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Ry0ta Exonar

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Everything posted by Ry0ta Exonar

  1. Sure, feel free to IM me in-world. If I am on-line that time, I might be able to help you. I've never used resize script in my products, so I don't know how to use it either, but I think it's faster to edit manually than to use the script if the object you are going to edit doesn't contain it yet. Suggestion: Ask the creator to give you copy/mod/no trans version of the outfit so you can edit the prim parts at ease. (Not sure if he accepts, but I think most merchants would acceed to such a request because the item is transferable, so can be returned to the merchant.) Go through some tutorials other people post here. Ivory tower of prims is here. As to flexible thingy, http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Building_Tools#Features_Tab I checked closely how the flexible prim parts are composed. As to sleeves, just 1 prim each for right/left sleeve, so it's comparatively easy to edit. Haori : The bottom of the jacket is flexible - 5 prims, hollowed/cut cylinder Hakama : All prims except for the root prim (yellow one) - 15 prims, hollowed box I don't really think it's a good idea to edit the flexibility of the hakama parts because..as you see those prims overlap each other and so it would be a bit too hard for people unaccustomed to edit. Anyway everything is trial and error. Make sure to make a back up copies before editing (if you could get copy/mod/no trans version, though)
  2. 塩ラーメンです。これもInakaシムで頂きました。チャーシューと煮卵が特に美味しそうです。 具も一つずつ食べて消えていきます。麺はズルズルすする感じでw
  3. or, You can submit a support ticket and the Linden Lab Customer Support will re-deliver the items to you. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ When you create the case choose Marketplace as the type then Failed Marketplace Delivery. Don't forget to include the SLM order numbers in your report so that the support staff can quickly pick out your orders.
  4. Thanks. You know the first thing we have to learn in Japanese kindergarten is how to fit a kimono. Joking.
  5. Not a biggie, but one day I was looking over the sales confirmation e-mails from MP and saw someone bought the same item twice, so I thought it was a double purchase and gave him a refund for one. Later I went to my merchant home page and found he bought one as a gift to another avatar.
  6. I have the same outfit and it's an awesome creation for just L200. My shape is 2.24m tall so I guess you are really big. Yep, to make it fit perfectly you have to modify the prim parts, but when you get outfits with prim parts, you'd always have to edit prim parts anyway. It's not that hard to stretch them and if you don't like the flexible parts' (sleeves and hakama) movement, you can edit also their flexibility. Hope the creator will get in touch with you indue time.
  7. セカンドライフで見つけた美味しそうな食べ物、お気に入りの食べ物を紹介してください。 Inakaシムで頂いたてんぷらうどんです。アニメーション、音付きですごくリアル。 えびてんの尻尾をプシューっと吹き飛ばしたり、食べ終わるとうどん鉢を放り投げたりと凝った作りになっています。 「ごちそうさま」をするときの笑顔がかわいいです。
  8. Just type "sandbox" in the search box, then it brings lots of results and you can go anywhere you like.
  9. I think It's legit only when people choose to receive those message and/or inventory offer on their own will. We shouldn't be added to the mailing list just by passing by, visiting or buying something from the store. I'm using a subscriber kiosk for my product update group and if people want to be kept informed on new release, events and what not, they touch the subscribe button on the kiosk by themselves. Some people subscribe just to get the subscription gift and after receiving it, they soon unsubscrib. :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:
  10. When I started my skin shop 2 years ago, I set the price for them lower than well-established skin stores' as a new comer and still keep that price now. I'm selling also shapes to match each skin line and when I set the price for them at first comparing the time spent on making skins to that on making shapes. It took me about 2 months to finish my first skin (I might be slow), so the price of shapes was set less than one-tenth of the skins'. (Actually it would be less than hundredth part of it, though) But some people suggested me that I should mark up the price because many people would think cheapies are bad quality, so I raised the price 3 times higher. Still about one-third of well-established shape stores', though.
  11. Check out this blog http://kirikonishi.blog88.fc2.com/ . You can find lots of information on free skins (lucky board, MM, group gift and what not).
  12. Also you can use some gadgets like https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Subscriber-Kiosk-30-Master-Demo/211796 or https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ArtiZan-Mailbox-Demo/1204851 to all the people on a mailing list, which you have to make by yourself, though.
  13. Oh, that sometimes happens to me and I know that sucks. When that happens to me, I fly up in the sky and rebake for me to rez completely and that seems to work always.
  14. Does that problem happen only when you are trying to buy freebies or also when you buy priced items? Sorry I have no idea about solution, but I'd go to their in-world stores to get those freebies if they have in-world stores or if not, I'd contact the sellers and ask them to give me the freebies.
  15. You can submit a support ticket and the Linden Lab Customer Support will re-deliver the items to you. https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ When you create the case choose Marketplace as the type then Failed Marketplace Delivery. Don't forget to include the SLM order numbers in your report so that the support stuff can quickly pick out your orders. BTW it' sounds weird that you can't find your purchases in your inventory even though you didn't decline them.
  16. Accounts overview Guide to Jobs in Secondlife Enjoy the reading!
  17. How to create a cool forum avatar \ badge This thread will help you out.
  18. Try petit pas mall where there are lots of Japanese cute girly stores and some of them like Lo*momo, Kyoko Couture have their main shop there. Also as for the rest of the brands, If you find something to your liking there, you can go to their main store to see more. http://petitpas.slmame.com/
  19. Contact each seller (IM, notecard and such. Most merchants mention their prefered way to contact on their profile, marketplace store page and what not) and ask them politely to redeliver your purchase. If they are no transfer items, most merchants should redeliver them.
  20. Oh, I didn't notice that until now, but like you said, the one on our store pages are converted to a JPG file, which means the banner can't have alpha channel, hence the drop shadow of your logo was converted to solid black maybe? So if that's the case, the JPG file you uploaed should work, no? The image has no transparency or alpha channels in it btw. Do you mean the original PNG file you uploaded has no alpha channel? From what the converted image looks like, your file seems to have alpha channel.
  21. I too like your current skin from Hakuou-do, so I'd suggest MB skins as some alternatives. MB skins
  22. There is a JIRA for that feature request. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-2399
  23. I hadn't had that many delivery partially failed sales (I have only one magic box with about 120 items in it on my parcel), but one day I noticed sales confirmations from the marketplace dropped sharply, so I checked my transaction history on the order report page and found about 15 delivery partially failed orders there, so I went over magic box status to find there were 2 unnecessary magic boxes listed active. I recalled the previous day I was making a new set of the magic box on my new place to replace the LM of my store and took it. Yeah, I removed those extra magic boxes from that page and my problem was solved.
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