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Velk Kerang

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Everything posted by Velk Kerang

  1. And you seriously thought I would have contacted you in world. Wow. lol🤣
  2. Stop talking to me. Seriously now. Let it go. This conversation has went no where positive. I'm going to ignore you now for being a pest from this point on. As bad as I've had it out with some folks on here I've never once blocked and muted anyone on the forums before. Your about to be the first. Take your own advice and move on. lol Don't go away mad. Just go away. lol👍😎
  3. Ya I had to laugh at this because this is exactly what I was thinking too mate. lol I mean if I was using the word love at people then knowing my luck somebody would be accusing me of making unwanted advances. lol So ya I'll stick with mate. It's the safer rout. lol It just goes to show that no matter how hard you try you just can't win for loosing. lol Also not confirming or denying the video that @Drendaposted, but I will say this. It does make me want to visit Argentina now. lol Cheers mates. lol🤣😎
  4. First off I didn't demean you. You demeaned yourself. I did not call you a smartass. I said your statements were and they are. I was clearly open about myself and you chose to get nasty, rude, and hostel with your comments. I responded accordingly as anyone would. I don't need to get over it as you put it because I am comfortable in my own skin. I got nothing to prove. I do not think I am all that. In fact the exact opposite. And if you do not like the way I write my posts or what I have to say please feel free to stop reading and responding to them at any time. I'm also not trying to look smarter because this isn't a contest. Again comfortable in my own skin. If I look defensive to you then it's probably because your acting like a jerk and naturally I will defend myself when someone clearly attempts to belittle me. Deal with it.🙄 I'm not going to comment on your background you say you have because you are very vague and dangerous and hazardous can mean anything. You could have been a janitor on a Navy ship for all we know. Respectable position regardless of the fact. Also again it's not really a contest. I gave you the cliff notes version of how a security evacuation would have went down and you want to argue it to fit your agenda. I don't got time for all of that. I live in this little thing we call reality. Someone with my background would have read the words key personnel and already known what I was talking about. You didn't. So whatever your background is in I know for a fact it isn't in security.🤔 On your last statement of looking you up. I gotta be honest. I don't know how to take that. lol You've been such a ray of sunshine and oh so pleasant basically out right the starting gate more or less calling me a liar so I got to ask. What would my motivation be exactly? lol I mean I have no problem saying hi the next time I am in world, but I'm not gonna contact nobody just to get in to it with them. I'm not with all that. It's bad enough when it happens on the forums. Everybody that knows me personally knows that when I log in world on this platform I'm in my zen place. Check that mess at door. Don't mess with the mojo. lol😎 I also want to comment on this here. Mate is gender neutral. Women use the term all the time. I know plenty of them who do. Most of the time I use it with out even giving it a second thought. It means friend. When I use it with the ladies it's because I don't want them to think I am ever interested in anything other then a friendship. While not always successful I try to be everyone's friend in fact because it's not my goal to make enemies in this life. Sometimes shirt happens though. So I find it funny when people take offense to it because it's really not that serious.😁 So if your going to come at me with gender political corrections on how I talk out side of making me personally aware of how you'd like to be addressed which I'll be respectful and do then I am probably not the best person to have conversations with. Just for the simple fact I do not just up and fall in line with the political correctness train because I refuse to be the sheep. The wolf eats better. lol😎
  5. Your very welcome. I actually did both. I guess the way I worded it just wasn't clear enough. My first response was an actual copy and paste from the last one in the thread I linked because I had a feeling it would get removed. I did it that way to mainly give Luna an opportunity to respond to it and at that time we both had some RL stuff to deal with so it was also just faster and easier to do it that way. I'm sorry about the confusion on that.
  6. Sorry I missed this mate. What made you think I didn't anticipate this? Luna and I discussed this before she even made the thread. lol😎
  7. Corrected. Good catch mate. Thanks for that. lol👍😎
  8. The posts don't really ring a bell right now mate. I'll look them up and see if I can remember. I did get in to it with some people getting nasty with me on here last year at one point. I don't recall us ever getting in to it though. So I can't really say if we did or didn't. I only ever actually hit the laugh button on one persons posts purposely to irritate someone because she kept popping mine on every other post so for a laugh I returned the favor and she cracked it on me by sending me little hate messages in PM's and we talked for a bit and I told her look let's just chill with the nonsense already. It was funny at first, but it's going a bit far. So we chatted a bit and called a truce I guess you could say. Dang that sounds so childish. I'm literally laughing as I am writing this crap. lol I mean as silly as it sounds sometimes it just goes like that on these forums. Someone will act like a jerk and then you got stupid comments back and forth and they pop laughs on your stuff and I'll generally pop one back too as my way of saying ya I am laughing too mate. lol😁 As for us though like I said I can't honestly recall right now why I would have hit those reactions. Looking over the photos I dare say we were probably discussing politics which honestly I should just stop doing that all together. lol If it's the thread I am thinking about which I'd have to look up then as I recall there were some people who got nasty with me because they didn't like my opinions which is usually the case on here. I do see one name that stands out to me because this person seemed to have an issue with just anything I ever said. Even if I complimented this person she had an issue with it. lol So best guess your comments may have been popped during that whole heated conversation.🤔 In any case the why is not important to me right now. What is important to me is that I feel like you took my actions personally and to heart. So on that note I genuinely want to apologize to you for anything that I may have said and/or done whether intentionally or not. I am sincerely so very sorry. I had no idea I made you feel that way or that I made you think that I had some personal issues with you. I can assure you that I don't. I don't even have issues with people who have been nasty to me on here. Life is way entirely to short for all of that. I will ask you though if at anytime in the future your feeling some type of way about something I've said and done then by all means please feel free to PM and contact me personally. Again I am so very sorry if you took anything to heart. It certainly was not my intention. *Hugs.*😎
  9. First you're right you don't know me. You can take my word for it or don't. I really have nothing to prove to you. Given your nasty ignorant smartass attitude I don't care to know you. Second being around the military vs being raised up in the military in a generational military family from day one of my life and my background there is absolutely nothing you can school me on and I sure as heck don't got nothing to prove to the likes of you as I've said. It is clear to me though based off the ignorance and nastiness of your statements you don't know crap from crisco. Being around the military as you claim you obviously skipped the class about following orders. You certainly don't know the first thing about security procedures which is clearly obvious to me. Nor is it my job to teach you. As for your dirty little comment about leaving me. You wouldn't have the chance because someone like you wouldn't be working with me in the first place. People like you who think they know everything and act as you clearly do get people killed. You wouldn't have lasted a day in my shoes. And to be entirely clear I am smiling at you now because your a bad joke. lol😎 One last thing. As for your issue and anyone else's for that matter with me using the term mate when I speak. You got no idea of my heritage or background or how it is part of how I speak. I find it amusing that you think you are such an authority on where the term originates from or even attempt to speculate on why I use it. Let alone even act as if only certain people are allowed to use it. And the reason I don't explain it is because I absolutely love when people make the ignorant statements such as the one you clearly have made. It makes it easier for me to see how full of crap some people really are. So stick that in your credence. lol Have a nice day mate.😁
  10. Sorry I just seen this comment. Probably what happened is the first part of the conversation we were having that started this thread got removed because it was off topic. Remember this conversation started over in the Gacha thread mate. lol So not really an issue. lol👍😎
  11. I'll read over your articles since you took the time to post them. I don't believe everything I read in the press because it's mostly BS anyway, but I will read them just for you mate. More importantly though I want to ask what exactly are you on about? I don't comment on half of your stuff let a lone go out of my way to do so. In fact I'm pretty sure I've even hit the like button on a few of your comments in the past. Not to say we probably haven't disagreed in the past, but I certainly don't go out of my way. lol So are you just looking for conflict where there is none? If your having fantasies about me forum stalking you then me know so I can play along too. lol👍😁😜😎 Well my question would be on these studies when comparing the pay between men and women are their duties the same and are the resumes of their work experiences and other variables included in these studies? Because that would be the only valid reasons I could the pay being different. You are right though. My personal experiences are probably not representative of the world. In truth I've only ever experienced a few cases of discrimination in my life time towards women where I had to personally gut check someone for it. Only one of them were on a professional level and it was when I was a young and hot headed lad. I was a mechanic then and one of my co-workers I caught talking down to this lady like she was stupid which irked me to no end trying to sell her some brand new breaks, rotors, and calipers which she absolutely did not need. The little bolt thingy got all jammed up and all it needed was to be unjammed. All the lady needed was a set of pads. So let's just say I broke the situation down to the lady in a way that she could relate to and I royally pissed in both his and the bosses Cheerio's, by fixing it myself and turned what would have been roughly a five hundred dollar job in to a twenty dollar one. lol They got butt hurt and mad and this pleased me. lol😁 I'm not saying our problems in the world are totally solved. Far from it in fact. I am saying that to me the word oppress is a strong word and it doesn't apply to today's problems. Are there injustices? Absolutely and they need to be addressed. Are people oppressed? Not even close. People have freedom and people have choices. That is a far cry from oppression. The world is unjust and there are people who prey up on others and those are the people that need to be stopped.👍 Well honestly I can think of a few races/cultures who have it worse, but here's the thing. The media stirs the pot and as long as races, genders, and any and every other group of people out here stay at each others throats we'll never find that common ground. Who is fighting the most? The poor. Who benefits from the chaos the most? The rich. If you sit back and I mean really sit back and listen to the world you begin to notice some things. For example let's take the crime rate. Why is it the media determines the level of out cry and urgency on which murders get handled with a sense of urgency? Why is every murder not handled with the same level of urgency? Death does not discriminate. People do. So until the day and time we as a people can stand together united and enforce laws so harsh no one will ever consider taking a life again the media train and the rich dictates who lives and dies.🤦‍♂️ The reason we can't is people don't want equality. Not real equality. They want to oppress each other and/or play victim. It's why that word is thrown around so much. Nobody wants to solve the real problem. They'd rather solely focus on their own groups goals and agendas while stepping on the backs and necks of others. You see nobody wants to admit that though because then they'd have to own up to and admit their own stupidity and contributions to the problems. So what happens? The problem continues to grow and more people suffer for it.😕 Take the pandemic for example. In the movies people have sense. Tell them to stay in doors so they won't die and they do. Common sense right? One would think so since it's not exactly rocket science. Yet we still have groups of special bus morons who go out and get themselves and other people killed spreading a deadly virus. In the movies idiots like this would be shot down as not to kill everyone in sight they come in contact with. In reality they are allowed to basically murder with no punishment at all. Because people can paint it any color they want to, but make no mistake that is what it is. Murder. Yet our society allows it. Why is that?🤔 I am well aware the world has problems. I just won't subscribe to it's any one groups fault. It's all our faults. We are all equally responsible for the world we create and live in. The real question people need to ask themselves is what are you going to do about it to make this world a better place? That change will take place when we all stand together. No more groups. Just the people. That's when we'll have real peace my friend.😎
  12. If that were actually true then a lot of the crap going on in the world today would absolutely not be happening mate. lol🤣😎
  13. I'm offended too mate. lol It's Netflix and ice cream time now.👍😁😜😎
  14. Well I don't know what your background in security is, but mine is over 20 years in both Homeland and private sector and if we want to get technical about it then fine. When it comes to evacuations only key personnel stay behind. So if that's you then you get the dollar more same as me. Otherwise your hump is on that boat mate. lol😎 I actually had been using that saying for years, but I knew I had heard a version of it in someones act before. I just couldn't remember who it was to save my life. lol So thank you for posting that up mate.👍😎 I mean I was and I wasn't. It was more of an inside joke to me because it's actually a saying I used to use at work when shooting the breeze if we want to break it down. Depending on who I was talking to would depend on how I'd say it to fit the situation. At work the gist of it was if you want the extra dollar then take the promotion and deal with the extra BS otherwise you can't complain. lol In truth most of the women I worked with didn't want the promotion and extra BS to deal with.😁 In fact I've only ever worked with one lady in my life who actually did who has worked with me in search and rescue operations on several occasions and she was always in the clear before I was. In fact that was part of her orders to ensure the rest of the team got out safely. It was my detail and that's how I ran it. My team will always go home to their families before I do. So if that makes me politically incorrect and tramples on the sensitive feelings of today's society then I happily do so with a smile. lol In how I used it to apply to my analogy it pretty much fits the situation and applies. What dude said in his act isn't wrong mate. lol😎
  15. Since this is a continuation from this thread I am just going to post up my last response and we can go from there and anyone else who has a point of view can feel free and welcome to join in if they like.😎 Well on your first point I disagree and the reason I disagree is because if whites had so much power to oppress then we would have never even had a black president in the first place. There would not be a buffet of programs and financial aid out there available to help minorities that are simply not available to help whites. People tend to forget it's not about the race. It's about money and power. Those who have and those who don't. There are several rich and successful back men and women in today's society who have just as much if not more then a lot of rich and successful white men and women. However the media and certain groups want to lay this claim about white privilege so people feed in to it. If being white was such a privilege there would not be white people out here struggling now to put food on the table for their children. People who have no type of programs they could turn to and the ones that are available more often then not they are turned down for being white. So I would argue being white is more of a handicap and a hindrance then a privilege.🤦‍♂️ And as for the topic of women in the gaming industry it is a well known fact there are many well respected and established developers who are both loved and adored by their entire communities. None of which deal with misogyny, but I find more often then not in today's culture women like to throw that word around with out even knowing what it really means. It's a word that gets thrown around way entirely to much and the majority of the time it doesn't even fit the situation. So in the context it was used in I found it to be simply untrue because we have a entire history of well respected female developers. If the gaming industry was as misogynistic as some people would like to claim then we would not have full on teams of female developers creating games for our entertainment.👍 On your last two point it's been my experience a lot of that greatly depends on your job and work experience. I've known many women to make just as much if not more then the men in some professions and others not. For example if a man and a woman are working security on a passenger ship out to sea more then likely the man will get paid let's say a dollar more. Why? Because when the ship goes down it's women and children first. So ya the man deserves that extra dollar to go down with the ship. I'm sorry that's just how it is. That's life mate. lol As for work place situations that goes both ways so I'd say it all depends on the person. I worked once for a lady who tried to be all dominate with the men and throw her weight around and we took it. I took it. Until the day and time she over stepped her bounds and walked in on me in the bathroom while I was in the middle of taking a leak. Now right or wrong I am old school. There are things you do and things you don't. Let's just say I verbally lit up on her from one side up to the other. To the point everyone heard it. I ran her little behind back to her office and informed her on the proper etiquette of respect and let her know she was lucky because if she had been a man following a lady in to the bathroom like that then I would have laid her out. So are women treated differently then men? Absolutely they are. Because any man worth his weight in gold will tolerate more crap from a woman because we're trying to be respectful. More often then not it's stuff we will not tolerate from other men. Some women abuse that. So there are jerks on both sides of the coin in the work place. That's just life.😎
  16. This and also it taught me that sometimes peoples true colors are behind the masks they wear. It's how you truly find the good people vs the bad. Best excuse I ever heard when someone has done something royally jacked up is I didn't do it my avatar did. My response is generally no idiot you did and wearing a mask absolves you of nothing. lol🤦‍♂️😎
  17. Nothing immoral about Gachas mate. People just need something to piss and moan about. Today it's Gachas. Tomorrow it will be lucky chairs and mm boards or some stupid crap like that. lol😎 This is already happening as we speak mate. A lot of people are leaving simply because they are tired of the BS. A lot of content creators feel like they got screwed over. Bottom line. Honestly I don't blame them one bit. Even I got one foot out the door. Not because of the Gacha thing only personally, but for other reasons as well.😎 Now days I'm just finding myself enjoying my time more playing Fortnite and Conan Exiles on a custom modded private server I set up for friends and family who need or want to take a break off of here. Because there if people want loot boxes which is what folks want to claim Gachas are then they can have them. I don't mind adding them. Can't nobody tell me shirt on my server. lol I make the rules. lol The combat is better then SL combat anyway. lol👍 The thing is this is where we really see the differences between Second Life and Real Life. In RL people have the option and choice whether to comply or protest in opposition. Not so much on SL. It's comply or be banned and once someone is banned on SL it takes a serious act of congress and divine intervention for someone to get unbanned. There are cases where LL has been quick on the trigger prior to having all of the information and ban someone and the amount of crap a person has to go threw to get it sorted is insane. I know about two people at least who got requested to send them a copy of their ID which was ludicrous to me.🙄 People should not have to do all of that just to get a situation with their account sorted out. It's witnessing those type of situations that made me seriously question the amount of money I am shelling in supporting this platform and one of the many reasons why I dialed it down a lot. I sit back and I'm just watching how this whole Gacha situation is being handled and I'm just not impressed at all.🙄 What amazes me most is we are in the middle of a global pandemic and this is the crap people choose to cry about? Seriously? This is what's important to people? lol Talk about priorities. Wow. Just wow. lol🤦‍♂️😎
  18. Ya that sounds about right on my end too. lol It's usually when they aren't allowed to go outside. lol Unfortunately there are those times that their punishment also becomes my punishment. So I have to sometimes depending on what it is they got punished for go take a bullet and advocate on their behalf and go up front and ask are we all done being punished yet? lol🤣😎
  19. If they have the calling card making the profile private is useless. It just means it can't be searched by normal means and honestly it doesn't always work mate. lol Creating an alt is a valid suggestion. I got half of SL in my inventory and sometimes it's just nice to be on a clean avatar. The more you have in your inventory the more resources your viewer will require in order for you to load and function on the platform. So there is a performance trade off to it mate.😎 If you know who your actually trying to avoid then I would suggest getting real friendly with the block and mute feature since obviously using an alt is not an option for you. Good luck mate.😎
  20. Oh I can totally relate. I don't entirely disagree. lol That is the typical Mom response I've come to know and love. lol I got four grandsons that lived with me when they were growing up and every time I caught them doing something like that I'd mess with them and be like stop it. Ain't gonna be no future serial killers up in this house. lol I'll lock ya'll in a padded room and you won't be allowed around no pets. lol Then I'll go up front and ask do you know what they are back there doing? The response I get. Oh that's just typical boy stuff. My response. It ain't no typical boy stuff I ever did. lol Gonna have me sleeping with one eye open in this house because ya'll are crazy. lol😎
  21. Poor Kermit. lol I don't know whether to laugh or cry that we may possibly have a future little Micheal Myers serial killer in the making. lol🤦‍♂️😎
  22. Personally I was one of those people who didn't think twice about copybotting in SL for the simple fact it was way entirely to easy to get textures and stuff in world with out needing some special viewers to do it. Realistically all those viewers do is skip a few steps and make it easier for the lazy peoples. I used to find it amusing that people would cry about it because if you actually take time to actually sit and learn how to create in the game yourself then you can pretty much replicate anything you see by merely designing it yourself. In some cases you can even do a better job then the original design. lol So me, personally I don't loose no sleep over it. If your that bored, lazy, and untalented that you want to copybot my stuff then go on a head and knock yourself out. lol If I were going to ask anything it'd be the same thing I'd ask if someone used one of the many mods that I created and designs for any of the other games I've ever created in. Just give me credit in the original design. lol It doesn't even register and make a dent in the over all money flow on here so I don't sweat the small stuff mates. lol😎
  23. Your very welcome my friend.😎 Years ago when I first started SL my first job was as a club bouncer which you don't see much of that anymore these days and then I eventually became a prize fighter. Depending on the gym I was fighting at I sometimes made a little bit of shopping money and other times I'd make as much as 20 to 50 thousand lindens in winnings for my victories in last man standing contests and events and such. Sports in SL was much more popular back then especially in boxing and those type of jobs are almost non-existent now days as the serious business side of the SL sports scene as all but died out. Everybody wants you to box and put butts in the seats, but nobody wants to actually pay for a good show. lol That just didn't work for me so I retired from it personally. I've trained a few people, but to be honest most people boxing now days aren't that serious about it. If someone is showing up to box in a mesh avatar looking all nice and pretty then I can tell you now they are not a professional fighter on here. lol Anyway moving on from memory lane. lol My point being the job market has changed over the years on here. Don't get discouraged while looking around. It sucked back then too at times. lol😎 So knowing what I know now I would say give playing in a tribute band a try. It's one of those jobs where you don't feel like your punching a clock and it can be a lot of fun. Also you can potentially make some decent money doing it. That certainly never hurts. lol Also do not be afraid to blacklist a band either. I have one I absolutely will not ever play for again. So if you find yourself playing for somebody and they try to pressure you in to working a gig with someone your not comfortable being around working with and they schedule you anyway after you've explicitly told them not to then give them your behind to kiss in a heartbeat. It's one thing to remain professional, but it's entirely another thing to tolerate abuse. Ain't no job on here worth all of that mate.😎 As for the building thing that was actually a good suggestion if you like to build. I would say go in to business first creating your own store and/or market place and sell that way. If you decide to do custom builds do not, I repeat absolutely DO NOT pass them a build until you have received payment first and foremost. I don't care who they are. I made the mistake once of doing a build for someone I met in one of my Green Lantern groups who I thought was a friend and as a friend I trusted them. They stiffed me on the bill and it was a lot of money mate. lol It was a hard lesson learned so don't make the same mistake I did. Anyway enough of my ramblings. I'm off now. Good luck mate.👍😎
  24. I don't know if I would say shaky. I mean you got to consider dude is working a job just like the rest of us and can only give out the information he's been given or authorized to release. So it's more of a we'll hear more when he hears more waiting game type of a situation then anything else mate.😎
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