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Bebe Bunny

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  1. I came here to ask exactly that, I noticed that yesterday, but decided to wait and see if I'd catch any notice/status about it
  2. I like it. It's for those who like bigger/curvier shapes that are not super realistic. As SL is a place with a wide variety of tastes and types and interests I think it's less of a niche body than it's spiritual predecessor Sking (the one on that very old photo posted there). It can look pretty cute and more "mainstream" if you can manage to make decent shapes. But in a world full of basic shape Maitreya, it's not surprising to see some people shocked by it.
  3. I don't know if someone posted it, but how often will the last name list change? I do want to change my username, but this first list has nothing interesting for me.
  4. I been seeing a lot of empty houses recently, I swapped my traditional house for a trailer without any issue, compared to when I used to have to check the page constantly for an empty place.
  5. Sadly it means LL keeps their own platform from reaching out to new residents or even keeping the current ones more active.
  6. Good day! I been without a desktop for a while now and after the only phone that handles Lumiya died I haven't had much chance on coming in SL other than a glitchy text viewer for emergencies. So, missing a touch of a virtual world I ventured myself again on SL's biggest competitor (I won't name it because I imagine it's against the rules?) and was baffled with knowing their regular online user count is around 90.000. I'll make a quick comparison between both platforms that corrobore with why I was astonished to know that they have almost twice as active users as SL has: THEY: - Limited movement, you can only stand on premade spots. - Money hungry, they charge EVERYTHING, they have a VIP package, a Mature content package, they charge you to change your name, to get married, to create certain contents (charge a LOT) and they would probably charge your sneeze too. - Lower graphic quality (which can be either a pro or a con depending on your setup, any toaster can run it) - Limited creation capabilities (I didn't see many good looking stuff there, the ones I saw were suspiciously close to SL products I know) But they also have: - Free "home" - Official mobile support on both site and app - Good CSR (at least when I tried it it was fast and efficient) - Lower cost for their currency I believe their bigger numbers are mainly because they have a mobile app that works fairly well. Which leads me to the question: When will SL officially supports mobile? At least the website? The only mobile friendly part of SL I visited so far is the forum (I'm currently on a borrowed machine, or I wouldn't bother typing all of this lol). Both website and marketplace look heavily outdated and if you want to do a quick look using your phone you're prone to headaches. I know SL is a much more complex virtual platform than the other one is, but if someone had the initiative to make it possible (with Lumiya) why not the LL team step forward and provide not only more access to it's users as well for a better support for who can't (or simply won't) be in front of a desktop or a laptop for long periods of time? I wanted to enrich this topic with a research but since I don't have a lot of time for a deeper study on SL population, but work ate all my brains so I could only come this far on the topic. Link to a study that illustrates the mobile usage over the past years: https://www.pewinternet.org/fact-sheet/mobile/
  7. I wouldn't mind if they pushed up all stipends to 500L. But I'm just a dreamer.
  8. Because every applier is stored on their server instead of locally. Tee main concern with that is, when they decide to close down, people will lose their appliers. Good thing bakes on mesh is coming sometime.
  9. Just asking about new ideas or technologies that are still being under consideration for the platform, I just like new stuff.
  10. Are there unspoken plans for SL in general and Premium accounts? It's true that the past couple years or a bit more I have seen way more changes to SL than my entire lifetime here, which is great. I really wish people started giving it attention again, most I seen on the internet seem surprised to know SL still exists.
  11. For all mainstream female bodies. Contact me in world.
  12. This is when hands start to tremble and foreheads get sweaty and emotions slowly get out of control.
  13. You need a bot. Check "smartbots" you'll have an alternate account you can either just pose on a stand to use as a mannequin or you can set it up for a few functions depending on your needs. You won't have to log it in, the script does it for you. It does have a weekly fee, the mannequin fee is pretty cheap.
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