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Weired expirience on the Titanic

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Jo Yardley wrote:

Actually banning is generally done for tenants and other guests, not for fun or the feeling of power.

I had thought of making that point earlier.

I don't do a lot of things having to do with RP sims or formal venues but I certainly understand those who do, and it's the PARTICIPANTS who are really bothered by rule-breakers. The people who visit themed places do so for the fun, for the feel, for the vibe, for the ambience of whatever theme or style that place has. They are the ones who are bothered by an out of character intrusion. The management is just doing its job to stop that from happening.

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Anaiya Arnold wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

Lee Marvin was the highlight of that movie.

He was the highlight of "Cat Ballou" too.

Oh wow, Cat Ballou!  I had forgotten about that movie.


My favorite Lee Marvin flick is Paint Your Wagon.  I think that is also the only flick that Clint Eastwood ever sang in!


But getting back to the OP:


Sheeba Camino wrote:

I m in SL for several years, showed a lot of friends this wonderful world, owned sims and spending a lot of money there. Most people i met were wonderful folks and I enjoyed great times with them.

Today I had a weired expirience.

A good rl friend whos rarly on in SL wanted to spend her last minutes before her birthday with me at the Titanic. There was a live event, we danced a little bit, got bombed with ncs about behavior and dresscode and got kicked.

I talked with the owner/staff leader what ever and we got banned.

Is this the way we want to show new people SL ?


"I m in SL for several years,........Is this the way we want to show new people SL ?"

This really sounds like your mistake in showing this new person SL.  After being in SL several years you should know that SIMS can and do have rules and should have set the example for your friend by dressing appropriately first and helping them to do so also before taking them there.

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Star Khalim wrote:

I mean, really, the saying "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" is probably the case for some land owners.  Let's face it, it isn't actual real life.  It's pixels, people!  Yes, I know many choose to build elaborate sims and I applaud them.  And I understand their drive for perfection, even down to costume wear.  But the banning behavior is, again jmo, a power play and slightly obsessive.  These are real people with real feelings and you are preferring pixels over people at that point.  Remember, there are lots of personalities in sl, and some people who have handicaps as far as reading, even as far as comprehending things.  So it seems unfair that they should be excluded as soon as they appear on the scene in different dress. And it does tend to leave a bitter taste in one's mouth regarding sl.

When you decide who comes into your space in real life, or what or who to spend time or money on, are you feeling powerful? Does that ability corrupt you?

First, our virtual world is spent in our real time and real dollars. It isn't fun for me to keep people or things in real life waiting because I have to take my avatar to every parcel and add a name to the ban list. That isn't fun for me at all. I would MUCH rather everyone simply act like grownups and in consideration of the other guests. This even includes things like "don't spam them with group invitations or ads for your sim/product/event." Exploitation of my guests bothers me a lot. 

As Amethyst said, for every one pot stirrer there are a few or more who thank me for doing something about it. And most people appreciate that rules are enforced because it keeps the time there more stress free for them. In fact I see it as shouldering some stress so they don't have to. I try to keep things so that it doesn't even seem like anything bad happened there. Of course nothing's perfect. And someone determined enough to ruin things for others will do it.

The excuses people come up with when they know they broke a rule are usually more about seeing how much I know. Sometimes people get away with more than they know and sometimes they get away with more than I know. 

I found it interesting that you talk about the visitors having real feelings, and possibly being handicapped in real life and having enough to deal with already. Did it occur to you the same might be true of the owners or staff?

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Star Khalim wrote:

In general when going to a sim where everyone is in formal wear, I will change immediately to fit in.  But, I have to say, I think the banning of inappropriately dressed avis is excessive.  Ejecting is probably to be expected, if you appear somewhere and your avi doesn't fit in with the theme or is overtly offensive.  Particularly with formal dress sims.  But again, imho, unless someone is obviously trying to grief the sim, I think ejecting is a little over the top, and banning is excessive. 

I mean, really, the saying "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" is probably the case for some land owners.  Let's face it, it isn't actual real life.  It's pixels, people!  Yes, I know many choose to build elaborate sims and I applaud them.  And I understand their drive for perfection, even down to costume wear.  But the banning behavior is, again jmo, a power play and slightly obsessive.  These are real people with real feelings and you are preferring pixels over people at that point.  Remember, there are lots of personalities in sl, and some people who have handicaps as far as reading, even as far as comprehending things.  So it seems unfair that they should be excluded as soon as they appear on the scene in different dress. And it does tend to leave a bitter taste in one's mouth regarding sl.

we're only getting one side of this whole thing..

so who knows what really happend?

too many times has someone came to the forums  sounding like a victim and then the other side shows up and  all of a sudden things start to look a lot different than the first version..


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My advice when you pop into a sim and bombarded with notecards ...1) read them or, 2) leave.  Notecards are given out for a reason more than just to spam a person's inventory or bore them to death...they are generally given to make your experience a pleasant one, as well as pleasant for others.

Personally, if I am bombarded with endless and long notecards, I leave. I am not going to stay and pump up some venue's traffic numbers  to stop and read endless rules about this and that, droning on and on.   I might not even enjoy the place after reading the note cards. If the notecard is brief, I will stay and read it; otherwise, I TP to other places that may wish to have my patronage and traffic count without boring me to tears.  

I think that the fault of many venue owners is trying to cram too much into a notecard. Notecards are difficult to read at best.  The font and font size reminds you of a teacher or professor that drones on and on and puts you to sleep by the repetative sound of his or her voice...same goes when a lot of information is crammed into an SL notecard. To avoid this, rules and/or regulations should be brief, simple, and to the point for visitors.  Also, notecards should be reviewed and updated periodically to insure what was written in the past is still appropriate for present times. I sometimes find it humorous that after reading the long involved rules I have waded through then get to the sim to find no one there or the host/hostess/dj spamming chat with endless gestures and sounds that were cute for 5 minutes then just become freaking annoying as hell.

There are a lot of posts to this dicussion, and I have not read them all, but did read one saying something to the effect the rules for  the venue in question are well known.  They may be well known to a particular type of patron in SL, but not to all of SL.  I never heard of the venue before this post, and I have been in SL a long time.  Because a venue is popular to a particular type of patron, does not mean it  well known to others.  I can't see the Goths, Goreans, or Sci Fi RPers as a group knowing about the venue, some within those genres might, but not everyone. I think it wrong to assume that any given venue in SL is so well known that everyone in SL would know the rules.

If the owner stood up for his/her staff person, then I applaud them.  To many times, a staffer makes a call then is bashed up and down by the owner because of a complaint.  The staffer was only doing the job they were paid or committed to do...following the rules set for them.  If you really wish to patronize that venue, I suggest contacting the owner and politely asking to be unbanned with an apology.  Doesn't matter who was right or who was wrong, kind words and acknowledging that a mistake was made can go a long way in resolving issues. 

As a long time sim owner, I can see both sides to the issue presented by the OP.  Ultimately, it is the person that "pays" for the venue, who has say so over who is or who isn't on the land they pay for.  I have never been to the venue so don't know how it is supported. I know in my sim...I pay for it all and don't expect one red cent from others.  So, if I want to ban someone, I can...rules or no rules. I pay for the place.  I can do what I want.  If you show up on my land with even the slightest indication you might be a copybot  or some type of griefer, you will be banned.  Will be no warnings...you will be ejected...and banned.  There are no notecards or rules posted for you to read through, it is just my whim because I pay for the place.


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Star Khalim wrote:

I mean, really, the saying "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" is probably the case for some land owners. 

This has got to be one of the most misquoted, taken out of context, and misunderstood quotes of all time. The accurate quote is:

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

In its context it is dealing with a concept that could briefly be summarized as, "the King is not above the law."  We could have a lot of fun applying the entire quote to this situation.  We could actually make a case that it is the OP who has been corrupted, thinking that they are above the rules.

Here is the full quote and context:

"But if we might discuss this point until we found that we nearly agreed, and if we do agree thoroughly about the impropriety of Carlylese denunciations and Pharisaism in history, I cannot accept your canon that we are to judge Pope and King unlike other men, with a favourable presumption that they did no wrong. If there is any presumption it is the other way, against the holders of power, increasing as the power increases. Historic responsibility has to make up for the want of legal responsibility. Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority, still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it. That is the point at which the negation of Catholicism and the negation of Liberalism meet and keep high festival, and the end learns to justify the means. You would hang a man of no position like Ravaillac; but if what one hears is true, then Elizabeth asked the gaoler to murder Mary, and William III. ordered his Scots minister to extirpate a clan. Here are the greatest names coupled with the greatest crimes; you would spare those criminals, for some mysterious reason. I would hang them higher than Haman, for reasons of quite obvious justice, still more, still higher for the sake of historical science"

John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton

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Morgaine Christensen wrote:

My advice when you pop into a sim and bombarded with notecards ...1) read them or, 2) leave.  Notecards are given out for a reason more than just to spam a person's inventory or bore them to death...they are generally given to make your experience a pleasant one, as well as pleasant for others.


I went back and re-read the OP, and noted the following:

"There was a live event, we danced a little bit, got bombed with ncs about behavior and dresscode and got kicked."

Now I assume the region has a note somewhere at the landing point, saying what is or isn't allowed (I know my avatar is not allowed there, so I won't go to check that out). But what the OP is saying is that they missed whatever is at the landing point, went to the event in ptogress, danced for a few moments, then got 'bombed" with notecards.

Which leads me to believe that the "notecard bombing" was more likely event staff and well-meaning participants trying to help these two know what the rules are for the area before punting them.

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