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Everything posted by 161488303349

  1. some people what to know how fast is fast? this is fast. not many people drive this fast. except me and some crazy people (: I have crappy ADSL connection. on a copper wire at the end of the world. this vid is just me hammer it on the Magnum sandbox is a 21 script simboard. and I not let go of the drive key at all. nevermind the sim boundaries. and brrrmmm !!! petal to the metal (: I leave vid up for 1 or 2 days then take down. bc is demo of how hard and fast and crazy we going to have to go now to even get close to a vehicle crash (: I nearly done it right near the end but fail (: the recovery is amazing. evn tho I am lag popping all over the place. is way better the recovery part than even before the latest problem with the interest list am really happy about this (: + (have taken the vid down off youtube. bc the fix is now on main channel. so all good)
  2. yes I think I will have to see if anyone else thought about it. maybe on chromium or something like that + just about difference between research and consumer search the search engine algo knows the difference between the two. keywords indexed by type as well I made 2 pics. the first is the research keyword like we was talking about. the second is a consumer keyword. again same as before can see that is handled differently. like a consumer keyword gets adverts. a research keyword don't. is quite clever that + +
  3. Janelle Darkstone wrote: o.m.g !!! you murdered a copybot box person !!! ooowah! (:
  4. serious tho. we need be really careful what we wish for this is coming. and if we are not careful about it then when this kinda stuff starts to happen then rl legislators are going to get so deeply involved in legislating the interwebz that what they have done up until now is going to seem like kindergarten stuff
  5. RobertThorp wrote: I wish the women who are around me in RL would wear RL mesh so their boobs would stick out.:matte-motes-oh-rly: coming to a store near you !!! google glass + nekky augment app augment a nekky body onto any stranger you see in the streets. upload to: iwannagigglesomedat . com only 50c for the first 10000000000000 downloaders upload and stream your fake nekkys nooow !!! and get a awesome fake nekky body for your ugly self for free !!!! buy as many nekkys augments as you want !!! 50c more each !!! nekky augment weenis extra and sold by the centimeter !!! dl now !!!!!! upgrade to a wiggly one. just double the price for the centimetres and dl now !!! first 100000000 ugly fake dudes nekky bumping a lady on a crowded bus who upload stream win a t-shirt. 2 t-shirts even if make her fake nekky as well !!! gold rim prize for glasses if you stand so it looks like you got it in !!!!! is awesome !!! u be awesome !!! we be awesome !!!! download naooowww !!!!
  6. sorry. I am not able to understand sometimes what others mean. so I just go with what I think they said and when wrong then am happy to be corrected (: + is really interesting human society to me. how it forms and reforms pretty much constantly. civilizations grow and blossom and then fade away. and the cycle repeats. each cycle is a bit different from the last. and smaller cycles within the bigger cycles all the way down to hamlet and village sizes in many cases like in England. from outside their borders we (from other groups) see them all as the same. same like we see Chinese and Danes etc as all the same when we view them as a whole from the outside yet when we go into them up close then is lots of division. like Manchunians different from Liverpudlians and Cockneys. even tho they share lots of common traits and cultural practices and subscribe to these themselves. they broadly define it altogether as English. like the group makes these definitions for themselves. and we accept is the self-defining I think that plays an important role in all this. and our acceptance of this + African-American, Irish-American, Kentuckian, Texan, etc is no different from Cockney and Liverpudlian at the same level. they smaller groups within a larger group. this never going to change. is our way as humans. is also our way to define/grow layers on top of this. like English, Chinese, Russian, Turk, etc the difference between Texan and Irish-American is that the first is territory based. the second is not. the Irish-American is homeless. like they don't have a delineated home territory within the larger territorial boundaries like Texans or Californians do + one of the faults we have as humans generally is that at the deepest levels of our animal brain we actual don't like homeless groups. we perceive them as a threat. they threaten our own existence. bc they have to live somewhere to survive. if we got a vast territory then we can share it. but even then we do it grudgingly and only if we cant fight them offor neutralize them as a threat in some way we fight in different ways depending on the circumstance. straight out war leading to subjugation or depletion. or if they are to strong to defeat outright then assimilation the other way is accommodation. and we do that by evolving together to a higher level. like into English, German, Jamaican.etc. it just takes a long time this way. but is in the end the most effective. to get to that point tho we have to be accommodating of each others differences. if we aren't then subjugation. assimilation. depletion
  7. yes ok. can understand that from your pov. the LL company. the big boss probably having kittens about it already (: + what about viewer session logs? can give you the whole lot if you want. if they be any use I did that when I made a BUG about my Belkin when I first got it. like couldn't login properly. I made the report and I made a pic of my UI. then a person goes: hmm! is it ok for me to upload my logs. so I go sure and do that. then theycame back and said: is this. do this. so do it and woosh! (: BUG closed. everybody happy. specially me (:
  8. add more + I had another two goes today. I get a period where I didnt get any of my usual other network problems. was insane good (: I go on my simboard. the heavy script one. and my avatar and camera stick to my board like glue at the speed I usual like to go. was a bit of lag popping and that. but I never lost it at all or crash or nothing for that period of time + then I crank it up to the max and absolute monsta it. lol. big crossing pops sometimes but if just keep going at way over 60meters per sec wide open where I was steering it. it still stick and puts me right back on next sim exactly where I am supposed to be. even after monsta pops. so can just keep on hammer it and trust that it will catch up to me and still be safe (: wasn't all perfect at the monster speed bc I get a couple of Darns and I actual lost the board about two times as well. it went wizzing off into space somewhere. but when I did lost the board I didn't get stuck. was just standing like normal. not stuck underground in the corner of the sim like the old unsit used to do and have to relog. so I could move round and rez another board and off again (: I not normal drive that fast but I want to see altogether is really good for me now. like I don't get stuck and it recover. which the main things so woohoo! and thanks (:
  9. you mixing up your nationalities with your ethnicities a bit I think. they not the same thing. example there are native americans. there is no USA ethnicity but there are USA nationals. the USA is not old enough to have evolved its own distinct ethnicity to the point where the people are recognizable as a distinct homogenous group separate from other ethnic groups + there is a German nation. and a Gerrnanic ethnicity. same England. once upon a time there were Bretons, Picts, Angles, Saxons and Normans. over a 1000 years they evolve into a distinct ethnic group - English. ethnicity devolve mostly from culture and territory. physiology do a play a part in this as well (as a result of interbreeding) but is minor component compared to the others distinct ethnic groups evolve/develop faster in smaller territories. like the English evolve faster into English than the Germans into Germans bc the English live on a island.Jamaicans as a ethnicity evolve even faster than the English bc where they live is smaller and less populated. is how that goes USA will probably take about 3000 years. more even maybe to evolve to the same point. bc of the size of the territory + when we comfortable in our own skins (this most apparent in peoples from well established homogeneous ethnic groups within delineated territories. or are members of the dominant ethnic group within a shared territory) then we often cant see what all the fuss is about the comfortable argument goes that we all the same underneath. which is true. we all the same underneath with all mammals. which is true. we all the same underneath with most other kinds of animals as well. which is true. is reductive this argument. all the way down to nothing. underneath we all one with the universe. which is true by reasoning this way it allow us to pick any arbitrary point to stop as it suits us. at the point that most suits us. that makes us feel most comfortable if we are going to pick a point at which to stop then pick the starting point which is above the skin and stop there. then deal with it from that point. recognize the differences. accept them. accept that we not all same - ethnically or culturally. and live with it
  10. Dartagan Shepherd wrote: Personally I think we're following the same path that M Linden went down, increasing spending and getting too far off track from the core product with Rod Humble. A CEO that overspends and loses 13% of regions in the last year is a good reason to yet again refocus on SL and get a new CEO or to bring the original back. In the way that M left and Phil Rosedale came back for 3 months to say that we need to tear down the walls that make up the pain points in SL and focus on doing more with less. A seemingly good plan that didn't get implemented as a new "Fast, Easy and Fun" era. Time will tell, but I think they need to focus and learn to make do with what they have in order to halt the decline. It just isn't going to be a millions and billions type of company no matter how hard they try unless the core product is better than it is and the level of buggery lessons. For all the improvements they push just as much new pain into the experience as the old pain. None of this is so far indicating a turn-around moment for LL. i think it be fair to say that the difference between M and Rodvik on excess spending is that M spent it all on SL according to the then BoD directive/brief. and SL didn't grow. Rodviks excess spending is on other products to add to the LL company portfolio is not quite overspending this. is excess spending. spend some of the profits than would be spent otherwise. is quite a big difference between the two spending programs + i think that was why Rodvik was hired by the BoD. continue to improve SL but to also spend money building a portfolio of other products. which is different from BoD directive/brief given to M when he was hired how well this is going for LL we don't really know. they not telling us how well their sales of the other games are going. i hope that they going well. for their sakes and ours + in terms of the SL technicals then can say that the LL team under Rodvik are going great guns. they are monstering the backlog of bugs and little fixes that been laying round since for ever. they re-architecturing server side and refactoring the viewer as well. at a blister pace. compare to the previous years they had a rocky start to their relationship with TPV teams. but is quite settled now. the LL and TPV dev teams got respect for each other now. the script kiddies have dropped out of TPV dev these days. the ones that havent dropped out have grown up while still holdoing on to their enthusiasm. which probabaly a great relief to the other TPV grownups. bc thats what you have to do to play in the big leagues. grow up is same on the LL dev side. LL let go of their devs who not want to play the coding game as a team + LL still need do lots of work on the customer relationship side. but i think for now (it seems to me anyways) that they don't want to talk about what they going to do anymore. not talk meaning not make promises they end up not keeping. so they putting their heads down at this time and cranking it LL got a long bad history of promising good ideas, half delivering on them and then abandon. seems to me that Rodvik and the senior management recognized this. so change from that way. so for now its heads down people and get stuck in. lets earn some trust and respect back by doing. and less of the verbals over-promise under-deliver + the return of the Police Blotter is a nice touch about mending fences by doing. also don't know if anyone else has noticed. but lately when someone writes on here or over SLU about something that's not happening in terms of support then it gets fixed. so Somebody Linden is monitoring how the interwebz for how the Support team is going. somebody who got authority to fix it ... now. right now. today + so i think they going ok. don't know if SL will be here in 10 years. hope so tho. and if is then wont be anything like it is now. bc of the techs and hardwares that will come consumer side. like realtime physics for oceans and weather. avatar animation that's not phantom. fully rigged everything. kinetics. augmented and immersive techs.stuff like that
  11. just add on here my simboard has 21 scripts in it. so pretty heavy. if keep the speed down then it goes better on the magnum sandboxes crossings than before. if go as fast as I would normally like to go (which is pretty much faster compared to most other vehicle uses) then I can still smash the camera. submarine. unsit myself. and eventual lock up the viewer on the 4 x magnum sandbox then I test by go to the intersection and monster all 4 by going in circles and weaving it with quick changes of direction (: + with a lite single script vehicle then is way better. is nearly impossible for me to total wreck the viewer now with a single script lite. but is doable and i have to be going at extreme fast speed. way faster than any driveable speed like there is fast and then there is driveable fast. so accept that there is some reasonable balance expectation here + this not mean that am still not affected by network lag sometimes and end up get Darn message that way. but this a different issue bc it apply to all things and not only just vehicles
  12. if you make a wiki instruction about how to set up the wireshark parameters for the session that be good. I can do that. however you want it I got 7zip so can compress it in some format you want. probably have to chop up the wireshark file before compress bc is quite big. but if can say on the wiki an easy way for us to chop and compress then that be good as well + then we can make a BUG report maybe with a special name/title so you can find easy on the JIRA. can attach the wireshark session to it with the viewer logs can set up the sessions on the magnum/blue steel etc sandboxes inworld maybe. or Beta grid. so you can set up the sim how you want for the testing. like load it up with scripted objects with textures changeouts that you want to test for then can maybe make a post thread on here about it. so we can comment/feedback on here the forum and not on the JIRA about what is happening. with each other as well i can make vids recording of my UI as wellof the viewer session as well if you like and upload where ever you say. I write and chat like rubbish and not explain myself very well even when I try. so can just give you the vids and the wiresharks and the logs. you can work it out faster that way than me try explain it anyways (: also maybe can put a notice/advice about it in the SecondLife Beta group. some people in that group will help most likely if they can + just on the http inventory. I quite often get the loading.... and the spinning mouse icon. it never stops and cant rez from inventory quite often until it does. so to fix I just keep flipping it back and forth between HTTP and UDP until it stops. some days works. some days not. but oh! well (:
  13. Perrie Juran wrote: 16 wrote: Melita Magic wrote: Janelle Darkstone wrote: Can we brag about how poor we are? We were so poor growing up, at Christmas mom bought us a video tape of other kids playing with their toys. We were so poor we unspooled our video tapes and tried to guess what was on them. we were so poor Mum let us sit on the fence. so we could watch the TV. at the neighbours house You had a fence? I'm jealous. We had to stand in our bare feet. we had to walk to school in bare feet in the snow. but was so cold we had to hop. and then change to our hands. or our foot will fall off
  14. Dillon Levenque wrote: 16 wrote: + peasant rentals was the trigger that lead to the eventual breakdown of the feudalism system and lay the foundation for modern western democracy I agree with that explanation entirely. The ability to move from serf to peasant was a huge thing. In fact, it's the very reason I refuse to allow a friend who maintains a teensy (and rarely used, sadly: she is almost never inworld) skybox above my property to pay rent. I told her it was straight up feudal rules all the way. Getting 50% of her produce hasn't worked out too well, given that she's produced approximately 0.00 so far, but one of these days her first born son will be old enough to join SL. I look forward to finally having an army. quite right to. you have watch them serfs. they start get ideas above their station they do. is terribl when that happens. like they even end up thinking they got equal rights or even worse. they start to think they the boss of you even I actual grew up with 2 serfs like that. a cooking and washing and make my bed and clean up after me serf. and a chauffeur handyman fix my stuff now serf. like they just did what ever I tell them then after a time just bc I was nice to them then they get all familiar with me. and they start to tell me I can do myself and that they not doing what I am commanding them to do anymore. was evil what they done. change the natural order of things I realize now that was my own fault bc I was way to nice to them and they take advantage of my good nature. next time am not going to let that happen again. this not having any serfs and have to do myself. is terrible. horrible! even jejejeje (: + + I think I better invade your lands before you serf start breeding. bc my massive army of one is not much outnumbered at this time altho it probably not be a successful invasion. bc anytime I set my whole one person army to invasion mode then I hardly ever make it to the border of the lands I am hoping to invade. bc as am marching along then my army gets distracted quite easy. ooo! look flowers! and ooo! more shiny thing. and ooo! no idea what this is so stop and have a look and a click so end up wandering off the marching path. then next thing is starting to get late so have to run home bc can get eaten by monstas when you stay out to late. so is safer to run home before that happens is really evil when they do that. those invadee people. like put all them things on the marching path. one day when if I ever do complete the invading part them am going to have plenty to say to the invadee about that (:
  15. Phil Deakins wrote: After I'd turned the computer off last night and was about to got to bed, a thought occurred to me that I would have posted if the computer was still on.... I understand what you want, and I don't disagree with it in any way. It would be excellent if it were an option. We're only on opposite sides of this discussion because I don't see that it will happen, and I do see that the way it is now is highly suitable for your needs - not absolute perfection but highly suitable. The only effective differences between the way it is now and the way you'd like it to be, are (1) a few clicks to get more pages of results with blue ones in them, and (2) the current way is slower but the difference can be counted in seconds, which isn't very much at all. I show a way that I use the search so can explain/see better how being able to filter out the purple links can help me better. I use the Bing search for the example. Google search the same tho pretty much I enter keyword ""kolmogorov complexity" is 24,500 links reported available on the search for this keyword. the vast majority of them are links to academic papers. essays. student assignments. app/algo descriptions and discussions + on the right side of the main links is a list of related keywords: Kolmogorov Length : Kolmogorov Theory : Kolmogorov Distance : Message Complexity : Algorithmic Complexity : Randomness and String Theory : Algorithmic Information Theory : Minimal Description Length so that's good. get what I asked for and get some hints about related areas of research + so I start opening the links and reading the contents. bookmarking as I go. bookmark the ones that add some new insight to my understanding of the subject. close out the ones that don't add anything to what I already know can take many hours to do this. over days and weeks even. the research if I had the don't show purple link option then it would make it easier. bc when after some hundreds and I come back to it at other times then can get pages and pages of purple links. which I want to avoid if possible also when I change the keyword say to: Minimal Description Length. then many of the links I already seen show up again in purple
  16. Phil Deakins wrote: I didn't say that. I've said that it could be done by the browser, but not by the engine. Since discovering that Google stores you history, including the results delivered and the pages you've visited, it's clear that they could deliver only unvisited results quickly and easily. But they wouldn't be results that haven't been delivered to you before. They just be stored results that you've seen before but haven't visited. They could do it a bit more slowly and get the normal results set, do comparisons with your visited history, and only send unvisited results. it is was bc I already got a recorded history that I start to think about what I would like to have that could help me find stuff faster that I don't know yet. meaning I don't know what is the content yet of the blue link I know what is the content of the purple link bc I already opened it. and if was useful/important to me then I already bookmark. so I don't want to see the same link again at this time on the main page when I am looking for stuff on the same keyword if I delete my bookmark and my history then my computer don't know anymore about what I looked at already - has no memory/record of it. so start over + computer cant remember everything I ever looked at forever bc of space and time. so has to be some eventual limit. even if is/was only a few thousand most recent (or however many can fit in) then I be happy with that bc can understand why that has to be
  17. Ansariel Hiller wrote: Your are still discussing? LOL! yes. is usual my fault when me and Phil go on and on and on.... and on. it usual start with me saying something like: I want to know what I don't know more easy. and I want the computer to help me know this and show me what I don't know I know what I mean when I say this. but is a bit unclear sometimes. so when I do this then is fair when Phil and other people as well sometimes go: how can the computer know what you don't know if you don't know yourself? can you be more precise please? so I try do that. and it can go on and on and on and on sometimes. to get to the clear point (:
  18. Phil Deakins wrote: 16 wrote: i said: "when the web was first invented it was designed to be a research tool". i not say the internet the web hyperlink was invented/designed by researchers primarily for their own use in the first iteration. while also knowing that it might be of some use in other kinds of fields the internet wasn't invented to enable the web. it was invented to allow persistent connections to be maintained/routed in the event of hardware failures. like for military use in that first iteration I wrote about the web, not the internet. I mentioned that the internet already existed when the web was invented. You actually wrote " when the web was first invented it was designed to be a research tool. a repository of indexed documents. that could be searched and info relevant to the researcher could be located. then it changed into a consumer tool"". I wrote that the web wasn't designed to be a repository of indexed documents. The repository, if you could call it that, already existed in the computers connected to the internet. The web was invented to give easier access to those documents via the hyperlink. The hyperlink was the start of the web. It merely made it easier to fetch a document without the person who wants it knowing where it is on the global network of computers (the internet).. The creation of the internet wasn't to maintain persistent connections. Perhaps you meant that it allowed connections to be made between 2 computers via many different routes. Or perhaps you were referring to the hard wiring between computers as persistent connections. yes my bad. by persistent connection I mean a persistent session. when there is blockage/failure between the endpoints then the session is rerouted thru a different pathway to enable the session to persist/continue + yes also. I write "to be a repository of indexed documents". which put a different meaning on it. should have said: "for a repository ...". bc you right that a repository/library of documents already existed. it was way smaller than now but it did exist already. and the then form of its existence provide the need/impetus for the invention of the hyperlink the web being a description given by its makers to the collection/group of hyperlinks and help to describe how they combine together. web of hyperlinks. which a pretty good description of it I think
  19. Phil Deakins wrote: You still seem to think that the search engine do it, but it can't because the search engine would have to keep a record of every result that every user goes to from its results from every search each user makes, and, because of the incredible amount of storage that that would need, it's just not going to happen. After I dismissed the engine doing it for you, I suggested that the browser could do it, and it can, because it has your History stored - your recent history, anyway. But you won't get what you want (a page full of blue links) from it. I previously explained why that won't happen, so I won't repeat it. a search engine is a database underneath. a big one true. but is still a database and that's all when run a search engine query then it returns a dataset in a session. the dataset don't change until the session ends. is why the search engine server can serve up pages/linksets from within the dataset without repeating itself when click next page next page. if it didn't then would never reach the end bc this is true then can download the entire dataset for that session just by clicking More/next button/link at the bottom of the page when you make a new keyword or use same keyword and press Search button then it creates another new session and creates another dataset the dataset is filtered client side to tag the links by color. bc the filtering is the same mechanic then instead of tag purple. don't display it + am not sure why you think that to enable this then it has to be done server side. doing it server side don't add anything bc the dataset remain constant until the session ends edit: like add anything capability that cant be done client side already
  20. Phil Deakins wrote: Incidentally, when the web work first invented, it wasn't invented to be what you described. The internet was a load of connected computers that contained documents. To access a document on another computer, the user had to know and enter the computer's address on the network and path to the required document. It was long-winded. The web was simply the invention of the hyperlink. With the hyperlink, the user did not need to know and enter the other computer's address and path to the document. What you described was already there when the 'web' was invented. The web merely gave easier access to it. i said: "when the web was first invented it was designed to be a research tool". i not say the internet the web hyperlink was invented/designed by researchers primarily for their own use in the first iteration. while also knowing that it might be of some use in other kinds of fields the internet wasn't invented to enable the web. it was invented to allow persistent connections to be maintained/routed in the event of hardware failures. like for military use in that first iteration
  21. I didn't know so I look it up: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits according to the wiki can have 38 attachments altogether incl. avatar and HUD in one go. and can have all on same attachment point if you want lol that's a lot of teddy bears in your arms in one go. like need really really long arms. unless they all holding onto each other as well. (:
  22. Suspiria Finucane wrote: Feudalism; the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord’s land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection. SL is nothing like that. is not quite correct that interpretation of peasant. in the early stage of feudalism there weren't any peasants the peasant came about when the villeins and serfs demanded the right to rent their land from the vassals. rent in lieu of service to their vassal lord. the vassals succumb to the demand bc of the money they get from it like the vassal lords end up get more money more easy from the rent than from the profits of the work forced out of their serfs. they were then able more easy to pay their taxes to the monarch. and hire mercenary soldiers to meet that fealty obligation to the monarch. and have money over for themselves. (until their monarch got greedy sometimes. and they the vassals deal to their monarch. same way their now peasants deal to them whenever they got greedy) + worked out better for everyone in the end. bc peasants got their own land. vassals got rich. monarch got taxes. and got professional soldiers rather than amateur fighters who want to run off home to get in the harvest. bc if they don't then their families going to starve to death. and the realm as well + peasant rentals was the trigger that lead to the eventual breakdown of the feudalism system and lay the foundation for modern western democracy the vassal lords and monarchs didn't give their peasants the ability to rent land (and not be a serf) out of any sense of freedom or justice for their fellow beings. they did it for the money. but freedom came as a consequence + if drawing a feudalist comparison then peasant society is the one closest I think we are peasants. like we rent. on private estates we subject to our vassal lord. on mainland we subject directly to the monarch. the monarch (linden) have absolute rule at its pleasure. and give their vassal lords (estate barons) dominion over their estates. same to their direct rule mainlaind peasants. your parcel is your castle and bc we do pay rent then our monarch and vassal lords can hire professional soldiers (g-team/support - estate/sim/parcel helpy people) to protect the realm and dominions from the invaders and bad guys
  23. yes lol (: whenever I play these kinda quests games and I get loot then I wear it. just in case is something in one of them that the quest might need to let you go to the next level. at the finish can end up look like a xmas tree tho lol (:
  24. Phil Deakins wrote: 16 wrote: you making it more complicated than it needs to be + I go thru it ok. like how I use it now. and how I would like it lets say I set to display 20 results per page I get indicator is 200 links. ok so I know is 10 pages of returns available in my history I already look at say 60 of them. is 40 more I haven't seen I know is going to be 10 pages I have to open + but if I can see only blue on all those 10 pages when I open them. or blank even. then I can find the info I want faster as opposed to how it is now. 10 pages with 20 links on each. some purple. some blue. and I have to filter them with my eyes it don't make the search engine go faster this. it helps me go faster to find what I want to know about what I don't yet know about is about research this for me. I want to know what I don't know as quickly as is possible Ok, so the first results page is blank and you have to click to the next page, which is also blank. You have to keep clicking to the next page until you get one or more results. Or you browser does it for you (the search engine won't do it for you because the cost would be too prohibitive). I'm sorry, 16, but the idea is a non-starter, imo. Eyes are quick and they do an extremely good job of looking only at blue links. Are you winding me up? I'm treating this discussion seriously, but it's so unrealistic that I'm now wondering if you are winding me up. no I am not. I just start off with what I wanted. then you say cant do it bc to complicated to filter history then I say it do that already. and so it could just not show the ones I have already seen. as an option then I give the simplest example of how can maybe do this. then you raise another objection about what about all the empty pages. is waste of time and is quite useless that way and I be better off to just see all. but I already said why I not be better off. and you just seems to write this off as unimportant bc you not see any value if it for you so ok. that ok for you. that is unimportant. same way you said you don't use history. but I do use history bc as a research tool is an invaluable aid + so ok more. if was to make a solution for what I want then what is next logical step for browser programmer making the solution? don't show the empty pages/linksets. skip to the next page that has blue linkset on it is still not perfect this but I would take if if that's all I could I have + but clever browser programmer making this solution would think about that more. and consider how the search server engine works. the way it goes is: - enter keyword and submit to search engine - engine return a dataset count of all links indexed to that keyword. returns the first 20 links as a linkset (or however many user asks for) and browser displays - if user keeps pressing next page next page then it returns the next linksets in the dataset until end. so the engine knows which links user has already been given from the dataset and don't send any of the previous links/records. unless the link has been indexed by the spiders more that once against different sources so browser programmer can make so can lookahead/buffer the linksets and filter. to get the perfect display for their users. 20 blue links onscreen or however many + is now a smart browser as well as a smart search engine. not everyone will use this option if was made available. same how not everyone uses history or bookmarks. but as an option would be very useful to those who do. like researchers + when the web was first invented it was designed to be a research tool. a repository of indexed documents. that could be searched and info relevant to the researcher could be located then it changed into a consumer tool. the emphasis changed. driven by the commercial demands of the search engine makers. the emphasis is now on promotion. and this ok bc they and the staff have to get paid. but it don't mean that researchers and their needs are now unimportant and not worth bothering about
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