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Donating clothes to Newbies

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Every now and then I go through my inventory, deleting stuff I never use/wear and boxing things like clothes that are transferable, with the idea of making a newbie happy.

But I rarely meet newbies and if I do they look like they have been in the game for ages.
I walked around SL for 1 year thinking I had a great looking avi but in fact I looked horrible.. like a dragqueen.

Anyways, my question: What are the best places to go and make newbies happy with the stuff I do not use? 

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You can try hanging at info hubs and such, welcome centers, that sort of thing. I usually encounter noobs when I'm not looking for them, myself. For some reason, Miami Beach gets a lot of them; saw a 3 day old girl the other day still in her newbie vampire skin with the painted on undies, wandering around trying to figure out the furniture. (Unfortunately, since she only spoke what looked like Spanish or Portuguese, and I only speak English, I couldn't help her.)

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I used to box up the stuff I no longer wear and give them to somebody new.  That is, until the last time I did that.  I saw the same guy a few days later and he had on all freebie clothes that looked terrible.  The premium stuff I bought and then gave him was much better.  So I asked him if the stuff I gave him "didn't fit" or something.  LOL!  His response to me was that he preferred to get his own clothes and so deleted all the ones I gave him!

He has NO idea how much I spent getting those for myself!  I wish he had just given them back to me or given them to someone else new and not just summarily delete them!

But...I gave them to him and he was free to do with them as he wished.  So, away they went.

Since then, I just keep all my clothes whether I wear them or not.

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Other than welcome centers, go to some of the places in the editor pick destinations.  Lots of newbs go to check them out when they first venture out of the welcome area.

I give stuff I no longer use away too.  But there isn't much I can give away since most of the things for my avatar are copy only.  When I do give things to newbs, I tell them to try the things on and if they don't like something or won't be using it, to pass it on to another newb.

I also mentor newbs as I have the time and one thing I've done is to take them to a nice shop and buy them an outfit.  When they ask me what they can do for me in return, I tell them that when the time comes that they are comfortable in SL to pick a newb and mentor that person.  Most of them have too and when they do get their own newb, they bring them around to meet me.  Some of my oldest and closest friends are people I mentored years ago when they were newbs who in turn mentored and asked their newb to continue the tradition.  I now have several generations of newbs.

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MoiselleErin Teardrop wrote:

Newbies are fun to razz but they are not trash cans for us oldbies.

thing is, most newbs play like ONE time and never return cause they cannot figure it out and they did not get rich right away.

Why waste time with dumping crap on them unless it is a semi-n00b who you are friends with and SEEMS to have potential?

Newbs are not fun to razz, that's just a form of bullying.  They are confused enough without people giving them a hard time.

Why are you assuming what people give is trash?  Maybe I bought it for something I no longer do anymore, maybe I have other things that I bought that I prefer and don't wear it much?  I don't give out outdated stuff, that gets deleted.

I don't waste time mentoring either.  I am picky about who I mentor.  They have to show me they are serious about liking SL and staying around. I also prefer to mentor people who want to do more in SL than shop club and chatter.   However I am willing to answer questions from any newb that asks or that I see stumbling around blindly. 

Maybe more would stick around if more people actually helped them rather than razzing them.


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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Other than welcome centers, go to some of the places in the editor pick destinations.  Lots of newbs go to check them out when they first venture out of the welcome area.

^^ that

another good place is the realms portal park. is lots of new people there looking to earn money because they think they have to buy stuff

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Thanks for all the replies. People who think I want to dump my trash on newbies are so wrong. My old newb stuff I just delete. Some look so terrible you don't want anyone to wear them. It's mostly stuff I gathered on hunts, gifts (yes sometimes you get stuff from other people thinking "I'm so not gonna wear that") and stuff like that. All that is transferable I figured I'd make someone else happy with it.

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Most newbs play one time in part because they got razzed, I think. It sucks to wander around with no clue what you're doing, trying to figure out all the controls and things (especially when SL has such a steep learning curve), and have people picking on you, deforming you, and otherwise "razzing" you.

I would never give a newb trash. I have occasionally given them a dress or outfit I have more than one of, that happens to be transfer, such as some items that I bought, then got in MM. I don't need two, so I give the extra copy away. Or I bought something ages ago and it's really nice, but not my style. If it's something terribly unattractive, far too difficult to fit, etc., I'll just toss it.

I hesitate to give things to most newbies because you're right - they don't stick around long, and if I'm going to give stuff to someone, I'd like it to be someone who will get some use out of it. Most of the newbies I've encountered have been looking for someone to give them things for free, and I always get the feeling a lot of those are alts of accounts that have been around a long time; or some are just plain rude, and probably won't be around long once they figure out they can't get rich in five seconds flat. But I think people giving things to newbs are probably giving them decent things, and trying to be nice. Even freebies are appreciated by newbies, though; I know I appreciated getting a bunch of them when I was setting my avi up. I've since gotten rid of most of them and bought myself nicer things, but those freebies kept me in SL for quite a while, rather than giving up because I hated the way my avi looked.

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One reason new players quit is because they're completely lost the moment  they leave the start island (I know I am, lol).

Having people actually help you rather than giving you wrong or misleading "advise" deliberately helps a lot in getting them to stick around.


Still haven't got a clue as to what to do, how to eventually support myself, etc. but having fun just exploring places, seeing the sights so to speak.
It's hard to make friends if you don't know anyone, don't know who you can trust and who to be wary of (as in real life, the people who seem nicest may be the bad guys, but are you being paranoid assuming that or not?).

Didn't help I guess I never even got to the start island, the client crashed right after character creation and when I logged back in I was somewhere random on the mainland.

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Ariel Vuissent wrote:

Even freebies are appreciated by newbies, though; I know I appreciated getting a bunch of them when I was setting my avi up. I've since gotten rid of most of them and bought myself nicer things, but those freebies kept me in SL for quite a while, rather than giving up because I hated the way my avi looked.


There are tons and tons of "quality" Freebies around the grid, if Noobs do a bit of research into it.....not to mention the Freebies on Marketplace too. Really isn't much need for handouts anymore.....it might have been the case pre-2008 but certainly not anymore. I can think of 2 very large in-world Freebie groups that designers post notices to.


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jwenting wrote:

Didn't help I guess I never even got to the start island, the client crashed right after character creation and when I logged back in I was somewhere random on the mainland.

welcome to Sl jwenting (:

it gets even more random the more times you log. after a time you nott ever want to leave. just like the rest of us (:

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True enough. When I first started, I had no idea that groups existed in SL, though, much less how to find and join them! I'm not saying everyone needs or wants freebies handed to them, and in fact many that are created now are no-transfer. Plus, it's helpful to go and get those things yourself, so that you learn how. Another thing I was given was a folder of landmarks to free places, which was also enormously helpful, though. I would rather give those things to a newbie than handing them the actual freebies, but these things ARE helpful to a newb who has no idea how to even move.

But that's my opinion and experience.

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VRprofessor wrote:

If everything goes as planned I'll be bringing 30 - 40 college age newbies in to SL next fall.  Can we have this conversation again then?  Would love to have some of you help 'em out a bit.

Yeah, hit me up, I'll try to help in some way or another. 

I kinda quit going around actually looking for people to help because it just seemed like they were all greedy alts...Or they'd do this thing that drives me nuts, which is, suddenly go AFK for 10 or more minutes without a word...not once, but two, three, four times...hello, this is my real day I'm devoting to a stranger...just pay attention is all I was asking. So yeah when you begin to think that way it's time to pull back on the reins.

But if someone has manners and appreciates the time I've spent, (I don't even mean a thank you, just, manners and communication), then, yes I will still help them.

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jwenting, you're welcome to visit my land. It's in my picks. I just ask that people not be naked, not hit on people who don't want to be hit on, and basically treat others with respect. One place has more rules than that but those are common sense courtesy based also.

I have a public beach and some other outdoor spaces you're welcome in, if you can abide by the above. The forum hangout is also next door and it welcomes 'newbies' and anyone really.

So if you feel lost, look up my profile or look up the forum cartel hangout in search, and teleport to safety.  ;p

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16 wrote:

jwenting wrote:

Didn't help I guess I never even got to the start island, the client crashed right after character creation and when I logged back in I was somewhere random on the mainland.

welcome to Sl jwenting (:

it gets even more random the more times you log. after a time you nott ever want to leave. just like the rest of us (:

hehe. Meant it randomly transferred me to a zone that wasn't where I was supposed to end up, missfiring teleporter or something.

Made me miss out on things like the movement tutorial, which was a bit of a pain.

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