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Profaitchikenz Haiku

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Everything posted by Profaitchikenz Haiku

  1. I didn't think I did either, but every now and then I'll visit a new web page that throws u a warning to me that I am using an ad-blocker and it's hurting their revenue. Looking into it, I discovered some of the browsers do implement a low-level form of ad-blocking on an opt-out by default but opt-in consciously basis, so I was guilty as charged but innocent of any evil intent. I'm now contemplating whether Firestorm left the popup there despite the known bugs to either see if anybody cared, or garner support for the Jira from hordes of outraged loggers-in
  2. New people tend to see things differently, they want the world to change for their benefit, not the other way round, they see inertia as an obstruction that needn't be there and want it out of the way, and there's pros and cons to this, There wouldn't be any progress without a regular amount of fresh viewpoints, however much they might jar with our established beliefs. We have to make some room for them. I think the vast majority here have come through the experience of being annoyed and learned the pragmatic ways of minimising the risk of it happening or dealing with it when it does. There is a limit to what LL can do, how many live chat personnel are there at any one time, or indeed what restrictions they can put on sandboxes to avoid these sorts of episodes. I'm old, I've had plenty of kicks and bruises, but I have learned that at the end of it all, sympathy - however well meant, isn't anywhere near as good a substitute as pragmatic advice. I hope the OP gets the positive intentions that have been put forward in this thread.
  3. sandbox etiquette is variable, I use premium ones for the hopefully trouble-free experience, but the other day after being in one spot for close on three hour somebody arrived almost on top of me and rezzed a large mesh green sphere that was large enough to completely cover my build. When I asked what was going on they replied that they had just dropped in and were doing to do some photography. I accepted it wasn't intentional, but I felt surprised they hadn't checked the immediate vicinity first. But there was no intention to annoy me. In a public sandbox you have to allow for the intention of what can be classed as griefing. Sometimes it's just high-spirits. Sometimes it's curiousity about what is being built. Malevolent intent is really only evident when it's a repeat incident, or they try to orbit you or break the build apart. The old advice applies: stay seated when you aren't alone, and save your build frequently.
  4. I suspect that was just luck. I was asked to script a visitor recorder a few months back for somebody also annoyed at people arriving at her place and departing after 20 or 30 seconds, and never replying to an IM. She also, like you, felt this was creepy. The bots come and go there perhaps 2 or 3 a day, all dating, as you have identified, from earlier this year. One thing you can do to try and avoid having them in your face is to use your parcel option settings and designate a particular spot on the parcel as the arrival spot. Anybody, bot or genuine avatar, will arrive there no matter where their stored landmark would try to put them, or where they clicked on the map. You can still use TPs yourself that go where you wish, and you can TP others into beside you.
  5. Just tried this in two mainland parcels, one an RC and one the main server, the stand button is there in all instances, both ground-sit and scripted objects. I was using both the Performance Improvement viewer and the latest 564172.
  6. A significant percentage of the internet is copy-and-paste. There's no getting around that, many people want to join in, and if they aren't a creator they'll turn to re-tweets instead. Everybody's doing it, just look at how we grab clips off Youtube to embellish our posts here?
  7. I've been seeing it on and off for a while, I suspect it's more to do with some settings at the client end, something like the ad-blockers in web browsers. I suppose one of us ought to bring it to the attention of @Whirly Fizzle
  8. Surveys, you'd need to ask the person deploying them what particular information is driving them. Most likely it's somebody with a database that doesn't have enough data (yet).
  9. That message box predates connecting to the region and getting world information, and you can leave that screen as-is for ages and there will be no change. It's an example of the dubious technology you see around the web where a page pops up trying to show you that your search terms feature so often on their page that you dare not pass by their link, go on and click on heyYouYou'veComeToTheRightPlaceForrxxxxx,com
  10. You're right, my life hasn't been complete until seeing that.
  11. I think there's some performance limitations with homesteads, but I've no experience with them. I know object count is down but I also believe they run four to a core rather than 1, and then could impact on things like script performance.
  12. Creation Forum - LSL Library - "Region performance tests"
  13. Is the region stable? This can happen when things or avatars come and go, behaviour changes.
  14. It's easier to create a global variable "timerAction" and use it to determine what should be done. In your case, the touch events would change timerAction so let's assume it is first set to "start" If the timer counter reaches a certain value and timerAction == "start"you know there wasn't a touch and act accordingly. But if a touch occurs when timerAction == "start" you then set timerAction = "touched" and maybe adjust another value of next seconds. The next time that timer occurs it sees there has been a touch, and acts accordingly. You can find an example of using such a variable together with different length timerevent settings in the region monitoring scripts for keyframedmotion and motetotarget I have posted in the scripts library forum
  15. Flying is a strange thing, I do not know any method to force an avatar to fly (let's not discuss orbiting), but, several of the text-only viewers tend to make an avatar arrive at a TP destination hovering a metre above the ground. Technically they are flying, because those parcel owners who were dead against avatars flying and bought scripts to nag them would bombard such hovering avatars with messages to tell them to to flying. Most of those avatars would in turn mute the parcel-owners nag-object. What you could try in your attachment is to detect the avatar's velocity, in particular the Z-component, to take as an indicator they have begun to fall, and use the value to derive an opposing force with which to push them back up.
  16. Putting a birthdate that is out by a specific amount, such as a month or a year, is actually a very good means of confounding those attempting to steal your ID, but you do need to keep a record of each site/ account, and the birthdate you specified for it, should you ever need to challenge a fake ID. Should it ever become necessary to prove it, the deliberate falshood in the birthdate can help prove that your details were obtained from a specific site by a hack.
  17. The first, I have a feeling the flight feather that everyone used before tricks like the LSL bridge might have done something with the rate of fall. I certainly did something once by having an attachment where the bouyancy was varied to achieve a slow descent. For the second, I think some AO's mmight be able to do this by detecting what default animation is playing and substituting their alternative.
  18. Yes, that was my intended use, I wouldn't go on to limit it to the following clause. However, if you do need to know the areas which I feel are in a similar category, they are included in but not limited to The Philosophers Stone The South Sea Bubble The Dutch Tulip craze Franz Mesmer The Sinclair C5 Graham Norton Free energy The Apeothis of Dilwyn Bagelmmeister
  19. For those who like to follow where ideas might have originated from, have another rad of "The Diamond Age", in particular Carl Hollywood's explanation to Miranda of why she couldn't trace Nell through the payments made for her racting, and then a sizable chunk in the last third of the book where Nell learns about the use of large numbers to encode and decode transaction and messages.
  20. Something I am unable to check now because I don't have a private region any longer. Maybe somebody else can verify if what I observed is still the case. Back when setting prim to convex hull to lower LI was all the rage, I tried a couple of experiments in my island. I noted the region' total prim allowance , used, and remaining figures. In a smaller parcel I noted the used and free figures. I rezzed a build in the parcel with all the children set to prims and noted the change in the figures I noted the change to the hole region figures I changed the children to convex hull. I noted the new usage figures for the parcel, which did indeed show a decrease in prims used and an increase in prims remaining. I checked the full region figures and found they were still showing the effects of the build with all children set to prim. After a reset there was no change. From that, I concluded that the savings were only applicable to parcel prim counts, if you had an island with a 15000 upper prim count, objects on that island consumed their basic prim count, not a reduced figure due to convex hull. ie the 15000 region prim limit is an absolute, you couldn't get an apparent 20,000 prims used by fiddling around with convex hulls. I'd be interested to know if it's different today.
  21. NFT = Newest FUD Topic "I was at a policy meeting - they were discussing new ways of cheating"
  22. In addition, how many users would want their most expensive graphics card not used for showing them the world but for implementing the currency? There's always new toys, new names, new games pouring out year by year, and many times there isn't any reason to abandon what you already have, especially when you still haven't fully explored all it's capabilities.
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