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Posts posted by Xiija

  1. Is there a list of these anywhere?


    so far I have...


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  2. @Aglaia

    Haven't tried another sim yet,  The script only gets a new URL when it is reset,

    and the correct url is registered/recorded off-world.


    arg, cant edit/delete the above text , dunno why.



    @Monty Linden

    the prim is in the BURN2 sim,  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Burning Man- Deep Hole/243/13/39

    the script is the same,  I just keep resetting it. ( just tested now )

    Do i need to delete / remake the prim/script?

    the repl i am using is public , ...  https://replit.com/@TikiHed/SL-STATS#index.js 

  3. @Jenna Huntsman

    task/7f1c03ab-3401-7262-ed4a-6ddc33e32184  ... seems to be the inworld prim's uuid

    I wasn't sure if it was SL or my Node.js code on repl.it hmmm

    @Aglaia this url gives the bad response...



    whenever i go in-world & reset the script, it gets a new secure URL, and the repl HTTP call works again for a while ...


    @Lucia Nightfire no idea how to file a bug report ... not even sure it IS a bug

  4. Quote

    The current limits are 25 requests in 20 seconds for each object, and 1000 in 20 seconds for each owner.

    I am sending a request every 30 seconds from repl.it , and it works for a while, then i get this msg...


    Node '/web/task/7f1c03ab-3401-7262-ed4a-6ddc33e32184/script/7d729c6b-5044-dbe7-66a2-91edfa5b57c2/http' not found.

    this is also a status: 404 ..... any ideas?

  5. @Mia Puddles


    For the rez part, just use llRezObject or llRezAtRoot, kinda like ...

        touch_start(integer total_number)
        {    string myObj    = llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_OBJECT,0 );        
             vector myPos    = llGetPos();       
             vector rezPos   = myPos + <0.0, 0.0, 2.0>; // or region coordinates
             vector rezVel   = <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>;
             rotation rezRot = llGetRot(); //  or... ZERO_ROTATION;  .. or ..  llEuler2Rot(<0.0, 0.0, 0.0> * DEG_TO_RAD );         
             integer param   = 0x80000000 | (integer)("0x"+(string)llGetKey() );           
             llRezAtRoot(myObj, rezPos, rezVel, rezRot, param);


  6. @finiks66   sorry so late, but it may help others, so..

    You can pass things thru the rez functions.

    In the above code, the "param" variable can pass a channel to the rezzed object.

    :: ignore accidental quote ::


    if anyone knows how to get rid of a quote, ...i sure cant figure out how to remove this.

    integer itemChan = 0x80000000 | (integer)("0x" + (string)llGetKey() );
    llRezAtRoot(myObj, rezPos, rezVel, rezRot, itemChan);



    and in the rezzed object...

    on_rez(integer param)
    { // integer passedChan = param;

    etc etc ..

  7. @DarkEmperor13

    mebbe use a keyword instead of a channel?

    that way you could use one channel ( owner based) for all coms.

    something kinda like ...  ownerChan      = 0x80000000 | (integer)("0x"+(string)llGetOwner() );  

    so if you send a message with a command and a target...


    "Change | panel-1"

    then each prim could just parse it to see which of them will respond?

     listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)

          list my_listX = llParseString2List( message,["|" ],[""]  );  
           string chk0   = llList2String( my_listX ,0);
           string chk1   = llList2String( my_listX ,1);    
           llOwnerSay("\nCommand: " + chk0 + "\nValue: " + chk1);    


    // ownersay prints out

    Command: Change
    Value:  panel-1


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