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Everything posted by kiramanell

  1. Thank you for this, Scylla. Your contributions today on this matter have been thoroughly heart-warming. 🤗
  2. No, it's a very heavily modded version of :Fanatik Architecture: ERA industrial studio loft My Tessa avi looks like crap in there, but this was just a screengrab taken in Black Dragon, back when, to show that viewer has a floor-mirror effect Firestorm just won't implement.
  3. Lovely sky-environment. I think I've actuallly the same sky envo, LOL (but differently rotated):
  4. Yes. Although we are taught Her Majesty's English in highschool, for the most part, British sound funny to me, nowadays. The preponderance of American English we're bombarded with every day causes it, I reckon. I can still understand British just fine, of course.
  5. LOL. No, that was just me trying yet another variation of 'F-up', to throw off forum censors. 'Effe' is actually Dutch slang used on forums. The closing E is not silent. It means, loosely translated, 'eventjes' ('even'). ETA: I realized, now you still don't know what it means. It means 'quickly', as in: "Ik moet effe snel naar de winkel." "I quickly need to run out to the store, for a moment."
  6. Pet peeve: I always love how Mericans effe up French pronunciation. Like in that famous song 'Que sera, sera'. It's not pronounced 'K', k!? It's 'ke' (not e, as in the a of 'can', which is Spanish, but as in the 'e' in 'mermaid').
  7. I suggest you familiarize yourself with Kohlberg's 6 Stages of Moral Development (uh-oh, there's she goes again, with the Stages). Your stance is the lowest, Stage 1: 'Obedience and Punishment Orientation. The child/individual is good in order to avoid being punished.' Further evinced by your 100% moral relativism. And how could you see it differently even? Wth nothing internalized, everything goes. And I don't mean to be rude, but that makes talking with you about morality pointless, really. If you want to talk about a conscience (which is just an internalized sense of morality), you need to have one.
  8. It's a bit of a Catch-22 situation. Logically, it makes sense the greyed-out emoticons are not available for use; but if they were truly unavailable, your Browser couldn't even display them in the first place. (Put unnecessarily more complicatedly: if you can show what you can't show... you can show them.) Since you're on Win 7, I would try and see if you can update Chrome; or may get an emoji extension pack or something (although that shouldn' be needed). Sorry, I got nothing.
  9. Those are supposed to be this forum's smileys ("NO EMOJI"). The ones Caerolle did were little LOL-ones. Can't for the life of me understand why your browser wouldn't show those.
  10. Yeah. This qualifies for another 'Ouch!' moment. 😛
  11. For sure. I didn't realize SL also has males that are really female in RL, though. That one was.... unexpected (albeit statistically logical, of course).
  12. Hehe, I love British! "That'll be sixpence, love!"
  13. Hey now! I step out for a few minutes, then there's this getting posted. This is amazing work! ❤️
  14. A much less 'soft' look for you than usual, but awesome! ❤️👍
  15. Never heard it by a woman either Usually in a male context, like when you have a 'headache' (*g*), like "C'mon, babe, don't be like that!"
  16. (First day for me actually seeing ppl's sigs) I suppose when ppl throw "middle aged Barbie" in your face, that's a clear tell too. 😜
  17. And, to paraphrase Freud, sometimes a cigar is not a cigar. Like in STO (a space MMO), you have space missions and ground stuff. They're called Task Force Operations. Guess what the acronym for the Ground TFO is?! 😍
  18. Is it?! I went to sim once, where women pretended to be men, belching, burping, being excessively loud, heavily drinking, etc. It was hilarious. 🤩 Those signs were rather obvious, of course. But what would make it easier for a women to truly pretend to be a man? (And I'm not counting the use of blatently obvious pickup lines like "I know this sounds ike a pickup line, but I really just want to get to know you as person." Or ostentatiously talking about sports). I think it would be kinda hard to pull off, actually. But, as others have said as well, however ppl wish to present themselves in SL, congruent with how they're feeling on the inside, is all fine by me.
  19. Awww, thank you!! I'm going to get the HUD rightaway. 👍 N.B. And I won't do the usual thing, where I say that I really admire how helpful and supportive you are... but you are. 🤗 ETA: I finally realized this forum has signatures, LOL. See? I'm learing. 😍
  20. Thx. I had never even considered that you can make your own poses (at least not without having mastered gawdawful difficult programs like Blender et al.). I really want to try and do this, as you're right: I can hardly ever find a pose that truly fits the occasion.
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