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Lee Ponzu

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Everything posted by Lee Ponzu

  1. I was once standing on my Home spot. I had Health on my polot turned on. Two griefers flew by and hit me with a huge missile of some sort. This "killed" me, and what happens when you are killed? You are sent to your home spot, so I reappeard almost instantly. The griefers came back and killed me again and again. They became quite convinced that I had some sort of magical power to prevent their missile from working on me. I laughed. Ponzu.
  2. This can also be caused by your avatar shape, if your arms or legs or trunk are really long or really short.
  3. Could you be more precise? What kind of "animations" do you need?
  4. Maybe, but there is no evidence of screaming. I don't know of any existing hunter-gatherers that scream either. they chant. they sing. That is not the same a screaming.
  5. i like to use this viewer...you could try it instead of the regular one. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers
  6. Not only the arms. Also they have too many muscles, or are too slender, or their skin is too perfect, or their heels are too high (mmmm, maybe not high enough?) i make my avatar the way I like. If it looks good to me, it is my world and my imagination. Some critic thinks my head is too small and my arms to short? Touch. Get a life.
  7. Just remember that display names are only used for griefing, and they have caused thousands upon thousands of people to leave SL.
  8. To translate Void's correct answer into imperfect English... < 1, 0, 0 > is a vector pointing 1 meter in front of an object in the object's coordinates. Post multiplying by the object's rotation converts to the world coordinates. Also, it is not multiplication in any matrix sense. It is just a symbol that is used.
  9. And we can fine you a dollar for each post?
  10. You should negotiate that directly with the Lindens.
  11. Maybe the copyright owner would give you permission to show t in Berlin?
  12. Maybe the rapture occurred already, and so few people were risen that nobdy noticed. In Caprica, the Second Life virtua world is heaven. Maybe we are already almost there?
  13. What advantages do you think a 64-bit version of the viewer would offer? Beside being 'cool'? The "developers" (both Linden and not) have discussed this on and off over the past year. They might even being discussing it now. It is not a trivial thing to do, and probably not worth the effort. 32-bit apps work fine for most things.
  14. In general, "It doesn't work." does not give people enough information to be able to help you. Try cutting and pasting the actual error messages, or at least tell us as accurately as is practical what the problem is.
  15. There is one already, or at least there used to be. Seifert Surface made it, I think, and the sim was called Futurology or something like that. The way it worked was cool. You had the unfolded tesseract like you show. You were inside that cube. if you went thru a door, the next cube was already there waiting for you. From the outside, you could watch the sub-cubes re-configure as the person inside went from room to room. From the inside, if you kept your camer inside with you, you just saw that there was always a next room, no matter what door you went through. However, depending on the order of passage through the rooms, you could end up walking on a wall or the ceiling.
  16. 2 is the "major" number. 5 is the "minor" number. The '.' is NOT a decimal point, but merely a separator. Don't add the major and minor number together. That is, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13 all come after 2.10.
  17. SL is still part of the real world. If someone tries to take your DBA, then take them to court in the real world.
  18. Wow. That was one of the longest honeymoons anyone has ever had with the cheerful, thoughtful, and friendly users of Second Life. @JubJub, are you making a threat? 8-)
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