, layer blending, and with lots of plugins for effects and filters, it's free, it has a native-style Windows feel, and it's free. Gimp has a superior perspective/cage transform function, but it's about as intuitive as a bible written in Klingon.
  15. There's several classes of users I've spotted. One group want a home and privacy, if you try to greet them and ask them questions they clam up and often TP off or log, they don't like prying. SL for them is going to be a retreat, somewhere that they feel safe and secure and un-threatened. The next group wants to socialise, they'll respond well to a greeting. They're the easiest. The third group don't know what they want, they want something, but they're inhibited from exploring for various reasons. You can often talk to them, they'll sometimes respond, but as to what they want, they're like me when I go shopping for Christmas presents, I go into a shop and the assistant asks me if they can help me and I have to say "even if you could read my mind it wouldn't help because I have no idea what I'm looking for, but I'll know it when I see it". The more you try and help them with advice and suggestions, the more you're going to make them back away. And then there's the group who want to run before they can walk "how do I upload a blender model of the USS Enterprise" - "I want to be James Bond and slaughter evil-doers", "dude, where's my AK-47?" I don't think SL is much harder for newcomers than it's ever been, but I think the attitude of existing populace to them is perhaps a bit skewed towards the "newcomers should learn what to do before they come into my field of vision" Yes, they can be gauche, irritating, a bit of a pain, but you can actually learn a lot from going outside your own comfort envelope every now and then.
  16. I've been exploring and some information is already given out, the land for sale, for example, so it could be extended such that parcel with ban lines were also identified immediately on entering the region. However, after some extended tests with the Officous viewer, Frustrum, Insularity and CurlyourFruFru, only Catznip makes use of the land for sale information to put it on the mini-map, none of the others do, so even if the region gave out parcels with restricted access in the same way it does land for sale, none of the other viewers would be able to do anything with it. in a convenient to use form. I can't see LL accepting a feature request that would only benefit one of the TPVs. I started sketching out a diabolically cunning plan, to create a troupe of scripted agents to go around region by region, collecting parcel information and then attempting to visit each parcel, building up a database of restricted access. That could then be fed into a large map with a Hud for frequent-flyers to allow them to plan a flight path just as in RL. But, I then foresaw land owners would get wound up by these nosy intruders and would start turning on their own ban-lines, and in the end the world as we know it would end up as a sea of red with a few sparse highways and couldn't-care-less landowner patches. So I parked the idea. Fell back on this, because you never know your luck.
  17. Tests with two Catznip users: Ban-lines and the Catzip red (pink?) overlay only activate at about 15 - 12 metres. At altitude, the rose-pink colour doesn't appear even crossing the trigger range and entering the parcel for the first time When first logging in, the mini map doesn't show the rose-pink. You have to approach it to within the trigger range. Once detected, the mini-map colours persist even after TP-ing away and then TP-ing back, even if you arrive at an altitude where the ban-lines won't be detected, Logging out and logging back in results in no colours on the mini-map persisting, you have to approach to the trigger range. BUT, the yellow overlay for land for sale is there immediately on login and regardless of the altitude. So here is my proposal to improve travel in SL. Add parcel-ban areas to the mini-map in the same way that land for sale is aready present, and make it non dependant upon proximity and alttitude. Hands up who wants to Jira this as a feature-request? ETA just read Coffee's comment and the answer to the blight on the landscape is to make it an option that can be toggled on or off in the mini-map? ETATA The LL viewer does not even show land for sale parcels as yellow and I could find no options to make it do so, so this proposal is only going to be possible in TPV like Catznip. I see a problem then where, if implemented, all high-speed voyagers switch from the LL viewer to TPVs and the use of the LL viewer declines to the point where they feel th TPVs are offering hings that don't fit nicely into the "shared experience" bucket.
  18. I'm glad I got pointed to her script in question, it has some very interesting techniques that I'd not really thought of before, (such as adding an offset to the base channel in the text boxes to simplify the flow control in the listen handler). In terms of generating lifelike paths with a random element, it is also a brilliant starting point. With a little change to it, you could add in collision avoidance by making an invisible prim to go round the route as it is being calculated and make modifications when a potential collision is detected, or simply take the finished route and go around making modifications.. I didn't realise Dora wasn't with us any more, I think that makes it doubly important to defend her scripting point out the good things that can be gleaned from studying it, since she isn't here to do that for herself.
  19. Yes, I also use Catznip. I wonder therefore if this is an altitude issue? I tried walking on he ground and the mini-map was fully coloured before I approached the banned parcel. I'll retry flwing and see if it's different. If it is an altitude thing then maybe there i an easy fix for it? ETA I realise there are two issues here: 1) does altitude have an effect on how quickly the minimap is drawn/redrawn? 2) How quickly does the minimap get redrawn to reflect changes. Ie if I am in a parcel 50 metres from a parcel that suddenly turns on ban lines, hw soon will my mini-map change to show this? Needs testing somewhere that has a person willing to toggle their parcel banlines on and off.
  20. Actually, this is a misunderstanding: the wiki advises that you cannot move any child prims of a linkset whilst it is being moved in KFM mode. But if the path is made up of lots of tiny segments instead of one set , you can jiggle things around at each point where KFM has ended before setting off the next small section of the path. Dora's code combines a lot of delta position and delta rotations plus time and plays them all as one large list, but that's simply because the code is illustrating something. It can be changed. If you made up the list as a separate list you could then take the list contents three at a time, as a sub-list to give to the KFM command, start the KFM, set a timer for when you expect the KFM to have finished, and if moving_end hasn't triggered, the timer itself calls the KFM([],[]) to stop any remaining motion. Once KFM has been stopped, you can alter the linkset, then call the next section of the KFM path, and so on. LLSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast ensures that your list of changes get prioritised. Just don't try and make too many at once. For things like propellers you can use target omega, because that is client-side only and so doesn't have the same complications that altering child positions server-side would do.
  21. The defaults for things like range would maybe have taken it it the edge of the region? I put in 10.0,10.0, 0.0 but left the others alone, and got a nice moving display around me, but with 144 entries. I then cut down the other two parameters to three so I could have a look at what was being put out. The reason for the three distinct segments is that to produce a path from random numbers that actually goes somewhere with purpose instead of staggering blindly in a Drunkard's Walk is very difficult, you don't actually want random numbers at all, but random variation in a carefully controlled pattern. I believe the wiki maintainers would only remove entries if they were fundamentally wrong, pointless, or cribs. This particular piece of code is fundamentally right and is your best starting point.
  22. That's interesting, I don't see the yellow tape until I bang my nose on it but the rose-pink parcel colour is there on the mini-map as soon as I look a it. The mini-map updates often before the textures have finished de=blurring. Is this because I'm walking and so get more time for the updates, wherea a flier doesn't have the time available? I just tested by popping away to a couple f regions and then back to whre I know there's a blocked parcel. Unless the mini-maps are also cached, the informtion was there withing a second of my arriving.
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