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Gabriele Graves

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Everything posted by Gabriele Graves

  1. I have read that thread and I think they are just seeing VAT or some other taxes being applied to the discounts. In some countries there is a law that prices aimed at general consumers must be shown inclusive of taxes.
  2. I like the sentiment but I have my doubts that this would work with LL.
  3. This is part of the problem though, what one sees as abuse, another sees as a reasonable thing because they paid for it. Who is reasonable and who isn't? It's all very arbitrary. When it "becomes a problem" is very far away from clearly stating that the behaviour is an abuse and suggests that it will be tolerated to a degree. In light of how the gaming of Linden homes has already been tolerated, it isn't unreasonable to think that. Yes, indeed, buyer beware. This could all have been foreseen and catered for in a clear fashion with a bit more thought, especially considering how much gaming of Linden homes has already occurred.
  4. I actually think this is encouraging and will help enormously. If it turns out to be what it appears to be, it is what has been asked for by the residents of SL for a long time now. I don't think the standard neck or having a separate head is really much of an issue personally. I wonder though if "system avatar replacement" really means it will be built-in in the same way as the existing system avatar is or will it be more like current mesh bodies/head in that it is an attachment. It would be a shame if it were not integrated in a sense because the newbie will still have to grapple with the fact there is an older system avatar underneath as well, sooner or later. Of course it will depend enormously on clothing creator support and so my enthusiasm has to be reigned in considerably as we know that hurdle is huge.
  5. To be fair, Love is generally considered a gender neutral name.
  6. This is one of the problems with "benefits" likes these, they are poorly thought through. Some things expire when you downgrade, some don't. It gets confusing when there isn't clarification up front which is which before people pay up. The other problem is when with a casual word someone can indicate that a "benefit" that has been paid for can be halted. What is "becomes a problem" in this case?
  7. I can't tell you how many times I've been to places with friends and got the random "Hi" along with every other woman I know. First thing everyone in a group does when they get a "Hi" is ask everyone else, did XXXX just IM you? If someone wants to say "Hi" to a group of people, say it in chat for goodness sake.
  8. It's interesting what people find creepy. There is definitely no one set of things. For me the eyes are everything, if it doesn't have eyes or they have buttons, it doesn't creep me out much. I think it's because the eyes are so expressive, they are the window to the soul even. You just don't get that from buttons.
  9. Some of us like that feeling. 🤷‍♀️
  10. Not at all, we all have more of a connection that we realise sometimes. When we feel that connection, it does feel good.
  11. While we're here... @Mollymews Ngā mihi o Matariki, te tau hou Māori
  12. Perhaps, here is what is shown on my dashboard (I've edited out sensitive info):
  13. My take is that if people have disposable income to spent in SL after all their RL concerns are taken care of then they aren't poor. I don't think of this as being about poverty as such. I see it as about affordability. Some people find monthly plans more affordable, some quarterly and some yearly. It's nice to have options to fit different groups of people. If there had never been a quarterly option, I could understand not introducing it as it may take some costs to implement, but to remove it and risk loosing revenue, that I cannot fathom.
  14. There's no Premium Quarterly Plan either any more it seems. At least there is no option for either plan on my dashboard.
  15. It's worse, they all look like Zuck.
  16. https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/11080-introducing-premium-plus-for-your-second-life/
  17. Posts other than complaints are also common on here. What were you expecting? Is there a place where people congregate anywhere in which there isn't a mix of this stuff?
  18. Or alternatively, you came here to complain about the opinions of others. Hmmm, see what I did there?
  19. Looks like they chucked in USD 15 name changes in there as well but you only see that on their blog announcement so far.
  20. I don't see anything about extra animesh on the sign-up just "Animesh attachments for your avatar " at the combined "All Premium and Premium Plus plans also enjoy" section.
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