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Everything posted by kiramanell

  1. Me neither. I keep making screengrabs that are just like 1 tenth of a second too late (where the anim is starting to clip thru your leg or something). Thanks for the reminder.👍 No matter the hour, though, you really DID get it right! ❤️
  2. That's probablty the most joyful look I've seen on your avi. 😍 You have this "I'm having NOPE, and I like it" look on your face. Very cute, and well-lit. 👍
  3. Dat pose! ❤️ You look so lovely. And sad. And lovely.
  4. Thanks for the explanation, Sara. (As usual, I had no clue). I fully get where you're coming from. Still wouldn't mind seeing you post more. N.B. We still don't know where that picture of yours was taken. Was it a subway? Can't leave us hanging like this. 😍
  5. I think you may be putting the cart before the horse, here. Without the protests, these officers would never even have been charged, Without even more protests, the charges would never even have been upgraded. Currently, and apparently, black lives only matter when ppl make a big stink about it. The idea is, to get to a state where 'equal Justice under the Law' is happening without the protests. Ironically, that's what the protests are for.
  6. Naturally I do not possess Scylla's godly artistic skills. But I wanted to contribute anyway. In full black & white, for the occasion. From high up in the sky, Kira has a message for you:
  7. Just read that James Mattis (former Secretary of Defense, under Trump) wrote this: "I have watched this week’s unfolding events, angry and appalled. The words 'Equal Justice Under Law' are carved in the pediment of the United States Supreme Court. This is precisely what protesters are rightly demanding. It is a wholesome and unifying demand—one that all of us should be able to get behind. We must not be distracted by a small number of lawbreakers. The protests are defined by tens of thousands of people of conscience who are insisting that we live up to our values—our values as people and our values as a nation." (...) "We must reject and hold accountable those in office who would make a mockery of our Constitution." I applaud this man!
  8. Thanks for replying, Scylla. And LO, what's that expression again? "One person's unsurmountable hill is the pebble you step over." 😛 So, yeah, was wearing these (both, and single) AnyPose Animator HUD v1.82 AnyPose BVH HUD v1.82 Neither seems to animate anything (my avi is Bento enabled). I tried poses, expressions, moving hands, etc., nada. Of course, I don't even really know where to start. And their website is still down.
  9. I must say I'm really liking this new style of yours, instead of the usal 'across-the-screen' shots. Those are also great, of course; but these new ones really catch my eye. ❤️
  10. I told ya, didn't I? You really should only have taken one of those confections, not both. 😛 "Oh, it's just a harmless little bonbon."
  11. LOL, having typical Kira moment here, where I am understanding exactly nothing. Wearing HUD, nothing works. Sigh. A manual, for that money, would be nice, grrrr. And their alleged help website is down too.
  12. Thanks, Scylla and Eva. 👍 I got this one; https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AnyPose-BVH-Pose-Stand-Includes-AnyPose-Animator/774336
  13. I really like this look here. ❤️ It says, to me, "I pretend not to really care all that much, but, on the inside, I kinda do." 🤩
  14. I don't see you post that often. Kinda sad, really, as your avi is amazing; and this pose here, well, quite alluring, actually. ❤️ Where this is? My guess is a subway station. (And, if not, cuz there's some red in it too, Santa's underground workshop? 😁)
  15. Hehe, this reminds me of that scene in the movie Toys (I loved Alsatia Zevo, btw; she made me tear up), where Patrick, I think, was wearing a red suit for camouflage against a red wall, cuz you blend in so incrediby well against that back wall. I could hardly see you, except I did, of course, and you look your usual amazingly adorable self, naturally. ❤️ And doggie, dunno about that one. Looks cute, but I'm still getting a "Hey, I saw her first!" look off of him. 🤩
  16. Reminds me a bit of Nancy Pelosi (who I think is great, btw), answering questions to the press, saying words akin to 'All lives matter to me', when asked by reporters about the death of that poor black man. I didn't blame her for that, because, in her context, it's just the kind of broad, blanket statement you need to make as a politician. Still, one needs to be careful with what one says. Like 'Covid-19 affects all of us alike, indiscriminately.' That may sound ueber politically correct, but simply isn't factual.
  17. Hehe, that's why I put the caveat in, in case I wound up with my foot in my mouth. 🤩 (easier to extricate it, that way 😁). Seriously, your avis are so naturally high-class, I often take em for granted; but really, they're absolutely fantastic, every time.
  18. Catwa should really hire you for their poster work. You make the most gorgeous avis with their heads! (And in case this wasn't a Catwa head... well, they should still hire you! 😊
  19. This atmosphere reminds me of that great photo you made a while back, with you as a nurse: same beautiful scenic 'feel', and same beautiful avi. ❤️
  20. This is the second time, in as many days, that you made a powerful, truly artistic statement about what's happening out there! I thank you for it. 🏆,
  21. For what it's worth, I just saw her make an empty post, and then quote her own empty post.
  22. In the kind words of Pantaleeva, please stop
  23. I think the other word for 'behind' was blocked too; but maye someone got off his ass, and fixed it.
  24. You have good reason to be worried, Fairre. And it is true, that black people are disproportionally dying from Corona. Which just underlines the need for social and economic injustices towards black ppl to be eliminated as well (which ultimately just means: racism has to go).
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