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Everything posted by Malanya

  1. It is human nature and you are right, it's not most people's nature. I recall the whole issue from the old forum (my original av is from 2008) and it was something I have never seen on any forum I have participated on. See, it doesn't surprise me how someone just wrote it off and wanted to say the past is the past when things are still happeneing, not as drastic, but the intent is still there from the posts. I say that because I see so much negativity and people talking out of both sides of their mouths on this forum that as long as it didn't happen to them they don't care. Of course my posts are usually jumped on for said flaming, but it's not my intent, just because i have a strong opinion and wont back down to someone. Text doesn't show the way some posts are meant so.. Sure, it's wrong when someone gets driven off the forums because of how people act, that was my point in a my posts in a few other threads. People feel they can't stand up for what they believe without getting jumped on and many of those people are not able to look past the snark and continue with their thread. Unfortunately this person has more friends on this forum that play along. If someone is hurt by another poster they should report it. The forum population doesn't have to put up with it, too many do though. No one should be reduced to tears because of this or any forum. Every person's tolerance is at a different level but I would hope that the people that are affected so adversely by someone who is not significant in their life would find it inside themselves to ignore that person and continue posting, stand up for how you feel and if need be then yes, RIC the person.
  2. Phil Deakins wrote: Anger and annoyance are emotions. Being reduced to tears is an emotion. To the best of my knowledge, he is the only one left who aims at causing those reactions in people. There used to be others. Not many, but not just him. If there are others in the forum who do it, I'm not aware of them. It happens quite often here that a person accuses someone of being a troll. It's because they are getting wound up by not having their view agreed with. Other people resort to insults. The people they accuse are not trolls though. In this discussion I'm talking about one person who intentionally writes things with the intention of winding another person up. That is being a troll. It's what a troll does. It sometimes becomes like a domino effect when he keeps on and on and on, and simply doesn't stop, and especially when his few friends join in. In a forum we can expect anger to rise up sometimes, and debates to become heated. It's normal for forums. But there is no need to expect or accept someone intentionally causing it. I understand your point and mostly agree with you. Anger and annoyance are emotions, beiong happy is one too. I just don't understand as i said how someone could come to tears by what a forumite says. I know it happens and it's wrong when that person continues to poke at a person. I agree with your definition of a troll also. My point was that there are others who imitate this behavior. Debates are healthy, sometimes a person may be passionate about their POV but another may open their eyes to seeing things differently. Anger comes into play, but to me at that point it's no longer a debate, but yes it's normal for a forum. You are right no one should have to expect or accept it. That's human nature though Phil and no matter what there is always that one.
  3. Phil Deakins wrote: Trinity Yazimoto wrote: So, i prob differ a bit with Phil opinion about trolls... its not they are really hurting Usually they don't much, if at all, but sometimes they badly hurt people. He himself posted a link to an old forum thread in which he caused one person to leave completely and another to react so much that he himself was hurt by it. And he is known to have reduced people to tears, and caused other to leave the forum. We can do without any of that. We can do without anyone intentionally winding people's emotions up, even if it's only to relatively mild anger or annoyance. There's no need for it at all. You may want to take a look at other people too. He is not the only one that does that on this forum. I can't agree with emotions only because i don't understand how that happenes here on a forum, I do agree with annoyance and trying to bait people then calling them a troll. I refer back to your 1st reply to me: "There is a lot of truth in what you say, Malanya. People accuse others of trolling when they are not, and it happens quite often here." It's like a domino effect on some threads.
  4. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: We aren't in kindergarten. So, i prob differ a bit with Phil opinion about trolls... its not they are really hurting ... (can a kid really hurt ?) but they are boring, disturbing and often a pain.... As far as i know.. there are often threads for fun and humor... why so coming into serious threads and just disturb ? oh yes, i know, thats more fun.... indeed.. but then dont complain when serious adults says "hush" to the kids... that's fair enough. ^^ I don't understand how people can be hurting here, I suppose some do but these posters are really not significant in their lives so I don't understand it. BUT, why do those start jumping out and coming to the threads to disturb.. and they think no one knows what they are doing lol. You know, the irrelvant post that has nothing to do with the OP but anoer poster's comments Truly boring, but I will admit sometimes they catch me at a time where I find it amusing to play their game. Shame on me.
  5. Storm Clarence wrote: Malanya wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: Malanya wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Malanya wrote: In this forum people that call another a troll are usually doing the same thing they claim the said troll is. If you don't agree, or you speak up for yourself, people have a tendency to try and turn your words around. If you answer one of their questions all of a sudden you are trying to prove something, even though they asked you. If you ignore their replies then you are accused of something else lol. Then you have the people that are saying things to you in PM's that are afraid to post what they feel on the thread because of how they may "look" to the other forumites. Your insight is refreshing. There is a lot of truth in what you say, Malanya. People accuse others of trolling when they are not, and it happens quite often here. However, this forum does have one actual troll, who has been trolling here for many years, and everyone knows who it is. I'm glad i am not the only who sees that Phil. I agree, everyone knows who the person(s) is. It's not hard to figure that out Madelaine! Right? PS That was too easy. Give me another statement to 'figure out'. Awwww..nope that was the wrong answer lol. I'll give you a hint.. look on your feed.. I never look at my feed before breakfast. The feed has pornographers, pedophiles, trolls, nazis of all kinds, mother rapers, father rapers, the dregs of society... and that's just me posting. Or so I've been told. I don't blame you for not reading before breakfast then.
  6. Storm Clarence wrote: Malanya wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Malanya wrote: In this forum people that call another a troll are usually doing the same thing they claim the said troll is. If you don't agree, or you speak up for yourself, people have a tendency to try and turn your words around. If you answer one of their questions all of a sudden you are trying to prove something, even though they asked you. If you ignore their replies then you are accused of something else lol. Then you have the people that are saying things to you in PM's that are afraid to post what they feel on the thread because of how they may "look" to the other forumites. Your insight is refreshing. There is a lot of truth in what you say, Malanya. People accuse others of trolling when they are not, and it happens quite often here. However, this forum does have one actual troll, who has been trolling here for many years, and everyone knows who it is. I'm glad i am not the only who sees that Phil. I agree, everyone knows who the person(s) is. It's not hard to figure that out Madelaine! Right? PS That was too easy. Give me another statement to 'figure out'. Awwww..nope that was the wrong answer lol. I'll give you a hint.. look on your feed..
  7. KatTruewalker wrote: I know, I agree with you, thank you... but what iceing would like to do and finds frustrating....is that his current hardware is not supported which is ruining his experience of a place he enjoys being in. People complain when there are no updates to bring sl further and then there are those that complain that updates are ruining their experience because their current specs won't allow them to advance with the changes LL made. It's frustrating I am sure, but change has to come about for sl to continue to improve and not everyone can afford to upgrade their pc's. Change is good, without change nothing advances in this world.
  8. Phil Deakins wrote: Malanya wrote: In this forum people that call another a troll are usually doing the same thing they claim the said troll is. If you don't agree, or you speak up for yourself, people have a tendency to try and turn your words around. If you answer one of their questions all of a sudden you are trying to prove something, even though they asked you. If you ignore their replies then you are accused of something else lol. Then you have the people that are saying things to you in PM's that are afraid to post what they feel on the thread because of how they may "look" to the other forumites. Your insight is refreshing. There is a lot of truth in what you say, Malanya. People accuse others of trolling when they are not, and it happens quite often here. However, this forum does have one actual troll, who has been trolling here for many years, and everyone knows who it is. I'm glad i am not the only who sees that Phil. I agree, everyone knows who the person(s) is. It's not hard to figure that out
  9. Ohhnoes wrote: Hoshi Kenin wrote: The question, however, is this; who are you to determine who a troll is, and what a troll post is? We neglect Voltaire at our peril. In forums like this (or 'fora' if you insist) the term Troll is used to define those participants who disagree with the OP or any other participant in a thread and to dismiss anyone who dares to speak for themselves. Just because it is easier to call someone a troll, rather than writing a coherent reply or statement. The True Troll has yet to arrive in this place, but I doubt he or she will be recognized as such. In this forum people that call another a troll are usually doing the same thing they claim the said troll is. If you don't agree, or you speak up for yourself, people have a tendency to try and turn your words around. If you answer one of their questions all of a sudden you are trying to prove something, even though they asked you. If you ignore their replies then you are accused of something else lol. Then you have the people that are saying things to you in PM's that are afraid to post what they feel on the thread because of how they may "look" to the other forumites. Your insight is refreshing.
  10. Czari Zenovka wrote: Where's Gadget when you need him? Oh lol.
  11. Lyle Maeterlinck wrote: Thanks to those who tried to give helpful responses. Of course it's true that people have been stealing accounts forever, my point is that I have been seeing an increasing number of these incidents that appear to be credible, and all I wondered is if others have noticed the same thing or not. I'm just trying to open a discussion about something I've observed in SL. It's pretty disappointing to just get insulted in return. If all you want to do is insult me, please don't reply. This is not a thread about your objections to a game I developed. If you want to complain about Bloodlines, there are plenty of other threads you can take it to. Lyle you maybe should have posted in the Commerce Forum. You probably would have received more accurate replies since you were asking if other merchants had seen a pattern with this.
  12. Lyle Maeterlinck wrote: Lately I've been hearing on a daily basis from customers who have had their accounts stolen, hacked, or compromised. This never used to be a problem, it has only been a problem in the last several months. At first it was a few people here and there, and now it is almost every day, someone says that their account has been stolen. Usually they contact me to have their items and stats moved to new avatars, or to get stolen property replaced. Have any other merchants had this same experience? Does anyone have any information on this issue, or have they spoken with a Linden about it? I am not a merchant, but just from what people post on the forum it seems to be phishing scams or giving permissions to an object or person. I don't know if the numbers have increased. It's been an issue where some people claim they don't understand how it happened to them.
  13. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Malanya wrote: I could care less what you believe Oh, sure. You, who claim to be able to name "off hand", 14 people here who are rude, but want us to think you don't take things personal?! (I can't even think of 14 people who post here...period!) You posted how "kind" and "empathic" you are, and mentioned things from real life. (I thought you didn't feel the need to share RL things?) Oh..right, you felt the need to, because you don't care what I think. If that were the case, why even try to make case for your kindness? Because, a person who does not takes things personal, would have no reason to reply with an insult or a put-down. A person who does not take things personal, would not feel the need to advertise their supposed "kind" and "empathetic" selves. Because, they really wouldn't care what other forum posters think. So, I shall repeat: Your actions, belie your words. Yes I can name the clique of people that jump on others in defense of one of their "own" I think it's so weird and sad that a poster can't stand up for what they post. That is one reason I keep replying to you and the other same 4 who seem to single certain people out. So many others will not return because they back down to you and your clique. I don't back down to people, I wish others would realize that none of you are significant enough and continue their point. I don't know what you don't get about it not bothering me. I again don't care if you believe that I am kind, empathetic, a person who finds humor in what you do or anything. I don't know you, who cares? lol?? I am bored with your repeated words and talking in cirlcles with you so the rest of whatever you wrote i won't acknowledge. You seem to not understand what I post. Call me what you will, that's your choice. @Dres, I need to repeat, I don't care about what you or anyone else thinks. I will stop there with you because i could say things that would be truly be out of line but absolutely true.. about you. You want to get personal? I also don't care about grammar and spelling errors like some of the people that always seem to feel the need to correct those thet say "Linden Labs" How petty are people on here? Read past my posts and figure it out. It's been enterntaining to say the least lol, but I am honestly bored with both of you.
  14. Awe Thor wrote: Celestiall Nightfire wrote: you're just being snide and insulting for no good reason. And not doing a very good job of it either! ETA: I do offer lessons, but she probably couldn't afford them I think I am! Do you take credit? You're right, I can't afford them. I am exposed. lol
  15. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Malanya wrote: Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Malanya wrote: @Celestiall Uh.. I believe I already replied to you. Yes, you did post to me because of Dres previously, just because I pointed it out that you did don't think it did anything but amuse me. I only recall you because you have the same legacy name as another poster here. That's all. As far as insults, maybe you should take a good look around this forum lol. No I am not posting under 2 avatar names. I guess if you don't recall my posts they aren't as "insulting" as you claim, huh? I believe the "alt" issue is a debate you are having on another thread. You can take what I say as an insult, more power to you and your theories. Because I don't take a forum like this and what people say personal it has something to do with my posts lol? It appears I may be on the right track, a forum doesn't get me all twisted and whiney, this isn't my life.. This is a forum. I make remarks about others rl? Ahh meaning they live on the forum? If that's all you got to throw at me, take a step back and read a good amount of posts on this forum.. again. edit: The pattern I referred to Celestiall isn't all about you it's how many post. They don't post to a whole thread and they post off topic to one poster and then others follow. They all have something in commom. I am not sure if you are aware, but I can't name any particular person. On what happenes next you have NO clue what does happen after someone gets all bent out of shape on here.. do you? You sure do spend time and effort posting for someone who claims they don't take things personal. Your actions belie your words. I find this humorous You are too funny, I am posting back because I take it personal? Is that why you are replying to me because YOU take this personal? Why do you think I keep replying to you? Think about that. I have an hour or so before I start working. Feel free to keep posting to me Do my actions really *belie* my words.. wow. You are exempt keep that in your imagination mind. Yes, you are posting back because you take it personal. (as am I) Your comments are designed to insult, and reflect a very "personal" attitude. You may pretend that you're above having actual feelings here, but I don't. Why would I? We're people here on the forum just like those inworld, and just like those in RL. Do you go around making these type of snide remarks to people in RL...to their faces? I am a person, and my actions and feelings are personal. I do not separate my mind from my typing hands when I post here. Nor, does anyone. Of course it's personal. How else can it be? No, I don't take anyone's comment personal, I don't know you so it doesn't become a personal matter to me. You can speak for yourself. That is your opinion on how my comments are designed, and you are entitled like me and everyone else to our opinions whether they agree with someone or not. I don't play pretend with my feelings, I don't view the forum as you do, it's simple. NO lol Some of the people on this forum do a 180 inworld I am not going to get into a discussion as to how I know or why etc. Some of my posts are in agreeance with another or a remark on the comment they made to another. So go down the line of where the first comment came from? No. This place is taken, again, a bit too seriously imo by so many. Since you asked a question that to me is beyond ridiculous I will answer it that way. Yes I go around in RL making snide remarks to people. Seriously are you just another poster who thinks their comments are sugar coated sweetness and use the phrase "humor" to hide the rude comment.? I hate to burst that bubble but I am a kind person. I am a giving person, in fact that is one of my downfalls. I give too much to people. I am very empathetic so I may fall for the person who lays it on thick and I have the ability to do things for someone i will. It feels good to give and even if the person was dishonest, it still felt good on my end. I donate a lot of my "stuff" to people I don't know so they can move on with their lives, get treatment and people that have no insurance so they can pay for prosthetics or anything else they can't afford. Cancer. It has taken the lives of many people close to me and I donate what I make and also my time for people with cancer, even back in my home state to 3 of the large treatment centers. So to answer your question again.. No I do not walk around making snide remarks to people in RL. I am confused how many people that participate on this forum point fingers yet can't look at themselves, I am speaking of many people. You don't understand for some reason that I do not have any emotional ties to this forum. TBH when I start my day for the type of work I do I can sit here and read. Same througout the day. I can't beliieve some of the things people post. Funny there are many people that reply so rude and i always wondered why no one ever said anything to them, lol but i actually no why and it would be a whole new topic. There is about 14 off hand I can think of. One poster on this particular thread told me of the hatred of this forum lol so I don't believe what 90% of the people say here nor do I get upset when they say rude things. Don't confuse me posting back because it bothers me, that's not why i respond. I do not combined this forum and being inworld as one on the same. It's not. Not to me. I am sorry it's just not something I take personal. You could say anything you wanted to me and it will not upset me. I promise.
  16. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Malanya wrote: @Celestiall Uh.. I believe I already replied to you. Yes, you did post to me because of Dres previously, just because I pointed it out that you did don't think it did anything but amuse me. I only recall you because you have the same legacy name as another poster here. That's all. As far as insults, maybe you should take a good look around this forum lol. No I am not posting under 2 avatar names. I guess if you don't recall my posts they aren't as "insulting" as you claim, huh? I believe the "alt" issue is a debate you are having on another thread. You can take what I say as an insult, more power to you and your theories. Because I don't take a forum like this and what people say personal it has something to do with my posts lol? It appears I may be on the right track, a forum doesn't get me all twisted and whiney, this isn't my life.. This is a forum. I make remarks about others rl? Ahh meaning they live on the forum? If that's all you got to throw at me, take a step back and read a good amount of posts on this forum.. again. edit: The pattern I referred to Celestiall isn't all about you it's how many post. They don't post to a whole thread and they post off topic to one poster and then others follow. They all have something in commom. I am not sure if you are aware, but I can't name any particular person. On what happenes next you have NO clue what does happen after someone gets all bent out of shape on here.. do you? You sure do spend time and effort posting for someone who claims they don't take things personal. Your actions belie your words. I find this humorous You are too funny, I am posting back because I take it personal? Is that why you are replying to me because YOU take this personal? Why do you think I keep replying to you? Think about that. I have an hour or so before I start working. Feel free to keep posting to me Do my actions really *belie* my words.. wow. You are exempt keep that in your imagination mind.
  17. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Malanya wrote: Don't we all decide for ourselves how we respond to others? Yes, I think for the most part we all do. Read again the quote from my post you bolded. Hmmm. Can't find any bolding from me... I am my own judge and jury when I post, aren't you of yourself? Yep. @ Griffin Ohhh. lol you are right. See what happenes when you post to forums past bedtime. Let me rephrase that, Read what you quoted from my posr where the text is black. There. @Dres Don't get so excited, I didn't fly off the handle. That would be immpossible to get me to do on this forum. They are not theories, but whatever you say, I don't have the desire to humor you anymore with my crazy replies, look at it as saving you from reading my posts. lol. @Celestiall Uh.. I believe I already replied to you. Yes, you did post to me because of Dres previously, just because I pointed it out that you did don't think it did anything but amuse me. I only recall you because you have the same legacy name as another poster here. That's all. As far as insults, maybe you should take a good look around this forum lol. No I am not posting under 2 avatar names. I guess if you don't recall my posts they aren't as "insulting" as you claim, huh? I believe the "alt" issue is a debate you are having on another thread. You can take what I say as an insult, more power to you and your theories. Because I don't take a forum like this and what people say personal it has something to do with my posts lol? It appears I may be on the right track, a forum doesn't get me all twisted and whiney, this isn't my life.. This is a forum. I make remarks about others rl? Ahh meaning they live on the forum? If that's all you got to throw at me, take a step back and read a good amount of posts on this forum.. again. edit: The pattern I referred to Celestiall isn't all about you it's how many post. They don't post to a whole thread and they post off topic to one poster and then others follow. They all have something in commom. I am not sure if you are aware, but I can't name any particular person. On what happenes next you have NO clue what does happen after someone gets all bent out of shape on here.. do you?
  18. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Malanya wrote: Of course, being the judge and jury you decide who deserves it, it's your reply. Of course. I don't feel that I need to convene a committee to decide how to respond to people, not even in my own head. Do you? P.S. Some of the "new residents" (I think you probably mean "new posters") start off pretty rude and defensive. No I don't, does it really seem that I do? Naw.. i don't think so. Don't we all decide for ourselves how we respond to others? Well, I can't say all, because some people are swayed for different reasons and won't speak their mind. Read again the quote from my post you bolded. I am my own judge and jury when I post, aren't you of yourself? I was referring to new residents. People that ask questions and people jump all over them. Sure, some people come and post with a chip on their shoulder and some want the forumites to agree with them so they feel better. I was speaking of people that are asking honest questions. edit: oh no another typo. must be time to log off.
  19. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Malanya wrote: "Certain" posters throw your so called snark at new residents that don't deserve it, they are defensive and rude. I only throw snark at people who do deserve it. Of course, being the judge and jury you decide who deserves it, it's your reply. But if a topic hits close to home, the snark goes out the window and the pushy debate comes into play, it turns so fast sometimes, doesn't it? I have found that some people will actually avoid their "friends" (using the word lightly) on here if there is a heated debate and they don't want another person on the thread to think they are actual friends with the person they are disagreeing with. I think many people take this forum too seriously like I said before. They also take some posts to heart and are delusional. There are some interesting threads as well as some threads created for humor. Many of then seem to be P!ssing Contests though. Emotion doesn't come across in text so people get their panties in a twist and come flying in TRYING to "belittle" (is that the right word lol) the poster. I happen to be the type of person that takes nothing personal on this forum. I respond sometimes, many times I don't. I actually find amusement in replying sometimes.. like tonight.
  20. For clothes and accessories you may want to try Zaara. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/20674 Skins and Shapes: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/126714 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/East-Indian-specialty-shape-and-skin-female/586197 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Journee-SHEETAL-Complete-Female-Av-Includ-Hair-Eyes-Outfits-A0/5074127 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DemoTuTys-ANCHAL-Indian-female-skin-Espresso-tone/3171927 Tuty's, the link above also has a lot of hair you may like. Good luck in your search.
  21. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Malanya wrote: Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: You're right... I have no idea what's the definition of hypocrypte ...Dres Here's an example: M wrote: Some replies you received were more of a personal attack on how you mentioned your looks and something about your typing. That is silly, if you read through the posts I see many grammatical errors and people that have replied on this thread have yapped about how wonderful they look in other threads. I would not waste my time arguing with someone over an application, it's not worth your time. Don't stoop to their level either and publically air out your differences. Good luck. Tada! Tada! Another poster coming out of the woodwork doing the same exact thing Mr. Dres accused me of. Hilarious. It's amusing that those that "clique" together can't see they do what they accuse others of. Thank goodness you guys have each other! I like that.. "M wrote" lol I didn't do what Dres accused you of. For me to do that I would have had to say how terrible it was, then do it. (the hypocrite thing) I merely reposted words from this thread that illustrate the word. I've never seen your name or posts before today...so I find it odd that you would trot out the term "clique". Also, your imagination is getting a little out of hand, as I never accused you of anything. Seeing as how we've just now met (Or, do you sometimes use another name?) you're reacting very defensively and snarky. No humor? ; ) Ummm.. Yeah I use another name. I believe it shows how many posts I have made and I find it hard to believe that you say we just met because this isn't the 1st time you have responded indirectly to my post through.. Dres I know this because as long as I have been posting There is a certain pattern. The term clique is humor. I am not defensive, Do you think for one minute I take what anyone says here to heart just because I respond in a way that the poster didn't like? No. My imagination is getting out of hand? Really? I wonder how you can determine that, I don't know you except from the posts you make on this forum so you in turn don't know me. AGAIN LOL it's funny, "Certain" posters throw your so called snark at new residents that don't deserve it, they are defensive and rude. That is acceptable though, by "certain" posters. Humor.. Can you see if I am laughing as I type this? No, didn't think so. People take this forum a bit too serious and I can see why, they live on here. I guess that's their "RL" Btw, nice meeting you.. again Let's take 2 guesses what will happen next..
  22. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: You're right... I have no idea what's the definition of hypocrypte ...Dres Here's an example: M wrote: Some replies you received were more of a personal attack on how you mentioned your looks and something about your typing. That is silly, if you read through the posts I see many grammatical errors and people that have replied on this thread have yapped about how wonderful they look in other threads. I would not waste my time arguing with someone over an application, it's not worth your time. Don't stoop to their level either and publically air out your differences. Good luck. Tada! Tada! Another poster coming out of the woodwork doing the same exact thing Mr. Dres accused me of. Hilarious. It's amusing that those that "clique" together can't see they do what they accuse others of. Thank goodness you guys have each other! I like that.. "M wrote" lol
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