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Fashion Forward or breaking the rules because they have nothing else left ?

Sasy Scarborough

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This is more based on RL fashion than SL, just with SL mirroring RL often, the examples are in world and more obvious. In my life there have been some constant fashion rules.

Blue and Green should never be seen without a colour in between.

No brown shoes or belts with black.

No white after labour day - ok that's not mine and always made me laugh.

There are others to do with prints and stripes and such, but you get the jist I am sure.

So lately I have noticed that these rules have been broken. Brown belts with black is the norm all of a sudden, and blue and green is used more often now.

So do you go along with fashion trends, changing the rules and such ? or do you stick to the old rules ? 

also do you think that they are fashion forward, or do you think that it is just a case of pushing limits because so much in fashion has been done already ?


I would love to hear your responses, and also if you have any old rules you grew up with please share.





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For me I can't do the brown shoes or belt with a black outfit.  I just can't!  I have issues with navy blue and black too.  Not really sure why but when these are together they rarely appeal to me.  I do, however, love green and blue together, green and anything really, since it's my fave color.

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Hi Sileny, I forgot about black and blue, it always was an issue with me growing up also, but again another one that has been pushed aside. My partner would wear brown shoes with black pants all the time in SL and I would nag him, horrified about it. Recently I told him that he was fashion forward lol he claims he knew all along. But he is Brownzilla so brown goes with everything for him. I adore green too and ocean inspired blends are wonderful. 

Thank you for sharing :) 



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I wear whatever looks good on me :)

Some rules I think you can get away with because it's more of a cultural thing than anything else. On other things...rules are there for a purpose. For instance, I know a rule is to not to wear too much animal print at once - if you have leopard pants, pair it with a solid top, and such.

Blue and green are complementary so not sure who said it was taboo to not wear those 2 colors together.

I used to have a pair of brown boots and would wear them with black pants - always saw brown as a neutral color, and it's not good to have too much of the same color unless you want a monochromatic effect.

My mom never liked wearing white after labor day..I just don't like it period because it seems to get dirty so fast...haha.

I think it's more of a case of since a lot of trends go back and forth when it comes to being in style or not, it's easier to just dress the way you feel like it. You may not be a trendsetter, but as long as you feel good, that's all that matters, right?

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The blue green rule is that you can of course wear them, but you should break them with another colour or white. I agree that brown is a neutral colour, and because of that it is easier to blend, but I think it was just based on not wearing casual shoes with dress pants, more of a male thing than anything, but that is only a guess. I agree that you should wear what you like and feel the most comfortable with. The animal prints is a great rule, as bold prints in any type should be an accent not the whole story.

thanks for your input :) 



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I don't really believe in 'rules' with no purpose. Some of the most famous and critically acclaimed artists broke the 'rules' all the time. 

A lot of fashion rules are hold over from earlier times when a woman dared not leave home without her white gloves.  White after labor day or before a certain date for example is a holdover from Victorian times when the only white things made were obviously summer clothes, with the exception of a blouse or shirt.  Personally I think winter whites look very elegant.

Black and brown and green and blue look great together when the right shades are mixed appropriately.  Even prints with stripes can look fantastic if color, pattern, and scale are well chosen.

I do however feel that some fashion designers in RL and SL push the envelope way to far and what they design can't be worn except in fashion shows or for layouts in high fashion glossy mags - and even then are sometimes laughable  And sometimes I think some of them deliberately put out outrageous stuff at outrageous prices just to see who is dumb enough to buy and wear it like a fool. A sort of emperors new clothes in reverse.

SL is a fantasy world though, and if wearing a 20m wide ball gown in a garish color that swallows your dance partner and that cuts through the couples near you makes you feel happy, go for itIts just not my thingI won't laugh at it in public but may have a good laugh privately with myself

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valerie Inshan wrote:

The golden rule my grandma tought me when I was a kid was "never go out without wearing clean undies in case you have an accident and the rescuers see them". :smileytongue:

I doubt your grannie would consider the obvious solution: no undies at all :smileytongue:


For me, I wear what I like the looks of, if it breaks any "rules" so be it. And why not, irl I'm subjected to dresscodes and requirements as to how I look and I'm in sl to get away from things like that.

If I visit a sim with a specific theme, I try to adhere to that theme as closely as I can without spending L$ on it (unless I plan to go there frequently), but that's for roleplaying a theme, a costume, a virtual me roleplaying someone else yet again.

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I agree that a lot of the rules are acceptably broken. The white as a winter item, is totally true, a stunning coat in white wool can look amazing and definitely classy. To each their own is also a great way to think, because yes in SL you can witness a lot of fashioncentricity - ok I think I made that word up, but seemed appropriate - but I will giggle for another ten minutes at  least over the visual of a gown eating someone lol.

I think we all got that golden rule instilled in us :) go Grandma \o/

I also like to dress in theme when called for, and there are often items made available in really strong ruled sims, especially the Gorean ones, which I have always thought is really nice of them to provide those basics if just wanting to get a first hand view of everything before you commit. 

I also remember in the olden days that you could go to dancing sims, and there were often tuxs and gowns for free for people; so again they could dress correctly for the location. 


all great responses, thank you all :) 



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I don't really follow trends, it depends where I am going and what I am doing.  I do look for good quality and well made textures!  There are some designers that do amazing work and I will continue to support them!

I might have a few fashion rules that I have stuck to since 2006 and they are:

1. No Bling of any kind!

2. No latex of any kind!

3. No prim shoes!

4. No Silks!

5. No skins with body oil or whatever that is! lol

There are probably more but I can't think of any at the moment..lol





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In real life I wear what looks good to me. I don't follow any rules.

I am a lawyer who frequently must attend meetings with state officials and legislators, and argue cases before state and federal appeals courts. So my work clothes are very professional. I don't know or care what the rules are; I wear what I think is appropriate and looks good on me. I don't wear black accessories with brown clothes; I have brown belts, shoes, and purses. But that is not due to any rule, just my own taste. I like white and wear it well after labor day. I wear green and blue without any other color.

When not at work I am the same -- I wear what I think is appropriate and looks good on me.

In SL my avatar looks like me and the clothes (I make all of what I wear) mostly look like my RL clothes. Since I design and make them they are exactly what I like without regard to anyone else's rules.


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SL is basically cartoons.

You should look to color theory. Complimentary colors for a strong visual:


A split complementary Color scheme will let you put that blue and green together by having a rosey red with them:


Brown and Black is basically an African color scheme - and can be quite visually successful when worked right. Spots of white will give it a stronger appeal.


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Depends very much the style you want to create, the old rules are good, but the fashion is about who you are, what style you love and make you fell a lady. When you see something that is for you, you know this from the first look, when u see a dress, for exemple. Like here, you need just to take a look to undersand. It's like a dream.


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