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Everything posted by kiramanell

  1. That's an incredibly gorgeous look! ❤️ And light falling thru blinds, loving that too! 🤩
  2. I think this is probably one of the most beautiful pictures of your avi you have ever posted here. ❤️ And 😂 @ the Mickey Mouse ears.
  3. It would make more sense if you made more sense. Or at least made up your mind a bit. One moment you're blaming the WHO for not immediately panicking and locking down worldwide traffic, the next you fear they 'screw up so badly because of panic.' Take a pick, and go with that. Excactly what red tape would that be?! There's none, far as I know. Their goal is simply to coordinate and give advice. Often countries listen. And sometimes they even wait a bit for their (non-binding) assessments, before rampantly doing their own thang, as they've learned that coordinating things together is often the saner choice -- the very reason the WHO got instituted to begin with. This part makes me sad. Because I know you'be been ill for 5 straight months. But the WHO is not going to tell your doctor what to do. That's simply not their task. If your doctor keeps stringing you along, with BS lines like "We will get you there!", but nothing materializes, then simply dump his sorry ass, and get someone who *is* willing to help you. Sitting around, blaming the WHO and China isn't going to do you any good. I do not fully understand your apparent strong need to blame China or the WHO. I mean, I fully understand Trump's motives for doing so: he needs a blatantly obvious scapegoat to deflect from his own administration's momumental eff-up in this matter. Remember "We have it fully under control!"? Even half his cabinet ministers already knew, at the time, the situation was going to be very dire. So, why do you keep toeing the crazed FOX news line? Because Trump and his cronies aren't rich, right!? /sarcsasm I wouldn't put too much stock in Internet self-medication advice, lest you be found injecting bleech one day. People around the world ARE actually looking for a vaccin. Professional scientists. No red tape involved. And, ironically, the last thing this world needs now, is attacking/destroying the one global bastion or coordinaton for illnesses, the WHO.
  4. Ooops, I was going to post: "Nope, can't be French, cuz there's a cafe that says 'THE GOL[DEN?]'". Why, ca montre à quel point je n'y connais rien. 😛
  5. This is awesome! ❤️ And I love the USB cord. 👍
  6. Sometimes I wonder what's more beautiful, your avis or those hopelessly idyllic scenes you manage to find yourself in. ❤️
  7. Arcadia Bay, 2049 AD, ca. 40 years after The Storm. The searing heat from the sun has made planet surface-life almost impossible. Then, one day, on a routine inspection from the shore observatory, it had arrived, "New Life!" And finally I had hope again.
  8. Other than saying the obvious: that you post incredibly good, well-thought out things, be they photots or poetry, you contributions of the last 2 days have meant a lot to me, with you standing up for that poor black man, and equal justice for all. ❤️ All that is required for evil not to triumph** is for good people to CARE. And you did. And I thank you for it. 👍 ** I initially wrote 'trumph' (true story). If ever I saw a Freudian slip, that was it.
  9. Ha! I like that girl from 'Brave'. Especially since we were all talking differing English accents/pronunciations, elsewhere. Hers (Scottish, was it?) was very cute.
  10. You're just peddling Trump's craziness now, about the WHO not having immediately closed down all international traffic (and thus being hugely to blame for your illness). Reality is, it's not that simple. Directly closing all international traffic tends to have... the exact opposite effect. Because there's always a small grace period for ppl to return home from abroad. And that's the real kicker: during such immediate voluntary repatriation, with everyone suddenly leaving the foreign country they're in, it actually helps to spread the disease. (Which is partly what happened when Trump acutely closes all traffic from Europe... except for American citizens who wanted to come home). People have actually thought about these things, Fairre; actual scientists. But if it helps you to blame China, or the EU even, more power to ya!
  11. He has more power than you may think. Sure, he can't literally compel Governors to open their respective States, or simply cancel the US debt to China (it's actually in your Constitution that America obligates itself to paying off their debts). His power is a different kind, though: the kind that's given to him. I'm pretty sure almost all Republican Senators know, deep down in their hearts (or not so deep), that the man is crooked, corrupt to the bone, dirty, and likely guilty of everything he's been accused of. But he keeps the GOP in power, sends them huge tax breaks, gets right-wing Judges appointed, caters to anti pro-choice movement; ergo, it's all good to them. He doesn't actually have the power, but they simply let him get away with everything. Basically, from my perspective, your country currently exists in a state of 'soft coup,' as I like to dub it. With Kavanaugh appointed to SCOTUS, your Supreme Court is now perverted (in every sense of the word), and Replicans now have absolute power. Supoena's sent by the House are simply ignored; there are several hundred (!) pending proposals for legislation, made by the House, ALL not even accepted for consideration by the Senate, by Mitch Mcconnell. Republicans have quite literally committed a coup, even though no force was used. And now they're in the process of firing all Government Oversight officials. I'd say you have a bigger problem at hand than the WHO.
  12. LOL, that cat spinning picture is way more cute than the usual beating dead horse one ppl often post. 😍 And yeah, I should have quit at Marci.... err, Scylla's "*GROAN*"
  13. Are sure sure you didn't go to the Grand Crayon today?! 😍 Cuz your colors are just fantastic, as always! ❤️
  14. I'm really sorry to hear you got ill, Fairre. It's a sh*t disease; and, Trump despite, I hope they find something for you soon. 😷
  15. Thus proving the old adage: you can't have your cake and eat it. 😍
  16. She's didn't mind the camming; but if you don't mind me saying: I like her camera better.
  17. I can't speak for the US, but every time I see Trump and his cronies mock Biden and others for wearing a mask (because Real Men Don't Wear Masks), I'm beginning to get a good idea about the origin of the ignorance.
  18. This is such a 'RL' scene, quickly adjustig something, I love it! ❤️ And headlights, as an actual, practical 'blunt' spotlight beam, too cute! And entirely appropriate for the scene!
  19. I don't think I've ever seen you sit upright, teehee, but I'm loving the new pose! ❤️
  20. Really loving this concept, looking thru the window. ❤️ And as for your avi, while she continues to look beautiful as ever, I also really love how you dress her up, fitting the style of the homes in the scene. I can really envision you sitting there in RL.
  21. Awww, that is just an absolutely lovely shot, and avi. ❤️ So cosy!
  22. And thank you for putting Taylor's Tweet in your sig. 👍
  23. Dr. Fauci is right: we really are all going to die, sooner or later. But I kinda knew that already since childhood. As for Corona, about 0.8% of ppl under the age of 44 will die from Corona... and then only wen affected, of course.** As for your absurd paranoia about China and the WHO, all I can say it, I never met a real Trumpian, until I read your posts here. And yes, I'm scared alright. And the WHO? All they've done is having initially been perhaps a little too (outwardly) friendly towards China, in terms of not immediately blasting them to hell. I would probably have done the same thing. China is a de facto Dictatorship, secretive in nature: if you want their cooperation, especially on sharing information, you need to tread carefully. Meanwhile, your own Trump has been downplaying Corona until late April. "We have it totally under control." Yeah, no. ** When the disease is approached properly, and not allowed to proliferate unchecked.
  24. Just totally adorable, the both of you! ❤️🤩
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